

世界建筑 2016年9期

建筑设计:H 建筑师事务所



Grand Prize Winner and Category Winner in Urban Infill: House 1014, Barcelona,Spain, 2014

建筑设计:H 建筑师事务所






不同结构单元之间的关系,很容易产生不连续性,这个需要解决的问题同时也创造了机会,组织砖砌工匠来构思出加强实心砖层的后压缩梁。荷载结构墙体设计为窗台与窗楣间条纹状的分层排布,地面层从薄砖实心砖、再到上层的厚有孔砖。对砌筑工法的多样结构需求,创造出了多变的韵律和肌理,从而获得了崭新的面貌。(陈茜 译)

1 外景/Exterior view2 总平面/Site plan3 入口/Entrance

The plot is located in the historic city center of Granollers and placed into an urban fabric of dwellings between party walls. The available space is narrow and elongated, only 6.5m wide; and accessible from two streets. Owing to the dilapidated state of the existing building, only the main facade,reasonably well preserved offering a certain heritage value, could be maintained.

The desire of the owners was to differentiate two zones in the house: the domestic area, where the daily family life had to take place; and a secondary area, quiet and isolated from the first,functionally independent to be used indistinctly as a living room or to welcome occasional guests as well as organizing meals and gatherings. According to planning regulation in street alignment the partition in two areas along the plot appears automatically. The domestic area is placed towards the main street, while the west side of the plot, isolated and separated by the central garden, becomes a segregated zone for vehicle access.

The east-west orientation of the plot and the narrowness of the access streets made it difficult to achieve a good solar gain throughout the street facades. This circumstance, added to the difficulties to achieve privacy in the ground floor, led us to move back the building from the front street line,creating access patios both sides of the house.These patios allow upper solar gain and at the same time create transition spaces, both physically between the street and the house, and between outdoor and indoor climate. Semi covered and practicable spaces with retractable roofs tops allow capturing energy during winter time as well as ventilation through summer. These bioclimatic spaces become the first step of a sequence of areas linking one street to the other offering all along a great variety of conditions,characteristics and properties clearly differentiated among themselves. The addition of this sequence of spaces and thermal conditions creates a ground floor 53m long totaling 345m² dedicated to the most frequent and collective use of the house. It works at the same time as a long continuous hallway,giving access to the private and service areas of the house located in the upper floor and the basement,respectively.

Each one of the rooms was individually treated yet carefully connected with the next one, clearly identifying the specific use of each space being all,at the same time, part of a whole. This approach helps the exterior space to achieve the quality of a living space, therefore becoming one more room of the house. This way, this main ground floor combines different interior rooms, lower or higher roofs, longer, semi-exterior covered and bioclimatic rooms as well as covered and uncovered outdoor rooms.

Relationship between different structural units produces discontinuities that need to be solved, becoming as an opportunity to organize brick masonry and creating post-compressed beams where solid brick layers will be reinforced. Load bearing walls are stratified in strips between ledges and lintels creating a gradient of densities from the thinner and more solid pieces in the ground floor, to the thicker and perforated pieces of the upper floors. Diverse structural requirements of the masonry work produce different rhythms and textures achieving new expressivities.

4 庭院/Courtyard

项目信息/Credits and data

设计团队/Design Team: David Lorente, Josep Ricart, Xavier Ros, Roger Tudó (HARQUITECTES)

合作方/Collaborators: Blai Cabrero Bosch, (architect of HARQUITECTES), Montse Fornés Guàrdia (architect of HARQUITECTES), Carla Piñol Moreno (quantity surveyor of HARQUITECTES), Fátima Vilaseca (interior design),Ramon Anton (quantity surveyor), DSM arquitectes(structural engineer), Igetech/Àbacenginyers (insallations),Anna Esteve (landscape)

建筑用途/Building's Purpose: 家庭住宅兼客房/Family home and guest house

建造周期/Construction Period: 2011.10 – 2014.03

建筑面积/Usable Floor Area: 673m2

砖材类型/Brick Type: 粘土砖,饰面砖,粘土铺地砖/Clay blocks, facing bricks, clay pavers

摄影/Photos: Adrià Goula


马蒂亚·贝克:1014住宅植入于一个极为狭窄的空间中,可以说是极其特殊的城市环境。建筑师针对一个仅有6.5m宽却非常、非常长的地块进行工作,他们对这一特殊地段的使用采取了一种很有创新性的方式。这是一次对于如何处理时常会在历史城市中出现的“鸡肋式”空间的尝试。项目因此成为了对于封闭与开放空间的既精准又复杂的把玩。人们很容易想象居住在这里能获得的高度空间丰富性和环境氛围。这座建筑不仅仅将通常与住宅相关的许多问题与要素一一解决,更在材料、尺度、气候条件、“技巧”的想法甚至材料的连接上下功夫。对砖的使用将传统的概念和建构“技巧”的概念表达出来,这两者都从本质上强化了对这个项目的整体体验。(陈茜 译)

5 首层平面/Floor 0 plan

6 剖面/Section

Jury Statement

Matija Bevk: House 1014 is inserted into a very narrow space, in so to say extreme city conditions. The architects worked with a plot which is about 6.5m wide and very, very long, and they have used this unusual location in a very innovative way. It is an exercise in how to use the almost "left-over" space, which sometimes exists in historic cities. The project therefore becomes a very precise and complex play of closed and open spaces. One can immediately imagine that living there offers a lot of spatial richness as well as ambience and atmosphere. The project deals with many questions and aspects normally associated with housing, but it also deals with questions of materiality, scale and climatic conditions, as well as the idea of "skill", the material articulation of the project.The use of brick becomes a conveyor of both the idea of tradition and the idea of "skill" in construction, which both contribute fundamentally to the overall experience of the project.





7 步行入口/Pedestrian entrance


WANG Lifang: The plot is extremely narrow, with both ends connecting two streets. To one end are the garage yard and a two-storied building, while to the other end the old entrance and a three-storied building, with a long courtyard in the middle across a square pavilion. With brick as the main material of the facades, the fragmented parts are unified. The wall, seemingly being made of bricks, is newly designed with structural treatment of opening large horizontal holes. With masonry of thin Roman bricks, thick hollow bricks and common bricks, the wall highlights the craft characteristics of bricks with complicated meanings, in harmony with the old wall made of miscellaneous stones inlaid in the messy surrounding and old entrance.

The spatial arrangement is simple, smooth, singular and changeable, with the interior walls being painted in white indicating the slight trace of bricks. The brick building is both transparent and heavy, appearing fresh and elegant.

The old entrance is the focus worth more gaze. The original two-storied wall in stone along the street has an attractive facade. The new building extends backward, with a small courtyard transit in the middle and the skylight covering the top. The brick facade of the new building extends to the pavement on the ground of a small courtyard, and then rolled upward to the inside of the stone wall. Two of the original four holes of the stone wall are kept. Along the street is the magnificent old masonry wall, inside which is a small courtyard decorated with five-sided stones. The transit of the whole shape is a wide space, while that of material is the two sides of a wall, which is bold and appropriate.


9 内景/Interior view

Philip F. Yuan: House 1014 responds to its urban context and texture through a particular method of brick facade design and massing manipulation. In this project,brick as a material cannot be isolated from the building, but should be interpreted as the chief component of the overall spatial configuration in this narrow site. In order to dialogue with surrounding buildings, brick is used to construct the front facade. However, the architect doesn't attempt to formulate a "historical" impression from the material. Rather, brick is used in a contemporary tectonic paradigm which maintains its material authenticity. In the internal space sequence of the building,the architect adopts different brick dimensions and assembly rules for the various internal walls. As the result, collages of different brick textures extract various but instantaneous impressions from the historical meaning of the site. While one walks though the elongated building, the diversified material textures not only creates a complex visual experience, but also maintains the identity of the overall spatial configuration.


第九道 灵化阁入口保卫战