外研版 高中英语 必修三 Unit 3 The world of science教学设计


学校教育研究 2021年12期



In this period, firstly students will come to some pictures presenting inventions from famous imaginary novels. Besides, through watching the video, students can learn about other inventions which can arouse their interest in scientific creations.

The reading material is an interview, in which Dr Richard , the author of The New Age of Invention is invited to talk about humans inventions. Before reading, the lead-in part will guide the students to think about the significance of humans inventions and the reasons the inventions were made. After reading, students are expected to voice their opinions about what inspires people to continuously invent things.


1. Lead students to talking about the influence of inventions on human and predict future inventions by watching the video.

2. Have students get the main idea of the text by skimming and identity the interviewees opinions about the new age of invention.

3. Guide the students to learn about the features of interview articles and get the gist of the conversation.

4. Guide the students to think about inspiration for inventions and cultivate a spirit of innovation.


1. Guide students to how the way of our life inventions have changed and the reason behind these changes.

2. Guide students to master the skills of reading the interview and develop their reading ability.

3. Have students talk about what inspires people to invent things and future possible inventions.


Step 1 Starting out

Activity 1

Lead the students to look at the four pictures with illustrations and talk about the imaginary inventions from famous novels.

Activity 2

1.Guide the students to learn about some inventions by watching the video

2.The students talk about the invention which interests them most and give the reason.

Step 2 Before reading

Activity 1

1.The students look at the pictures and describe the differences between them.

2.The students discuss why the way we live has changed over time.

Step 3 First reading

Activity 2

Skim the text and find out the answers to the following the questions.

1.What inventions are not mentioned in the interview?

2.Which of the following statements is not true?

3.What kind of book do you think is the book The New Age of Invention ?

Step 4 Further reading

Activity 3

Guide the students to comb the structure of the text and complete the mind map with information from the passage.

Step 5 Post reading

1.Work in groups. Have the students think about what else inspires people to invent things.

2.Ask some students to share their opinions with the class.

Step 6 Language appreciation

·1.It (the title of the book) suggests that the present day is a new age for inventions.

·[句式分析] 本句中 “suggest ”意為“表明”引导的宾语从句 “that the present day is a new age for inventions. ”, 从句用“陈述语气”。区别于suggest作“建议”时引导的从句用“虚拟语气”,从句谓语用“should +verb”.

·[尝试翻译] 它(本书的标题)表明当今是发明创造的新时代。

·2. 2. So what is it that inspires us to invent things?

·[句式分析] 本句为“强调句”,其基本结构为“Its + 被强调部分+ that+ ...”。(注意强调句中的连接词一般只用who(指人)或that(可指物,也可指人)。若被强调的是状语,也只能用that,而不能用when或者where。而且连接词不能省略.).本句中特殊疑问词what 代替了被强调部分,故形成“What is it that +...?”.

·[尝试翻译] 那么,是什么激励我们去发明东西呢?

Step 7: Homework

1. Review useful expressions and sentence patterns learned in this period.

2. Preview the contents to be learned next period.

