

英语世界 2018年3期




The government should control the amount of violence in films and on television in order to decrease the level of violent crime in society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


There seems to be more and more violence in films and on TV these days such as beating, murdering, gun fighting, blood shedding, among others.As I see it, the excessive exposure to these violent scenes will greatly affect the theater-goers and TV viewers, thus increasing thelikelihoodof their committing the same violent crimes in real life, so I would strongly suggest that the amount of violence in films and TV be controlled in order to decrease the crime rate in society.

We all know about human’s naturalinclinationto follow others, especially when it comes to doing harms to other people. This is demonstrated by thegenocideNazis committed against Jews in the Second World War. So the more violence people witness in films and TV, the more likely they will do the same violence to other people. Even if they are made to believe that these violence isfictive(rather than real), the violence viewers may also cultivate a negative kind of attitude toward the world they live in. They may be led to a belief that the world isfar fromsafe and so they should take every possible measure to protect themselves, including killing others. This is actually one of the important reasons why manyfelonieshave been committed. To make things worse, entertainment producers these days tend to present, quite misleadingly, violent acts as an expression of heroism and have them welljustified, giving the viewers, especially those young viewers, a false impression that violence is a cool and always right thing to do.

Too much violence in films and TV, therefore, is harmful to the behaviour and mind of people and can lead to higher crime rate in society. The world would become a much safer place if the government made laws to control the amount of violence in theseentertainment media. (311 words)


1. 本题需要讨论的问题是:控制影视中的暴力镜头能否有效降低社会上的犯罪率。关于这个话题,考生可以根据自己的情况做不同的选择。如果同意,就需要找到2—3个理由说明为什么控制暴力镜头就可以减少犯罪的发生;如果不同意,就需要说明为什么这两者并无关联,控制暴力镜头也许会带来其他问题,控制犯罪需要什么其他手段,等等。本范文使用了前一种结构,即同意控制暴力镜头可以降低暴力犯罪水平,并为此找到了三条理由:(1)从最直接的层面看,影视中的暴力可能教会伤害其他人的方式;(2)影视中暴力太多,容易让人觉得这个世界不安全,于是用极端的方式来保护自己,从而伤害别人;(3)影视中的暴力经常被呈现为英雄行为,这会让很多观众认为暴力是合理合法的。大家可以看到,这三条理由分别是从影视暴力对人们的三个不同层次的影响来设计的:首先是身体的(教会我们伤害别人的方法);其次是心理的(让我们觉得这个世界不安全);最后是社会的(让我们觉得暴力行为是合理合法的英雄行为)。而这三个影响都指向影视暴力与我们的暴力行为之间有关联。范文第二段的论述从身体的影响开始,接着写心理的影响,最后写社会的影响,就体现出了一个清晰的逻辑顺序。

2. 范文第一段包括两句话。其中第一句为:There seems to be more and more violence in films and on TV these days such asbeating,murdering,gun fighting,blood shedding, among others. 本句的功能是引入话题,即“现在影视中的暴力越来越多”。值得注意的是,本句使用列举的办法将题目中的“暴力”一词进行了具体化,包括殴打、杀人、枪战、流血等。将题目中的某些关键词的具体内容进行列举,这是一种常见的重述题目的办法。再如,在“我们用电脑和手机交流是否影响我们的面对面交流能力”这个题目中,老雅范文的第一句是这样写的:We live in a world where communication through modern technology such as smart phone and computer is so prevalent that it’s hard to go anywhere without seeing someonetexting,emailing,writing blogs and tweeting. 其中,发短信、发邮件、写博客、发推特就是对“用电脑和手机来交流”具体方式的列举。这种方法可以避免过度重复题目原话,同时还可以增加文章的内容厚度,推荐大家在合适的情况下使用。

3. 再看第二段中三个要点之间的衔接和安排。前三句论述的是第一个要点:暴力镜头会让人学会伤害其他人,论证顺序是:人类都有模仿别人的天性(尤其是伤害别人)→纳粹屠杀犹太人(举例)→暴力镜头看得越多,就越有可能对别人采取暴力行为(小结论)。接下来三句论述第二个要点:暴力影视会影响人们对世界的看法,从而导致他们犯罪,论证顺序是:即使他们知道影视中的暴力都是假的,但过多的影视暴力也可能影响人们对世界的看法→他们会认为这个世界太危险,因此有必要采取一切办法来保护自己,包括杀人→这就是很多重罪被犯下的原因之一。最后一句是个长句,论述第三个要点:影视暴力的表现方式让我们觉得杀人是有理由的,论证顺序是:很多影视中的暴力被表现为一种英雄行为,给观众一种错误的印象,即杀人是合理合法的。值得注意的是,本范文没有使用first、second、finally这样的连接词来串联这三个要点,而是使用了更为隐蔽的串联办法。比如,在论述第二个要点时,范文使用的是even if they are made to believe...,表明接下来要转换角度论证一个新要点;论证第三个要点时,范文使用的是to make things worse...,表明接下来要更进一步论证了。

4. 结论段的第一句话是:Too much violence in films and TV, therefore,is harmful to the behaviour and mind of people and can lead to higher crime rate in society.这里特别提到behavior and mind of people,对应的正好是前文提到的影视暴力对我们的行为和思想造成的消极影响。总结段一般要对前文内容进行概括总结,不能遗漏任何要点,同时最好避免在文字上与前面重复过多。本段第二句是:The world would become a much safer place if the government made laws to control the amount of violence in these entertainment media.本句明确自己观点,是一个虚拟语气形式,表达的是一种委婉的建议,但需要注意不要弄错“would...made”的形式。

5. 学习本范文一些有用的表达法。As I see it在我看来(=in my view),likelihood可能性,inclination倾向,genocide大屠杀,fictive虚构的,far from一点也不,felony重罪,justify为……辩护,entertainment media娱乐媒体。□


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