

世界建筑 2016年9期


Architects: Onion


Sala Ayutthaya, Ayutthaya, Thailand, 2014


Architects: Onion

1 砖墙/Brick walls





这座精品酒店最初的目标客户群是年轻夫妇。而最终出现的情况则是它成为了一家颇受家庭欢迎的酒店,从青少年到他们的祖父母、以及带着许多孩子的重组家庭,都很享受在此度过假期。(徐知兰 译)

2 起伏墙面上的投影/The shadows cast on the wavy walls

"The architects of this building also deserve recognition. Rarely have we experienced a more carefully thoughtout spatial concept. They really thought of everything. Hats off to them for this achievement," writes a guest from Munich about his stay at this new hotel in Ayutthaya, the old capital of the kingdom of Siam. The complex encompasses 12 suites, which line up along an L-shaped site and are interspersed with stepped flooded terraces, tree courts, sitting alcoves and a swimming pool. The entrance is an inconspicuous iron door set in a long,windowless street facade.

The architects made use of the regional building tradition, utilizing handmade bricks in order to give the walls nuanced color and sculptural shadows.They drew inspiration from the marvelous buildings of the Phutthai Sawan temple, built in 1353, which stands directly across from the Sala Ayutthaya on the south bank of the Chao Phraya River. Its architecture, especially when seen at sunrise and sunset, is particularly impressive, thanks to its beautiful proportions. The architects tried to imagine what it would be like to look behind those massive walls.

The fundamental idea behind their design lies in the striking contrast between the smooth white walls of the gabled buildings housing the suites and the curving brick side walls that run alongside the long, narrow courtyard passages. The effect is owed not so much to the wall itself but rather to the constantly changing light on the surface of the bricks. These rhythmic curved contours are characteristic of Thai art, familiar with traditional jewellery elements, textile patterns and even dance forms. At two o'clock in the afternoon the shadows cast by the offset courtyard walls meet on the brick slips of the floor – creating a temporal image of the sweeping curves.

In designing the brick walls the architects did not use a computer, but drew all the plans by hand. After that, everything depended on the skill of the brick layers. When the building was finished, its surface structure resembled interwoven stones, dynamic and alive. There are various bond patterns for the brick masonry: those used in solid wall panels, of course,which snugly enclose the rooms, but also those with open vertical joints between bricks, which allow light through the slits into the baths. The architects designed different patterns for the bonding so as to create a striking depth in the texture wherever the patterns dovetailed. This is clearly seen, for example,in the wall that screens the pool suite. "This project has taught us that there are no limits to the design possibilities when you use handmade bricks," explain the architects. Every stone is unique.

Originally this boutique hotel was intended to be used by young couples. What eventually emerged,however, was a family hotel, in which holiday makers ranging from teenagers with their grandparents to patchwork families with lots of children can enjoy their vacation.

3 砖墙、水池和客房/The brick wall, pool and guest room

项目信息/Credits and Data

业主/Client: 萨拉度假酒店集团/Sala Resort Group

建筑用途/Building's Purpose: 精品酒店/Boutique hotel

建筑面积/Usable Floor Area: 3500m2

砖材类型/Brick Type: 饰面砖,粘土砖/Facing bricks, clay blocks

建造周期/Construction Period: 2012.02 – 2014.08

摄影/Photos: Wison Tungthunya

4 首层平面/Floor 0 plan

5 剖面/Section









WANG Lifang: The brick is basically used as stage setting, a face use of the material.

However, we have to say the selection of brick is really wonderful. You can find the merits of the handcrafted material regarding the extreme long and flat shape, heavy colors, coarse texture and solid production by burning. The most attractive thing of the material is quality. The seam of the masonry is very small and a bit dry. However,the wall is particularly high in an imposing manner. A surface in random shape of arc has an odd taste, with a seemingly stately sense in the laneway but unfortunately a goof.

Maybe, it is the face in order.

The big plain white block corresponds with the red brick wall in harmony seamlessly, let alone location of top-pressing or waterproof layer shutting. An overall brushing top down will astonish you.

That is the face in order! Do not be over logical. It is very popular.

That is true. Do not be too hard on yourself in building things. If the audience feels good, it is good.

6 客房/Guest room

7 用来休憩的遮荫空间/A shady space to relax in

8 铺地细部/Detail of the brick craftsmanship


DUO Ning: This boutique hotel is of the design that one cannot help writing to his family as soon as possible to suggest them spending several days here on next vacation. The structured but changeable planes make the designers with a little consumption experience in boutique resort hotels to envision the wonderful experience in the guest rooms. All kinds of outdoor landscapes shared by guest groups further demonstrate the forces and skills of the architects. In addition, the marvelous arc red brick wall on both sides of the great hall transforms the deficiency in the outdoor public space of the hotel into the punchline with climax one after another.


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