

新疆农业科学 2024年3期

张优 刘茂秀 史军辉 王新英 艾吉尔·阿不拉 张炎


摘  要:【目的】研究塔河中下游胡杨林核心区退耕地初始年土壤和植被的养分特征,为胡杨林公益林核心区退耕地生态恢复提供基础支撑数据。


【结果】(1)土壤养分含量和植被营养成分积累量均集中分布在Ⅳ区和Ⅴ区。(2)土壤垂直深度上,养分集中在表层土壤,且随着土层深度增加,土壤养分含量依次递减,但是在60~100 cm土层处,呈现小幅增加。不同样地与不同土层深度之间土壤养分含量差异显著(P<0.05)。(3)不同样地中残存棉花(棉秆、根系)及草本植物中全N、全P、全K、有机碳含量均有显著差异(P<0.05)。



中图分类号:S714    文献标志码:A    文章编号:1001-4330(2024)03-0699-09










0  引 言


1  材料与方法

1.1  材 料

研究区位于新疆巴音郭楞蒙古自治州轮台县和尉犁县。轮台县(83°38′E~85°25′E,41°05′N~42°32′E),属于暖温带大陆性干旱气候,年平均气温为10.9℃,无霜期为180~224 d。

尉犁县(84°02′E~89°58′E,40°10′N~41°39′N),属暖温带大陆性荒漠气候,冷热差异悬殊,温度的年月变化大,全年热量丰富但不稳定,空气干燥,蒸发强劲,降水稀少,且年际变化大,光照充足,全年平均日照2 975 h。土壤以胡杨林土、荒漠土、盐碱土和风沙土为主。植被类型主要以荒漠河岸林、盐生草甸为主,主要有胡杨(Populus euphratica)、柽柳(Tamarix ramosissima)、骆驼刺(Alhagi sparsifo-lia Shap)、铃铛刺(Halimodendron halodendron)、胀果甘草(Glycyrrhiza inflata Batalin)、芦苇(Phragmites australis)等,胡杨为该地区乔木层主要建群种[21]。

1.2  方 法

1.2.1  试验设计

2018年6月,在新疆轮台县与尉犁县胡杨1.07×104 hm2(16万亩)的退耕还林地中,垂直塔河1、2、3、3.5和4 km的退耕还林区域,选择大量集中连片的退耕地作为监测区,在每个监测区内按照“S”形布点法布设7个30×30(m)的标准样地,共设置35个标准样地。在每个标准样地中设置5个5 m×5 m的草本小样方,共175个小样方。标准样地的四角用PVC管定点固定。表1,图1

1.2.2  样品采集

在设置的标准样地中按“S”型连续取样多点混合采集土壤样品。在标准样地内布设7个采样点,分5层采集0~100 cm土壤样品,层次分别为0~10 cm、10~20 cm、20~40 cm、40~60 cm和60~100 cm。将每个样方中同层土样混合为一个样,每份混合样约1.0 kg左右,共计175个份土样。土壤样品采集后装入样品袋中带回实验室经过自然风干后过筛待测。在已选择好的标准样方中,采用全株收割法对已选择好的标准样方中采集所有植被,分为残存棉花(地上、地下)、草本(地上)采集,共计525份植物样品,取部分样品带回实验室杀青后烘干和粉碎待检测使用。

1.2.3  测定指标

土壤碱解N采用碱解蒸馏法测定;植物全氮采用H2SO4-H2O2消煮法测定;土壤速效磷和植物的全磷采用0.5 mol/L NaHCO3浸提钼锑抗比色法测定;土壤速效钾和植物全钾采用NH4OAc浸提-火焰光度法测定;土壤有机质和植物有机碳采用H2SO4-K2Cr2O7外加热法测定[22]。

1.3  数据处理


2  结果与分析

2.1  永久监测区退耕地初始年土壤养分特征

研究表明,5个监测区土壤各养分含量之间存在显著差异(P<0.05)。土壤有机质含量区间在3.81~8.46 g/kg,碱解N含量区间是14.55~23.79 mg/kg,有效P含量区间在4.30~13.09 mg/kg,速效K含量区间在95.63~168.00 mg/kg。5个不同监测区中土壤有机质含量由高到低依次是Ⅴ区>Ⅳ区>Ⅰ区>Ⅱ区>Ⅲ区,Ⅴ区(8.46 g/kg)比Ⅲ区(3.81 g/kg)高达55%;碱解 N含量由高到低依次是Ⅳ区>Ⅰ区>Ⅴ区>Ⅱ区>Ⅲ区,Ⅳ区(23.79 mg/kg)比Ⅲ区(14.55 mg/kg)高达39%;有效P和有机碳含量由高到低依次是Ⅴ>Ⅳ>Ⅲ>Ⅱ>Ⅰ。有效P和速效K含量分别在Ⅴ区(13.09、168.00 mg/kg)均比在Ⅰ区(4.30、95.63 mg/kg)中高,分别高出67%和43%。表2

有机质含量区间在2.21~10.75 g/kg,碱解N含量区间在4.37~44.53 mg/kg;有效P含量区间在0.67~25.02 mg/kg,速效K的含量区间在50.77~200.02 mg/kg,监测研究区的土壤养分均在土层垂直深度上有显著差异(P<0.05)。在不同样地中有机质和碱解N含量均在0~10 cm的土层中最高,有效P和速效K在0~20 cm的浅层土壤中高于深层土壤的养分含量。60~100 cm的土壤速效K、有机质和碱解N的含量均有小幅增加,有效P含量仅在Ⅳ区和Ⅴ区增加,且在Ⅰ区中呈现极显著(P<0.01)。


2.2  永久监测区退耕地初始年植物营养特征

2.2.1  残存棉秆及根系营养特征

研究表明,塔河中下游退耕地5个永久监测研究区内残存棉秆和根系的养分含量。在棉秆中,全P含量区间是1.54~1.71 g/kg,全K含量区间是24.01~28.38 g/kg,全N含量区间是9.59~13.25 g/kg,有机碳含量区间是284.67~439.00 g/kg。在根系中,全P的含量区间是1.30~3.85 g/kg,全K含量区间是13.2~35.1 g/kg,全N含量区间7.73~13.1 g/kg,有机碳的含量区间277~420 g/kg。不同监测区中棉秆和根系的养分含量均有显著差异(P<0.05)。表4

2.2.2  退耕地初始年草本层营养特征

研究表明,全P含量区间在1.35~4.14 g/kg,全K的含量区间在16.4~41.67 g/kg,全N的含量区间在14.22~27.62 g/kg,有机碳的含量区间在247.57~333.33 g/kg,表明5个监测区草本层各养分含量之间存在显著差异(P<0.05)。其中全P和全K的含量在不同监测区之间的变化趋势一致,且全P和全K的含量由高到低依次是Ⅳ区>Ⅴ区>Ⅲ区>Ⅱ区>Ⅰ区,全N含量在不同样地中由高到低依次是Ⅰ区>Ⅳ区>Ⅴ区>Ⅱ区>Ⅲ区,有机碳在不同样地中由高到低依次是Ⅰ区>Ⅴ区>Ⅳ区>Ⅱ区>Ⅲ区。表5

3  讨 论


原初土壤环境的差异会导致群落演替过程中物种多样性的变化[23-25]、生物群落的发生、发育和演替的速度[26-28],是影响退化生态系统生态功能恢复与维持的关键因素之一[29]。研究中5个监测区初始年土壤各养分含量之间存在显著差异((P<0.05)),可能影响区域内胡杨、柽柳以及骆驼刺等不同生物群落的发生、发育,将对维持退化荒漠生态系统生态产生显著影响[30]。研究监测区域退耕地土壤平均养分含量(有机质5.108 g/kg,碱解N 17.11 mg/kg,有效P 8.61 mg/kg,速效K 108.99 mg/kg)高于天然胡杨幼龄林(有机质4.41 g/kg,碱解N 13.67 mg/kg,有效P 1.42 mg/kg,速效K 83.97 mg/kg),其中有效P含量接近于近熟林(9.84 mg/kg)[31],有机质含量接近于樟子松人工林中龄林[37]而低于油松天然次生林的有机质含量[32]。因人工施肥原因致使监测区域退耕地的初始年土壤养分含量较高,可能促进胡杨、柽柳等植物群落發生、发育和演替速度,从而减少了向顶级群落演替的时间[33]。因此,胡杨林退耕还林区域具备向顶级群落演替的土壤营养条件。




监测区位于轮台县与尉犁县胡杨重点公益林区1.07×104 hm2(16万亩)的退耕还林地中,面积约为200 hm2(3 000亩),规模之大而退耕地初始年作为研究起始年,

4  结 论




土壤速效K和有机质在不同监测研究区中差异显著(P<0.05),随采样点距离的增加,土壤有效P和速效K的含量呈逐渐增加的趋势,有机质和碱解N的含量呈先递减后增加的趋势,土壤养分含量主要集中在Ⅳ区和Ⅴ区。不同样地中的土壤养分均在土层垂直深度上有显著差异(P<0.05),速效钾除外。五个样区中土壤养分均集中在表层土壤,且均随着土层深度的增加,土壤养分含量呈逐渐递减的趋势,但在60~100 cm处有小幅增加。



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Numerical analysis of soil and vegetation nutrient characteristics in the initial year of returning farmland in the core area of Tarim River Populus euphratica forest

ZHANG You 1,2,3,LIU Maoxiu2,4,SHI Junhui 2,4,WANG Xinying 2,4,Aijier Abula 2,4,ZHANG Yan3

(1. College of Resources and Environment,Xinjiang Agricultural University,Urumqi 830052,China; 2.Research Station of Riparian Populus Euphratica Forest Ecosystem Positioning and Monitoring in Tarim River of Xinjiang,Urumqi 830046,China; 3.Research Institute of Soil,Fertilizer and Agricultural Water Conservation,Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Urumqi 830091,China; 4.Institute of Afforestation and Desertification Control,Xinjiang Academy of Forestry,Urumqi 830046)

Abstract:【Objective】 To preliminarily study the nutrient characteristics of soil and vegetation in the initial year of the abandoned land in the core area of Populus euphratica public welfare forest in the middle and lower reaches of the Tahe River in the hope of providing basic data support for the ecological restoration of the abandoned land in the area.

【Methods】  The soil and vegetation in the core area of Populus euphratica forest in the middle and lower reaches of the Tahe River were taken as the research object in the initial year of returning farmland.The "S" shaped distribution method,field standard whole tree harvesting method,and multi-point mixing method were used to collect vegetation and soil samples,and indoor analysis methods were used to measure vegetation and soil nutrients.

【Results】  (1)The soil nutrient content and the accumulation of vegetation nutrient components were concentrated in Zone IV and Zone V.(2)At the vertical depth of the soil,nutrients were concentrated in the surface soil,and as the soil depth increased,the soil nutrient content decreased in sequence.However,at the 60-100 cm soil layer,there was a slight increase.There was significant difference in soil nutrient content between different soil layers and depths(P<0.05).(3)And there were significant differences in the total N,total P,total K,and organic carbon content of residual cotton(cotton stalks,roots) and herbaceous plants in different fields(P<0.05).

【Conclusion】  This study indicates that the initial annual soil nutrient content of the abandoned land in the core area of the Populus euphratica forest nature reserve is high,which is conducive to the occurrence and development of desert vegetation communities and improve the community succession rate,and it is of great significance for the vegetation restoration and environmental changes in the abandoned land of the Populus euphratica forest in Tahe,as well as the relationship between ecological transition zone vegetation restoration and regional ecological stability.

Key words:Populus euphratica forest; returned farmland; initial year; nutrient characteristics

Fund projects:Autonomous Region Financial Forestry Development Subsidy Project (XJLYKJ-2022-1); Autonomous Region Finance Forestry Development Subsidy Project (XJLYKJ-2023-27)

Correspondence author:LIU Maoxiu (1976-), female, from Sichuan,associate researcher, research direction: desertification control and vegetation restoration,(E-mail)

Zhang Yan(1965-), female, from Tianjin,researcher, research direction: soil and plant nutrition and fertilization technology,(E-mail)


Quantum algorithm for a set of quantum 2SAT problems∗