

疯狂英语·新阅版 2020年9期


Step 1   感知·閱读导航


Marie Kondo(近藤麻理惠) 是日本的“整理达人”,代表作有《怦然心动的人生整理魔法》。2019年起,她在美国Netflix上推出自己的真人秀节目。在节目中,这位以独特整理方法闻名的日本整理大师说如果一个东西能够在你触碰的一瞬间带给你愉快的感觉,那这件东西就是值得保留的,反之则可以丢弃。这样的建议是否也适用于书籍?看看本文对麻理惠做法的评价,如果是你,你会因为没有怦然心动的感觉,而丢弃你的藏书吗?



1. 梳理文章结构,识别作者的观点、态度并给出理由。

2. 对语篇进行宏观和微观分析,把握语篇逻辑。

3. 辩证地看待作者的观点,形成自己独立的观点。

4. 以读促写,读写结合,思考在当下保护书籍和读书的意义。


1. territory /?ter?tri/ n. 领土;领域

2. invalid /?n?v?l?d/ adj. 无充分事实的;站不住脚的

3. episode /?ep?s??d/ n. (电视连续剧或无线电广播剧的)一集

4. narrative /?n?r?t?v/ n. 故事

5. diversion /da??v???n/ n. 转移;偏离

The latest TV series by charming, tidy?up expert Marie Kondo has landed on Netflix. While we are all in love with the energetic folk featured in her show, last week I accidentally entered the territory of disagreeing with Kondos philosophy—in a tweet that went viral. For a while Id pay attention to Kondos “KonMari Method” for habits such as folding T?shirts. She is entirely misguided when she says we should get rid of books that dont give us “joy”.

“Do NOT listen to Marie Kondo or KonMari in relation to books. Fill your apartment and world with them. I dont give a shit if you throw out your knickers and Tupperware but the woman is so badly misguided about BOOKS. Every human needs an extensive library instead of clean, boring shelves,” I tweeted.

The present figures among the 25,000?plus tweets replying to mine are as follows: 65% agree with me, 20% disagree and 3% think we are fighting over a football team; the rest insist I am joyless. But be assured that this joyless person will not follow Kondos advice to essentially hold my books and see if they inspire joy.

In one video, Kondo helps a woman remove her books by “waking them up”. Surely the way to wake up any book is to open it up and read it aloud, but not to tap it with fairy finger motions—but this is the nonsense territory we are in. Once the books are split into“keep and get?gone” piles, Kondo and the woman thank the books for serving their purpose.

This is deeply problematic when applied to books. The definition of joy for the many people yelling at me on Twitter is: “A feeling of great pleasure and happiness or a thing that causes joy, success or satisfaction.” This is a ridiculous suggestion for books. Literature does not exist only to inspire feelings of happiness or to comfort us with its pleasure; art should also challenge us.

A. illustrate Kondos philosophy

B. introduce the benefits of books

C. discuss whether or not to get rid of books

D. argue against the practice of getting rid of books

Ⅱ. Reading for the structure

Ⅲ. Reading for understanding

1. Whats Kondos philosophy?


2. Whats the authors attitude towards Kondos philosophy? What words indicate the authors attitude?

_____________________________________ 3. Whats the authors opinion about dealing with books?

__________________             4. How does Kondo help a woman remove her books in Para. 4?


5. What does the author think of Kondos practice? Why does the author think so?

__________________       6. Whats Kondos advice to viewers about books in Para. 8?


7. What does the author think of Kondos advice about books? Why does the author think so?


8. How does the author argue for her opinion?

_________________________________________________________________________________________________  9. Whats the authors conclusion?


Ⅳ. Reading for critical thinking

1. What do you think of the authors writing?


2. Whose side do you take? Kondos or the authors?  Why?


【點石成金】问题链是一连串由文本知识转化而成的,层次鲜明、具有系统性、相对独立而又相互关联的教学问题。围绕议论文的体裁、语篇结构和文本主题设置的问题链能够引导学生提取文本信息,转述文本内容,并发展自己的批判性思维。通过回答understanding部分的问题,学生能够掌握这篇议论文的论点、论据、论证过程,推测作者的情感态度;通过回答critical thinking部分的问题,学生能学会辩证地看待文本内容和作者的情感态度,形成自己独立的观点,并给出合理的理由。

Step 3 运用·读写整合

1. Supposing Marie Kondo wants to help you remove your books, what would you say to her?


2. Nowadays, there are a growing number of people who dont like reading books. Can you analyze the reasons behind it and give suggestions accordingly?



[Step 4 提升·素养建构]

Ⅰ. 语篇分析

语篇分析包括宏观分析与微观分析。宏观分析是指分析语篇的体裁结构及其表现特征。微观分析主要是分析语篇的衔接。就宏观分析而言,英语中存在着许多语篇模式,常见的模式只有几种,如问题—解决模式(Problem?Solution pattern)、 概括—具体模式(General?Particular pattern)、主张—反主张模式(Claim?Counterclaim pattern)。就微观分析而言,衔接包括语法衔接和词汇衔接。语法衔接通过关联词、替换词、省略词、连词等将句子衔接起来;而词汇衔接则将原词、近义词、反义词、上下义词的复现作为衔接方式。

1. Whats the structure pattern of the passage?

2. What logic connective does the author use in this article?

________________________________________________________________________________________________      3. What does the underlined word “this” in Para. 4 and Para. 5 refer to? Whats the function of “this”?

________________________________________________________________________________________________   4. What lexical coherence(词汇衔接) is used in the article?



Ⅱ. 视野拓展


Of Studies(excerpt)

Francis Bacon


Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability. Their chief use for delight is in privateness and retiring; for ornament, is in discourse; and for ability, is in the judgment and disposition of business.


Crafty men contemn studies, simple men admire them, and wise men use them; for they teach not their own use; but that is a wisdom without them, and above them, won by observation.


Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man. And therefore, if a man write little, he had need have a great memory; if he confer little, he had need have a present wit; and if he read little, he had need have much cunning, to seem to know that he doth not.


Histories make men wise; poets, witty; the mathematics, subtle; natural philosophy, deep; moral, grave; logic and rhetoric,able to contend. Abeunt studia in mores. (Studies go to make up a mans character.)







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