

世界建筑 2016年9期


Architects: Rafael de La-Hoz Arquitectos


Daoíz y Velarde Cultural Center, Madrid, Spain, 2013


Architects: Rafael de La-Hoz Arquitectos

文化中心项目的核心在于对旧军事兵营的改造,这些营房是前La Maestranza炮兵营区的一部分,其中也包含了道伊斯和贝拉尔德的营房。







在这个文化中心的建筑项目当中,建筑师希望寻求的是新与旧之间的中庸之道。概念上来说,它的目的在于尊重现有建筑的精髓部分,以对空间和光作为主体的改造手法,竭力将对这部分建筑的干预和改动最小化。 (陈茜 译)

1 外景/Exterior view

项目信息/Credits and data

客户/Client: 马德里市政厅艺术管理局/Madrid City Council, Government Area of Arts

建筑用途/Building's Purpuse: 文化中心/Cultural Center

建筑面积/Usable Floor Area: 6850m2

地上建筑面积/Floor Area above ground: 3063m2

砖材类型/Brick Type: 粘土砖,饰面砖/Clay blocks, facing bricks

建筑材料造价/Material Cost: $12,839,715.98(含税/ including VAT)

建造周期/Construction Period: 2007.01 – 2013.10

摄影/Photos: Alfonso Quiroga

The project consists in refurbishing old military barracks which were part of the former artillery quartering of La Maestranza including the barracks of Daoíz y Velarde.

Designed with the aim of respecting the basic geometry of the building, the construction system enables the existing truss as well as the metal pillars of the building to remain suspended in the air while it is emptied and the rest of the interior of the building is completed.

The trapeizodal floor plan, the existing brick-built facades and the industrial structure of metal profiles of the saw-tooth roof of the building's envelope have been respected. A high-tech roof has been developed to take the best advantage of natural light and ventilation and to create a microclimate inside.

The interior of the building has been emptied and separated by an intermediate space. A new concrete building is divided into different levels, with two added basement plan floors. An additional volume reaches out from the roof, like a lantern. This new volume will become a stage box for a small theatre.

The inside building contains two main halls at the center and all necessary annexes to develop activities derived from it. A place for meeting,information and exhibitions, which works as a covered agora, as if the square outside extended into the building. The complex will thus be interrelated with the exterior public spaces.

The intermediate separation between the former and the new building has been maintained for different purposes: (1) Highlighting the original structure of the refurbished former building. (2)Using this space as a buffer zone, a natural filter and protection of the cultural complex, thus obtaining greater energy efficiency and (3) Optimizing the distance between halls and providing an easier access to the visitors.

The materials of the building are: (1) Bricks on the walls. Thorough treatment has been performed to restore the original appearance of its walls. (2) Laminated steel and laminated glass for the carpentry of doors and windows. (3)Reinforced concrete, used as a base material for the construction of the new interior building. (4) Metal panels of zinc for the roof and the stage box.

The architecture project of the Cultural Center is halfway between the new and the existing. Conceptually, it aims at respecting the essence of the building, which implies a minimum intervention where space and light play the most important part.

2 改造后的立面/View of the old building and the new theater hall3 首层平面/Floor 0 plan

4 内景/Interior view

5 竖向交通示意/Schematic diagram of staircase




WANG Lifang: It is rational to clearly keep and tidily extend the buildings. You can find the succinct interlacing of the stage box and the zigzag-shaped roof.The selection of material for the indoor cement base is appropriate.

Due to the lightness of the top, the overall impression of the brick building is eliminated. In local sector, the merely emptiness of indoor room has expelled the solid sense of uniformity that the corners,pilasters and shear wall might express. The remained brick wall looks thin. Between the old and new buildings,there is no exciting point of contrast and tension.

There shall be bizarre space inside the brick buildings, for it is too simple to direct connect spaces. Considering the function of viewing performance,there shall at least be a huge room penetrating the depth of the brick building step by step, so as to break the homogenization of the height.

Equally distributed light is applied in the building. The lighting of the zigzag-shaped roof might be more suitable for barracks, but lack of cultural meaning for cultural center. The interior light environment of the old brick building is characterized by the changeable lighting,which will be attractive when used in the cultural center.

The brick building is simply viewed as the brick surface.


GUO Hai'an: As a renovation project, the Daoíz y Velarde Cultural Center shows a clear contrast between the old construction and the new addition. The building retains its original exterior appearance, which retains the memory of the old streets. To preserve the existing brick all, two wise choices were taken. One was the choice of concrete as chief material in both the basement of the new addition and the foundation reinforcement of the old brick wall, so that the two parts form a seamless transition. The other choice was the logical selection of the steel truss structure,complementing the brickwork and lightly connecting to the old wall. The exact design decisions made here are quite important, and should be studied and considered as a case study for similar renovations of old buildings in China.

6 内景/Interior view7.8 新旧建筑语言的对比/Contrast between two distinct architectural languages9 纵剖面/Longitudinal section10 东立面/East elevation11 西立面/West elevation12 北立面/North elevation


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