A Very Mighty Finn


英语世界 2018年3期


Cigar smoke filled the mahogany1mahogany红木,桃花心木。coach, clinging to the reddish curtains and maroon2maroon褐紫红色的。upholstery3upholstery(沙发、软椅等的)垫衬料。. It was June 4, 1942, and Finland’s top commander was celebrating his 75th birthday. But rather than partying at a palace or posh4posh时髦的;奢侈的。hotel, Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim and his colleagues had reason to meet in a secret railway siding5siding岔线;会车线。: Adolf Hitler had arrived unannounced, and Mannerheim wanted to avoid any indication that this was a formal state visit.Using the diplomacy and discretion6discretion谨慎。for which he’s now famed, Mannerheim charmed the führer for the good of his nation.

[2]His only way to save Finland from Russia was to ally himself with the Nazis, so Mannerheim played a delicate balancing game of keeping his troops strong while cordially7cordially热情友好地;热忱的。courting Hitler’s favor without a formal alliance. “Man-




[4]战争时期,芬兰一直是一个独特的存在,这在很大程度上得益于曼纳海姆的努力。芬兰是唯一在1939年与苏联接壤,到1945年时仍保持独立的欧洲国家。当然,斯大林对于曼纳海姆拒绝进攻列宁格勒的举动大为欣赏也是原因之一。据汉鲁·劳特卡利奥的《芬兰与大屠杀》介绍,芬兰虽与德国结为联盟,但设法帮助本国的犹太人和几乎所有难民免受了纳粹迫害。总之,是曼纳海姆与希特勒的密切关系,使得纳粹左右为难,陷入了困境。生日当天,希特勒的突然造访让曼纳海姆很是为难,但他不动声色地偷偷将希特勒送到了私人沙龙上。期间,希特勒为感谢他过去一年以来给予纳粹德国的支持,送给他一辆奔驰轿车,曼纳海姆礼貌而谨慎地收下了礼物。但据曼纳海姆博物馆档案记载,1944年8月的总统就职典礼上,曼纳海姆所使用的座驾却并非那辆奔驰,而是他的帕卡德V12轿车。nerheim was extremely wary8wary谨防的;机警的;唯恐的。of the Germans, as he had been in 1918,” Jonathan Clements, author ofMannerheim:President, Soldier, Spy, tellsOZY9OZY为Ozymandias缩写,是一份为新生代量身打造的电子日报。. “He was no friend of the Nazis,” Clements says, but rather created the intricately worded “co-belligerency10belligerency交战状态。pact” that specified how Germany and Finland,while not allies, were militarily cooperating to fight the same enemy. Luckily for posterity11posterity后裔,子孙。, a tape was surreptitiously made of the men’s birthday conversation. It’s the only known recording of Hitler speaking privately and echoes a strangely intimate tone for a leader better known for feverish public speeches.

[3]The Finns can’t get enough of12getenough of对……感到腻烦。Mannerheim.

[4]Finland remained a unique case throughout the war, thanks largely to Mannerheim’s efforts. It was the only European country bordering the Soviet Union in 1939 that remained unoccupied in 1945, thanks in part to Stalin’s admiration of the marshal for refusing to attack Leningrad. The Finns also managed to side with Germany while being spared the persecution of their native Jews and nearly all their refugees,according to Hannu Rautkallio’s bookFinland and the Holocaust. Above all,it was Mannerheim’s chummy13chummy亲密的。relations with Hitler that kept the Nazis at bay14at bay走投无路。. He hid his embarrassment at the führer’s surprise birthday visit, sneaking him into his private saloon, and even when Hitler gifted him a Mercedes-Benz for choosing to ally with him in 1941, Mannerheim accepted his token graciously15graciously和蔼地;仁慈地;雅致地。, and discreetly. But in August 1944, when Mannerheim was elected president, he arrived at his inauguration16inauguration就职典礼。in his Sedan V12 Packard17帕卡德(Packard)是20世纪著名的豪华汽车品牌,其精湛无瑕的汽车生产工艺驰名于世,V12是指搭载12缸发动机。,not the Mercedes, according to Mannerheim Museum archives.

[5]The cat-and-mouse18cat-and-mouse(像猫对老鼠般)恣意玩弄折磨,猫戏老鼠。game Mannerheim played with Hitler was just the culmination19culmination顶点;高潮。of a spectacular career for the 6-foot-4 war hero who hunted maneating tigers, squared up to spoke six languages and rode horseback through thousands of miles of unchartered21unchartered未得特许状的;不合规则的。Central Asia as a secret agent.On his 75th birthday, the government granted Mannerheim his official title,“Marshal of Finland,” and 53 years after his death, he was voted the greatest Finn ever by his countrymen.20square up to摆好打架的架势;坚决面对。Stalin,


[6]The Marshal of Finland was born to Swedish-speaking aristocrats. His father ran off with his mistress, leaving the family bankrupt. But Mannerheim persevered, making his career in the imperial Russian army and serving the last of the czars. He traveled as a secret agent from St. Petersburg to China to spy for the Russians, crossing China on horseback and notably teaching the 13th Dalai Lama how to shoot a pistol.Mannerheim also led Finland’s defenses in its darkest hour at the ripe old age of 72, against the impossible odds of the 1939–1940 Winter War22Winter War冬季战争(二战时期苏联与芬兰之间的战争)。, when the country was up against Stalin’s heavily armed men. Finland’s 346,000-strong army went up against almost three times as many Russians and resisted longer than expected. The battle saw Mannerheim hailed a champion of Finnish liberty, and four years later, at age 77,he would accept the presidency to begin easing Finland from war to peace.


[7]Today his reputation has taken on23take on承担;呈现;具有。mythic proportions, reflected in everything from comics and merchandise to the Kenyan filmBlack Mannerheim,in which all of the characters, including Mannerheim, are portrayed as Black.Yet Mannerheim’s personality remains obscure. Although his godmother arranged his marriage to a wealthy Russian-Serbian noble who bore him two children, the union ended in divorce,resulting in Mannerheim’s depression.But little else is known about the man’s personal life. “He didn’t appear to have many close friends,” says Eric Enno Tamm, whose bookThe Horse That Leaps Through Cloudsdocuments how he retraced24retrace追溯;折回;重描。Mannerheim’s epic Asian trek.

[8]Mannerheim’s intricately primed25prime事先交代。relations with Nazi Germany saved Finland from both Russia and Hitler—no mean feat26no mean feat绝非易事。. So while he may have struggled with marriage and friendships,he’ll forever be remembered by a grateful nation for his shrewd leadership and untiring dedication. ■


[8]曼纳海姆与纳粹德国之间如前所述错综复杂的关系使芬兰得以保全于苏联和希特勒之间,这绝非易事。所以说,尽管他婚姻不幸、朋友无几,但芬兰人民将永远铭记他高超的领导才能和不懈的奉献精神。 □


大象无形 芬兰设计