

世界建筑 2016年9期


Architects: SuperLimão Studio


Category Winner in Re-Use: Marília Project, São Paulo, Brazil, 2013


Architects: SuperLimão Studio







建筑原有的大片墙体保证了很高的热惰性,将此特点与交叉通风相结合,便创造出舒适而令人愉悦的室内空间。(陈茜 译)

1 外景/Exterior view2 首层平面/Floor 0 plan3 砖墙/Brick wall4 入口/Entrance5 内景/Interior view6 纵剖面/Longitudinal section

项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client: Marcos Salotto

设计团队/Design Team: Lula Gouveia, ThiagoRodrigues,Antonio Carlos Figueira de Mello, Sergio Cabral (SuperLimão Studio)

合作方/Collaborators: JanZiober, Luiz Felipe Saes, Marcelo Rebelo, Luciana Uras

结构支持/Structural Reinforcement: SuperLimão Studio and Ricardo Zulkes

钢结构/Steel Structure: ExataEngenharia

加建结构/Additional Projects: Dlameza Engenharia de Projetos

建造与项目管理/Construction and Management: SuperLimão Studio

混凝土地面/Concrete Floor: Concresteel

木工/Joinery: Marcenaria Baru and MarcenariaImagil

木材修复/Wood Restoration: Guri Restauros

砌块、铺地与木料修复/Masonry, Flooring and Joinery Restoration: Antonio Rosendio Amorim

建筑用途/Building's Purpose: 办公空间/Office space

建筑面积/Usable Floor Area: 450m2

砖材类型/Brick Type: 当地砖材再利用/Re-used bricks from the area

建造周期/Construction Period: 2010.02 – 2013.12

摄影/Photos: Maíra Acayaba

The history of this house, located a few meters from Paulista Avenue. Modest in proportions compared to the big houses in the region however rich in details, it has undergone for several reforms over its almost one century of existence.

A small survivor in the region where today is impregnated of high towers with glass facades. Because we decided to maintain the house to adapt the small-compartmentalized areas of the house to its new commercial purposes, we decided to unify the spaces. Creating large spaces that can be closed according to the client's need, thus giving great flexibility to the space. This changes demanded big structural interventions. Therefore we defined that all the interventions would be explicit to show the contrast between the new and the old.

The demolition of the poorly exploited areas aloud the construction of two floors. These were building respecting the new setbacks, which has created a pyramidal volume. Thus all the spaces have direct access to generous terraces.

During the excavation for the foundations, beautiful foundations made of large bricks were found. This space was tapped as technical area for the electrical and hydraulic installations also the elevator hound house and a new underground floor.

Due to the old age of the house in masonry,it was chosen to create an independent steel structure as an exoskeleton to transfers the new loads direct to the new foundations, which were literally build under the existing house. In cases where the walls were compromised different restoration technics were used, such external beans connecting bolts. They compress the walls and prevent them to collapse like a house of cards. This is a widely used technique in medieval restoration in Italy.

Beyond reuse almost all the existent material,the prefabricated structure reduced dramatically the production of rubble, consequently energetic costs and CO2emission with transportation.

The original large walls guarantee a huge thermal inertia, when it allies with cross ventilation they create a pleasant space.

7 露台/Terrace


约翰·阿里:马里利亚办公楼项目在重新利用旧建筑残余部分来创造崭新生活环境的处理上,探寻到了一种出色的解决方式。得益于现存的建筑构造,从头设计所不可能具有的、非同寻常的自由感受诞生出来。设计师珍视现存建筑具有的可能性,这表现在不同侧面:旧建筑具有的热学性能、温暖而质朴的特征,以及经济考量。我想以下可能是我们当今需要面对的最大挑战之一:重新利用我们所拥有的东西,从这里出发,继而去重新创造我们的新世界。令人欣赏的是这个项目对更广泛的周围环境产生影响的方式。砖是作为现有部分被保留下来的,因此他们增加的仅仅是轻质材料。借助这种方式,新与旧的并置以一种自由、美观、充满幽默感的新式样呈现出来。它甚至将周围的巨构塔楼都变得温馨美好起来。(陈茜 译)

Jury Statement

Johan Anrys: The Marília Project has found a beautiful way of reusing the remnants of an old building to create a generous new living environment.Thanks to the existing fabric, extraordinary freedoms were found that would not have been possible when building from scratch. The designers valued the potential of the existing building, its different aspects: the thermal capacity an old building has, its warm and rustic character and the economic aspect. I think this is one of the big challenges that we have to face, the reuse of what we have and, from there, the reinvention of our new world. What is nice is how the project affects even the broader environment. Brick is the existing part that has been kept, so what they added was only light material. This way, the old and new come together in a very free, beautiful new style full of humour. It makes even the huge tower buildings around it warmer and better.




ZHANG Lei: The renovation object of the project was a brick house built in 1915. In the next 100 years or so,it underwent several transformations. The red brick masonry of the building, in designerss eyes, appeared to be an important carrier of the multiple historic memories about it. History might be the past, the present or even the future. The timeline of architecture is designed to be transparent in accordance with visual elements and organizational logic, with intentional exhibition and continuity. Owing to functional requirements, the dissociated,embedded or covered enveloping components on the external part of the brick wall, unexceptionally,are designed in pure and transparent industrial form,including carefully-arranged equipment pipelines. The overlaps between the newly built part and the brick wall are maintained to show the dialectical visual relationship between "the past" and "the present", as well as "the foreground" and "the background". In restructuring the building, the architects obtained a deduced time logic of transparency in a more abstract and secret way. The result is a heavy steel-framed volume, visually giving way to remained masonry part.


DUO Ning: The case is an exemplar that recycles an old building to form a new type of spatial structure. The designer has established a clear relationship between the original brick walls and the new structure,the intersection of which has created the impressive spatial diversity. The most remarkable point lies in the completed appearance of the project as a spontaneous urban scene, i.e. a separate structure, cascaded terrains and external equipments provide the office building with a sense of disorder for the owner to independently build. Such seemingly wild vitality, in a contrast with the precision of control, has ultimately achieved a sense of balance full of tension.

8 内景/Interior view 9 相互交织的新旧材料/Old and new materials joining together


Roommate is necessary when far away from home