On the characteristics of costume design under the influence of "Violence Aesthetics"


西部论丛 2017年8期


Abstract: The concept and content of "violence aesthetics" developed in film art, and gradually radiated into fashion design in the process of cultural blending and market-oriented transformation. From this point of view, this paper takes the basic concept of "violence aesthetics" as the starting point to analyze the characteristics of apparel application, and to analyze this issue from the perspective of media influence and fashion design.

Key words: costume design; violence aesthetics; feature design

Introduction: "Violence Aesthetics" is a typical art form. By shaping and describing the content of violence, we can complete the release of emotion, so that people can pay attention to the universal values of peace and morality by using the way of contrast while expressing their personality. The combination of costume design can better convey the cultural content and enrich the cultural connotation and diversity of costume.

1. Clothing design under the concept of violent aesthetics.

The concept of violence aesthetics can be divided into two aspects: broad sense and narrow sense. In a broad sense, the aesthetics of violence belongs to the aesthetic concept of the general public, not the aesthetic concept in the traditional sense. Through the analysis and absorption of cultural carriers, it is the core of the broader concept of violence aesthetics to show the unique aesthetic form of aggressive cultural content. In the narrow sense, aesthetics of violence beautifies and stylizes elements of violence in content, which is an interpretation of aesthetic judgment of details on the basis of dazzling forms. Therefore, in the application of fashion design, it is necessary to clarify the difference between "violence aesthetics" and "violence", and regard it as a form of aesthetic and cultural presentation, and integrate it with the current popular elements, so as to better show the economic value of fashion design.

2.the characteristics of violence aesthetics clothing design

(1) the "Violence Aesthetics" costume design under mass media.

The content of "violence aesthetics" is produced under the influence of mass media, and has a specific impact on the trend of social aesthetics. Especially in the film art, through the display of violence aesthetics and the shaping of the visual angle of the film, the clothing and the behavior are contrasted sharply. Thus, through the cultural concept of violence aesthetics, the cultural attributes of clothing are extended, so as to better show the artistic advantages in the clothing design work. In this way, the influence of "violence aesthetics" on clothing consumption in mass media has been realized, and the application of new elements in clothing design has been promoted in reverse.

For example, in the movie Heroes, the image of "Brother Little Ma" is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and as a typical representative of "violence aesthetics", it shows strong cultural influence content [1]. In costume and dress design, black windbreaker and dark sunglasses are the typical features of this film and television image. By comparing the suit with the character, obvious contrast effect has been produced. In fashion design, ENTERBAY also launched a series of clothes aiming at this film and television image. Through the combination of heavy woolen windbreaker and dark suit, high reductive fashion design has been completed, which shows the heroism under the influence of mass media and integrates the cultural content of violence aesthetics into clothing. Design ideas.

(2) design elements of "Violence Aesthetics" in clothing industry

The course of design development in the garment industry can also find abundant content of "violence aesthetics". Through the continuous optimization of its own design, the elements of "destructive" can be added to the garment content, and the characteristics of "violence aesthetics" can also be well interpreted.

At present, there are a lot of design contents in fashion design, which can form a fashion design with the characteristics of "violence aesthetics". Taking "punk" culture as an example, to subvert traditional culture by advocating the cultural core of "violence" and "sex" is the most basic manifestation of "violence aesthetics". In clothing design, through the application of leather, liutin and heavy metal elements, a distinct cultural characteristics have been formed. In the process of application integration and development, these elements have gradually become more common in fashion design. Under the aesthetics of "violence aesthetics", we can enrich its application value by applying these elements of violence. For example, in the treatment of cuffs, the rebellious content of these generations can be implicitly and clearly embodied in clothing by cutting the edges and holes of fabrics, so as to maintain the dynamic aesthetic feeling and realize the spiritual and aesthetic thinking of clothing at the same time.

Summary: The content of fashion design must be adapted to the social and cultural environment, enrich the cultural connotation, introduce the content of "violence aesthetics" adapted to young consumers into the content of fashion design, so as to better enhance the cultural guidance and market value, and in the process of detailed development, integrate the cultural content and clothing. The contents of the design are better combined to increase design ideas and develop the clothing market.