The role of body language in teacher-student interactions肢体语言在师生互动中的作用


疯狂英语·新悦读 2020年9期

河南固始县高级中学 汤 润




1. corporal /΄kɔːrpərəl/ adj. 身体的

2. credibility /ˌkredə΄bɪləti/ n. 可信性;可靠性

3. revolve /rɪ΄vɒlv/ v. 环绕;旋转

4. collaborative /kə΄læbərətɪv/ adj. 合作的

5. authenticity /ˌɔːθen΄tɪsəti/ n. 确实性;真实性

6. demotivate /ˌdiː΄məʊtɪveɪt/ v. 使失去动力;使变得消极

In a classroom, there is constant interaction between teachers and students. Elements such as gestures, facial or corporal expressions that do not, as a rule, attract much of our attention are of great importance in the process. Education scientists from the University of Graz investigated this aspect for the first time in a project supported by the Austrian Science Fund FWF.

Bernd Hackl, head of the Institute for Teacher Education, and his team explored the significance of teachers' corporal expressions and physical communication during classroom interaction. “It is teachers' body language that earns them credibility and determines whether learning processes will be fostered or not,” says Bernd Hackl summing up the results of his investigations.

Hackl compares teaching to a theatre performance. He explains that even though different in several aspects, both the classroom and the stage revolve around a credible presentation of content. Just like actors, teachers need to fulfil their tasks by being physically present and interacting and by winning over an audience that is hard to predict—all of this within a limited time frame.

In order to capture the whole diversity of corporal communications, Hackl and his research team started by identifying four teaching tasks on the basis of video analyses: providing a relaxing setting for learning, integrating the learners in a collaborative school environment,challenging pre-existing knowledge and skills,and, finally, being able to demonstrate such knowledge and skills to the students and thereby make the mastering of them easier.

If teachers fulfil the four functions of

Reading Check

1. What does the first paragraph mainly talk about?

A. The application of gestures in education.

B. The background of Bernd Hackl's investigation.

C. The classification of educational body language.

D. The non-stop interaction between teachers and students.

2. What does the underlined word “them” in paragraph 2 refer to?

A. The teachers.

B. The students.

C. Bernd Hackl's team.

D. Corporal expressions.

3. In what way is teaching similar to a theatre performance according to Hackl?

A. The role to play.

B. The content to demonstrate.

C. The target audience to be faced with.

D. The process to demonstrate their content.teaching, they support adolescents in developing autonomy. This means that teachers are authentic, convincing and motivated and seek to create an open learning environment—in other words,successful classroom teaching. They increasingly found that teachers are inclined to choose opportunistic, administrative or economic strategies. “There is, however, the exception.” In these cases, precise analysis of the videos often reveals a lack of authenticity in the teachers'corporal communications. Although the students will not be aware of this fact, let alone be able to truly express it, they can nevertheless sense it and thus withdraw from learning activities in what seems to be a demotivated manner.

4. What can be inferred about Bernd Hackl's research according to the text?

A. It was carried out with four basic goals.

B. It was conducted by analyzing lots of true cases.

C. It focused on the diversity of corporal communications.

D. It proved the importance of teachers'corporal communications.

Language Study

Difficult sentence

Although the students will not be aware of this fact, let alone be able to truly express it,they can nevertheless sense it and thus withdraw from learning activities in what seems to be a demotivated manner.


【点石成金】句中Although引导的是一个让步状语从句;let alone意为“更不用说”,后面接动词原形;they can...manner是主句部分;what引导的从句作介词in的宾语。


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