

当代舞蹈艺术研究 2018年3期

苏 娅













A “Classic” Built in the Present: Aesthetics of Chinese Classical Dance

Su Ya


l.Chinese classical dance in confusion

Chinese classical dance has an inseparable relationship with ballet.This relationship stemmed from a cultural development strategy in China first adopted in the 1910s that encouraged artists to address domestic cultural problems through learning from the West.Born in the 1950s, Chinese classical dance, a modern art to a great extent, contains multiple genes.In the name of being “classical”, it has not only absorbed movement language from Chinese operas (Xiqu), but also borrows the grammatical structure of ballet from the Soviet Union.The new concept of body rhyme (shenyun), as a series of new theories and discourses of Chinese classical dance, breaks down the balletic grammar and aims to establish a unique Chinese corporeal logic.It is behind the creation of many contemporary classical works that have gained popularity and recognitions.Meanwhile, it incorporates ballet aesthetics such as open torso and legs.In this sense, Chinese classical dance has always been a contemporary body language that tells the past, or in other words a “classic” built in the present.It would meet with challenges and opportunities in a global context,where China and the West of the past and present mingle into one body to represent Chinese culture.

ll.Chinese classical dance facing choices

Opposing the strategy of solving domestic cultural problems by learning from the West, Prof.Sun Ying of Beijing Dance Academy advocated the Han-Tang style classical dance at the end of the 20th century.Prof.Sun Ying abandoned ballet aesthetics but used the physical logics of Chinese operas dating back centuries.Han-Tang style has gradually developed its own unique language and aesthetics.Given Han-Tan style’s success, Chinese classical dance, as a discipline lasting only 60 years, should reconsider its future route.Two apparent choices are: to take a similar strategy with Han-Tang style and remove the influence of ballet; or to restage ritual performances that are still popular in China or revive performances in ancient China through literature study.However, both choices have problems.If the influence of ballet is completely removed,the remaining vocabulary could not support Chinese classical dance alone.Ifits development is to depend on reproducing ritual or ancient Chinese dance, Chinese classical dance would retreat to the “stone age”, which would problematize its identity.

lll.Rooted in Chineseness: Aesthetics of Chinese classical dance

Chinese classical dance should be always rooted in the Chinese tradition.China’s abundant history provides a foundation for Chinese dancers to establish a set of aesthetics that belong to China.Here, tradition does not refer to a fixed system of form or content, but it crystalizes the key corporeal logics in China’s performing arts.The following aesthetic principles are suggested to guide the creation of Chinese classical dance:

(1) Circle-Spiral: The founding logic

Any art form, as an externalization of human thoughts, possesses its unique logic.Circles represent the key logic of Chinese classical dance.From circling movements, Chinese classical dance develops a spiral body that gives birth to a new system of vocabulary.

(2) Yin-Yang: The dialectical concept

Yin and Yang manifest their relationship in Chinese classical dance through a Tai Chi pattern of movements:the combination of internal and external perspectives, the contrast between the upper body and the lower body, and the circulation of qi.Yin and Yang symbolize the driving force of any movement generated through harmonizing contradictions and oppositions.

(3) Yi: The basic requirement of harmony

Chinese classical dance, like many other Chinese traditional arts, highlights symbolic images.Yi embraces a wide range of meanings of the world, life, thought and movement, and centers on a symbolic image.Focus on yi helps dancers to “let spirit lead form,” “let form convey spirit,” and “let form and spirit exist in harmony.”

lV.Looking forward: Openness and embraciveness

Similar to Chinese folk dance, Chinese classical dance is not a static concept pinned down in a specific time and history framework.Instead, it is still developing and its reconstruction should be based on the current circumstances of China.According to Peng Song, a renowned dance historian in China, “Chinese dance is like a river.It has an origin, but also needs new branches coming in.” The contemporary Chinese culture is influencing the reconstruction of a new tradition, while ballet, modern dance, Chinese operas, and martial arts constitute Chinese traditional aesthetics.Therefore, the future development of Chinese classical dance needs to take multiple approaches.First, to be courageous.First, Chinese classical dance should cross the borders and absorb external cultures to “let the foreign serve the domestic.” On the other hand, Chinese classical dance should try to inherit traditional cultural essence to “let tradition serve the present.” Second, Chinese classical dance should focus on the present to create value.Whether it portrays a historical figure, image,or spirit, Chinese classical dance serves contemporary needs.Third, Chinese classical dance should be open.An open attitude does not mean it must accept whatever is foreign and new, but it should embrace new and external elements.In so doing, Chinese classical dance could break down the barriers between borders and habits to create a strong momentum for global civilizations.


“Chinese classical dance,” aesthetics, modern construction

