

中国中西医结合影像学杂志 2017年4期









1 资料与方法

1.1 一般资料选取2015年1—6月我院确诊的冠状动脉非钙化斑块患者60例,其中男32例,女28例;年龄43~78岁,平均(48.16±5.77)岁。非钙化斑块共127个,其中96个位于左侧冠状动脉,31个位于右侧冠状动脉;88个所在动脉管腔轻度狭窄,39个所在动脉管腔中度狭窄;其中脂质斑块(CT值<50 HU)35个、纤维斑块(CT值50~130 HU)92个。纳入标准:①病情确诊。②无介入手术治疗适应证。③自愿配合治疗,有良好的治疗依从性,对本研究知情同意。排除标准:①合并肝肾脑等其他重要脏器功能障碍性疾病。②治疗依从性不佳,可能存在治疗中断。③妊娠期及哺乳期妇女。

1.2 方法

1.2.1 治疗方法患者给予单一的他汀类药物口服治疗,剂量:辛伐他丁40mg/L、氟伐他汀40mg/L、阿托伐他汀20mg/d,疗程1年,其中4例服用辛伐他汀,11例服用氟伐他汀,45例服用阿托伐他汀。治疗期间不服用其他抗血栓、降血脂等可影响血脂及动脉斑块性质的药物。

1.2.2 MSCT检查患者在治疗前、治疗1年时由同一医师行MSCT检查动脉斑块变化。使用GE Lightspeed 16层螺旋CT,扫描范围上至气管分叉、下至心脏膈面下2 cm,检查时患者取仰卧位,足先进,经肘静脉注入70~80mL对比剂(碘比醇,350mgI/mL)行造影。扫描参数:螺距0.25、准直器宽度0.75mm、旋转1周0.42s,扫描时需憋气以减少呼吸的影响。检查结果在CT机自带计算机系统中行三维重建,评价管腔狭窄度(SE)及截面积(S)、斑块性质及面积、斑块CT值。

1.2.3 冠状动脉造影(SCA)检查患者在治疗前、治疗1年时行SCA检查。采用Seldinger经股动脉穿刺,钢丝导引下送入7F动脉套管鞘,肝素抗凝,钢丝直至冠状动脉。采用目测直径法进行动脉狭窄的评价,与CTA检查时间间隔不超过2周。

1.2.4 血脂检测在患者治疗前、治疗1年时抽取外周空腹静脉血以酶法测定总胆固醇(TC)、甘油三酯(TG)、低密度脂蛋白(LDL-C)、高密度脂蛋白(HDL-C)。

1.3 统计学方法采用SPSS 19.0统计软件,计量资料采用t检验。以P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。

2 结果

2.1 治疗前后血脂比较(表1)患者治疗后TC、TG、LDL-C较治疗前明显下降,HDL-C较治疗前明显升高(均P<0.05)。

表1 患者治疗前后血脂比较(mmol/L,±s)

表1 患者治疗前后血脂比较(mmol/L,±s)


时间例数TC TG LDL-C HDL-C治疗前60 5.34±0.85 4.30±0.72 3.71±1.03 1.03±0.24治疗后60 4.22±0.56 1.91±0.54 2.28±0.68 1.18±0.22 t值8.52 20.57 8.97 3.57 P值<0.05<0.05<0.05<0.05

2.2 治疗前后2种检查方法对冠状动脉狭窄节段检查结果比较以SCA为金标准,冠状动脉狭窄节段治疗前SCA检出127个,MSCT检出114个,诊断符合率为89.76%;治疗1年后SCA检出102个,MSCT检出93个,诊断符合率91.18%;治疗前后SCA诊断符合率比较差异无统计学意义(χ2=0.01,P>0.05)。

2.3 治疗前后MSCT对SE及S、斑块面积、斑块CT值显示情况比较(表2)MSCT在治疗前检出114个非钙化斑块,治疗1年后斑块数降至93个。患者治疗后冠状动脉管腔SE、S、斑块面积均较治疗前明显下降,斑块CT值较治疗前升高(均P<0.05)。

表2 MSCT检查治疗前后冠状动脉SE及S、斑块面积、斑块CT值比较(±s)

表2 MSCT检查治疗前后冠状动脉SE及S、斑块面积、斑块CT值比较(±s)



3 讨论




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Feasibility study on therapeutic evaluation of non-calcified coronary plaques w ith statins by multi-slice spiral com puted tomography

CAO Zhonghua,GAO Feng,GAO Yi,KANG Chenbo,LIU Yan.Department of Radiology,Anyang District Hospital,Anyang,455000,China.

Objective:To discuss the feasibility on therapeutic evaluation of non-calcified coronary plaques with statins by multi-slice spiral computed tomography(MSCT).M ethods:Select 60 cases of confirmed non-calcified coronary plaque,treated with single statin.Selective coronary angiography(SCA)and MSCT examination performed before treatment and 1 year after treatment to evaluate arterial stenosis,MSCT examination evaluated the luminal stenosis(SE)and the cross-sectional area(S),nature and patch area,patch CT density values change in the location of plaques.Detected the serum total cholesterol(TC),triglyceride(TG),low density lipoprotein(LDL-C),high density lipoprotein(HDL-C).Results:TC、TG、LDL-C of post treatment were less than prior treatment(P<0.05),HDL-C of post treatment was higher than prior treatment(P<0.05).Coronary artery stenosis segment had 127 with SCA inspection of prior treatment,114 with MSCT inspection of prior treatment,the diagnosis coincidence rate were 93.70%,102 with SCA inspection of after treatment,93 with MSCT inspection of after treatment,the diagnosis coincidence rate were 91.18%,the difference was not statistically significant(P>0.05).Coronary artery plaque had 114 with MSCT inspection of prior treatment,93 with MSCT inspection of prior treatment,the drop rate were 22.84%.SE,S,nature and patch area of post treatment were less than prior treatment(P<0.05),patch CT density values of after treatment was higher than prior treatment(P<0.05).Conclusion:Statins have definice efficacy in the treatment of non-calcified plaques of the coronary arteries.MSCT can assess the changes of non-calcified coronary plaques after statins therapy quantitatively,effective monitoring method is feasible.

Tomography,X-ray computed;Statins;Coronary artery;Plaques,atherosclerotic;treatment outcome





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