

世界建筑 2016年9期

路培/LU Pei

黄华青 译/Translated by HUANG Huaqing


Interview with Klaus Fischer

路培/LU Pei

黄华青 译/Translated by HUANG Huaqing



1 慧鱼集团总裁克劳斯·费舍尔/Klaus Fischer, the president of fischer

2 慧鱼总部,位于德国黑森林地区的图木岭/fischer Headquarters in Tumlingen, Germany

WA: 从1958年慧鱼发明的第一枚尼龙锚栓开始,到2015年最新推出的DUOPOWER(塑料制双组件锚栓),慧鱼建筑锚固系统至今经历了将近60年的发展,共研发出14000多款产品。您作为慧鱼集团的第二代领导人和公司不断发展壮大的见证者,在您看来,慧鱼之所以取得今天的成就,其背后的原因有哪些?




WA: 由德国提出的“工业4.0”战略,已在全球范围内引发了新一轮的工业转型竞赛。自动化向来是德国制造业的强项,德国在信息技术方面也有着不俗的实力。慧鱼一直以来注重产品的多样化,并可以为客户提供个性化的产品解决方案,这在一定程度上符合工业4.0的标准。作为一名富有远见的企业家,为更好地迎接甚至引领工业4.0时代,您认为慧鱼应该做好哪些准备?


WA: 众所周知,建筑行业是个发展相对滞后的行业,若干年来,人们对建筑的要求长久以来无非局限在“坚固、适用、美观”这三点上。随着全球气候变暖,人们对建筑行业节能减排的呼声愈发强烈。建筑,作为人类生产生活的基本物质载体和最大的终端能耗部门,如何在建材生产这一初始环节尽可能减少能源消耗,对整个地球的生态环境和人类社会有着非常重要的意义。作为建材行业的领军者,可否请您谈谈您对环保事业的看法,以及慧鱼是如何在日复一日的生产中履行“节能减排”的目标的?





WA: 有赖于优秀的产品和可靠的质量,慧鱼建筑锚固系统在中国建筑市场享有较高的知名度和良好的口碑。本刊记者也是通过这次到访慧鱼集团总部,才有机会亲身体会到慧鱼的企业文化,并对慧鱼旗下的其他业务有了更多了解和直观印象。请问,您是否打算在中国市场扩大除建筑锚固系统以外的其他三大业务(汽车储物系统、创意组合模型和以流程体系专业知识为基础的咨询顾问服务)?




WA: “创新”是慧鱼的三大核心价值之一,创新意味着开拓、从无到有;“流程管理”对慧鱼的重要性同样不言而喻,是公司得以持续改善的保障,流程管理的内涵包括规范化、系统化。请问您如何理解这二者之间的关系?

4 应用慧鱼产品的北京南站项目/Beijing South Railway Station

5 应用慧鱼产品的沙特阿拉伯圣地清真寺项目/Haram Mosque in Saudi-Arabia

6 慧鱼锚固系统产品/fischer fixing systems portfolio

7 慧鱼MEP系统解决方案(机械、电子和管道安装系统)/ fischer SaMontec installation systems


3 慧鱼总部锚固系统工厂/fischer production site in Tumlingen,Germany

Founded in 1948, the German company fischer is world famous for its fixing systems in the construction industry. In 1997, fischer established a branch in China with the opening of the production site in Taicang, Jiangsu province. fischer has obtained so far great achievement in Chinese market with its comprehensive and outstanding fixing systems solution during its development of nearly 20 years in China; meanwhile, fischer China has grown into the fischer's fourth-largest branch in the business area of fixing systems. In recent years, the fixing products of fischer were not only applied in the world-known building projects such as National Stadium "Bird's Nest", Shanghai World Expo Axis, Shanghai Formula One Race Track, Shanghai Disneyland and Novartis R & D Center, but also in Chinese infrastructure as well as industrial facilities, for example, Three Gorges Hydropower Station Tianjin-Beijing High Speed Rail,Shanghai Subway No.4 Line, Guiyang-Guangzhou High Speed Rail tunnels and etc.

Lately, we were honoured to have the opportunity of doing a written interview with Mr. Klaus Fischer, the president and CEO of fischer.

WA: From the first invention of the nylon plug in 1958 to the current DUOPOWER in 2015, fischer has almost 60 years of experience in the fixing industry with over 14,000 fixing products. You are the head of corporation in the second generation and you have witnessed the rapid growth of the company, in your opinion, how was fischer able to reach these proud achievements? What are the reasons for your success?

Klaus Fischer (KF): The biggest capital and the most important factor for success in our company are the employees – not the plants and buildings. Thanks to our well-trained and highly motivated people, who practically work as entrepreneurs in our enterprise, we develop innovative products in all divisions. We developed a company mission statement as early as the 1980s, which was procured through an intense process between the employees together with senior staff and which corresponds to our philosophy with three central values: innovative,responsible, respectable.

The aim is clear: to generate profit. Economy,ecology and social responsibility are the three pillars on which the sustainable development of our company is founded. The fischer ProcessSystem concerns topics such as "continuous improvement", "avoiding waste" and "lifelong learning" as well as numerous health initiatives that are important components that contribute to our company's success.

Our continuous internationalisation in the Asian market in particular increases our added value. In this sense we will be opening a new subsidiary in the Philippines at the end of the year,with more to follow. In China we are represented by 328 employees across three production sites,a purchasing organisation and 16 sales offices. In order to ensure the sustainable success of our sites we consider local conditions and develop a range of products that is adapted to the respective market.This has resulted in our successful partnership with Asia's largest furniture manufacturer for example,the OPPEIN Group in Guangzhou. In addition,our fixing systems have been used in important construction projects in China such as Wuhan Wanda Plaza and the Nanjing New Town Science & Technology Park.

WA: The Industry 4.0 strategy is a German development which runs in a new phase of industrial transformation in the global market. In Germany, automation has always been a force of the manufacturing industry, while German information technology is also in good shape. fischer focuses on the diversification of products and is able to offer its customers custom product solutions, already corresponding in part to the standards of Industry 4.0. As a visionary entrepreneur, which preparations do you think fischer should make in order to be prepared and even a leading force in the Industry 4.0 era?

KF: Industry 4.0 is a very important topic for us,too. When it comes to the consolidation between the virtual world and the real world within Industry 4.0 we are able to perform confidently. We can already show a thing or two in our company. Our fischer ProcessSystem has provided great support here too, forming a basis for all our activities with Industry 4.0. Our sector-wide project team has already launched concrete pilot projects in order to advance its useful application within our company.

WA: As is universally known, the building industry is behind in comparison with the development of other industries. For years, the requirements set for building are reduced to "firmness", "utility" and "beauty". In light of global warming, people are placing more and more value on saving energy and reducing CO2emissions in this industry. Because buildings are feedstock fuels and the most energy-intensive sector of the people, it is important to reduce energy use during production of building materials as much as possible for the good of human society and for earth's ecological environment. Could you please share your views on the protection of the environment as the market leader in the building material industry? And how does fischer achieve the goal of saving energy and reducing emissions on a daily basis?

KF: Our fischer ProcessSystem has been a significant part of sustainable corporate management since 2000. Avoiding waste plays a particularly important role in this context. In doing so we do not simply restrict ourselves to individual measures such as saving energy during the injection moulding of our synthetic materials. Here, we also take a futureorientated approach. The German Zukunftsinstitut("Institute for the Future") in Frankfurt am Main has defined various megatrends of the future, for example. From this we have deducted the four megatrends to urbanisation, mobility, neo-ecology and Silver Society as focal points for our company's strategy. The neo-ecology megatrend forms a link to fischer's sustainability management. Sustainability projects which have already been implemented are explicitly accounted and documented.

This has resulted in the stations of the socalled "blue path" which is continuously being expanded. It shows successful business solutions that have contributed to sustainable savings across various levels. For example, we have been able to significantly reduce the use of oil by cleansing it, simultaneously improving the processes in metalwork. The stations of the "blue path" are intended to promote and continuously develop sustainability in our employee's consciousness.

In addition, there will be regular training sessions on sustainability in all divisions.

We must avoid waste in all aspects of our lives. The construction of the future is based on using as few resources and fossil fuels as possible and on recyclability and avoiding emissions. Which is why we are about to redefine the future of living. The aktivhäuser ("active houses") which we are developing along with a team of architects and the building engineer Prof. Werner Sobek are made completely from recyclable materials that are simply assembled without being glued. Therefore, they can be disassembled at any time without residue. We are thereby setting new standards for modular construction and for sustainability. We are also contributing to the topic of sustainability with our greenline range. It is the first line of products in the world that features fixing products made of mostly vegetable raw materials.

WA: fischer fixing systems are well-known in the Chinese market, with a good reputation thanks to the excellent products and reliable quality. As journalists we were able to personally experience fischer's company culture. In addition, we were able to develop a better understanding and an intuitive impression of the various divisions during our visit. Aside from fixing systems, do you have any intentions of expanding into the Chinese market with the other three divisions (automotive systems,fischertechnik and fischer Consulting)?

KF: fischer automotive systems has been represented by its own Chinese production subsidiary for many years, and thanks to its technical knowhow it faces good opportunities for growth in the Chinese market. We will double the revenue in the Middle Kingdom by 2020. fischer not only produces for German and American car manufacturers in China, but also successfully supplies the manufacturer of the Denza electric car. We are currently expanding our Taicang site with the construction of a further production hall.

fischertechnik has also been represented in Taicang since 1998. Our main target group is the teaching material and high school sector, which utilise our construction kits as a creative method for teaching the foundations of science-orientated principals.

fischer Consulting has established itself as a reputable business consultancy in Germany and continues its internationalisation. This year,fischer Consulting's first overseas subsidiary was founded in Italy. China is also proving to be an attractive market for process optimisations with our fischer ProcessSystem, as we have already realised several projects with our Chinese colleagues in the mechanical engineering sector.

WA: Innovation is one of fischer's three core values. Innovation signifies a new beginning. Process management is just as important for fischer, as it enables the company to continuously improve. The connotations of process management include standardisation and systematisation. How do you interpret the relationship between the two?

KF: There is no improvement without standards,otherwise there wouldn't be a benchmark for comparison. While we would be able to carry out changes without these standards, we wouldn't be able to know whether they are improving. We need standards as a basis in order to optimise the organisation as a whole and in order to guarantee the resilience and agility of the processes. fischer isn't dogmatic in the transfer of its tools onto other systems, but it sees the entire systems as a composition of eight principles which apply to every process: transparency, added value, flow,synchronisation, process orientation, elimination of errors, flexibility and continuous improvement. The well-known Lean Tools are a result of these principles.

8 位于德国内卡河霍尔普的慧鱼汽车储物系统工厂/fischerautomotive systems production site in Horb am Neckar, Germany

9 慧鱼创意组合模型/fische fischer)


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