A Spanish student builds robotic arm 西班牙学生制作机械手臂


疯狂英语·爱英语 2019年6期

Bryan Lynn 陈喆



Legos (乐高) continue to be one of the most popular toys for children around the world. Many interesting things can be created with these colored blocks. Sometimes, Legos can even build some very useful things. One such example was created by a Spanish. His love for Legos began as a young child.

David Aguilar, now 19, has spent many years playing and building things with Legos. Aguilar was born without a right forearm. “As a child I was very nervous to be in front of others,” Aguilar told Reuters, “But that didnt stop me from believing in my dreams.”

One dream he had was to build his own prosthetic(假的) arm out of Legos. Aguilar is a university student at UIC Barcelona in Spain. He is now using his fourth model. He             says his next dream is to design(設计) cheap robotic arms and legs for people in need. Aguilars first try came at the age of 9. He says this was a simple design. He built his first fully operational robotic arm at age 18. It had a movable tool for picking things up powered by an electric motor.

Each new model has added arm movements. His newest Lego inventions also allow him to pick up and carry heavier objects. Aguilar says it is nice to be able to wear the prosthetic arm because he likes the feel of having two hands. The latest models are  marked MK with numbers. The name is meant to honor his favorite superhero, Iron Man.

Aguilar shows off some Lego creations on his own YouTube channel. In some videos, he demonstrates(示范) the MK⁃III. He calls it “the best one yet”.

In some of his videos, Aguilar aims to show people with disabilities that nothing is impossible. He wants them to know that they can also reach their goals and dreams.


young child 幼儿

stop sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事

out of 用……(材料)

in need 在困境中

electric motor 电动机

allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事

be meant to do sth. 被期望做某事;应该做某事

show off 炫耀;卖弄

people with disabilities 残疾人

reach ones goal 达到某人的目标


1.David Aguilar, now 19, has spent many years playing and building things with Legos. 大卫·阿吉拉尔,现在19岁,玩了多年的乐高,并且用它们搭建东西。

这是一个简单句。句子的谓语动词has spent是现在完成时态,表示动作从过去持续到现在;“spend some time doing sth.”是固定搭配,意为“花费多少时间做某事”,相当于“spend some time on sth.”。

2.One dream he had was to build his own prosthetic arm out of Legos. 他的其中一个梦想是用乐高为自己制作个假肢。

该句是复合句。he had是定语从句,修饰先行词one dream;to build his own prosthetic arm out of Legos是动词不定式短语,在句中作was的表语。

3.It had a movable tool for picking things up powered by an electric motor. 它有个可移动的、可拾起东西的器械,这个器械由一台电动机驱动。

句中的powered by an electric motor是过去分词短语,在句中作后置定语,修饰a movable tool。a movable tool与powered之间存在逻辑上的动宾关系,故用过去分词作后置定语。



1.It                David Aguilar many years to play and build things with Legos.

A.took B.cost C.paid D.spent

2.David Auguilar can                his newest Lego inventions to pick up and carry heavier things.

A.let B.make C.allow D.have

3.In the passage, what does the author aim to tell us?

A.Life can be hard. B.Nothing is impossible.

C.Live and learn.                   D.Nothing is possible.




We are                                              in class.


It is a prosthetic arm                               Aguilar.


I will try my best                                                            .


The latest models are                MK                numbers.


Nothing can                him                inventing things.


Aguilar                               many years                his robotic arms.


He                               his creations to tell people that nothing is impossible.


One dream                               is                               people with disabilities to live a normal life.


