

当代舞蹈艺术研究 2018年3期

曹晓康 依力哈木·热依木

曹晓康: 维吾尔喀群赛乃姆的保护和传承现状







但是,因受人员、资金、能力等多方面的限制,维吾尔喀群赛乃姆传承和保护仍存在一些问题: 如传承保护范围仍有限,除喀群传承站和县传承中心外无扩展延伸;传承挖掘和保护创新做得还不够,还需深入推进,特别是在传承保护上没有比较系统、规范的教学资料;代表性传承人以乐器演奏和演唱为主,舞蹈类没有同步纳入申报,致使在传承人保护中没有体现乐舞一体化的特点;乐器演奏传承难度大、培养周期长,传承人越来越少;另外,传承人的待遇还有待进一步提升,特别是县乡级传承人。我们将继续在国家、自治区“非遗”保护中心的支持、帮助和指导下,在莎车县委、县人民政府的领导下,努力克服这些困难,应对挑战,进一步完善和深入维吾尔喀群赛乃姆的保护与传承工作,满足当地民族群众的精神需求,和人民群众齐心协力,共同创造更加美好幸福的生活。

依力哈木·热依木: 维吾尔喀群赛乃姆的技艺特点与传承







莎车县“非遗”中心负责人依力哈木·热依木与“非遗”传承人和民间艺人一起表演木卡姆摄影: 柴广育

Uyghur Kachung Sanam: Characteristics and Protection

Cao Xiaokang & Elham Reyim


Yarkant County boasts many items of intangible cultural heritage, amony which at the national levd, the dance categories include: Uyghur Twelve Muqam, Uighur Kachung Sanam and Uzbek Eichley Yelai, in which the Uyghur Twelve Muqam including Uyghur Kachung Sanam.

Sanam is the most popular form of ethnic Uyghur music and dance.In fact, it is a comprehensive art that integrates song, dance, music and poetry.Sanam is usually distinguished by the source region and named after the place.

Kachung Sanam is a unique music and dance art in the Yarkant Mountains (Damus, Hosrap and Kachung Townships).Because Sanam is most concentrated and active and best preserved in the Kachung Township, it is popularly called Kachung Sanam.Safeguarding Kachung Sanam is a priority of Yarkant County to develop its cultural wealth.Great progress has been made while some old difficulties still linger and new challenges continue to come up.This paper is based on an interview with Cao Xiaokang and Elham Reyim, both officials of Yarkant County responsible for intangible cultural heritage protection and promotion.

Elham Reyim: Kachung Sanam’s technical characteristics and inheritance

For safeguarding Kachung Sanam, we attach great importance to the inheritance of its techniques.

As a hub or a key link on the South Trail of the ancient Silk Road, Yarkant County has a blend of Eastern and Western cultures and boasts cultural diversity and inclusiveness.Kachung Township, located at the foot of the Kunlun Mountains and on the ancient Silk Road,is a classic example of cultural diversity.The facial expressions of the performers and the flirting actions have clear connections with the tradition of Kucha music and dance; its cheerful tempo suggests Shulig music and dance;its strength resembles the music and dance of Khotan; the dancing movements bear the characteristics of both Uyghur traditional dance and Tajik eagle dance.In short, Kachung Sanam represents a great diversity of cultures.

Uyghur Kachung Sanam is composed of 4 Muqams,9 Sanams (Kachung Sanam, Taji Khan Sanam, Weisali Sanam, Ziba Sanam, Kuyika Sanam, Zhula Sanam,Sabah Sanam, Tuyi Sanam, Mountain Sanam), 9 melodies, 51 tunes and 500 poems.The forms of performance include Muqam, Sanam, Salek Qusulge(tail section) and Mesgrep (15 single tunes, including more than 200 poems).Between Meshrep performances,entertaining folk games are played to keep the audience enthusiasm.The music beat is always 8/7.

Muqam, Sanam and Meshrep in Kachung Sanam integrate the mountain people’s customs, field work,hunting and love affairs into the music and dance to make the performance vivid and exciting.The poems of Muqam, Sanam, and Meshrep express the local people’s longing for good life and their emotions and their hatred of the feudal rulers.The tunes are original,sometimes low-pitched, sometimes high-pitched, and sometimes undulating.The dance movements are soft,steady, and fast and enthusiastic.Softness refers to the actresses’ delicate, light and tenderness; steadiness means dancers must seek stability in some special dance, such as dancing with a bowl on the head which is a perfect combination of movement and stillness; a fast rhythm makes the dance attractive; and enthusiasm comes to the climax during the Meshrep which will create a heated atmosphere with exciting songs, melody, and dancing.

In short, the inheritance of its technical characteristics is key to preserving the local and ethnic characteristics of Kachung Sanam, as well as its cultural content and artistic charm.It is therefore helpful for continuing and increasing its role as a collective and national spiritual cohesive.

Cao Xiaokang: Protection and lnheritance of Uyghur Kachung Sanam

Uyghur Kachung Sanam is a unique form of performance for wedding and Meshrep activities of people in the mountain ous areas.It maintains the original style while catering to emerging entertainment needs.The local people admire the beauty of nature and pursue happy life and love, which is expressed in their Sanam.It offers significant clues to the study of the Uyghur history and folklore in the mountainous areas.Kachung Sanam is also the oldest form of folk art in the mountains, with unique singing, instrument playing and dancing skills.It is a living culture with high artistic value.

Kachung Sanam lyrics include both folktales,proverbs, as well as folk songs.It has been passed down mainly through oral teaching, but this art is facing a huge challenge due to the aging of inheritors and the limit of their living and physical conditions, as well as the lack of enthusiasm among the young people to learn and pass on this art.Kachung Sanam is in urgent need of protection.

The CPC Committee and the People’s Government of Yarkant County have taken various measures to safeguard, continue and promote this unique intangible cultural heritage.First, heritage safeguarding is made a priority on the government’s agenda.The Culture,Sports, Radio, Film and Television Bureau of the County has set up a special office to be responsible for directing and carrying out research and implementation of heritage safeguarding projects.Second, the county is working hard to identify and register items and inheritors of cultural heritage.In 2003, the county began to record performances of Kachung Sanam.In 2006, it got Kachung Sanam on the list of intangible cultural heritage of Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region and Yarkant County was named a “Folk Art Center” of the Kashgar Region.In 2008, Kachung Sanam became an item on the national list of intangible cultural heritage, which means the art would be given a safeguarding fund of 300 000 RMB yuan each year.Third, the county actively promotes the teaching and learning of Kachung Sanam.The Culture, Sports, Radio, Film and Television Bureau set up a Kachung Sanam inheritance center; Township Cultural Stations set up Kachung Sanam inheritance bases and formed Kachung Sanam performance teams;the township middle schools open Kachung Sanan classes, send performers to competitions at various levels and organize Kachung Sanam trainings.Fourth,the county actively cultivates and develops inheritors.At four levels, Yarkant County now has more than 100 Kachung Sanam inheritors who enjoy corresponding government benefits.Fifth, the county takes various protection measures, mainly including preparation of teaching materials, making teaching videos, deploying facilities and equipment needed for protection and inheritance,organizing festivals and various cultural activities.

Thanks to the support, assistance and guidance of intangible cultural heritage protection centers at the national and regional levels, and mainly the protection and promotion efforts of Yarkant County CPC Committee and government, Kachung Sanam has made more and more presence in cultural activities of various levels.It is now a valued performance program in many events, and the number of inheritors has gradually increased, and their living conditions are improving,which is generating a greater enthusiasm among learners.

However, due to personnel, funding and capacity limits, there are still some problems with the inheritance and protection of Kachung Sanam.The scope of inheritance is still limited as protection efforts are limited to the inheritance stations and the County inheritance center; excavation and protective innov ation are limited,and teaching materials should be more systematic and standardized; the inheritors only play instruments and sing while dance is not included, so the inheritance project does not realize the integration of music and dance; it takes much more and longer to cultivate instrument players,so the inheritors will dwindle; moreover, allowances and economic incentives for the inheritors should increase,especially for the county and township-level inheritors.Efforts are now being made to overcome these difficulties and further improve and deepen the protection of Kachung Sanam, to meet the spiritual needs of the local people.


Uyghur Kachung Sanam, technical characteristics,protection, inheritance

