

世界建筑 2016年9期


Architects: 100s+1 Studio


Xiang Jing + Qu Guangci Sculpture Studio, Beijing , China, 2013


Architects: 100s+1 Studio





我们在设计中一直强调的诸如室内与室外、工作室与院落、建筑与自然环境之间的关系,从某种意义上也是对中国传统建筑,尤其园林营造中“移步换景”“造景”“借景”等设计方式的学习和借鉴。(彭乐乐 文)

1 东立面/East facade

2 南立面/South facade

The Xiang Jing + Qu Guangci Sculpture Studio, which was designed by us, is functionally comprehensive and complex when compared with the other studios which we have designed. The studio, whose floor area ratio is almost 2.0, has the greatest density among the studios that we have built in Songzhuang. To achieve the relationship between the building and the environments at such densities, the relationship between architecture and nature as well as the relationship between life experiences in the spaces we design (such as in the studios and landscape maintenance), was naturally taken into consideration. Based on this intention,we adopted some methods which originated from the establishment of our own studio: making the building open and having a harmonious, close relation with its surroundings.

Our design concept for the studio includes a series of "themed" paths attached to the main building. These include outdoor stairs, corridors,rest pavilions, and roof gardens placed at different elevations. These paths mark the barrier between public and private, as they can be accessible to the public and limited at the same time. With regard to the building's structure, the hollowed-out brick masonry not only creates a unique environment with sunlight and shadow, but also plays a role in transitioning between the public spaces and the private spaces.

Highlights of our design for this studio: We sited the "mountain-like" building to the northwest to reduce constriction in the courtyard and to obtain better lighting and ventilation. By taking advantage of the "mountain-like" form, we designed a threedimensional path which begins in the ground level courtyard in the southeastern corner and terminates at the large roof courtyard. This path,passing through corridors at different elevation levels, indoor and outdoor stairs, pools, rocks,flowers, and trees, allows visitors to experience feelings of both nihilism and existence, and visibility and invisibility. The path is also diversified further

WA: 从百子甲壹以往的设计作品可知,您对砖这种材料似乎有着特别的偏爱。您如何理解砖在当代设计中的文化性与传统性?

彭乐乐:砖的传统性和文化性已经有大量古今中外的经典实例得以说明,砖作为传统材料除了有共性的砌筑方式以外,还会有不同地域因地理、气候、风俗、信仰等不同而导致的特殊构造措施。“因地制宜”地对待砖材料是我们的设计态度,其实,在当代设计中并不需要我们去创造传统材料的构造,而是去发现所需要的传统构造,并加以巧妙应用。另一方面,红砖房子在建国后几十年间的大量建成,给在这期间出生的人留下了很深的生活记忆;同时在现今建筑工程越来越倚重机械化的情况下,砖砌体保留了更多人工的成分,会唤起人们对手工、对工匠的亲切感,唤起对过往时代的记忆。还有一个事实: 目前在大多数的农村地区,红砖砌房子还在广泛应用,其主要原因是砖具有经济性、模数化以及人们熟悉的传统砌筑方法等优点。可见,砖在当代设计中并不是建筑师的创意,而是建立在对传统文化研究和砖砌技艺传承基础之上,应和每一个新建筑,选择适合的构造,建造出真实表达当下的生存体验和感觉的建筑,这样的作品才具有当代性,才是鲜活而有生命力的设计。WA: 作为北京三大当代艺术圈之一的宋庄,其文脉特征可以用实验性、混乱甚至草根来形容。坐落于此的向京+瞿广慈雕塑工作室,在设计上是如何考虑与周边环境对话的?砖在其中起着怎样的作用?彭乐乐:向京+瞿广慈雕塑工作室是我们在宋庄完成的艺术家工作室设计项目之一。宋庄是由老村落和新规划的艺术区组成,老村落由一家一户的单层院落组成,老村的建筑材料基本上是红砖。老村落和艺术家工作室的共同点是自建,材料经济、空间好用是最基本的需求。从2006年开始,我们在宋庄盖第一个艺术家工作室以来,有一个明显的趋势,宋庄发展的速度非常快,地少人多,建筑密度就越来越大,这是到目前为止,我们在宋庄盖的工作室中密度最高的一栋艺术家工作室,容积率达到了2.0。如何在高容积率的前提下,也能生活、工作在有自然环境的庭院里,是我们设计必须解决的问题。我们让建筑与环境的关系由平面展开转为立体穿插,设定空中路径连接室内外空间。成片的红砖房组成的老村落在先,我们设计时场地周围已经建好的艺术家工作室都是红砖房子,再考虑到红砖的价格以及建造和维护成本较低,小型施工队对砖的砌筑方法也最为熟悉,用红砖是我们最自然的选择。在这里,红砖墙作为承重的同时,在需要的位置,采用透空砌筑,空砌的部分避免视线的干扰,降低了阳光的直射,创造了不同的空间体验。

WA: 质朴是该项目给人的第一印象,质朴则来源于构造逻辑的真实和材料的真实。您如何看待当下越来越普遍的饰面砖?


项目信息/Credits and Data

位置/Location: 北京通州宋庄/Songzhuang, Tongzhou,Beijing

功能/Program: 雕塑工作室、展厅、主人居住、助手公寓、仓库等/Sculpture studio, exhibition hall, owner's residence, assistant's apartment, warehouse and etc.

项目建筑师/Project Architects: 彭乐乐,曾仁臻,杨光,凌琳/PENG Lele, ZENG Renzhen, YANG Guang, LING Lin

项目主要材料/Material: 红砖/Red brick

场地面积/Site Area: 1721m2

基底面积/Building Area: 1257m2

建筑面积/Floor Area: 3406m2

设计时间/Design Period: 2012.02 – 2012.06

建造时间/Construction Period: 2012.07 – 2013.07

3 首层平面/Floor 0 plan1-向京雕塑工作室/Xiangjing sculpture studio2-翟广慈雕塑工作室/Zhaiguangci sculpture studio3-多功能厅/Multi-function hall4-主展厅/Main exhibition hall5-副展厅/Side exhibition hall6-翻制间/Duplication studio7-打磨间/Polish studio8-仓库/Storage9-卫生间/Toilet10-厨房兼餐厅/Kitchen and dining room11-消防车道/Fire lane12-地面庭院/Courtyard on the ground floor13-水池/Pond14-休闲平台/Terrace

摄影/Photos: 曾仁臻/ZENG Renzhen

by spacing and unevenness in connection with the skylights, rest pavilions and other functional spaces. Simultaneously, the path includes all exhibition rooms and studios in which visitors may stop to pay attention. At this time, a relation similar to the mutual co-existence between the "hills" and "caves" of "Huanxiu Valley" comes into view.

We hope to realize a configuration that allows exhibition spaces to open onto the outdoors,allowing exhibits to integrate themselves into the natural environment. Typically, the exhibits are sculptures, so this makes possible this exposure to the environment. The fuzzy relationship between buildings and the outdoors was designed to highlight and focus the attention on the sculptures.

During the design process, we always focused on the relationship between indoor space and outdoor space, as well as the relationship between the built and natural environment. To some extent,this sensibility originates from traditional Chinese gardens, including "movement of steps and shift of scenes", and "creation of scenes". (Text by PENG Lele)

7 二层屋面庭院/Terrace on the 2nd floor

5 东立面/East elevation

6 剖面/Section

4 三层屋面庭院看员工公寓/Staff apartment, view from the terrace on the 3rd floor

8 三层屋面大庭院/Great terrace on the 3rd floor

9 二层屋面庭院/Terrace on the 2nd floor

WA: From past projects by 100s + 1 Studio, it seems that you like bricks as a construction material. What is your understanding of the role they play in carrying culture and tradition in contemporary design?

PENG Lele: Brick as a medium for culture and tradition has been illustrated by a large number of ancient and modern examples. In addition to its more common use in construction, there are unique architectural features displayed in different regions, arising from differences in geographical location, climate, customs, religion, and so on. "Localization" is our design approach to brick. In fact, contemporary design does not need us to create a new structure with traditional materials but rather to find the traditional structure needed and aptly apply it. For instance, red brick houses were built in large numbers in the decades following the founding of our nation and have become a keen memory for people born in that period. On the other hand, as current construction projects are relying more and more on machines, brick structures retain more artisanship and will remind people of handcrafts and craftsmen, as well as the past. Another fact is, at present in most of the rural areas, red brick houses are still widely used. Brick has the advantages of being economical and customizable,and people are familiar with the traditional ways to work with it. It can be said that using brick in contemporary design is not the architect's invention but a heritage from our cultural tradition and art of brickwork. Tailoring each new building, selecting the most suitable structure, and constructing projects that reflect true life experiences concurrent to our time—only then will works echo our era that are vital and vibrant.

WA: Songzhuang art village, as one of the three major contemporary art circles in Beijing, can be described as experimental, variegated, and even grassroots in its contextual characteristics. How did you take into consideration the resonance with the surrounding environment in the design of Xiang Jing + Qu Guangci Sculpture Studio there? What role does brick play?

PENG Lele: Xiang Jing + Qu Guangci Sculpture Studio is one of the design projects we completed for the art studios in Songzhuang. Songzhuang is composed of both the old village and the newly planned art district. The old village is composed of individual courtyards for single-family residences,which are mainly made from red bricks. The old village and the artists' studios are both built in a self-help way, so affordable material and good space usage are essential. Since the first art studiowe built in Songzhuang in the beginning of 2006,a clear trend in Songzhuang is fast developing. With more people and less land, building density is getting greater. Xiang Jing + Qu Guangci is the studio with the highest building density we have constructed in Songzhuang with the floor area ratio reaching 2.0. The problem that must be solved in the design is how to live and work in a courtyard with huge building volume while still being able to enjoy nature. We shift the interplay between building and environment from a plane layout to threedimensional interspersed, using overhead routes to connect indoor and outdoor spaces. The old village consists of red brick houses, as do finished studios around the site. Considering the price of red brick,its relatively low construction and maintenance costs, and that a small construction team is familiar with its masonry, it is our most natural choice. Here, the red brick wall is not just for support. Hollow bricklaying is also used in needed locations to shield out sight and reduce direct sunlight, which creates a different sense of space.

WA: Purity in form is the first impression conveyed by the project, and this purity comes from the honesty of construction logic and of the material used. How do you look at the increasing use of brick veneer?

PENG Lele: Indeed, purity depends on the honesty of construction logic and of the material used. It is to see and preserve the essence and to recover the originality. Choosing the material is inseparable from the design motivation and purpose. On a dayto-day basis, people talk about materials in general to understand their specific properties and to grasp their varied possibilities. After that, people will apply their understanding to practical engineering situations. Each material has a purpose to serve in design logic and also a creativeness in its special application outside the norm. In a specific project,only after the selection of appropriate materials and construction methods will the discussion of decorative brick be meaningful. The emergence of modern construction has separated brick from its load-bearing function and as an enclosing structure. Brick in practice is used more and more as infill walls and is gradually becoming a new decorative skin. In this sense, brick and veneer are not different. The increasingly widespread application of decorative brick at present is consistent with the rapid pace of construction. It reflects society's needs for buildings – not the individual's needs or the architect's standard on building quality.

10 三层员工公寓北侧内走廊/Corridor in the staff apartment

11 副展厅/Side exhibition hall

12 翟广慈工作室室内/Interior view, Zhaiguangci sculpture studio

13 向京工作室室内/Interior view, Xiangjing sculpture studio





FAN Lu: The highlight of the project of Xiangjing & Qu Guangci Sculpture Studio is the setup of a stereoscopic garden. The studio building block could be regarded as a "mountain" sitting at the northwest of the site. It keeps setting back from each floor,providing a series of roof terraces. And those terraces are connected by constantly changeable paths making a unity of the interior and the exterior, and courtyards and terraces. Regarding tectonics, the use of porous red bricks to build walls is key to obtain the effect of screens or windows or parapets, and keep the building volume integrated. Last but not the least, they function as a kind of notation, signifying the spatial layout of the hanging garden.

DUO Ning: Situated at Songzhuang, Beijing, this artist studio is a typical building in red brick with a garden. With introversive architectural form,complex streamline design and a spatial experience aspired by architects in sight view, motion, livability and entertainment, the building is destined to be difficult to feel in picture and vision sense but to be experienced before judgment.The spatial aesthetics of Chinese gardens stems from the abstract nature, while the aesthetics of contemporary red brick gardens, if it is indeed a genre, is made further abstract on the basis of classical gardens. Such multi-layered abstraction is a challenge to the audience demanding whether his own experience in garden traveling is sourced from the restored natural feelings or out of social desirability accepted by sub-consciousness.


不断改变,不断进步 参观KEF展厅后随笔
吉祥猫事务所 红砖楼的秘密