

疯狂英语·爱英语 2020年8期



Lack of transportation, being too young to get a job, or lack of job opportunities are just a few of the reasons why some teens struggle to find work. But, if your teen still wants to earn money, starting a business may be an option. The good news is that your teen can start a small business at any age. And there are many small businesses that cost very little to launch. Here are a few businesses that almost any teen could start.

Website designing

Teens often take their computer skills for granted because theyve grown up surrounded by technology. Not only do most of them take classes that enhance their computer skills, but most teens spend a lot of time playing on computers. Even without advanced training, many teens have computer skills far beyond the skills of the average adult. Teens who understand the basics of website design can earn money by creating basic websites for small businesses.

Creating and selling crafts

From yarn bracelets to homemade soap, teens can earn a handsome paycheck manufacturing and selling crafts. Crafts can be sold in a variety of places, from online auction(拍卖) sites to local stores. A teen who finds success selling homemade items may earn a chance to sell those products to retail stores.


Blogging isnt an easy way to make money, but many people have created highly successful blogs that allow them to earn a lot of money with advertising space. Similarly, popular YouTube videos can help people earn money. But, your teen should understand that it isnt an easy way to get rich, and it can take a lot of work to get a blog started.

Graphic designing

Artistic teens may be able to earn some decent money through graphic design. The Internet has opened up possibilities for any aged artist to create and sell drawings and logos. Teens can use various software programs to create images and there are many websites where teens can advertise their creations and offer their services.

1. What do we know from the first paragraph?

A. Teens are lazier than ever.

B. Teens have few chances to work.

C. There are no good jobs left for teens

D. Starting a small business has an age limit.

2. Why do teens have advantages over designing websites?

A. They have advanced training.

B. They already have basic skills.

C. They are skilled in playing games.

D. They have more small businesses than expected.

3. What can you do if you launch a graphic designing business?

A. Produce images.

B. Sell advertising space.

C. Create homemade items.

D. Learn skills from the adults.

Difficult sentence

Blogging isnt an easy way to make money, but many people have created highly successful blogs that allow them to earn a lot of money with advertising space.




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