

教学考试(高考英语) 2017年6期


英 语







第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)




例:How much is the shirt?



1.What are they going to do today?

A.Play tennis.

B.Play volleyball.

C.Go swimming.

2.What does the man order?

A.A roast chicken and a garden salad.

B.A garden salad and a tomato soup.

C.A roast chicken and a tomato soup.

3.What will the man probably do next?

A.Iron the shirt.

B.Make a cup of coffee.

C.Do the housework.

4.Who won the table tennis match last Sunday?




5.Where does the conversation probably take place?

A.In a bookstore.

B.In a library.

C.In a cinema.




6.What will the couple do for their wedding anniversary?

A.Go to see a film.

B.Work on a report.

C.Go out for dinner.

7.When did Lily finish her report?

A.On Friday.

B.On Wednesday.

C.On Sunday.


8.When did the woman come back from Guilin?

A.On May 4.

B.On May 5.

C.On May 6.

9.What did the woman like best on her trip?

A.The fresh air in Guilin.

B.The dark waters of Li River.

C.The Elephant Trunk Hill.


10.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?


B.Husband and wife.

C.Mother and son.

11.What is the man’s problem?

A.Having many cards to write.

B.Getting all the food ready.

C.Telling his son the truth about Santa.

12.What can we learn from the woman’s words?

A.There’s no need to tell Tom the truth.

B.It’s not easy for Tom to accept the truth.

C.Tom is too old to believe in the truth.


13.Where does the man want to rent an apartment?

A.Near the school.

B.Near the park.

C.Near the bus station.

14.What doesn’t the man like about the first apartment?

A.The traffic is not convenient.

B.The rent is a little bit high.

C.The living room is small.

15.Where is the second apartment?

A.In the Baker Street.

B.In the Green Street.

C.In the Bridge Street.

16.What is the monthly rent for the second apartment?

A.$500. B.$600. C.$700.


17.What is the main reason for the children’s death in the floodwater?

A.Playing too close to high water.

B.Swimming in the water.

C.Fishing on flooded waterways.

18.How many people have died in vehicles since 2011 in America?

A.About 600. B.About 700. C.About 360.

19.Which state has the most flood-related deaths?

A.Ohio. B.Missouri. C.Texas.

20.What is the most important to prevent flooding deaths while driving?

A.Timely rescues.

B.Common sense.

C.Warning systems.

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)




Customer Service

Our client(委托人), located in Elmhurst, wants to look for an experienced customer service individual. You will be doing order entry, quotations and customer service. Excellent benefits upon hire.


● 24 years Customer Service Experience

● Enough knowledge to use a computer

● College degree a plus

Email: or call 28151005 for further information.

Administrative Assistant

We want to add experienced Administrative Assistants to our team to represent Stivers at client companies on temporary assignments. We need someone who can perform a variety of administrative functions: schedule appointments, give information to callers, write reports, handle multiple projects,etc.


● A high school diploma with at least 5 years of experience in the field or in a related area

● Familiar with a variety of the field’s concepts,practices, and procedures

● Perform a variety of complicated tasks

● Must be familiar with using MS Excel daily

Please send your application to

Video Editor

We are looking for a superb, intelligent video editor. Our YouTube channel has a worldwide fan base and our video content is growing fast, so we need someone who can join the team, edit videos, and brainstorm ideas.


● Bachelor’s degree in computer science

● Knowledge of Avid media management a plus

● Ability to work efficiently in a fast-paced environment to meet tight deadlines

If you are interested, please send an email to

Sales Manager

We are currently seeking a Sales Manager to join our team in Sioux City, IA.We are looking for energetic, service-minded individuals, who are financially ambitious, and enjoy helping others to provide our clients with motivation and support in a positive and professional work environment.


● Ability to develop new and effective methods of increasing sales in a competitive environment

● Excellent customer service, sales and communication skills

● 2+ years of direct sales management experience

Submit your resume to

21.If you want to work in Stivers, you should send your application to_____________ .

22.Who would be more suitable for the position of Sales Manager?

A.One with the ability to edit various videos.

B.One with a bachelor’s degree in computer science.

C.One with knowledge of Avid media management.

D.One with excellent sales and communication skills.

23.A person with zero job experience may land a job in______.

A.Customer Service

B.Administrative Assistant

C.Video Editor

D.Sales Manager

24.Where does this text probably come from?

A.A textbook.

B.A news report.

C.A job website.

D.A travel advertisement.


Baseball was always where my heart lay. However, my father did not care for baseball. Two recreational activities he enjoyed were golfing and fishing, neither of which I considered a real sport. He didn’t talk much and he wasn’t good at expressing himself. Frankly, I wasn’t entirely certain he cared about me. In a way, my father was like a familiar stranger I saw every day.

One day, watching the play on television made me want a glove of my own. To my surprise, my father said he wanted one, too. He was on the portly side, but then again, one of the famous pitchers(投手) on the Mets was even fatter. So I thought, why not?

We bought two gloves, and that evening, he suggested we go out to the courtyard and toss( 掷 ) the ball around. I’d already practiced catching and throwing at school, but I could tell this was the first time for my father, because every time he caught the ball, it landed directly in his palm. If you’ve ever caught a ball with a baseball glove, you know how much this hurts.

But my father caught ball after ball this way. Slap! Slap!He winced(龇牙咧嘴). After about five minutes, I told him I’d had enough. It wasn’t out of mercy, but for my own selfinterest. Neighborhood kids were watching and would no doubt tease me later for having an old man who didn’t know how to properly catch a baseball do that. When my father took the glove off, his palm was red and swollen.

Dad, who passed away 11 years ago, never told me he loved me. But that sound of the baseball landing in the soft flesh of his hand, over and over again—it spoke its own tender language, though at the time, all I felt was shame.

25.What does the underlined word “portly” mean in Paragraph 2?





26.What can we learn from the passage?

A.The father didn’t feel hurt when catching the ball.

B.The father didn’t understand his child at all.

C.The author didn’t realize his father’s love for him back then.

D.The author criticized his father when playing baseball together.

27.What could be the best title for the passage?

A.A Crying Shame for Baseball

B.Saying “I Love You” with Baseball

C.A Loving Father and His Son

D.Living a Happy Life with Baseball


Feifei, an 11-year-old boy from Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province,suffered from a sudden acute eye disease which has almost led to blindness. The disease was caused by excessive(过度的)eye fatigue(疲劳) during the winter vacation, during which he played computer games for continuous 10 days and nights.

Many youngsters in China nowadays are increasingly addicted to computer games and other electronic products.This is followed by a series of health problems, with the most typical case being myopia, or nearsightedness.

According to the latest research report released by the World Health Organization (WHO), the myopia rate among Chinese teenagers ranks first in the world—70 percent of high school and college students. The rate is nearly 40 percent in primary school students, while it is only 10 percent for their peers in the United States.

There are at least 10 million people in China with severe myopia, and they are likely to get pathological(病理性的)myopia in middle age. Pathological myopia can’t be treated with glasses or surgery, and it is one of the biggest factors that lead to blindness, Xu Xun, director of the ophthalmology(眼科学) department at Shanghai General Hospital, pointed out.

Experts explain that two major factors lead to the high rate of myopia among Chinese people. One is high academic pressure, and the other one is excessive use of electronic devices over a long period of time. Genetics, on the other hand,are not the main reason, as only 20 percent of Chinese people had myopia in the 1960s.

“Teenagers are now faced with severe academic pressure, which means they often study without natural light.This increases their risk of becoming nearsighted,” Xu said.

Experts suggest that youngsters maintain a proper balance between study and rest so as to protect their eyesight, and parents should play an active role in the process.

28.Why does the author mention Feifei’s experience in the first paragraph?

A.To advise people to protect their eyes.

B.To introduce the topic of nearsightedness.

C.To inform people of the cause of blindness.

D.To show that Feifei developed an eye disease.

29.What can be learnt from the passage?

A.Nearsightedness may cause other health problems.

B.There are more nearsighted students in the United States.

C.70 percent Chinese students in primary school are nearsighted.

D.Pathological myopia is most likely to cause blindness.

30.Which of the following can be a main reason for myopia?

A.Genetics factors.

B.Low academic pressure.

C.Overuse of electronic devices.

D.Reading in natural light.

31.What will be probably discussed in the following paragraph?

A.The significance of protecting eyesight.

B.Youngsters-bad behavior leading to myopia.

C.The relationship between youngsters and their parents.

D.Parents-role in helping youngsters protect their eyesight.


There was a time when cheating was rare in schools,but today everyone is focused on making the top ten percent of their class and seems to have forgotten school’s purpose.School exists so that people will be educated. Nobody can cheat their way into being successful.

A lot of students today don’t even view cheating as wrong, and most of those who cheat have been doing it for so long that it doesn’t even faze them. This really bothers the teachers because the students who usually cheat probably will never stop to think how bad it truly is. When you cheat, you learn nothing, which is why cheating is so serious.

Our society seems to believe that the more material wealth you have, the more successful you are. As a result, it seems many people have become successful by cheating their way to the top. If students think cheating is normal, who knows what they will find acceptable as adults? Most people think that cheating on one little test doesn’t mean that you will cheat again. Unfortunately, this is not true because if you can get away with it once, you are likely to do it again.

If cheating continues in college, students will get nothing out of what they are being tested on. If a college student cheats on all the work they do for their major, when and if they get a job, that person will be a total mess at work.

I am not saying that anyone who has ever cheated is a liar, because that would mean just about every student at your average school would be one, including me. What I am saying is that cheating should be more frowned upon and students should receive harsher punishments. I truly believe that if there were consequences for cheating, students would actually focus on learning. Then we all would be better educated.

32.More and more students tend to cheat in exams because they want to.

A.gain high marks

B.succeed in society

C.find a good job

D.finish their work quickly

33.What does the underlined word “faze” mean in the second paragraph?





34.What can we learn from the text?

A.Anyone who has ever cheated in school is a liar.

B.Students who never cheat in college will find a good job.

C.Getting away with punishment will lead to cheating again.

D.Most people have successfully cheated their way to the top.

35.What is the text mainly about?

A.Students-Cheating in Schools

B.Consequences of Cheating

C.Punishments for Students’ Cheating

D.Students’ Cheating: Acceptable or Not?



How to Calm Down at Work

The workplace can be a stressful place. Anxiety, conflict,bad management and overwork can lead to frustration and stress.

Keep something you like to look at within sight. A photo of a loved one or a favorite personal souvenir are the best examples. Keep such an item somewhere you can glance at it whenever you wish to do so. 37

Take a moment to engage your body. If you’re unable to leave your work area, stand and stretch for a moment. Muscle tension exercises can also help you calm down.For instance, start by squeezing all of your face muscles as tightly as you can for twenty seconds and slowly releasing them.

Write down the reason why you are upset.Getting your thoughts and feelings out on paper can help clarify the issue you’re having. Writing down your thoughts can even help you determine the best way to address your frustration or anxiety and move forward.

A.Turn to your workmates for help.

B.Communicate with your workmates.

C.A vase of flowers on your desk is another good example.

D.Focus on one particular muscle or muscle group at a time.

E.Here are the steps you can take to help you calm down at work.

F.Engage your body by rolling your head, shoulder, and ankles while sitting.

G.The best way to figure out exactly what’s bothering you is to write it down.

第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)



It is every kid’s worst nightmare(梦魇 ) and six-year-old Jaden Hayes has lived it twice. First, hehis dad when he was four and then last month his mom died unexpectedly,him an orphan(孤儿).

Jaden is understandably heartbroken. But there’s another side to his. A side he first made3 weeks ago when he told his friends that he was tired of seeing some people sad all the time. And he had a plan toit.

So far he has gone out on four different occasions andnearly 500 smiles. Sometimes he doesn’t get exactly thehe was hoping for: it simply confuses some peoplea six’year’old would give them a toy. Theyto behave awkwardly: stepping back or giving asmile. In most cases, however, he will be paidin hugs.Those good reactions have worked wonders: the more people that he made smile, the morecame out of him.

41.A.saw B.lost

C.saved D.recognized

42.A.proving B.seeing

C.leaving D.finding

43.A.interest B.action

C.delight D.sadness

44.A.public B.available


45.A.achieve B.fix

C.enjoy D.finish

46.A.helped B.ended

C.began D.changed

C.books D.keys

48.A.believes B.loves

C.asks D.targets

49.A.nothing B.something C.everything D.anything

50.A.collected B.exchanged

C.claimed D.shared


C.reactions D.thanks


C.when D.where

53.A.refuse B.tend

C.pretend D.continue

54.A.warm B.wide

C.tight D.sweet

55.A.handsomely B.separately

C.equally D.cautiously


C.surprise D.doubt


C.tell D.visit

58.A.Still B.Then

C.Yet D.Even

59.A.brave B.start

C.risk D.celebrate

60.A.performances B.hands

C.spirits D.eyes



Each year, thousands of people come to Shaanxi, China,to visit the Terracotta Army, which shows the life of Qin Shi Huang,country’s first Emperor.

As one of the most famous tourist sights in the world, the Terracotta Army is a form of funerary(葬礼的)art(bury)with the First Emperor in 210 to 209 BC. It was designed(protect) the emperor in his afterlife.

In October a BBC documentary(纪录片), the Greatest Tomb on Earth: Secrets of Ancient China, suggested the inspiration for the Terracotta Warriors may have comeAncient Greece, aboutArchaeologist Li Xiuzhen said,“We now have evidence that close contact did exist between the First Emperor’s China and the West.”

On the 41st International Museum Day, it was(official) announced that new technology has just madepossible for visitors to be guided. Thanks to an interactive(交互式)360-degree video, visitors can choose either to view the 70 (figure) close-up or from a distance.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)






When Nancy got an emergency call from Seattle Hospital,she knew she has no time to waste getting to her mom’s side.While she pulled over to refuel, she found that she’d left her handbag home. Trapped in a truck stop, she felt totally at loss. However, she had to ask for help. Someone sent her up the road to Jim Oliver’s Smoke House, a restaurant where is known for its generosity. In the parking lot, she broke down,tells her story to the owner, Oliver. He gave her a comforting smile while listening patient. Later, much to her astonish, he handed her $200 in cash and offered with her a meal.

When Nancy asked how she could pay him back, Oliver waved him on. “You would have done the same if you were me,” said Oliver.

第二节 书面表达(满分25分)






参考词汇:Chinese Classics Reciting Contest 中华经典文学朗诵比赛



3.开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。Dear David,

Looking forward to your early reply.


Li Hua


第一部分 听力

1.C 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.A 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.A 11.C 12.B 13.C 14.B 15.A 16.A 17.A 18.C 19.C 20.B

第二部分 阅读理解





【关键句】We want to add experienced Administrative Assistants to our team to represent Stivers at client companies on temporary assignments.(Administrative Assistant部分第一句)


【解题思路】根据关键句可知,Stivers公司招聘行政助理;根据该部分最后一句“Please send your application to”可知,A项正确。故选A。


【关键句】Excellent customer service, sales and communication skills(Sales Manager部分Requirements第二条)




【解题思路】通读全文可知,文中涉及的其他三项职位都提到了对工作经验的要求,只有Video Editor没有提到对工作经验的要求,因此没有工作经验的人可申请该工作。故选C。



【长难句分析】Our YouTube channel has a worldwide fan base and our video content is growing fast, so we need someone who can join the team, edit videos, and brainstorm ideas.(Video Editor部分第二句)

分析:so连接表示因果关系的复合句;“who can join the team,edit videos, and brainstorm ideas”是定语从句,修饰先行词“someone”。


词汇积累:quotation n.报价,估价requirement n.要求

represent v.代表assignment n.任务,工作




【解题思路】根据画线句中的“one of the famous pitchers(投手)on the Mets was even fatter”可推知,父亲有点胖,此处与“even fatter”照应,因此画线词应意为“胖的”。故选D。


【关键句】But that sound of the baseball landing in the soft flesh of his hand, over and over again—it spoke its own tender language,though at the time, all I felt was shame.(最后一段最后一句)





【长难句分析】Two recreational activities he enjoyed were golfing and fishing, neither of which I considered a real sport.(第一段第三句)

分析:“he enjoyed”是定语从句,修饰先行词“activities”;“neither of which I considered a real sport”也是定语从句,修饰先行词“golfing and fishing”。

译文:他喜欢的两种娱乐活动是高尔夫和钓鱼,这两种活动我都不认为是真正的体育运动。词汇积累:recreational adj.娱乐的mercy n.怜悯,宽容tease v.取笑





【 关 键 句】Pathological myopia can’t be treated with glasses or surgery, and it is one of the biggest factors that lead to blindness...(第四段最后一句)




【关键句】One is high academic pressure, and the other one is excessive use of electronic devices over a long period of time.(第五段第二句)




【解题思路】根据文章最后一段中的“and parents should play an active role in the process”可知,下文可能会接着探讨家长在帮助孩子保护视力方面所发挥的作用。故选D。

【长难句分析】Experts suggest that youngsters maintain a proper balance between study and rest so as to protect their eyesight, and parents should play an active role in the process.(最后一段)

分析:动词suggest后接that引导的宾语从句; “so as to protect their eyesight”在句中作目的状语。


词汇积累:acute adj.严重的,敏锐的release v.发布,公布blindness n.失明






【解题思路】根据画线句中的“who cheat have been doing it for so long”可知,有些学生长时间作弊,久而久之,习以为常,作弊再也不会使他们感到尴尬。因此画线词应意为“使……尴尬”。故选B。


【关键句】Unfortunately, this is not true because if you can get away with it once, you are likely to do it again.(第三段最后一句)





【长难句分析】A lot of students today don’t even view cheating as wrong, and most of those who cheat have been doing it for so long that it doesn’t even faze them.(第二段第一句)

分析:本句是and连接的并列句。“who cheat”是定语从句,修饰先行词“those”;本句中还含有so...that...,意为“如此……以至于……”,that引导结果状语从句。

译文:如今,许多学生甚至不认为作弊有错,他们中的大多数人作弊时间太长,以至于(作弊)不会使他们尴尬。词汇积累:cheat v.欺骗,作弊consequence n.结果frown on/upon 不赞成,不许可








【解题思路】本段主要讲述了要抽时间锻炼身体。肌肉的练习有助于保持情绪平静。根据下文所列举的例子可知,此处应讲述一次锻炼一个肌肉群,与D项中的 “one particular muscle or muscle group”一致。故选D。


【解题思路】根据下一句“Getting your thoughts and feelings out on paper can help clarify the issue you’re having.”可知,此处指将这些困扰和想法写出来是一个好办法。故选G。


【解题思路】根据本段中的“set up a time to speak with him or her”可知,本段主要讲述要和同事们交流、沟通。故选B。

【亮点句积累】Getting your thoughts and feelings out on paper can help clarify the issue you’re having. (第四段第三句)

译文:把你的想法和感受写在纸上有助于理清你所面临的问题。词汇积累:stressful adj.压力重的frustration n.懊恼souvenir n.纪念物muscle n.肌肉

第三部分 语言知识运用




【解题思路】根据下文中的“him an orphan(孤儿)”可推知,他失去了父亲。故选B。


【解题思路】根据上文“It is every kid’s worst nightmare(梦魇)and six-year-old Jaden Hayes has lived it twice.”及语境可知,父母去世,留下他一人。leave意为“留下”,符合语境。故选C。


【解题思路】根据上一句“Jaden is understandably heartbroken.”及语境可知,Jaden的悲伤不仅仅在于此。故选D。


【解题思路】根据本句中的 “when he told his friends that he was tired of seeing some people sad all the time”可知,他将自己悲伤的另一面公之于众。make public是固定搭配,意为“公之于众”,符合语境。故选A。




【解题思路】根据下文中的“Jaden asked his aunt to buy...”可知,Jaden开始将自己的计划付诸实施。故选C。


【解题思路】根据下文中的“it simply confuses some peoplea six-year-old would give them a toy”可知,Jaden让阿姨给他买了一些小玩具。故选B。


【解题思路】根据最后一段第三句中的“he puts smiles back on the face of others”可知,此处指Jaden以那些不爱笑的人为目标,以赠送玩具的方式换得别人的微笑。target用作动词时,有“瞄准,以……为目标”之意,符合语境。故选D。


【解题思路】根据下文中的“but a smile”可知,他不求任何回报,只想得到一个微笑。故选A。




【解题思路】根据下一句“Theyto behave awkwardly...”可知,人们有时不明白这个六岁孩子的意图,因此很尴尬;由此可推知,他有时得不到预期的回应。故选C。


【解题思路】根据本句中的“it simply confuses some people a six-year-old would give them a toy”可知,人们不明白为什么一个六岁的孩子要送玩具给他们,故用引导词why。故选A。


【解题思路】根据常识及语境可知,因为不清楚Jaden的意图,他们往往会表现得很尴尬。tend to do...意为“倾向于做……”,符合语境。故选B。


【解题思路】根据上文中的“behave awkwardly”可知,人们因为很尴尬,所以笑得很拘谨。故选C。


【解题思路】根据上文中的“Theyto behave awkwardly”及本句中的“In most cases, however”可知,此处指大多数情况下,他还是会得到慷慨的拥抱。故选A。






【解题思路】根据上一句及空格后的“he is a little fighter”可知,此处与上文内容是转折关系,虽然思念双亲,但他却并未因此而一蹶不振,因此用副词yet。故选C。



60.C考查名词辨析。【解题思路】根据本句中的“he puts smiles back on the face of others”可知,他让笑容又回到那些人的脸上,旨在振奋他们的精神。故选C。

【亮点句积累】He targets people who aren’t already smiling and then turns their day around, expecting nothing in return—but a smile.(第三段第三句)










【解题思路】本句中有谓语动词“is”,因此这里用非谓语动词形式;且逻辑主语art和bury之间是被动关系,故此处应用动词的过去分词形式。 protect考查非谓语动词。

【解题思路】be designed to do sth. 是固定结构,意为“目的是”,符合题意,故填from。



65.were based考查动词的时态和语态。



【解题思路】根据语境可知,此处指这部纪录片暗示兵马俑的灵感来自古希腊。come from...意为“来自于……”,符合语境。故填from。









【亮点句积累】Since their discovery, experts have questioned whether the life-size models of soldiers were based on real warriors(勇士) or whether they came off a production line.(第三段)


词汇积累:emperor n.皇帝,君主soldier n.士兵

inspiration n.灵感

第四部分 写作

第一节 短文改错

When Nancy got an emergency call from Seattle Hospital, she knew she hashad no time to waste getting to her mom’s side. While-When she pulled over to refuel, she found that she’d left her handbag home. Trapped in a truck stop, she felt totally at ∧a loss. However-Therefore, she had to ask for help. Someone sent her up the road to Jim Oliver’s Smoke House, a restaurant wherewhich/that is known for its generosity. In the parking lot, she broke down, tellstelling her story to the owner, Oliver. He gave her a comforting smile while listening patientpatiently. Later, much to her astonishastonishment, he handed her$200 in cash and offered with her a meal.

When Nancy asked how she could pay him back, Oliver waved himher on. “You would have done the same if you were me,” said Oliver.






【解题思路】at a loss是固定搭配,意为“不知所措,困惑”。故loss前加a。




【解题思路】分析句子结构可知,此处引导定语从句,先行词是“a restaurant”,在从句中作主语,应用which/that。故where改为 which/that。


【解题思路】本句中有谓语动词“broke down”,故此处应用非谓语动词;且逻辑主语“she”和tell之间是主动关系,故用现在分词。故tells改为telling。




【解题思路】“to one’s+n.”为固定结构,意为“令某人……的是”。故astonish改为astonishment。


【解题思路】动词offer后接双宾语,即offer sb. sth.,意为“给某人提供某物”。故去掉with。



第二节 书面表达




提纲:开头句:①I am Li Hua, Chairman of the Students’ Union. I am writing to invite you to participate in our Chinese Classics Reciting Contest.

②Let me introduce myself first. I am Li Hua, Chairman of the Students’ Union. My purpose is that I want to invite you to participate in our Chinese Classics Reciting Contest.

文章主体:要点一:①The contest will be held in Room 201 from 2:00 to 4:00 on the afternoon of June 15. What’s more, the number of participants is limited to 40. All the competitors are required to read Chinese poems or essays within five minutes.

②The contest will be scheduled in Room 201 from 2:00 to 4:00 on the afternoon of June 15. Moreover, only 40 people can participate in the competition. They should read Chinese poems or essays within five minutes.

要点二:①Some judges will mark their performance at the same time.

②Meanwhile, some judges will mark their performance.

要点三:①At last, prizes will go to the top five students. I am sure that it will be great fun and beneficial to your language learning. Hope you can join us. My phone number is 33576039.

② Finally, top five students will get their prizes. I am sure that you’ll have a good time and it will be helpful to your language learning. Hope you can join us. My phone number is 33576039.

结尾句:①I’m looking forward to your early reply.

② I’ll appreciate it if you can give me an early response.

③An early reply is expected. Thank you.

One possible version

Dear David,

I am Li Hua, Chairman of the Students’ Union. I am writing to invite you to participate in our Chinese Classics Reciting Contest.

The contest will be held in Room 201 from 2:00 to 4:00 on the afternoon of June 15. What’s more, the number of participants is limited to 40. All the competitors are required to read Chinese poems or essays within five minutes. Some judges will mark their performance at the same time. At last, prizes will go to the top five students. I am sure that it will be great fun and beneficial to your language learning. Hope you can join us. My phone number is 33576039.

Looking forward to your early reply.


Li Hua


Text 1

W:Let’s d o something outdoors today.

M:All right. But I don’t want to play tennis. We played tennis last weekend.

W:What about playing volleyball?

M:I prefer to go swimming.

W:Sounds great to me.

Text 2

W:Are you ready to order, Sir?

M:Yes, I’d like a roast chicken.

W:And would you like a tomato soup before your meal?

M:I’ll pass on the soup. I’d like a garden salad.

Text 3

M:My shirt needs ironing. Could you please help me with that, Mary?

W:No way. I’m doing the housework. Do it yourself.

M:Please. I promise this is the last time.

W:OK, I’ll do it for you, but only if you make me a cup of coffee.

Text 4

M:Lily, who took you to the table tennis match last Sunday?

W:My friend Jack.

M:Who won the game at last?

W:I was in favor of Tim, but Joseph turned out to be the winner.

Text 5

M:Excuse me. I am looking for a book called The Little Prince, but I can’t find it anywhere.

W:Let me see. I am sorry we have just sold out. And Cinderella is also warmly welcomed by the children.

Text 6

M:Lily, what are you going to do for your wedding anniversary?

W:We had planned to have a party, but most of our friends are not available. Instead of going out to have dinner with our children, we have decided to watch a film in the local cinema.

M:Have you finished the report the manager set us?It is supposed to be handed in before this Friday.

W:Yes. I thought I would spend our wedding anniversary in front of the computer, but luckily I have finished all my work 2 days before the deadline.

Text 7

M:Hey, Cathy. Nice to see you. When did you come back from Guilin?

W:I had intended to come back on May 6, but I came back on May 4,for I had an important business meeting the next day.

M:Oh! So did you have a wonderful time there?

W:Yes, definitely. Guilin enjoys many world-famous places of interest.It’s a dream place for tourists seeking the dark waters of the Li River,fresh air and really blue sky. However, what I like best is the Elephant Trunk Hill, which is truly a masterpiece of nature.

M:Oh, sounds great! If I had time, I would fly there in no time.

Text 8

W:Hi, David. How’s everything going for Christmas?

M:Oh, I’ve got all the presents I need, and my family is working together to get all the food ready. But I have a big problem now.

W:What’s that? Don’t tell me you still get Christmas cards to write?

M:No, I did that a long time ago. It’s about telling Tom the truth about Santa Claus.

W:He still doesn’t know that Santa isn’t real? How old is he? Eight?

M:Yes. He’s never said anything so I never told him. But now that he’s getting older...

W:You think it’s better that he should be told?

M:Yes, he’s too old to believe in that type of things. And I’d rather tell him before the kids at school do.

W:Well, when you tell him, be gentle. It’s hard for kids to find out something like that.

Text 9

W:Good morning! Can I help you?

M:I’m going to rent a one’bedroom apartment near the bus station.

W:I’m afraid there are only two available for you. The first apartment is well-furnished and modern. It’s very neat and clean. It has a bedroom, a kitchen, a bathroom and a large living room. It’s in the Bridge Street and very quiet.

M:So what about the rent?

W:The owner is asking $700 a month for it.

M:That’s a little expensive. So what about the other one?

W:Well, compared to the first one, the second one has less furniture.It’s near a school, so it’s likely to be a little bit noisy. But the good news is that it’s in the Baker Street and just a short walk from the Green Park.

M:What’s the rent, then?

W:It’s only $500 a month. The point is, rents in that area are usually up to $600 a month.

M:It’s really a bargain. But I think I’ll look at the first one.

Text 10

Around 600 Americans have died in floodwater since 2011. A few fell into rivers or drowned while fishing on flooded waterways or swimming in the water. And more children died playing too close to high water. But 60 percent of victims died in vehicles, often after driving around barriers or ignoring signs warning them to turn back. Texas with its huge area and many waterways, has had more flood-related deaths than any other state since 2011 with Ohio ranking second. When rains in late April led to flooding across Missouri, five people died driving onto flooded roads.Rescuers put their own lives on the line to save people in flooded cars.The death number would have been more if not for about 700 timely rescues. Although warning systems are becoming more accurate and barriers more secure, experts agree that when it comes to preventing flooding deaths while driving, “common sense matters most”.


