

中华老年多器官疾病杂志 2015年4期

徐 婧,张丹凤,朱赛楠,王东信*


徐 婧1,张丹凤1,朱赛楠2,王东信1*

(北京大学第一医院:1麻醉科,2医学统计室,北京 100034)



高危患者术中如何做到恰当补液一直是个令人困扰的问题。补液过多易导致心肺负担过重和组织水肿,增加术后并发症甚至死亡风险[1];而简单地限制液体输注有可能影响组织灌注,给患者造成危害[2]。研究显示目标引导液体治疗(goal-directed therapy,GDT)可以减少术后并发症的发生[3−6]和死亡率[7]。对机械通气期间动脉压波形变化参数分析(FloTrac)是GDT的监测目标之一,研究证实其监测结果每搏量变异度(stroke volume variation,SVV)与容量反应性有很好的相关性[8−10]。但目前有关FloTrac监测参数SVV指导术中液体治疗能否改善高危患者预后的资料有限而且有争议。Benes等[11]发现基于SVV监测的容量优化措施能改善术中血流动力学状态、减少术后并发症的发生;但另一项研究[12]并未发现SVV监测的益处。本研究的目的是观察基于机械通气期间进行FloTrac监测的术中液体治疗对老年高危手术患者预后的影响。

1 对象与方法


1.1 研究对象及分组

入选标准为年龄≥65岁、美国麻醉医师协会(American Society of Anesthesiologists,ASA)≥Ⅱ级、拟行择期大手术(预计手术时间≥2h或失血量≥800ml)的患者。存在以下情况之一者排除:(1)术前有心律失常;(2)因先天性心脏病存在心内分流;(3)因肺部疾病不能耐受8ml/kg潮气量的机械通气;(4)肾功能衰竭需要透析治疗;(5)手术需开胸;(6)未取得知情同意。


1.2 麻醉和术中液体管理

术前常规禁食水和进行肠道准备。对照组术中监测心电图、有创动脉压、中心静脉压(central venous pressure,CVP)、脉搏氧饱和度、呼气末二氧化碳、体温和尿量;GDT组除上述常规项目外,还利用FloTrac(Adwards,美国)监测SVV和心脏指数(cardiac index,CI)变化。所有患者均采用静、吸复合麻醉,麻醉期间持续脑电双频指数(bispectral index,BIS)值40~60水平。气管插管后行间歇正压通气,潮气量8ml/kg,根据呼气末二氧化碳调节呼吸频率使动脉血二氧化碳分压维持在35~45mmHg(1mmHg=0.133kPa)。

对照组按照现有临床常规管理术中输液,目标是维持平均动脉压(mean arterial pressure,MAP)≥65mmHg、CVP 8~12mmHg(腹腔镜手术气腹建立稳定后根据CVP波动水平判断)、尿量≥0.5ml/(kg·h)。医师判断容量足够但MAP仍不能维持预计水平,则静脉输注去甲肾上腺素(noradrenaline)或多巴酚丁胺(dobutamine)维持血压。

GDT组根据SVV和CI管理术中输液:如SVV≥13%持续>5min或对前一次液体治疗出现阳性反应(表现为CI增加>10%),则快速输注乳酸林格液(lactated Ringer’s solution)250ml;5min后如SVV仍≥13%或者输液后CI增加仍>10%,则重复上述步骤。目标是维持SVV<13%、CI≥2.5L/(min·m2)且MAP≥65mmHg。如医师判断容量足够但MAP和(或)CI仍不能维持预计水平,则输注去甲肾上腺素维持血压和(或)输注多巴酚丁胺维持CI。

1.3 观察终点

主要观察终点是术后住院期间(截至术后30d)的并发症发生率。急性肾损伤(acute kidney injury,AKI)的诊断依据对血肌酐(serum creatinine,SCr)和尿量的监测,参照改善全球肾脏病预后组织(Kidney Disease:Improving Global Outcomes,KDIGO)诊断标准(2012年版)[13]做出;其他并发症由1名临床经验丰富且对分组不知情的研究者进行最终判断,定义为术后30d内新发的对患者有不良影响且需要医疗干预的情况。

1.4 统计学处理


2 结 果

2.1 患者入选及随访情况


2.2 两组患者基线资料和围术期情况比较


表1 所有患者的基线资料

BMI: body mass index; NYHA: New York Heart Association; COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; ASA: American Society of Anesthesiologists; APACHE: Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation.*Alanine transaminase (ALT) and/or aspartate transaminase (AST) more than five times of the upper limit of normal.#Serum creatinine (SCr) >177μmol/L.△Smoking half a pack of cigarettes per day for at least 2 years


2.3 两组患者术后情况比较

GDT组术后心血管并发症发生率明显低于对照组(=0.049);术后感染并发症发生率GDT组略低于对照组,但差异无统计学意义(=0.053)。其他术后并发症发生率及总的并发症发生率、并发症初发时间两组间差异均无统计学意义(>0.05;表3)。建立Cox比例风险回归模型校正年龄和手术时间后,术中动脉波形衍生参数监测并未显著延迟术后并发症初发时间(RR=1.209,95% CI 0.679~2.153,=0.518)。

表2 所有患者的术中资料

RBC: red blood cell; FFP: fresh frozen plasma.*Estimation of urine during surgery is impossible due to surgical practice, 8 and 3 patients in GDT group and control group respectively

3 讨 论


综合现有文献结果,术后各系统的并发症发生率分别为心脏15.4%[6]、胃肠道15.9%[3]、AKI 8.3%[5]、感染25.5%[4]。本研究中对照组术后各系统并发症发生率分别为心血管11.6%、胃肠道11.6%、AKI 8.7%、感染26.1%。说明本研究所观察患者的人群特征与以往研究基本一致。


表3 所有患者的主要观察结果



4 结 论


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(编辑: 周宇红)

Effects of intraoperative goal-directed fluid therapy by using arterial wave analysis on outcome of high-risk elderly patients

XU Jing1, ZHANG Dan-Feng1, ZHU Sai-Nan2, WANG Dong-Xin1*

(1Department of Anesthesiology,2Division of Medical Statistics, Peking University First Hospital, Beijing 100034, China)

To investigate whether the intraoperative fluid therapy based on the parameters of arterial pressure wave analysis (FloTrac) could reduce the incidence of postoperative complications in the elderly patients after major surgery.This was a prospective, open-labeled, randomized controlled trial. One hundred thirty-eight patients at an age of ≥65 years who were scheduled for major abdominal surgeries in our department from October 2013 to November 2014 were randomized into 2 groups. In the control group, routine monitoring was performed and intraoperative fluid therapy was administered according to conventional practice. In the goal-directed therapy (GDT) group, hemodynamic monitoring was performed using the FloTrac/Vigileo system, and the intraoperative goals were to maintain stroke volume variation (SVV)<13%, cardiac index (CI) ≥2.5 L/(min·m2), and mean arterial pressure (MAP) ≥65mmHg.The incidence of postoperative cardiovascular complications was significantly lower in the GDT group than in the control group[2.9%(2/69)11.6%(8/69),=0.049]. The incidence of postoperative infectious complications was slightly lower in the GDT group than in the control group, but the difference was not statistically significant [13.0%(9/69)26.1%(18/69),=0.053]. There was no significant difference between the 2 groups with regard to the overall incidence of postoperative complications.For the elderly patients undergoing major abdominal surgery, intraoperative GDT based on arterial pressure wave analysis decreases the incidence of postoperative cardiovascular complications, and also tends to decrease the incidence of postoperative infectious complications after surgery. However, its effects on the outcomes of the elderly need further study on larger samples.

fluid therapy; hemodynamics; monitoring, intraoperative; postoperative complications; randomized controlled trial

R614.2; R592





王东信, E-mail:

