

教学考试(高考英语) 2016年1期

福建 王正勋


福建 王正勋

Passage 1

Learning for travel is one of the most common reasons to learn a language.There are more__1_(opportunity) to travel today than there have ever been before,and they are likely_2_(increase)in the 21st century Global Village.

Many people learn a language__3__(connect) with their roots.You may still have relatives living in the “old country”,_4_you may just want to define yourself a little bit.Learning the language of our ancestors can help bring us into__5_(good)contact with ourselves and open up____6 whole new understanding of ourselves and__7_we got to be who and where we are.

Do you have a new addition to the family by marriage _8_first language is not English? Learning even a little of your new family member’s language can bring__9_families closer together.Or maybe you’re looking for love yourself.Think of the possibilities when you learn another language.The increase in possible social contacts_10_(be) tremendous when you add a whole way to communicate.That goes for love,friendship,travel or business.

(文章来源:http∶// why-learn-languages.html)

Passage 2

The more capable a child or teen is at completing tasks,the more confident he or she will feel in a variety of situations.For example,teaching your 7-_1_(year)-old son to go up to the McDonald’s counter and ask for ketchup(番茄酱)(rather than_2_(expect) you to do it for him)can help him build confidence__3_he is capable of interacting with people in_4_public.Years later,he is_5_(afraid)to pick up the phone and order a pizza or call a business to inquire about their moving van rates.This may sound simple,____6_it’s a great example of daily living skills,how they begin at a young age and can be generalized to a variety of situations.Many young adults we know experience anxiety about their abilities to talk to others_7_(effective).They worry that they will look foolish or make a mistake.Anxiety can lead__8_delaying.A young adult is__9_(much)likely to postpone_10_(apply) for a job if he is nervous about the interview or insecure about his capabilities.Life skills training can positively impact his or her ability to apply online for a job or walk into a store to ask for an application.


Passage 3

As we know,Europe owns a long cultural history,beautiful landscapes,worldwide brands,and lots of shopping opportunities.Chinese tourists like to “collect countries”and if it_1_(be) financially possible,they would like to visit every country in the world.

When they are visiting Europe for the first time,most Chinese tourists choose a travel package with many countries,and those who__2__(visit) Europe before tend to choose an offer__3_(focus)on just one or two countries.This_4_depends on where the tourists come from,because those who come from metropolises like Shanghai or Beijing_5_(prefer) trips with a theme,like wine tasting,skiing,big parties,castle sightseeing or wellness.Most other people or those from__6_(small)cities tend to choose_7_(offer)that introduce them to Europe,but in general,there is a higher demand for luxury tours that are more and more elaborate.

The tour routes are becoming__8__(increase)varied because there are now lots of cities that offer flights to and from China,such as Frankfurt,Munich,Northern Europe or Switzerland.Of course,the__9_(much) travelled of these routes is Germany,France,Holland and Belgium,and its availability depends on how many airline tickets the travel agencies have_10_their disposal.


Passage 4

Lots of people think that blogging is not at all a difficult task and almost anyone can do it.I personally think that this is not so true._1_it comes to blogging,a blogger has to facemany hurdles.Since blogging is the new trend these days,bloggers have to face a lot of competition and this is exactly _2_they have to constantly update,improve and grow their blog_3_(meet) the new changes and requirements.The basic concept of blogging is to share your personal thoughts with__4_wide range of readers,but at times,to make things more interesting,a blogger has to go a little_5_(far).Every blogger will have its own motivation.Some will do this all just for the sake of money,some will do it to differentiate _6_(them) from other bloggers and some will simply do it to learn something new.

If you are a blogger and you are looking for different ways to extend your blog,this article__7__(be) of help definitely.You do not have to follow all the_8_(tip) to extend your blog.You can simply go for the ones_9_you think would prove to be_10__(benefit) to your blog’s success and will keep your readers happy.Your blog acts like a postcard printing design and mailing effort,going out to individuals everywhere.

(文章来源: http∶//

Passage 5

American born Napoleon Hill is considered to have influenced more people into success than any other person in history.He has been perhaps the__1_(much) influential man in the area of personal success technique development,___2_(primary) through his classic book Think and Grow Rich which has helped_3_(million) of the people and has been important in the life of many successful people such as W.Clement Stone and Og Mandino.

Napoleon Hill was born in a poor family._4_the age of 10 his mother died,and two years later his father_5_(marry).He became a very rebellious(叛逆的) boy,_6_grew up to be an incredible man.He began his writing career when he was 13 years old as a mountain reporter for small town newspapers and went on_7_(become) America’s most beloved motivational author._8_(fight) against all class of great disadvantages and pressures,he devoted more than 25 years of his life to explaining the reasons__9_so many people fail to achieve true financial success and happiness.And then with Carnegie’s help,he formulated a philosophy of success,drawing_10_the thoughts and experience of a lot of ragsto-riches tycoons.It took Hill over 20 years to produce his book,a classic in the Personal Development field called Think and Grow Rich.



Passage 1

1.opportunities。考查there be结构。谓语动词用are,后面充当主语的“opportunity”应当用复数形式。 increase。考查be likely to do sth.结构。increase可以充当不及物动词。 connect。句意为:许多人之所以学一种语言是为了和他们的“根”连在一起。这里是不定式充当目的状语。




8.whose。whose在此引导定语从句,并在从句中充当“first language”的定语,且代替先行词“a new addition”,a new addition表示“一个新成员”。


Passage 2


2.expecting。rather than 不与would连用时,意为“是……而不是……;与其……倒不如说……”。它是连词,前后的句子成分在词性上应该保持一致。该句expect与前面的teach并列,故用动名词。


4.the。in the public表示“在公共场所”。



7.effectively。在这里effective修饰动词talk,故用其副词形式。。固定结构lead to表示“导致”,to是介词符号,后面加动名词。


10.applying。 postpone表示“推迟”,宾语是动词用作动名词。

Passage 3


2.have visited。定语从句中的“before”和现在完成时连用,表示visit对主句谓语动词“tend to choose”的影响。




6.smaller。上文中提到的“metropolises like Shanghai or Beijing”表示“像北京或上海这样的大都市”,那么下面提到的cities应该指的是比较小的城市(相对于大都市)。



9.most。travelled是形容词,表示“旅客多的”,前面加the表示一类人。前面讲了旅游线路日益多样化,本句提到的几个地方应该是所有旅游路线中旅客最多的路线,故much用最高级。。固定结构at one’s disposal表示“由某人做主”。

Passage 4

1.When。固定句型When it comes to (doing) sth.表示“当谈到(做)某事时”。

2.why。“This is+why”引导的表语从句,表示“这就是为什么……”,why从句表示前面所产生的结果。 meet。该空格和后面的内容表示目的。句意为:由于写博客在今天是一种新的趋势,博主不得不面对很多竞争,这就是为什么博主为了满足新的变化和要求不停地更新、提升自己博客的原因。

4.a。固定短语a wide range of意为“范围广泛的,许多各种不同的”。

5.further。but后面的句子句意为:有时为了使事情显得更有趣一些,博主就要做得更进一步。表示抽象的“更远地”用further,further与该句中的“more interesting”相照应,a little修饰比较级。

6.themselves。句意为“有些人这样做是把他们自己和别人区分开来”,differentiate oneself from表示“把自己和……区别开来”。

7.will be。if引导的条件状语从句,谈论的是可能发生的事情,从句常用一般现在时,主句常用将来时。。tip表示“小建议”,是可数名词,因为前面有all修饰,故用复数形式。

9.which。which引导定语从句,指代前面的“the ones”,并在定语从句中充当主语,ones指代前面的“tips”,“you think”是插入语。

10.beneficial。be beneficial to表示“对……有益”,相当于be of benefit to。

Passage 5

1.most。根据首句可知,Napoleon Hill 是在个人成功技巧发展方面最有影响力的人,故用最高级。


3.millions。millions of表示“数百万的”,表示数量的不确定。

4.At。at the age of表示“在……岁”。


6.but。前面讲的是Napoleon Hill小时候很叛逆,后面讲的是长大后他成为一个令人难以置信的人,讲他的成功,故前后是一种转折关系。 become。go on to do sth.表示“继续做另外的事情”,go on doing表示“接着做同一件事情”,这里前面是讲他做记者,后面讲的是他做作家,很显然,前后从事的职业不一致,故应用不定式。


9.why。该句reasons后面部分充当定语,修饰reasons,且reasons在从句中充当原因状语,故用why,相当于for which。

10.on。句意为:后来在Carnegie的帮助下和凭借着许多从贫困走向富裕的大亨们的思想和经验,他阐述了成功的哲学。draw on意思是“凭借”。



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