

西部论丛 2019年17期

Abstract:With the continuous deepening of the educational reform process, high school English teaching has achieved initial development results, and the reading ability of high school students has been continuously improved, enabling the flexible use of English reading skills. However, at present, there are still problems in the high school English reading class in China and the boring classroom teaching atmosphere. It is unable to stimulate students' interest in learning English reading courses, which restricts the further improvement of students' English reading ability. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to explore the application of task-based reading teaching mode in high school English reading teaching.Task-based reading teaching emphasizes student-centered teaching and advocates "learning by doing".

Key words:High school English teaching;Task-based reading;constructivism

1. Views and theories of Foreign Language Teaching

1.1Zone of proximal development theory

Vygotsky believed that children have two levels of cognitive development, namely, the actual level of development and the potential level of development. The zone of proximal development (ZPD) is the difference between the actual level of development to solve problems independently and the potential level of development to be reached through adult guidance or collaboration with more capable peers. In the field of second language acquisition, the theory of proximal development zone has been widely used to study how cooperative learning promotes language learning.

1.2 Constructivism

The constructivism learning theory was first put forward by piaget mainly children's cognitive development as the basis of theory building and research objects, the individual cognitive development and learning under the condition of the connection between the increasingly close, the constructivism to exploit can more fully reflect the people in the cognitive law in the process of learning. In the process of applying constructivism, a new and effective cognitive learning theory can be constructed. Anatomy of the constructivism learning theory and found in the process of learning is not just a simple unidirectional input from outside introversion, but by some of the new information and original knowledge learning experience to use to achieve the effect of the two-way input, it can also be understood as a kind of learning environment and learning an interaction.

1.3 Humanism

1.3.1 Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory。Maslow opposed the thought of psychoanalysis school, he believed that the psychological force driving human behavior is not sexual instinct, but human needs. He divided human needs into five categories, namely, physiological needs, safety needs, needs for belonging and love, needs for respect and needs for self-realization. People must meet the lower level of needs before they can meet the higher level of needs.

1.3.2 Rogers' humanistic thought。The humanistic trend of thought represented by Rogers holds that the root of all disconcerting is that human beings lack of understanding of their own intrinsic value. Therefore, we should be concerned about the value and dignity of human beings and study issues of significance to human beings. It is believed that people have their own pure subjective consciousness and the need for self-realization. As long as there is an appropriate environment, people will strive to realize themselves, improve themselves and finally achieve self-realization. Therefore, he attaches great importance to people's own value and advocates giving full play to people's potential.

2. Selecting My Views and Theories

Analysis of constructivism can be found that it belongs to a kind of structuralism, in fact, is a branch of cognitive theory theory, to a certain extent, reflects the further development of behavior doctrine to cognitive doctrine, constructivism and quality education has the certain experimental data, in the western education psychology is a new kind of teaching theory. Proposes piaget through the research of the theory applied in the process of children's cognitive development, both inside and outside after think for the interaction of ideas, and surrounding environment interact in children will begin to the outside world under the condition of cognition, which can also help children their own cognitive structure construction and development. Piaget also proposed that children's cognitive structure, namely schema, is constructed bit by bit through two processes of adaptation and assimilation. After breaking a balance into an unbalanced state, the transition to a balanced state will be made. In the continuous process of this infinite cycle, the cognitive structure, namely schema, will be effectively developed and gradually enriched and improved. After some education experts and psychologists in the nature of the cognitive structure and development conditions as the foundation developed for today's education idea is relatively novel theory of constructivism, eventually formed a kind of high integrity theory, and thus also for the teaching process of the construction theory provides the basic conditions.


Constructivism teaching theory is a relatively new teaching idea in the process of continuous innovation and improvement of current educational ideas. The application of constructivism teaching theory in the process of English teaching reform is of great significance to the cultivation of innovative English talents.


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