The Scientific System of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialist Culture with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era〔*〕


学术界 2018年10期

Ma Dekun

(School of Marxism Shandong Normal University,Jinan Shandong 250358)

Abstract:Since the 18th CPC National Congress,the Party Central Committee,with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core,has formed Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics (Xi’s TSCC) for a New Era in the process of upholding and developing the great practice of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics(SCC).As an important part of Xi’s TSCC for a new era,cultural thought takes the persistence of cultural confidence as its basic foundation,the promotion of outstanding traditional culture as its important measure,the enhancement of cultural soft power as its strategic goal,the cultivation & practice of core socialist values as its guide,and the improvement of clean government culture as its fundamental significance,thus constituting a scientific system with complete structure,rich content and rigorous exposition.This important thought provides a powerful theoretical and practical guide to the work of building a socialist culture with Chinese characteristics in the new era.

Key words:Xi Jinping;new era;cultural thought;scientific system

The theme of Xi Jinping’s cultural thought for a new era is to build a socialist cultural power,to provide spiritual impetus and intellectual support for the development of SCC,and to create a new situation for the development of various understakings of the Party and the state.The inherent logic of the scientific system of Xi Jinping’s cultural thought in the new era is that the basic foundation of cultural construction is to adhere to cultural confidence,the significant measure of cultural construction is to carry forward outstanding traditional culture,the strategic goal of cultural construction is to improve the cultural soft power,the value guide of cultural construction is to cultivate and promote the socialist core values,and the proper meaning of cultural construction is to promote the culture of a clean government,thus forming a systematic and complete cultural and ideological system of Xi’s TSCC for a new era.

Ⅰ.Taking the persistence of cultural confidence as the foundation

“Cultural confidence is the profound understanding of the essence of their own historical development for a country,a nation,a political party,the full respect for their own cultural endowments,the high degree of affirmation of their own spiritual value,and the conscious inheritance and promotion on this basis.”〔1〕Cultural confidence is not only the most fundamental and basic confidence in upholding and developing the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics,but also the basic foundation of socialist cultural construction thought.

General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly expounded at many important party and state meetings his ideas and views about cultural confidence.On March 7,2014,General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out:“We must adhere to road confidence,theoretical confidence,institutional confidence,and the most basic is cultural confidence.”〔2〕This is the first time that General Secretary Xi Jinping has mentioned the scientific concept of cultural confidence.On July 1,2016,at the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Party,General Secretary Xi Jinping stated:“To adhere to the original ideals and continue to move on,we must adhere to the road confidence of SCC,theoretical confidence,system confidence and cultural confidence,adhere to the basic line of the party and constantly push forward the great cause of SCC.”〔3〕For the first time,he put the four confidence as an integral whole in an equally important position,and raised his understandings of socialist culture with Chinese characteristics to a new state.

Since the 18th National Congress,the Party Central Committee,with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core,has led the people of all ethnic groups in the country to make a series of major achievements.It should be said that China at this time is more confident than at any time in the history in realizing the goal of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,and more capable of fulfilling the long-cherished hope of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.But in the meantime,from the new historical development stage of China,the deep-level contradictions and problems are also unprecedented.The tests,dangers and pitfalls,to say,the “four great tests”,“four great dangers” and “four traps” faced by our Party,have all posed a real challenge to people’s spiritual outlook and cultural confidence.Today,the meaning of profoundly understanding General Secretary Xi Jinping’s thoughts of cultural confidence is as follows:

First,adhering to cultural confidence is the affirmation of the cultural value of the nation.The reason why we insist on cultural confidence derives from the excellent Chinese traditional culture bred in the development of Chinese civilization for thousands of years,and from the great cultural creativity of Chinese nation,General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out:“The outstanding traditional Chinese culture is the spirit of Chinese nation,an important source of fostering the core values of socialism,and also a solid foundation for us to establish a firm foothold in world culture tumult.”〔4〕In the great practice of upholding and developing SCC,we should not only inherit and carry forward our outstanding traditional culture,but also recognize its long history,broad profundity and great impact,and need to takes its unique nourishing advantages.Only by giving full plat to the influence and attraction of Chinese excellent traditional culture in the course of upholding and developing SCC can we better inherit and promote the excellent traditional culture and thus be full of cultural confidence.

Second,giving full play to the value leading role of cultural confidence.The outstanding Chinese traditional culture contains the simple concept of national governance,such as the proper governance of the country-priority in enriching the people,easy to treat the rich and difficult to cure the poor,and the proper governance of a state-taking the hearts,livelihood and peace of the people as its basis,etc.These ideas of governing the country can provide reference for today’s social governance.“The governance system of a country is determined by its historical heritage,cultural tradition,the level of economic and social development and the the people of the country.”〔5〕This fully shows that the important role of the excellent traditional culture in the course of advancing the modernization of the country’s governance system and capacity.Today we should be good at drawing nutrition and wisdom from Chinese traditional culture to consolidate the foundation of national governance.

To sum up,we need to insist on cultural confidence,push forward the innovation and development of excellent traditional culture,promote the basic function of cultural confidence in the process of the modernization of national governance system and capacity,and then advance the realization of Chinese Dream.

Ⅱ.Taking the promotion of the outstanding traditional culture as the important measure

The important measure to realize the cultural power in the new era is to carry forward the excellent traditional culture.General Secretary Xi Jinping concerns more about inheriting and carrying forward the excellent traditional culture and regards it as a unique strategic resource,and consciously integrates it with the cause of SCC in his governing practice of his country.With his unique vision,a series of new judgments and new viewpoints concerning Chinese excellent traditional culture have been put forward,which has profound philosophical connotation and new scientific vision.

In view of the three wrong tendencies of nihilism,revivalism and utilitarianism,Xi Jinping offered a scientific answer and explained his basic attitude creatively many times.General Secretary Xi Jinping has once clearly pointed out:“We should follow the scientific attitude of choosing the good and follow it,and turn away from the bad.”〔6〕In face of the traditional culture,left behind by our ancestors,we should adopt a reverent and respectful attitude,and also learn to use scientific methods.

Why did General Secretary Xi Jinping highlight the issue of carrying forward outstanding traditional culture in building China’s socialist cultural power in the new historical period?This can be expounded in terms of two aspects:the contemporary value of outstanding traditional culture and the measures of its inheriting and carrying forward.As for the contemporary value of excellent traditional culture,General Secretary Xi Jinping has given it a new affirmation and praise from multi-angles and multi-aspects with his profound vision.More precisely,the first is the inspiration of excellent traditional culture to governing the country.In order to draw lessons from the wisdom of Chinese traditional culture,we have to be good at it because the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation needs to be supported by the outstanding traditional culture.The strength of culture should not be underestimated.We need to dig deeply into the governance experience in culture and be good at drawing nutrients and wisdom from Chinese excellent traditional culture to strengthen the foundation of national governance.We need to adopt the impact of culture to promote national governance,better serve the people and improve the people’s livelihood.The second is the value of Chinese traditional culture to individuals.Standing at the height of the great rejuvenation of Chinese nation,General Secretary Xi Jinping explained the strategic significance of excellent traditional culture to the state and society,and emphasized the cultivation of personal character and the realization of self-value by learning outstanding traditional culture.On March 3,2013,General Secretary Xi Jinping stated in a speech for celebrating the 80th Anniversary of the Founding of the Central Party School:“Learning ethics can realize integrity,honor and disgrace.”〔7〕Distinguish right from wrong.The third is the contribution of Chinese traditional culture to the world.At the International Symposium on the 2565 Anniversary of the birth of Confucius,General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out:“Chinese civilization has not only exerted a profound impact on China’s development,but also made a major contribution to the progress of human civilization.”〔8〕In today’s world,human beings are facing numerous difficult problems,to say,disasters and famine,local war,environmental deterioration,ecological imbalance,etc..” Therefore,enlightenment and wisdom can be offered for the understanding and transformation of the world by making full use of both the modern technology power and the thought and ethics of Chinese outstanding traditional culture.

In response to the problem of historical and cultural nihilism existing in the course of the development of the cultural cause of the Party and the country,General Secretary Xi Jinping has put forward a new idea of inheriting and carrying forward the fine traditional Chinese culture,which not only clearly answers the theoretical questioning,but also gives certain guidance in practice.

Firstly,insisting on adopting a scientific attitude of sublation.On November 26,2013,when visiting the Confucius Temple in Qufu,Shandong Province,General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward the solutions to the treatment of excellent traditional culture:“We must adhere to the principle of using the past for the present and bringing forth new things from the old,and treat them with distinction and inherit them with sublation.”〔9〕The scientific attitude of sublation towards Chinese traditional culture and foreign culture keeps the same.General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed:“We should understand the history and culture of different nationalities in the world,remove its dross and take its essence,and draw an inspiration from it,and use it for our own benefit.”〔10〕

Secondly,dealing with the relationship between inheritance and innovative development.For Chinese outstanding traditional culture,inheritance and innovation should be unified and the former is the premise of the latter which can only be achieved based on the former.In handling the relationship between inheriting and developing outstanding traditional culture,we should be good at “developing in succession,inheriting in development,insisting on treating with discrimination and inheriting with sublation,striving to realize the creative transformation and innovative development of traditional culture.”〔11〕Integrating inheritance and development is the problem that must be solved for inheriting and carrying forward the outstanding traditional culture.

Thirdly,strengthening research and application.Learning and research is the effective way to carry forward outstanding traditional culture.First,it is necessary to clarify the source and the development path of inheriting and carrying forward excellent traditional culture,which is its basic project.Second,it is necessary to collect cultural classics and display cultural relics and other heritages,and systematizing them into fresh materials so as to go deep into the people’s daily life.Third,it is necessary to do well in popularize schools and society for the purpose of melting the classics into our hearts and engraving them in our minds,and of “making the classics as the genes of Chinese culture.”〔12〕

Fourthly,handling well the exchange and reference between Chinese and foreign civilization.We need to draw lessons from the world’s excellent culture for inheriting and carrying forward the outstanding traditional culture.General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that the Chinese nation is not only “an all-inclusive and all-embracing nation”,〔13〕but also an nation characterized by “civilization is colorful by exchange and civilization is enriched by mutual learning.”〔14〕Chinese nation inherits and carries forward the outstanding Chinese traditional culture through the tolerant and open mind in the course of going out and coming in.Therefore,we should continuously promote the cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries,spread Chinese voices and tell Chinese stories in communication,and in the exchange promote the mutual understanding and learning between Chinese and foreign civilizations.

Ⅲ.Taking the enhancement of cultural soft power as the strategic goal

Since the 18th National Congress of the Party,Xi Jinping has focused on the idea of promoting the soft power of Chinese culture.Highly examining the value of this thought from the angle of the key role in the development of SCC in the new era,the meaning lies in making clear the strategic goal of enhancing the cultural soft power at the new historical starting point and opportunity.

Regarding the construction of cultural soft power as a major strategic task in enhancing the comprehensive strength of the country,General Secretary Xi Jinping has on many occasions scientifically expounded the thought of Chinese cultural soft power.Xi Jinping believes that cultural soft power is about China’s international status and its status in the influence of the world’s culture.This new scientific judgement is a major strategic arrangement made by General Secretary Xi Jinping in order to develop the great cause of SCC and build a well-off society in an all-round way under the background of economic globalization.“It is the cultural soft power that reflects the core and the highest level of a country’s comprehensive strength,which is closely about the spirit of a nation.”〔15〕The “core” and the “highest-level” argument made by General Secretary Xi Jinping is a scientific judgment on the core elements of international competitiveness today and the practical problems in the cultural construction of China’s reform and opening up for more than 30 years.To conclude,it is necessary for us to raise the level of cultural soft power in keeping with the national economic development,and provide a strong ideological protection and spiritual motivation for realizing Chinese Dream.

Entering the new century,the competition of comprehensive national strength of all the countries in the world is no longer restricted to the development of hard power,but also pays increasing attention to the development of soft power.“The competition of economic strength and even the competition of the overall national strength cannot be separated from the cultural participation.”〔16〕According to historical experience and practice,cultural soft power in our time has become the core of comprehensive national strength,and increasingly become a symbolic indicator of its competitiveness and influence in the international community.On many important occasions,General Secretary Xi Jinping has put forward many important new ideas and judgments on the construction of cultural soft power,forming the thought of cultural soft power of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core.

How to enhance the cultural soft power in China and give play to its core competitiveness is a difficult problem to be solved for the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core in the new era.On the premise of grasping the strategic position of cultural soft power in an all-round way,Xi Jinping actively explored and answered the scientific proposition of how to enhance cultural soft power in the great practice of modernizing national governance.The 3rd Plenary session of the 18th Central Committee put forward two basic strategies to enhance cultural soft power,and under its guidance,the strategic thought on the construction of cultural soft power of General Secretary Xi Jinping was basically formed.

On the basis of this strategy,General Secretary Xi Jinping has put forward four new initiatives for the promotion of cultural soft power:

First,working hard to consolidate the foundation of national cultural soft power.To make full use of the influence and radiation power of Chinese traditional virtues,first,we must “start from the ideological morality,from the general social atmosphere and from every person”,〔17〕and then the moral quality of people’s inner goodness will be stimulated through social mobilization,thus.forming a conscious moral practice.Second,we should “carry out the study and education of socialist core values in depth”.Xi Jinping has once stressed that we need to “strive to achieve the creative transformation and innovative development of traditional Chinese virtues.”〔18〕In a word,we should take moral construction as the starting point,count on the socialist core values as the practical means,make “close to reality,close to the mass,close to life” as the cultural carrier,consolidate the foundation of cultural soft power,and make Chinese virtue become the daily conscious behavior of the people.

Second,working hard to spread contemporary Chinese values.In the great practice of upholding and developing SCC,the transmission of contemporary Chinese values with “Chinese Dream” of promoting and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation should be combined.Chinese Dream is the most intuitive and most vivid embodiment of contemporary Chinese values.The most vivid expression and expression.In order to improve the soft power of national culture,we must concentrate the contemporary Chinese values and strengthen the propaganda of public opinions.Meanwhile,we should reinforce the persuasiveness and appealing of propaganda,and interpret the interlink between Chinese Dream and other national dreams so as to enhance the understanding and recognition of Chinese Dream by international communities.

Third,working hard to manifest the unique charm of Chinese culture.Focusing on manifesting and disseminating the charm of Chinese culture under the new situation,General Secretary Xi Jinping has made an important remarks.Then how to show the long history of Chinese civilization development and the brilliant culture created by the Chinese nation?We should work hard to handle well the mass entrepreneurship and innovation of excellent traditional culture,and combine the genes of Chinese excellent culture and the new era through various forms of creation,enjoyable ways of showing,thus easily to attract broad participation.At the same time,we should try hard to manifest the four images of China’s being “great civilized,great eastern country,great responsible.”

Fourth,working hard to improve the right of international discourse.Nowadays,the right of speech has become the most direct form of manifesting a country’s cultural soft power and the commanding point of the international community.Since the 18th National Congress of the Party,Xi Jinping has put forward a series of arguments about enhancing the international discourse rights on the basis of strengthening a nation’s international discourse rights and its cultural soft power.At the National Conference on Propaganda and Ideological Work,General Secretary Xi Jinping made a request of “innovating the way of external propaganda,telling stories of China,spreading Chinese voices.”〔19〕Therefore,we should build a unique discourse system for SCC,make full use of new media like WeChat and Microblog,and give full play to the advantages and power of network communication,thus telling Chinese stories in the transmission and enhancing its the appealing and convincing force.

General Secretary Xi Jinping has interpreted the great significance of enhancing the national cultural soft power and the new measures of “four great efforts” in a systematic way,which offers a strong theoretical support and practical guidance for the promotion of the national cultural soft power strategy.

Ⅳ.Taking the cultivation & expansion of core socialist values as the value guide

Since the end of 2012,in order to make the concept of promoting the construction of a socialist cultural power put forward in the report of the 18th National Congress implemented in practice,the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has made a major strategic plan to cultivate and practice the socialist core values.This strategic plan,with the role of leading the overall ideological values,is what the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has made for the cultural construction and development based on summarizing the experience in cultural construction and the complex situation at home and abroad.The strategic plan,which was made from the overall perspective and strategic height,is also the strategic means of the Party Central Committee to answer many major theoretical doubts and to solve the current practical situation in the field of cultural construction.And the essence of this plan is to reveal the value leading role of cultural construction in the practice of governing the country.

Socialist core values play a leading role in the construction of culture.First is the need to consolidate the guiding position of Marxist ideology.Currently,the public opinion environment at home and abroad is more complicated and changeable,but the ideological infiltration of the west to China has not ever changed.This is because the core values of socialism in the new period are the concentrated manifestation of Chinese ideology,which is about the guiding position of Marxist ideology,and the realization of the goal of building a well-off society and “two hundred years”.Second is the need to consolidate the ruling position of the Party.Corruption may erode the party’s body,destroy its image and even lose its ruling position.Xi Jinping emphasized:“Without belief,ideal,or without firm faith and ideal,the Communists will be “deficient in calcium” spiritually,and suffer from “rickets”,which may inevitably lead to political deterioration,economic greed,moral depravity and life corruption.”〔20〕Hence the cultivation and promotion of socialist core values will help party members and cadres to strengthen their ideals and beliefs,maintain the Party’s purity and progressiveness,and stay away from “formalism,bureaucracy,hedonism and extravagance.” Third is the need to promote the modernization of the country’s governance system and capacity.“In order to promote the modernization of our country’s governance system and governance capacity,we must vigorously cultivate and carry forward the socialist core value system and core values.”〔21〕This is the first time that Xi Jinping has discussed the relationship between the national governance system and the core values,and has written this relationship into the party’s documents.

How to cultivate and carry forward the socialist core values?Since the 18th National Congress of the Party,the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has put forward a series of new ideas and new viewpoints on the cultivation and promotion of socialist core values,and explained the ways to cultivate and carry forward them.The new strategic deployment requires that the socialist core values,through multiple ways like propaganda,guidance,edification,cultivation and so on,must become people’s internal pursuit and conscious action in the atmosphere that moisturizes everything in silence.For this purpose,attention must be paid to the following four points.First,it is necessary to base ourselves on the outstanding Chinese traditional culture.The primary task of cultivating and carrying forward the core values of socialism is to explore the values of traditional Chinese culture and absorb their nutrition and strength,for without the profound soil of Chinese outstanding traditional culture,the core values of socialism will become the water with no source,the wood with no basis,and even lose its vitality and support.Second,it is necessary to strengthen the means of educational guidance.This guidance is very important for people’s acceptance and recognition of socialist core values,especially for teenagers.Therefore,with the propaganda of the whole society and the school,the socialist core values should be educated and guided into the teaching materials,the classrooms,the minds,and make it become the faith and the behavior that the large number of children consciously pursue and follow.Third,it is necessary to integrate it into the practice of life.More attention should be paid to the subtleties of life so that people can really feel it and touch it,just like the air we breathe every day and everywhere.We should bring into full play the cultural form of “moisturizing everything in silence and expressing the core values of socialism vividly and correctly”.〔22〕Literary and artistic works,on the one hand,should play the role of education and aesthetic appreciation,and on the other hand,should inherit and carry forward the excellent Chinese culture.The circles of literature and art should undertake the glorious mission of holding high the flag and building a spiritual homeland,and become the advocates and practitioners of the socialist core values.Fourth,it is necessary to use the system as a safeguard.System is the prerequisite and basic guarantee for the cultivation and promotion of the core values,so we should establish rules and regulations in all walks of life to ensure that the socialist core values can be propagated,carried out and practiced.Moreover,we should also use the legal system to push forward,promote,standardize and guide the socialist core values on the track of law rules,so that people can clearly identify what needs to be advocated and what needs to be objected to in the process of perceiving,mastering and identifying.

Ⅴ.Taking the improvement of the construction of clean government culture as the proper meaning

The vigorous promotion of building a clean government culture is not only an important part of the anti-corruption work of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core,but also the proper meaning of establishing socialist culture with Chinese characteristics.As we all know,the clean government culture is a value orientation,including thoughts,ideas,behavior and so on.It is both a means and a belief to promote the construction of clean government culture.It is very significant for the value of cultural spirit whether or not o give full play to the role of clean government culture.Since the 18th National Congress of the Party,General Secretary Xi Jinping has put more emphasis on the cultural efficiency of a clean government,advocated the eduction of a clean government and promoted the cultural construction of a clean government.

On many occasions,General Secretary Xi Jinping has expounded the issue of building a clean government culture.Aiming at make full use of the educational function of the clean government culture,he stated:“We should strengthen anti-corruption education and the construction of a clean government culture.”〔23〕He hopes that through clean government education and cultural edification,our party members and cadres can keep a clean character and carry forward the value concept of honesty and upright.Therefore,in order to sum up the experience and lessons in building a clean government culture,we must strengthen the study on anti-corruption history in China,absorb the essence of ancient thought of clean government culture,summarize the experience and lessons of success and failure,thus enlightening today’s construction of the clean government.

To give full play to the function of the clean government culture and enhance the enthusiasm of the party members and cadres in the course of realizing the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation,General Secretary Xi Jinping,based on absorbing and drawing lessons from the idea of establishing a clean government in China’s outstanding traditional culture,has offered the following new interpretations in terms of the firm belief,the enhancement of work style and the strengthening of the system:

Firstly,firm belief is the foundation of the communists’ destiny.Since the 18th National Congress of the Party,General Secretary Xi Jinping has always emphasized the prominent role of ideals and beliefs in team construction,believing that firm beliefs and honesty and upright are the criterion to measure a good cadre.He emphatically stated:“firm ideals and beliefs are the first criterion for good cadres,which determines whether a person is a good cadre or not?”〔24〕Whether or not the ideals of the Party members and cadres are firm is closely related to the fate of the party,the ruling position of the party,and the long-term stability of the country.Therefore,General Secretary Xi Jinping calls for strengthening the ideological and moral construction of Party members and cadres to solve the problem of ideals and beliefs.With Marxism-Leninism,Mao Zedong thought and SCC theory armed the minds,the Communists should be the believers and practitioners of communist ideals,and always maintain their noble character.

Second,strengthening the style construction is the key.The style construction is both an important part of the construction of clean government culture and an essential link in strengthening the Party’s construction.Whether the style is good or bad is related to the direction of the people,the stability of the state power.Since the 18th National Congress of the Party,the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has set an example by improving its work style,keeping close ties with the masses,and carrying out the learning and education of two-learning-one-doing,etc.,promulgated the Outline of the Five-year Plan for the Formulation of Central Party Laws and Regulations (2013-2017),the Regulations on the Supervision of the CPC within the Party,the Regulations on the Accountability of the CPC,and other rules and regulations.〔25〕We must strengthen the construction of work style and stop “formalism,bureaucracy,hedonism,extravagance”.We must manage the ranks of party members and cadres strictly,rectify the unhealthy tendencies,resist the evil tendencies consciously,and strictly exercise power and discipline oneself.

Third,improving the system construction is the basic guarantee.The formulation of construction is not only overall and fundamental,but also stable and long-term.General Secretary Xi Jinping has great foresight thought,and has stressed the promotion of building a clean government culture in terms of institutional construction,and put an end to corruption problem so as to restrain the breeding of corruption.Xi Jinping stressed:“The essence of system lies not in its quantity,but in its quality,its practicability,and its pertinence and guidance.”〔26〕The absence of the system has misled some cadres to behaving recklessly and using power illegally with no party discipline and state laws.Therefore,great efforts should be made in system construction to make it a cage for power restriction,regard the system construction as an important part of the construction of clean government culture,administer and rule by law,and form a kind of political and cultural atmosphere in which one can’t,dare not,nor want to corrupt.

The nation is prosperous in its culture and strong in its culture.In the report of the 19th National Congress of the Party,General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out:“Without great confidence and prosperity in culture,without great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.”〔27〕General Secretary Xi Jinping has incorporated cultural construction into the great practice of SCC,to say,the realization of the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation,the general layout of “five in one”,and the strategic layout of “four comprehensive” and “five development concepts” and so on.And around cultural confidence,outstanding traditional culture,cultural soft power,core socialist values and a clean government culture,a series of new ideas have been made and the scientific system of the thought on cultural construction has been created.This scientific system by Xi Jinping,with its complete structure,rich content,precise exposition and profound thinking,is the latest achievement for the theoretical innovation and development of the party and the state’s cultural construction work,and provide a strong theoretical and practical guide for the construction of socialist culture with Chinese characteristics in the new era.