

考试与评价·高二版 2020年2期


I. 1. have been told  2. is being built  3. is being repaired  4. are being cut  5. are being polluted  6. is expected

II. 1. Money for the broadband project is being collected.

2. A report about the negative effects of cellphones in school is being written.

3. A computer center for the students is being built.

4. The test-tube baby is being taken good care of by its parents.

5. Human cloning is being studied by some scientists.

6. The laws to protect the rights of women and children are being revised.

Ancient Egypt


Inventors and Inventions

1. It created a food surplus.

2. The Greeks.

3. Feng shui.

4. It allowed the mass-production of literature.

IQ Test

1—6 baabce

选修7 Unit 3词语专练

I. 1. yelled 2. shore 3. urged 4. narrow

5. pension 6. steep 7. witness 8. abandoned

II. 1. help out 2. became aware of  3. upside down 4. was scared to death 5. in the meantime    6. reflected on

III. 1. abandoned the idea

2. volunteered / offered to sort out

3. urged that we should

4. get close to

5. witnessed the rapid development

6. help you out

選修7 Unit 4词语专练

I. 1. adjusted / adapted 2. participating

3. relevant 4. otherwise 5. donate 6. distributed

7. tailor 8. voluntary

II. 1. were dying to  2. in need  3. benefited from 4. heard from 5. dried up 6. wasn't aware of

III. 1. a great privilege / honor

2. toast her health

3. sew a button onto / on

4. can't be up to / can't be fit for

5. operate on / upon

6. the other day


A) 1—4 BDCD

B) 5—8 ACDC


1. B。前两句用来导入本文的话题,文章表现的是猫咪的persistence和keep trying,应该选择与之含义相反的B项。shrink back“退缩,后退”。

2. C。由第二段For some reason it has been coming back to the museum and trying to get _11_    every week for the past two years可知,他们一直试图进入博物馆,C项符合文意。

3. D。由本句中的but可知猫咪一直被禁止入内。consistently “一贯地”顺承文意。

4. A。最后一段中的最后一句和fans constantly post photos and videos of their _18_ visits. 表明,猫咪坚持不懈的行为赢得了数百万人的“喜爱”。第二段首句中的adorable也暗示出答案是A项。

5. D。由第一段for the past two years可知,猫与警察之间的可爱游戏始于2016年。应该选D项。

6. C。由下文this collection of photos of street cats可知,当时广岛的尾道市博物馆举办了一场以猫为主题的摄影展,从photos可知C项为答案。

7. D。与human visitors相比,猫咪自然是“与众不同的”。

8. A。和其他人一样,它试图从前门进入(access)博物馆。

9. B。这里讲述的是2016年发生的事情,黑色的猫咪第一次“光临”博物馆,警卫不可能認识它,第一个排除D项,A、C两项文意不通。此处指在visitors之中“发现”了它,并将其拒之门外。turn away “把某人拒之门外,不准进入”。

10. C。由第二段最后两句可知,黑色的猫咪从未“放弃”。

11. D。出于某种原因,在过去的两年里,它每周都会回到博物馆,并试图进入博物馆。

12. A。黑猫不但自己来,而且还带来一位朋友,前后构成递进关系,A 项“甚至”与原文相符。at one point “一度,曾经”。

13. B。由第二段可知,黑猫第一次试图进入博物馆没有成功。

14. C。下文中的“taking turns”可知,橘猫也“采用”了黑猫的惯例做法。

15. B。此处指它们每周至少二三次轮流出现在门前。settle down “定居”;show up “出现,露面”; break away “挣脱,逃脱”;watch out “注意,戒备”。

16. A。由第二段“trying to get _11_ every week for the past two years.” 可知,若选C应该是至少四次,B,D项文中未提及,只能选择A。

17. B。这两只猫与博物馆警卫之间持续不断的“战争”被很好地记录下来。document“记录,记载”。

18. C。从前文出现的continous和 constantly可知,猫咪“频繁”造访博物馆。

19. D。下文中的but可知,到目前为止这两只猫还没有进入博物馆。make one's way “前往,到……地方去”。

20. C。由“fans constantly post photos and videos of their _18_ visits.” 可知,猫咪坚持不懈的精神为它们赢得了大批粉丝。此处C项照应第二段中的adorable。


一、1. Chinese。形容词做定语。

2. using。介词后跟动名词。

3. specially。副词修饰动词。

4. which。引导非限制性定语从句。

5. children。名词复数。

6. have been。注意This is the first time... 句型中,从句用现在完成时。

7. was born。be born in 出生于……。

8. when。引导时间状语从句。

9. the。序数词前加定冠词表示顺序。

10. to be matched。这里是for sb. to do 结构, 另外children and their families与match 构成被动关系。

二、1.  that / which。考查关系代词。that 或which引导定语从句且在从句中做主语。

2. valuable。考查形容词做表语。

3. experiencing。考查现在分词做状语的用法。因为句子主语Traders与experience 之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,故用现在分词。

4. to transport。考查不定式做目的状语的用法。

5. development。考查词性转化。前面有定冠词the,故用其名词形式。

6. mainly。考查词性转化。这里是副词做状语。

7. to。考查介词用法。介词to 意为“通向……的路”。

8. one。考查固定搭配。one of +名词复数。

9. were written。考查一般过去时的被动语态。结合上文可知设空处是对过去事实的描述,应用一般过去时,又因为  Details of his experiences与write之间是被动关系,故填were written。

10. a。考查冠词。这里设空处有“一”的意思,且view为辅音音素开头的词。




听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后, 你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

Text 1

W: George, there's a phone call for you.

M: For me? Who would be calling me at this time?

Text 2

M: You call Henry a dreamer, but I think he's got a lot of good ideas.

W: Good ideas are only useful if you make something out of them.

Text 3

M: How do you feel about the final exam?

W: I couldn't feel better about it. None of the questions are beyond me.

Text 4

M: I'd like to go swimming this afternoon, but it's such a long walk to the swimming pool.

W: I know a short-cut. Let me show you on the map.

Text 5

W: How is your book coming, Jason?

M: Uh, it's okay. I talked to some soldiers about their experiences in the war. Now, I just have to organise my information and expand on their stories.



听第6段材料, 回答第6、7题。

W: May I help you, sir?

M: Yes, I'm looking for a tie to go with a grey suit.

W: Yes, sir. We have a large selection.

M: This one is nice.

W: Yes, that's 40 percent silk.

M: It's a little too wide, though.

W: We have some narrower ones over here.

M: I want one with stripes.

W: How about this one?

M: Yes, that's nice. How much?

W: It's twenty dollars, sir.

M: I'll take it.


W: Oh, Henry. I haven't seen you in ages. Come in. Let me take your coat. How are you getting along?

M: Very well, thank you.

W: Please take a seat. Everything is ready.

M: Can you bring me a glass of orange juice, please? I am quite thirsty.

W: Here you are. We have your cocktail and there's salad, fried chicken, French fries and ice cream for dessert. Eat the chicken while it's hot. It tastes better.

M: Wow!You're right. Everything is absolutely delicious. Please pass the pepper.

W: Here you are. Taste the French fries.

M: They're soft.

W: Would you like some more?

M: No more. Thank you.

W: Here's to our friendship and health!

M: Bottoms up!


W: OK, so what are we going to see today?There's so much I want to do and we've only got two days left of our honeymoon!

M: Yeah, we've already been here five days and we still haven't been up the Eiffel Tower! First, I'd like to visit the Arc de Triomphe today. I've seen so many pictures of it. Now I want to see it in person.

W: Yeah, me too. And then we can see the art museum, the Louvre. I'd like to spend a few hours in there.

M: Sure, but that won't leave much time for Montmartre. We can see the famous church, the Sacre-Couer there.

W: OK, but I don't think we'll have time for that today. Let's do that tomorrow. We've got time to climb up the Eiffel Tower, though. Why don't we go there after the Louvre?

M: Sure. OK.


M: Hello?

W: Jack? Anna here. Listen, I've got a big problem here and I need your advice.

M: What's going on?

W: You remember how Lisa let me borrow her necklace?

M: Sure. You were going to that formal party at the Carlton Hotel. Hey, wasn't that tonight?

W: Yeah, I just got home and realised I didn't have it. I lost the necklace!What should I do?

M: Why don't you report it to the Lost and Found desk at the hotel?

W: Good idea. What if no one finds it?

M: Well, then, go over there and find it yourself. Look under all the tables and...

W: No, I mean, what if no one ever finds it?

M: I think you should wait until she talks to you about the necklace and then tell her you've never seen it.

W: You're no help at all. I'm just going to call Lisa and tell her the truth.


Sharks have existed for 350 million years, and their basic shape has hardly changed at all during this time. As adults, they have no predators (掠食者) and fear nothing in the ocean. The great white shark is the largest predatory fish, at more than 27 ft (9 m) in length and 2.7 tons in weight. Dozens of huge teeth line its jaws. The great white shark prowls the ocean, eating any kind of meat, alive or dead, and often swallows its prey in one gulp. Sharks have to keep moving in order to take in enough oxygen, and the great white travels more than 300 miles (500 km) in a day. Although most fish have bony skeletons (骨骼), sharks have skeletons made of a substance called cartilage (软骨).



1—5 BCBCB 6—10 CAABB 11—15 CBBAB 16—20 CCBAA


I. 1. A。写作意图判断题。文章主要是介绍美国网校的一些情况。

2. C。段落大意题。此段主要介绍在上网校时应注意的一些事项。

3. A。

4. C。

5. D。细节理解题。文章未提及土豆越来越难种植,因此D项错误。

6. C。综合判断题。文章只提到UPGA成为了美国一个全国性组织,并未提到UPGA已成为一个国际组织,因此C项错误。

7. D。标题选项题。文章主要介绍农民组织起来限制土豆的生产。

8. C。从第一段可知,“small talk”涉及的都是一些有关人们日常生活中的小事或者大家共同关心的话题如天气、体育等,职业规划显然不是它的话题。

9. D。既然都是一些闲聊的话题,其谈话方式当然就是很随便的,generally意为“通常地,一般地”,意思上最接近。

10. B。参见第二段:闲聊的人不必是熟人,陌生人之間甚至不作自我介绍便可随便聊起来,所以B的说法不对。

II. 1. C。工人只有走进一个机器,拍摄过眼睛血管照片后才可以进入地下计算机中心。

2. A。

3. A。match... with... “与……相匹配,相符合”。

4. D。如果拍出的照片与电脑中的影象不符,工人就会被警卫拦住。

5. C。下文主要强调这种装置的安全性,因此用stolen。

6. A。很多地方都安装这种高科技装置。

7. C。产品制造商有此种打算。

8. D。能识别指纹的装置。

9. D。这种机器只为主人开门。

10. C。

11. D。锁和钥匙型的建筑和计算机。

12. A。没人能偷走指纹或眼睛类型。

13. A。新型机器很安全。

14. B。还有另一种新的机器能识别声音。

15. B。

16. D。

17. D。

18. B。上文提到这种装置inexpensive。

19. B。一个很严重的问题。

20. D。一个孩子借不到父亲的声音如何借父亲的车呢?

III. 1. companies 2. that/which 3. accepted / acceptable 4. hugely 5. invited 6. later

7. European  8. Since 9. an  10. influencing

IV. 1. reflected 2. aware 3. abandoned

4. annual 5. witness 6. depth 7. shores 8. tides

9. shallow 10. target

V. 1. He was nearly scared to death by what the teacher said.

2. Her room was turned upside down by the children.

3. Probably you know, time here is nine hours ahead of London.

4. Can you watch TV and do your homework in the meantime?

5. As is reported in the newspaper, the talk has been successful.

VI. 第一句:去掉at后的the;exciting→excited 第二句:student→students第三句:But→And;nothing→anything第四句in→on;wrote→write第五句:you→I;hardly→hard 第六句:me→myself

VII. One possible version:

How to deal with frightening natural disasters

As we all know, there have been more and more natural disasters in recent years such as floods, droughts, earthquakes and so on, which have caused a great loss of lives and possessions. So some measures must be taken to deal with these frightening natural disasters.

First of all, building strong warning systems is very necessary, which will help people get ready for the disasters, so we may greatly reduce the loss. Secondly, the whole world should spare no effort to protect the environment in order to avoid some natural disasters caused by human activities. Last but not least, countries should cooperate with each other, setting up powerful rescue systems to reduce the damage in the striken regions.

As far as I'm concerned, If people all over the world can unite together, we are more likely to defeat natural disasters.






Text 1

W: Dad, something is wrong with my bike. Would you please drive me to school today?

M: No problem, Mary. Let's go.

Text 2

W: Now, can we get the computers before Wednesday?

M: If it is less than 10 kilometres, we can deliver them on Tuesday. But if it's farther away, they'll be on Thursday. Where is your office?

W: Just around the corner.

Text 3

W: Why hasn't our flight arrived yet?

M: It must have been delayed by the heavy storm. Be patient. It will be arriving soon.

Text 4

W: The plane leaves at 6:15. We have time to eat first.

M: No. We only have 40 minutes left.

Text 5

M: What's your job?

W: I'm a secretary in an office.

M: Oh! Do you enjoy it?

W: No, I don't really like it. It's boring.



听第6段材料, 回答第6、7题。

W: Hey, Adam. I'm worried about my sister Courtney. She's in college and has just declared art as her major.

M: Why does that worry you? I've seen her stuff. She's very talented.

W: I know. But I'm afraid that once she graduates she won't be able to make ends meet. Most artists only make about 60 percent of what the average worker makes a year. Plus, it's harder for art majors to find a full-time job. But she doesn't seem too concerned.

M: But you're forgetting that there's more to choosing a career than making money.

听第7段材料, 回答第8、9题。

M: There is just one problem, madam. Your driver's license is no longer valid.

W: What?

M: Yes. Today is the 19th, and your driver's license was valid through the 17th. I'm afraid we can't accept it. Do you have another form of ID?

W: Not with me. My passport is at home, but that's 30 minutes away.

M: I do apologise, but this is our policy. If you want to continue with your deposit, you might have to go home and get it.

W: That's OK. I'll just come back tomorrow with my passport. I need to try to get a new license now. Otherwise, I won't be able to drive home!

聽第8段材料, 回答第10至12题。

W: Home at last. Tonight we have a lot of homework though.

M: Jane, you know I really don't like our teacher all that much. He gives far too much homework.

W: I don't really like him either. He's kind of boring and not very active. Do you think we should be talking about him like this behind his back?

M: Probably not. After all he is our teacher. We should try to find something nice to say. If you can't say something nice you shouldn't say anything at all.

W: I absolutely agree. It's getting dark. We should finish our homework now.

M: All right. I want to take a shower first, I'm exhausted.

听第9段材料, 回答第13至16题。

M: Hey, Jane! What are you doing on Saturday?

W: Hey, Tom! Nothing special. Why?

M: Well, some friends and I are planning to play basketball together. Just join us if you're interested in.

W: Wonderful!I love playing basketball, though I'm not a very good player.

M: Don't worry. None of us is Yao Ming, either! What else do you like doing, by the way?

W: Besides basketball, I also like playing tennis. But most of the time I just like going out with my friends in my spare time.

M: What kind of thing do you do together?

W: We like going shopping, going swimming or sometimes we go to the cinema. I really like listening to music. You know, some of my friends like going to bars or nightclubs. What about you?

M: Normally my friends and I play sports together such as football, basketball, or sometimes table tennis. What do you think of table tennis?

W: It's OK to me. I've stopped playing it for a long time. It's a very good sport, but it's not as popular in the UK as it is in China.

M: What about playing a game together sometime?

W: OK, though I think you're sure to win the game.

M: We'll see! I have to run now. See you Saturday. Two o'clock at the school gate.

W: Well, see you then!

聽第10段材料, 回答第17至20题。

The Red Cross flag has been a symbol of humanitarian aid in war and disaster zones since the late 19th century. The American Red Cross was founded in 1881 by Clara Barton. A remarkable and compassionate woman, Barton was a teacher and a clerk who dedicated herself at age 40 to volunteer work. As a nurse in the US Civil War (1861-1865), she earned the nickname “Angel of the Battlefield” as she tended the wounded in the line of fire. After the war she traveled to Europe, where she observed the newly formed International Red Cross. Back in the United States, she set up the American Red Cross, serving as president until 1904. Under her leadership, the organization flourished. Today there are more than 1.3 million American Red Cross volunteers.



1—5 BABAC 6—10 BCACB 11—15 CCBBC 16—20 CCABB


I. 1—5 CABAD 6—10 BCBDA

11—15  CACBD

II. 1. A。考查动词agree的用法。agree to + 建议/计划/提议等;agree on表示“经过协商达成了一致的共识”。

2. D。

3. D。考查四个选项的用法。rather than连接两个同等的成分而且是带有否定的含义;except for对总体肯定,对部分细节的否定;except除此之外;besides表示除了还有……。

4. C。此项应该与定语从句的谓语部分相吻合,即be uncertain about sth.

5. B。用as well as连接两个并列成分,没有否定的含义。因此不能选C、D。

6. A。根据文章第一句可知,应选A,表示愉快,高兴。

7. C。

8. D。根据主语可知只能用goes。

9. B。根据上下文提示可知,不应该通过人的相貌来看人。

10. A。根据句意可知要填的动词后应可跟补足语,看选项只有make可行。

11. D。

12. C。分词短语在句中做状语。

13. A。引导定语从句时,关系代词做主语不可省略。同时定语从句中的谓语动词要看先行词来决定。故选that move。

14. A。lack“缺乏”;have“有……”;include“包括”;cover“覆盖,采访”。

15. D。soener or later“遲早”。

16. C。

17. C。

18. B。

19. B。cares“关心”;pains“痛苦”;works“工作”;minds“介意”。

20. D。

III. 1. voluntary 2. otherwise 3. participate

4. relevant 5. adjusted 6. paperwork 7. distributed 8. angles 9. Security 10. purchase

IV. 1. The students are dying to know the result of the final examination at home.

2. There are up to 360 teachers in our school.

3. I met an old friend in the park the other day.

4. Your clothes will take ages to dry out.

5. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

V. 1. brought 2. dropped  3. with 4. was published 5. which 6. her 7. service 8. the

9. and 10. relationship

VI. One possible version:

Different students have different opinions on whether high school students should have classes on weekend.

Some students think it good for them. First, as high school students, they must have enough time to prepare for the College Entrance Examination, which is of great importance for every senior student. Second, some of the students lack self-control when they have no classes at weekends.

In contrast, others think it is not useful. With the development of education, students need quality education instead of good scores but low qualities. Besides, a two-day weekend gives students more time to go outdoors, where they can relax and develop individual interests. What's more, students should improve study efficiency by using effective methods.

As far as I am concerned, study and rest are both important for students. We should not only make use of every minute to study, but also widen our social activities.






Text 1

W: Are you travelling alone?

M: No, I will take my family abroad this time. My wife and our three children are all going along with me.

W: What a wonderful experience that will be!

Text 2

W: Would you like to go to the cinema tonight?

M: I'd rather stay at home and watch TV. I have to get up early to attend a meeting tomorrow.

Text 3

W: What a wonderful afternoon!This is even better than San Francisco and Salt Lake City.

M: We're lucky to be in New England this time of year.

Text 4

M: Did your mother have a professional career, or did she work at home?

W: Actually, she did both. When we were young, she stayed at home. Later, she went back to school and became a lawyer.

Text 5

M: OK, drop in whenever you like.

W: Yes, I'll do that. Thank you for asking me to dinner. It's a nice dinner party and I've enjoyed your cooking.

M: I'm glad you enjoy yourself.



听第6段材料, 回答第6、7题。

M: Would you like to come to New York with me over the spring break, Julia?

W: I'd love to, John, but where shall we stay?

M: At a friend's house. I always stay with him and there is room for you too.

W: OK. He won't mind?

M: Of course not. He's looking forward to meeting you.

W: Will we drive to New York?

M: Yes, it takes about six hours. We can leave at about noon and get there by supper time.

W: What's the climate like?

M: It may be cold and rainy. Better bring a jacket and good walking shoes.

W: Well, when do we leave?

M: How about Thursday? Can you be ready by noon?

W: No problem.

听第7段材料, 回答第8、9题。

W: Are you going to watch the World Series?

M: No. I don't care about that anymore.

W: Why is that? I thought you were a huge baseball fan.

M: I am... but my team isn't in the championship anymore, so I don't have any reason to watch the games.

W: But don't you want to see who wins?You know... as a fan of the game?

M: Look, Judy. I don't really want to talk about this, okay? I'm still upset that we lost, and I don't think I'll be able to move on until this whole thing is over. I actually can't wait for the World Series to end!

W: Oh, I had no idea that you felt that way. Sorry if I made it worse.

M: It's OK. I guess I get a little too emotional about it. It's only because this happens to us every year. We haven't won a championship since I was a kid!

听第8段材料, 回答第10至12题。

M: Stacy, I need to buy a new car. I need something with good safety features that doesn't use a lot of gas, but I also need it to be decent to look at. It also has to be pretty cheap.

W: Well, you've just described the impossible!Freddie, you need to be realistic. You

probably won't be able to have all those things in one car. You can't have everything in life, you know.

M: Yeah, I figured.

W: So, what's the most important thing?

M: Well, I only have twenty-five thousand dollars to spend. That's my upper limit.

W: OK. We can basically forget about sports cars and big SUVs. But those don't really match the other requirements, anyway. Here's the big question: which is more important—looking good or using less gas?

M: Well, I don't have a ton of extra money to spend on gas, so I guess I'll have to go with something a bit more economical.

W: Cool. You don't even need a fancy car, if you ask me. And the good news is that less expensive cars that don't use a lot of gas tend to be really safe.

聽第9段材料, 回答第13至16题。

W: Thank you for coming down today, Mr. Parker. Would you like some coffee?

M: No, thank you.

W: Mr. Parker, please tell us what you saw on the night of February 18.

M: Well, I was walking home from work that night. I usually drive to work, but my car was in the shop that day. Anyway, I saw this little old lady crossing the street, and this guy came out of nowhere and grabbed her purse.

W: Did he have a gun, Mr. Parker?

M: It was dark, but I'm sure I didn't see any weapons. He did push her down to the ground, though. She screamed, and the man ran away.

W: Did you see what he was wearing?

M: He had a black baseball hat on. He was wearing blue jeans and white shoes.

W: Do you remember how tall he was?What about his build?

M: He seemed kind of normal, I suppose...

W: Could you be more specific, Mr. Parker?

M: I'm sorry. I'm really not good at guessing those kinds of things. He is a little shorter and a little heavier than me. I'm six feet tall and I weigh 190 pounds.

W: That's very helpful, Mr. Parker. Thank you.

听第10段材料, 回答第17至20题。

In America, you can choose from a variety of places to live. Your choice will depend on your needs and your expense!You can rent an apartment. If you rent an apartment, you live in it month by month. If you want to move out, you must tell the landlord 30 days before you leave. If you rent an apartment, you sign a contract to live in the apartment for a longer period of time. If you leave before a contract ends, you must pay a fine.

Maybe you'd like to live in a townhouse with single bathrooms and bedrooms. However, these share at least one wall with other homes, and they do not have big yards. If you live in a single-family home, you must take good care of the house and the yard. If you don't, your neighours will complain.



1—5 CBCCA 6—10 CBACC 11—15 BBCBA  16—20 AACAB



A) 驾驶着船在太平洋上航行时,夫妇俩遭遇一座大片浮石组成的浮岛。

1. A。 推理判断题。根据第四段可推知,在夫妇俩之前完全有可能其他人早已发现了那些浮石。

2. C。细节理解题。根据第四段第一句的...war other boats可知,他们设法避开了与另一只船相碰撞;他们的船一直在和那些浮石碰撞,所以A的说法不妥。

3. B。词义辨析题。根据第六段第一句的lightweight可知,该词的意思是“轻快的;漂浮的”,flowing与之近义;前面已提到lightweight,所以这里不会同义重复,故D错。

4. D。推理判断题。根据第六段最后一句可推知,它们最终将停留在大堡礁。

5. D。推理判断题。根据第六段最后一句以及第七段第一句后半句可推知,大堡礁的状况不好,所以这些浮石来得正是时候,可以为它带来新的活力。

B) 狗狗不但能玩平衡术,还能玩得精彩绝伦,其技巧甚至可超过人类,如此技能它是怎么获得的呢?

6. C。细节理解题。根据第二段可知,这只狗对平衡术之外的技巧都不感兴趣;其余三项与本文内容不符。

7. D。推理判断题。本题主要是对第三段最后一句的they were in the area和pet him的理解,但是前者容易引起歧义,但由于这对夫妇是澳大利亚人,不可能和Lavery住在同一地区,而pet dog意思是“抚摸;关爱”,由此可推知D的说法是对的。

8. D。细节理解题。第三段说,Harlso的粉丝越来越多,很快就壮大了;由此可知,这里的it指的是Harlso能玩平衡术这件事。

9. B。推理判断题。人们以为Lavery的狗那么棒的平衡能力是他教的,所以向他请教,Lavery说他又不是狗狗专家,与Harlso的特技一点关系都没有。其余三项与语境关系没有逻辑上的联系。

10. C。推理判断题。倒数第二段最后一句(本段结论性句子)以及最后一段都高度赞扬了Harlso高超的平衡术,所以这两段的主要目的是说明它的平衡本领是非常杰出的。

C) 今年以来,装满欧元的神秘袋子时不时出现在一家报社,要求帮忙转赠给社会福利机构,这种善举深深感动着这座德国城市。

11. B。词义辨析题。装有欧元的包裹多次出现在报社门前,却一直不知道mystery捐赠者,所以这显然是“神秘;神奇”的包裹。

12. A。

13. C。细节理解题。根据全文尤其是第四、六、八段可知,如果捐赠者为一个人,这里的he指的就是这个人,否则就是所有捐赠者。

14. C。细节理解题。这件事发生在叫作布伦瑞克的城市,所以被称为“布伦瑞克奇迹”;其余说法不符合文字内容或字面意思。

15. B。主旨大意题。第一段就开门见山报道了这件好事,最后一段与之呼应说,不知捐赠者究竟是一人还是多人,但这已经不重要了,这样的好事越多越好。其余说法没有依据。


16. B。根据上下文可知,想减肥就应该储备大量的水果和蔬菜,即使你不吃。It's reported that the sight and smell of healthy food can help dieters stick to their weight-loss goals.健康食物的外观和味道能帮助减肥者坚持他们的减肥食谱。

17. E。根据后一句话... because the sight of the tomatoes reminded them about their diet.可知看到蔬菜沙拉会提醒他们减肥的事,故选项E最符合此处语境。而那些以一份色拉而不是蒜蓉面包开始晚饭的人则会吃更少的主食。

18. G。健康食物的外观和味道能帮助减肥者坚持他们的减肥食谱,减少食物的摄入量,因此有助于他们抵挡对美食的诱惑。故正确答案应为选项G。

19. A。根据下文It's better to fill our fruit bowls and keep the fridge well-stocked, if we want a bit of extra help sticking to our diet plans. 和 So when you eat out next time, do remember to order a salad as a starter to help reduce intake.可知健康食物的暗示会给减肥者们及时的提醒,所以答案应为选项A. Healthy food cues can also provide an instant reminder to dieters。

20. C。根据后面内容可知:健康食物所带来的增加减肥者自控力的效用在“饥饿时”是最有效的。



1—5 CBADD 6—10 CABDC 11—15 CAADB  16—20 BDACB


21. be seen 22. deeply 23. farmers 24. had graduated 25. keeping 26. and 27. a 28. what

29. better 30. his



1. decide→decided  2. friend→friends 3. like→as 4. hotel前加the 5. so→but 6. us→them

7. keeps→kept 8. demanded→demanding

9. quietly→quiet 10. 去掉service前的to


One possible version:

Dear  Tokyo  Olympic Committee,

I have read your poster for recruiting volunteers. I think I am fit for the job. I'd like to recommend myself. I am an 22-year-old girl, a university student, studying in Beijing University. I have been learning English for 10 years and I am good at spoken English. I am able to communicate with foreigners in English fluently. Above all, I am experienced in working as a volunteer for  the Rio Olympic Games and I am familiar with many events. I will study in Tokyo University in 2020 because I have passed the test for exchange students this summer. Besides, I have the ability to communicate and get along well with others. I firmly believe I can do a good job if I am lucky enough to be accepted.

All the best!

Looking forward to your reply.

Truly yours,

Li Hua

