

疯狂英语·新阅版 2020年9期


Task 1

Teachers are having lessons in how to read childrens body language and change their own to deal with bad behavior in the classroom. Thousands have been trained to watch pupils gestures, mannerisms, facial expressions and speech to know what they are thinking and how they feel. They are encouraged to copy a childs gestures to give them a message that the teacher understands them.

For example, if a child is talking with his left hand touching his chin(下巴), teachers should stand and hold their left hand to their chin. Teachers are also taught to avoid “closed” signals  such as folded arms or standing behind a desk. The training is part of a set of exercises called Neuro?Linguistic Programming (NLP) which is designed to improve communication and patterns of behavior.

NLP was developed in the 1970s at the University of California in the US. Currently, its methods have been employed in a variety of fields, including sales and marketing. In the UK, at least 50 companies now offer courses in NLP, many aimed at teachers. More than 1,200 teachers in England have received training in NLP. Hundreds of schools also pay thousands of pounds for the training.

Supporters of the application of the technology to teaching pupils claim it is a new way to deal with poor behavior in the classroom. In their eyes, since matching body language means looking at the world through the young persons eyes, it can improve childrens behavior in the classroom and motivate them to learn.

However, critics say that NLP is simply an educational fashion that is actually destroying teachers good teaching. Frank, a sociology professor at the University of Kent, says, “What NLP means is that teachers must learn to get cues(暗示) from children, which is the opposite of what students get from teachers. Every few years theres a big idea that becomes the theme in education. They are tricks and will be replaced with the next big thing.”

1. What is the purpose of teacher training according to paragraph 1?

A. To learn how to please the students.

B. To teach them how to control students.

C. To improve their classroom management.

D. To make their later classes more enjoyable.

2. What ability is important when teachers use NLP in teaching?

A. Imitation.      B. Survey. C. Analysis. D. Judgment.

3. What does Frank think of the use of NLP in education?

A. It is like going against the tide.

B. It has an impact on respect for teachers.

C. It will be washed out by the tide of the times.

D. It is the same as going the old way with new shoes.

4. What is the authors attitude to the use of NLP in education?

A. Concerned.   B. Supportive.   C. Unclear.   D. Objective.

Task 2

We may think that communication is as simple as our words. This is not the case. The fact is that we receive far more information than what we say.    1    Part of what completes the message is our body language. How can you use your body language to communicate more effectively?

2   Our emotions and thoughts are expressed through our body language. If you want to communicate better with others, consider imitating their body language. This is not a baby imitating someone else but expressing empathy through your body language. This can help your messages be received more easily by others.

Let people see your hands.    3   When people cant see our hands, they wonder if we are hiding something. Your hands are part of your communication repertoire(全部本领), so use them and avoid any negatives that might come from hiding them from others.

Slow down.    4    Slow down your speech, and slow down your gestures and movement. Although speed can transfer energy, our body language can show anxiety, tension and even dishonesty. Take a deep breath and slow down just a bit.

We all can work on these things above. But the receiver of our message is the judge. Their perception(感知) of our body language rules the day. When we apply the ideas above, we will increase the chances that their perception is positive.    5

A. Be a mirror.

B. Words alone arent enough.

C. Use encouraging body language.

D. We all use them to communicate.

E. Some of us rush our communication.

F. Words are the most effective form of communication.

G. If so, better communication and relationships will follow.

Task 3

In the summer of 1964, a well?known writer and editor Norman Cousins became very ill. His body    1   , and it was difficult for him to even move around. He   2    his physician, who did many tests.

3   , he was diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis (強直性脊柱炎), a very serious and

4    form of arthritis(關节炎). He was told he had only a 1 in 500 chance of    5   .

6    the diagnosis, Cousins was determined to overcome the disease. He had always been interested in    7    and had read the work of Hans Selye, The Stress of Life(1956). This book discussed the idea of how body chemistry and health can be damaged by emotional stress and negative attitudes. Selyes book made Cousins think about the    8    benefits of positive attitudes and emotions. He thought, “   9    negative emotions produce negative changes in the body, wouldnt positive emotions produce positive chemical changes?”

He decided to concentrate on positive emotions as a treatment to   10    some of the symptoms. Despite his    11    medical treatment, he tried to put himself in situations that would produce positive emotions. “Laughter Therapy” became part of his treatment. He    12    time each day for watching comedy films, reading humorous books, and doing other activities that would    13    laughter and positive emotions. Within eight days of starting his “Laughter Therapy” program, his

14    began  to  decrease.  His  physical  condition even    15   . Within a few months, he was able to walk   16    a metal brace. Soon after that, he was able to return to work. He    17    reached complete recovery in a few years. He lived for 26 years after he became ill. He died in 1990 at the age of 75.

Skeptical readers may    18   the doctors previous diagnosis, but Cousins believed his    19

was the result of a mysterious mind?body interaction. His “Laughter Therapy” is a good example of one of the many    20    medical treatments people look for today.

1. A. touched B. bled C. ached D. broke

2. A. guided B. consulted C. observed D. checked

3. A. Eventually B. Hopefully C. Particularly        D. Occasionally

4. A. respective B. defensive C. effective          D. destructive

5. A. survival B. operation C. performance D. success

6. A. In case of B. In fear of C. In spite of          D. In favor of

7. A. service B. medicine C. entertainment D. art

8. A. necessary B. suitable C. possible D. extra

9. A. If B. While C. As D. Unless

10. A. cure B. affect C. keep D. ease

11. A. common B. conventional C. casual            D. comfortable

12. A. forced B. permitted C. delivered        D. scheduled

13. A. bring about B. take up C. carry out        D. result from

14. A. loss B. spirit C. illness D. pain

15. A. improved B. increased C. advanced D. worsened

16. A. dressing B. wearing C. holding D. putting

17. A. especially B. generally C. actually D. barely

18. A. require B. complain C. question D. explain

19. A. growth B. injury C. development D. recovery

20. A. available B. alternative C. ambitious            D. admirable

Task 4

Ⅰ. 語法填空

You may not even realize it, but your body is communicating all the time. Whether you

1.        (cross) your arms, pointing in a certain direction, or even looking from side to side, your body is telling others something about how you are feeling and what you are doing. The 2.        (amaze) thing is, humans have been developing this behavior over 3.         (thousand) of years!

Nowadays, when we talk about body language, we often think of it as a way 4.         (express) how we feel about another person. 5.        , it has a more primitive(原始的) purpose. For example, a heavily 6.        (flush) face can show that a person is overheated, which could mean heat. Our emotions, such as fear, also show up on our faces, 7.         helps remind others of our problems.

Body language can also be 8.        (extreme) useful in social situations. One of the first things a person who has to speak publicly learns is that an audience automatically reads body language and will adjust their responses accordingly. For example, if your arms are crossed it can seem 9.         others as if you are cutting 10.        (you) off from them, which may make them not want to trust you or open up to you.

Ⅱ. 书面表达


1. 告诉他你将去新西兰交流学习;

2. 咨询新西兰中学生在课堂上常用的肢体语言;

3. 希望尽快收到答复。


1. 词数100左右(开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数);

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear John,

How is everything?





Li Hua

Task 5



I searched around in my backpack, searching for my cellphone. I was tired of Aunt Letty talking on and on about her chickens, horses, and cows. Worse, I was afraid of having to spend spring break at Aunt Lettys farm.

Although I had protested, my parents decided that spending time at the farm would be a great experience for me. My parents grew up on a farm and believed that responsibility, hard work, and respect for the land were valuable lessons. “Lessons you need to learn, son,” they said.

“So, have you ever ridden a horse?” Aunt Letty asked, trying to turn my attention away from my phone.

“Hmmm, no. But Ive seen horses on TV,” I answered.

“Well, weve got a nice horse I think youll like. Hercules—sounds like a beast, but hes a gentle giant. The other animals have names too, but dont worry, you wont have to remember their names. If you show up at the gate with feed, theyre happy!” she said smiling.

I glanced at my aunt, angry that I was expected to work. Vacations were meant for sleeping late, playing video games, and maybe skateboarding. I tried to text a friend.

“Phones dont work well out here. With all the hills and valleys, its hard to get a connection.”

I continued texting, but Aunt Letty was right—there was no cell reception.

The next few days were busy. The crow of the roosters woke us up, and we had breakfast before dawn. Then we went out to the barn to get the feed while the animals waited to be fed. The afternoons were filled with hauling(搬運) hay, clean?up, and caring for the animals. The animals depended on Aunt Letty, but they also provided her with affection and necessities such as eggs, milk, and cheese.

At dusk, when the farm was finally quiet, Aunt Letty stretched her arms out and said, “Just take a deep breath of that sweet country air!” I, exhausted from her chores(杂活), was unable to appreciate my work.

Paragraph 1:

On the fourth day, without warning, Aunt Letty announced, “Its time to meet Hercules.”

_____________________________________________________  Paragraph 2:

Without speaking, Aunt Letty held her hand open for me to take.


