

现代商贸工业 2017年27期


摘 要:基于平行文本比较模式,以中国工商银行与花旗银行的官网为研究对象,旨在分析我国企业外宣英译中存在的问题并提出改善意见。从词汇、句法以及语篇层面对企业官网的英译着手,旨在得出一些经验,供我国其他企业外宣英译进行参考与借鉴,以此提升我国企业外宣形象。


中图分类号:F27 文献标识码:A doi:10.19311/j.cnki.16723198.2017.27.031

1 平行文本定义



2 译前准备




3 译中分析

3.1 词汇层面

3.1.1 主语人称选择



参考译文:Through continuous endeavor and stable development, the Bank has developed into one of the top large listed banks in the world, possessing an excellent customer base, a diversified business structure, strong innovation capabilities and market competitiveness and providing comprehensive financial products and services to 5,784 thousand corporate customers and 530 million personal customers.


We are a trusted partner, supporting innovation and growth globally for corporate clients through Citi's network in 98 countries and providing lending, cash management and advisory services that help them to conduct daily operations, to hire, to grow and to succeed.

从花旗银行的介绍中,我们可以看出,花旗银行以第一人称“we”作为主语,并形容自己为“a trusted partner”,同时用“to grow”来形容其服务。全句看起来亲切无比,提升了企业的主动性,拉近了企业与客户之间的距离。而相比之下的工商银行所采用的第三人称,则显得企业与客户之间过于生疏。因此为了提升工商银行的企业外宣形象,我们可以将其介绍改成这样:

自译:We have developed into one of the top large listed banks in the world through our continuous endeavor and stable development. And we have possessed an excellent customer base, a diversified business structure, strong innovation capabilities and market competitiveness. At the same time, to those 5,784 thousand corporate customers and 530 million personal customers, we have provided them with comprehensive financial products and services.endprint

3.1.2 口号的翻译



参考译文:Our Strategic Goals:Build ICBC into the most profitable, most preeminent, and most respected world-class commercial bank!


While we're a global bank, our mission is simple: We responsibly provide financial services that enable growth and economic progress.

虽同样是目标,但不难看出工行与花旗的出发点显然不同。作为国际性银行,工行运用带有“most profitable”和“most respected world-class”这种功利性较强的词汇,来宣传其口号,同时英译本还运用祈使句且句末加了叹号,显然语气过于强硬,气势上咄咄逼人。

企业网站的建立是为了吸引网站浏览者,拉近企业与客户之间的距离,宣传其企业产品与服务,树立良好的企业形象,而工行此类的口号则与其外宣目的背道而驰。反观花旗银行的目标,“simple”、“responsibly”以及“enable growth and economic progress”,给人一种亲切、踏实、一切为客户着想之感。


自译:As a world-class commercial bank, we are committed to provide preeminent and responsible services that promote economic growth and gain respect.


使命: 提供卓越金融服务





参考译文: Our Mission:Excellence for You.

——Excellent services to clients

——Maximum returns to shareholders

——Real success for our people

——Great contribution to society

分析:本段为工商银行企业文化中的使命部分,可以看出中国企业在进行企业宣传上,多爱采用标题性的口号以及四字词语,以突显企业宣传的效果。这或许受用于讲本民族语言的客户,但若不考虑目标语的受众群体,不进行平行文本的参考以及源语言的重组,而直接将其英译,则会影响目标客户的理解从而影响企业的对外宣传目的。我们可以与花旗银行的 一段企業文化宣传来做对比:

Financial Ingenuity & Responsible Finance

Citi works tirelessly to provide consumers, corporations, governments and institutions with a broad range of financial services and products. We strive to create the best outcomes for our clients and customers with financial ingenuity that leads to solutions that are simple, creative and responsible.

通过花旗银行的这段企业文化介绍发现,如上例中一样,它采用陈述句的形式,句子运用非谓语、状语以及从句等形式进行架构。在词汇上采用“tirelessly”、 “create the best outcomes”、“our clients and customers”、“simple”以及“responsible”等,给人亲切、朴实、简洁以及真诚之感。所以为了更好的适用于国外客户的浏览,工商银行的网站英译更应多借鉴平行文本,此处就可以参考花旗的译法,将这一口号译为:

自译: Our mission: Excellence for you

We are devoted to offer our clients and the society excellent services and products as well as endeavor to create the maximum returns and success for our shareholders and staff with responsible and remarkable finance.

3.2 句法层面


3.2.1 断句



参考译文:Group-wise, market-oriented, diversified system on the management of talented officials. Build a unified and open platform to screen and appoint talented officials on the basis of democratic decision and open competition, and a mechanism to source the best staff from the market to fill in many of the top positions in the Group and facilitates their advancement.


Corporate Governance Mission Citigroup Inc. (“Citi”) aspires to the highest standards of corporate governance and ethical conduct: doing what we say; reporting results with accuracy and transparency; and maintaining full compliance with the laws, rules and regulations that govern Citis businesses.


自译:ICBC adheres to the management of talented officials with group-wise, market-oriented and diversified system: building a unified and open platform to screen and appoint talented officialson the basis of democratic decision and open competition; establishing a working mechanism for cadres and personnel with collective management, market selection and diversified development. All we have adhered is to promote the optimal allocation of human resources as well as facilitate the advancement of our staff.

3.2.2 添加连接词



参考译文:The Bank steadily pushed forward the global network layout and channel construction and deepened the extension of network of overseas institutions. Netherlands, Belgium, Russia, Australia and other tier-2 networks have been expanded and the regional service capacity has been significantly enhanced. ICBC Moscow has become the seventh overseas RMB clearing bank of the Bank authorized by the Peoples Bank of China.


Through relationships with legendary artists and bands, our award-winning entertainment access program Citi? Private Pass? worked with more than 1,500 artists to offer unmatched access and VIP experiences to our customers in the U.S. and in 14 countries globally. In addition, we secured an exclusive partnership with Live Nation in Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and Hong Kong, further expanding the program's international footprint.endprint

短短的一段文字,花旗银行就用了“through”、“in addition”和“further”这三个连接词来承接上下文关系,使得段落整体看起来结构流畅,语言表达地道、自然又不失亲切之感,即拉近了企业与目标客户之间的距离,也提升了企业的宣传效果。因此,工商银行需借鉴其平行文本,此处可把原文译为:

自译:The bank has steadily pushed forward the global network layout and channel construction, further deepening the extension of network for overseas institutions. Therefore, we have expanded some countriestier-2 networks, Netherlands, Belgium, Russia and Australia included. Meanwhile, we have significantly enhanced the regional service capacity.In addition, ICBC Moscow has become the seventh overseas RMB clearing bank of the Bank authorized by the Peoples Bank of China.

3.2.3 變换句式



参考译文:ICBC set up “seven innovation labs” including internet-based finance, big data and artificial intelligence, cloud computing, block chain and biological identification, established the corporate-level data application system across the board, and optimized the IT architecture from a high starting point, striving to build more open, flexible and powerful technological systems.

分析:本段选自工商银行的投资价值介绍,中文内容连贯,表达清晰、易懂。但其译为英文后,中式思维明显,句式单一、死板生硬,只是词语对词语的简单翻译,可谓是硬译、死译。文中只是简单地用了三个动词的过去式——set up,established,optimized加一动名词——striving来进行句子的架构,并没有对文字内容进行分析,从而辨别其中的逻辑关系,然后通过变换句式,对原文进行翻译。下面来看花旗银行的一段平行文本介绍:

Citi made significant updates to its Citi Private Bank InView platform - an onlinecollaborative, customizable engagement tool for bankers and clients - including a richer, faster interface, new landing page enabling a 360° view of a clients relationship and one-click access to the most frequently visited screens: holdings, performance and activity. The platform also offers a unified holdings view, listing the most relevant attributes across each asset class, easier access to near real-time market data for securities and online confirmation of trade activity.

通过阅读我们发现,这段运用了表示解释说明的破折号与冒号、同位语从句、定语后置、非谓语动词作独立成分以及介词短语等形式来进行句子结构的整合与转换。句式虽灵活多变,但主题突出。因此我们可以借鉴花旗的这段句式,在翻译工商银行的这段介绍时,我们可以把这句话拆分为两句话,第一句用“set up”作为谓语动词,用“establish”表伴随。因此此句可译为:

自译:ICBC set up “seven innovation labs”, which included internet-based finance, big data and artificial intelligence, cloud computing, block chain as well as biological identification, further establishing the corporate-level data application system across the board. To build technological systems with more open, flexible and powerful strength, ICBC strive to optimize the IT architecture from a high starting point.

3.3 语篇层面



4 结语



[1]胡壮麟. 语篇的衔接与连贯[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,1994.





