

河北教育(教学版) 2021年5期


Speaking 口语部分

一、Look and say.看图,请你用现在进行时的句子分别描述下列图片。

二、Look and say.看图片提示,完成下列对话。

1.A:What’s your favourite fruit?


2.A:What does this sign mean?


3.A:In China,when is Na⁃tional Day?


4.A:Do you like summer?Why?


5.A:When do you play sports on Sunday?


三、Look and read.请你用正确的语音、语调朗读下面的语句。

1.Honesty is the best policy.

2.Life is short and art is long.

3.Much learning shows how little mortals know.

4.Complacency is the enemy of study.

5.One today is better than two tomor⁃rows.

四、Look and say.请你根据提示,以“On the Way To School”为题说几句话。

提示:everyday many flowers park We/I can see...I like...I feel...

On the Way To School

Listening 听力部分


一、Listen and choose.听音,选择正确的图片。

二、Listen and choose.听句子,给内容相符的图片标号。

三、Listen and choose.听句子,选择合适的应答语。

( )1.A.She’s cooking eggs.

B.He’s cooking fish.

( )2.A.He’s listening to music.

B.They’re having music class.

( )3.A.Keep your desk clean.

B.OK.Take turns.

( )4.A.Please keep quiet!

B.Please sit down!

( )5.A.Yes,I do.

B.Yes,I am.

四、Listen and choose.听短文,选择正确答案。

( )1.Sarah usually gets up early on___,because she’s too excited!

A.Monday B.July 18th

C.July 12th

( )2.Why doesn’t she go to school on her birthday?

A.Because it’s in the weekend.

B.Because it’s in the summer hol⁃iday.

C.Because she doesn’t want to go to school.

( )3.Sarah usually_______on her birth⁃day.

A.goes to school

B.has an English class

C.has a birthday party

( )4.Sarah doesn’t ______at the party. sports

B.sing,dance and watch TV computer games

( )5.Sarah goes to the beach with________.

A.her family B.her friends

C.her classmates

五、Listen and write.听短文,写出所缺的单词或词组。

There is a sports meeting today.There are so many students on the _________.Yang Lin runs the 100 me⁃tres.He wears his white _________ and red_________.All the boys run fast.Yang Lin is the _________ at first.Then he gets ahead of one boy.The race ends.Yang Lin comes in third place.He is very happy.Fang Chao does the high jump.He can jump very high.He jumps higher than other boys.He gets the first place.He is very _________.Yao Hua does the long jump.She can jump far.But she doesn’t get any prizes.She is a little sad.Do you like sports meetings?

Reading and Writing 读写部分

一、Read and judge.读一读,判断。


( )1.When is the trip this year?

( )2.I often make a snowman in winter.

( )3.We are having lots of fun.


( )1.Happy birthday to you!↘

( )2.Look at the pictures.Are these all ours?↗

( )3.What are the animals doing in the story?↗

二、Read and write.替换下列单词的首字母或尾字母,使其变为另一个单词。

1.word_____ 2.class_____ 3.look_____

4.nice______ 5.sell______6.how_____


三、Look and write.根据图片提示,写出恰当形式的单词完成句子。

1.My sister is _________the flower.

2.Love _________! Hate waste!

3.Sarah has two new kit⁃tens.Their eyes are open on_________.

4.It’s in May.We’ll go to the ________.

5.--What’s the little_______ doing?

--It’s picking a peach.

四、Think and choose.想一想,选一选。

( )1.It’s a rabbit.It’s _________.

A.I C.mine

( )2.My grandfather’s birthday is__________.

A.on April 22th November 1st

C.on July

( )3.--_________do you like autumn?

--__________I can go to the farm to help my uncle harvest fruit.

A.Why;Because B.When;/


( )4.Playing basketball is good.________playing table tennis is my favorite sport.

A.And B.But C.With

( )5.Look! The elephants_______drink⁃ing water. C.are

五、Read and write.读句子,选出各句中画线部分错误的选项,并改正。

六、Read and judge.读一读,根据图片内容,判断下列句子正“T”误“F”。

( )1.Wu Yifan is cleaning the black⁃board.

( )2.Chen Jie is drawing a picture.

( )3.Zhang Peng is playing chess with Mike.

( )4.Miss White and John are talking near the teacher’s desk.

( )5.Amy and Sarah are reading a book.

( )6.We can see two teachers and nine students in the picture.

七、Read and choose.根据表中信息,选择正确答案。

( )1.How many stops does the train G6706 have in this table? B.two C.three D.four

( )2.How long does the train G1353 run from Shanghai to Hangzhou?

A.About one hour

B.About two hours

C.About three hours

D.About four hours

( )3.Both the train G6706 and G6284 stop at_______.

A.Baiyangdian Lake

B.Baoding East



( )4.My uncle lives in Beijing,but he works in Tianjin,so he often takes the train_______back to Beijing at night.

A.G6706 B.G6284

C.G1353 D.C2080

( )5.We know that the“G”is highspeed railway.Do you know what the“C”pre⁃fix means?

A.Inter-City Trains B.Slow trains

C.Goods trains D.Journey trains

八、Think and write.书面表达。

提示问题:Where are you?What are you doing?Which season is it?Are there any peo⁃ple there?If so,what are they doing?What will you do next?How are you feeling?Why?

要求:书写规范、语句通顺、条理清晰,不少于50 个词。


Group the words
新目标英语八年级(上)Unit5 STEP BY STEP随堂通
新目标英语八年级(上)Unit4 STEP BY STEP随堂通
Unit 12 STEP BY STEP 随堂通
Unit 7 STEP BY STEP 随堂通Section A