选修7 第4单元重点单词


考试与评价·高二版 2020年2期


1. relevant [relvnt] adj. 有关的;切题的

We have passed all relevant information on to the police. 我们已经把所有相关信息都告知了警方。

be relevant to 与……密切有关

These materials are relevant to the case. 这些材料与这案件有关。


irrelevant adj. 无关紧要的;不相关的

What you said is irrelevant to the subject. 你说的与本题无关。

relevance n. 重要性;意义;相关性

Evaluate the relevance, sufficiency, and competence of evidence. 评估证据的相关性、充分性和适当性。


Moreover, I completed the senior course of Computer Basics, plus five ___ pre-college courses. (2016北京卷)

Key: relevant

2. adjust [dst]

vt. 调整;调节

Adjust your language to the age of your audience. 要根据听众的年龄使用相应的语言。

vi. (使)适合

He soon adjusted to army life. 他很快适应了军中生活。

adjust oneself to 使自己适应于

The body adjusts itself to the change of temperature. 身体能自行调节以适应温度的变化。

adjust to doing sth. 使适应做某事

It took her a while to adjust to living alone. 她过了一段时间才适应独自生活。


adjustable adj. 可调整的;可校准的

The height of the bicycle seat is adjustable. 这辆自行车的车座高度可以调节。

adjustment n. 调整;适应

I've made a few adjustments to the design. 我已对设计做了几处调整。


adapt 与adjust

adapt指在原有情况下作某些改变以适应新的环境或不同的条件,强调改变的目的和重要性;adjust 侧重调整、调节使适应,改变的幅度要小一些,主要用于调整角度、高度等。


Some schools will have to make ___ in agreement with the national soccer reform.(2015江苏卷)

Key: adjustments

3. participate [pɑ:tIsIpeIt] vi. 参与;参加

Some experts will participate as technical advisers. 几位专家将作为技术顾问参加。

participate in 参加

Students should be encouraged to participate in more activities after class in order to broaden their knowledge. 为了拓宽知识面,应当鼓励学生多参加课外活动。


participation n. 参与;参加

Without the participation of intellectuals, the realization of the four modernizations is impossible. 没有知识分子的参加,实现四化是不可能的。

participant n. 参与者

You are expected to be an active participant. 你应该成为积极的参与者。


attend, join, take part in与participate

这些动词或词组均含有“参加,加入”之意。 attend侧重参加或出席会议或学术活动等;join普通用词,指加入党派、团体或游戏活动等;take part in侧重指参加某项群众性、集体性的事业、工作或活动,突出参加者在其中发挥一定的作用;participate正式用词,特指参加团体活动,暗示以一个积极的角色参加。


___ in discussion forums(论坛), blogs   and   other  open-ended  forums  for

dialogue. (2019全國卷Ⅲ)

Key: Participate

4. otherwise [waIz]

conj. 否则;不然

You should go now, otherwise you will be late. 你该走了,不然你会迟到的。

adv. 用别的方法;其他方面

He should have done it otherwise. 他本该用别的方法做这件事。

or otherwise 或其他情况;或相反

I am not concerned with his honesty or otherwise. 我不管他诚实不诚实。


The study of traditions should be combined with practice. ___, the recreation of traditions would be artificial and empty, he said. (2018全國卷Ⅲ)

Key: Otherwise

5. donate [duneIt]

vt. (尤指向慈善机构)捐赠;赠送

donate sth. to sb. / sth. 向……捐赠某物

He donated thousands of pounds to charity. 他向慈善事业捐款数千英镑。

Last year we donated 1,000 yuan to the poor student. 去年我们向这个贫穷的男孩捐赠了1000元。

vt. 献(血);捐献(器官)

donate blood 献血

The government calls on the youth to donate their blood. 政府号召青年献血。


donation n. 捐赠物;捐赠;赠送

make/give/present a donation to sb. 捐赠给某人

They made a generous donation to the relief fund. 他们为这个救济基金慷慨捐款。



contribute 强调“提供;出一份钱;出一份力”;donate 表示义务上的捐献,如献血、捐衣服等。

I contributed a pound towards Jane's leaving present. 我凑了一英镑给简买告别礼物。


I found the pre-holidays a good time to encourage young children to ___ less-used things. (2018全国卷III)

Key: donate

6. voluntary [vlntrI] adj.


He made a voluntary statement to the police. 他自愿向警方作陈述。


Many social services are still provided by voluntary societies. 许多社会服务仍是由志愿团体提供的。

At election time the party needs a lot of voluntary muscles. 大选时,该党需要许多义务帮忙的人。


volunteer [vlntI(r)]

n. 志愿者;志愿兵

This work costs us nothing; it's all done by volunteers. 这项工作我们没花钱,是由志愿者完成的。

vt. 自愿(做某事、提供服务或帮助等)

volunteer to do 自愿做某事

He volunteered to clear up afterwards. 他自愿负责事后的清理打扫工作。


I'm writing this letter to apply for the

___ position in the coming exhibition of Chinese paintings. (2019全国卷Ⅰ)

Key: voluntary

7. purchase [p:ts]

vt. 购买;购置

He purchased a car for his son. 他为儿子购买了一辆车。

purchasing power 购买力

The purchasing power of the dollar has declined. 美元的购买力已经下降了。

vt. 换得;挣得

They purchased life at the expense of honor. 他们以牺牲名誉的代价换得了生命。

n. [U,C] 购买;采购

He gave his son some money for the purchase of his school books. 他给了儿子一些钱去购买教科书。


purchaser [p:ts(r)] n. 买主;购买人

The shares of the firm will be owned by many purchasers. 那家公司的股票由购买者所有。


Among the bag makers' argument: many cities with bans still allow shoppers to ___ paper bags. (2018浙江卷)

Key: purchase

8. click [klIk]

n. 咔嗒声

The key turned with a click. 钥匙转动发出咔嗒的响声。

vi. 發出咔嗒声

The door clicked shut behind her. 门在她身后咔嗒一声关上了。

vi. 突然明白;恍然大悟

Suddenly everything clicked and I realized where I'd met him. 突然一切都清楚了,我意识到自己在哪里见过他了。

vt. 点击

Click the square icon again to minimize the window.  再次点击方形图标,把窗口最小化。

click the mouse 点击鼠标

Just click the mouse and you'll get the instructions you need. 点击鼠标,你就会得到你所需要的指令。


It seemed that something ___ with the girls between Saturday and Sunday. (2015全国II)

Key: clicked

9. distribute [dIstrIbju:t]

vt. 分发;分配

Please distribute the examination papers round the class. 请把考卷发给全班同学。

vt. 分布;散布

Shark is widely distributed along the Atlantic coast. 鲨鱼在大西洋沿岸的分布很广泛。

distribute sth. to/among sb. 向某人分发某物;在某群人中分发

The man is distributing leaflets to/among passers-by. 那个人正在向路人发传单。


distribution n. 分发;分配

We are studying the distribution of schools in this country. 我们正在研究这个国家学校的分布情况。


I can ___ their letters to my students who are willing to have friends. (2012广东卷)

Key: distribute

10. operate [preIt]

vt. 操作; 开动

It is very difficult to operate the machine. 操作这台机器很难。

vt. 经营; 管理

His father operates two big companies. 他父亲经营着两家大公司。

vt. 运行;运转

Do public transport services operate at night? 公交系统夜间运营吗?

vi. 起作用;凑效

The medicine began to operate at once. 药效立竿见影。

vi. 动手术;开刀

Having seen the X-ray, the doctor decided to operate on the patient. 看过X 光片后, 医生决定为病人做手术。


operation n.


The operation of the machine is simple. 这台机器操作简单。

[C] 手术

He is very ill and needs an operation. 他病得很重,需要做手术。


operator n. [C] 话务员; 操作员;经营者


Such systems do not need to ___ face-to-face. (2016年江苏卷)

Key: operate

