The Story of Music Is the Story of Humans


英语世界 2018年2期

How did music begin? Did our early ancestors first start by beating things together to create rhythm, or use their voices to sing? What types of instruments did they use? These are some of the questions explored in a recent Hypothesis and Theory article published inFrontiers in Sociology. The answers reveal that the story of music is, in many ways, the story of humans.

[2] So, what is music? This is difficult to answer, as everyone has their own idea. “Sound that conveys emotion,” is what Jeremy Montagu, of the University of Oxford and author of the article,describes as his. A mother humming1hum哼(歌曲)。or crooning2croon低声哼着安慰(小儿等)。to calm her baby would probably count as music, using this definition, and this simple music probably predated3predate早于……,先于……建成(或形成、发生等)。speech.

[3] But where do we draw the line between music and speech? You might think that rhythm, pattern and controlling pitch4controlling pitch控制音高。are important in music,but these things can also apply when someone recites a sonnet or speaks with heightened emotion. Montagu concludes that “each of us in our own way can say ‘Yes, this is music’, and ‘No,that is speech’.”




[4] So, when did our ancestors begin making music? If we take singing,then controlling pitch is important.Scientists have studied the fossilized skulls5skull头盖骨。and jaws of early apes, to see if they were able to vocalize6vocalize发声。and control pitch. About a million years ago, the common ancestor of Neanderthals7尼安德特人,一种在大约12万到3万年前居住在欧洲及西亚的古人类,属于晚期智人的一种。尼安德特人头骨化石最初在1829年发现于比利时,但是直到1856年在德国的尼安德特山谷中的一个山洞发现了头盖骨和其他骨骼,并被命名为尼安德特人(Homo neanderthalensis)后才广为人知。and modern humans had the vocal anatomy8anatomy(动植物的)结构。to “sing” like us, but it’s impossible to know if they did.

[5] Another important component of music is rhythm. Our early ancestors may have created rhythmic music by clapping their hands. This may be linked to the earliest musical instruments,when somebody realized that smacking9smack打。stones or sticks together doesn’t hurt your hands as much. Many of these instruments are likely to have been made from soft materials like wood or reeds,and so haven’t survived. What have sur-vived are bone pipes. Some of the earliest ever found are made from swan and vulture10wing bones and are between 39,000 and 43,000 years old. Other ancient instruments have been found in surprising places. For example, there is evidence that people struck stalactites11stalactite钟乳石。or “rock gongs12gong锣。” in caves dating from 12,000 years ago, with the caves themselves acting as resonators13resonator共鸣器。for the sound.

[6] So, we know that music is old,and may have been with us from when humans first evolved. But why did it arise and why has it persisted? There are many possible functions for music.One is dancing. It is unknown if the first dancers created a musical accompaniment, or if music led to people moving rhythmically. Another obvious reason for music is entertainment, which can be personal or communal14com-munal公有的。. Music can also be used for communication, often over large distances, using instruments such as drums or horns. Yet another reason for music is ritual, and virtually every religion uses music.



[7] However,the major reason that music arose and persists may be that it brings people together. “Music leads to bonding, such as bonding between mother and child or bonding between groups,”explains Montagu. “Music keeps workers happy when doing repetitive and otherwise boring work, and helps everyone to move together, increasing the force of their work. Dancing or singing together before a hunt or warfare binds participants into a cohesive group.” He concludes: “It has even been suggested that music, in causing such bonding,created not only the family but society itself, bringing individuals together who might otherwise have led solitary lives.” ■



10 vulture秃鹰。“音乐具有联络感情的作用,比如使母子或族群之间建立亲密关系。”蒙塔古解释道,“音乐能够让那些从事重复单调劳动的人们感到愉悦,有助于协同作业并增强干劲儿。在狩猎或战争之前载歌载舞,能够增强大家的凝聚力。”他最后说:“人们甚至认为音乐的联结作用不仅创造了家庭还创造了社会本身,它把可能孤独过活的个体聚集到了一起。” □

