

教学考试(高考英语) 2016年1期

江苏 蒋 明


江苏 蒋 明

One afternoon last summer I was driving along on my way home when I noticed a woman at the roadside near the edge of town.she was_1_a wheeled suitcase and was having a rough way to go since there was no sidewalk,only grass.

I pulled over to a nearby parking lot to_2_her.I suspected that she was_3_the homeless shelter across the street.____4_it became apparent that she was on her way somewhere,I continued to observe.She appeared to be in her fifties and was dressed very_5_,a skirt nearly to her ankles,a blouse,and a lace shawl(网织围巾)around her shoulders.In truth,I was not only_6_her situation but whether or not she had the_7_to harm me if I intervened (干涉).

After a couple of minutes I turned around,pulled the car up next to her and offered her a_8_.She accepted.Her story was_9_,but she did share that she had been traveling for a while and that_10_had helped her along the way.Her destination was a city about three hours drive from where we were and it didn’t sound__11_she had a place to go there.I offered to take her to the half way point and she accepted.

Along the way,we stopped for food and drink for her which she_12_paying for with her own money.When we well reached the town I had agreed to take her to,she asked if we could stop at a grocery store.

I was_13_that by this time she had developed enough _14_in me to leave her suitcase in the car while she shopped.While she was inside I located a Holiday Inn nearby and __1__5_ahead to see if there were__16_; I explained my rather unusual situation to the person on the other_17_of the phone.

Upon her_18_from the grocery store,I shared what I had done and she_19_my offer of a room for the night.We drove to the_20_and the kind young woman there provided what discounts she could as well as a room with a refrigerator.She stated that she was touched and that“people don’t do this kind of thing”.


1.A.fighting with B.struggling with

C.playing with D.wrestling with B.monitor

C.anticipate D.inspect

3.A.setting off B.getting through

C.referring to D.heading for

4.A.For B.With

C.As D.So

5.A.fashionably B.conservatively

C.untidily D.shabbily

6.A.assessing B.calculating

C.estimating D.adjusting

7.A.potential B.talent

C.anxiety D.ability


C.favor D.lift

9.A.abstract B.concrete

C.vague D.ambitious

10.A.friends B.strangers

C.relatives that B.even if that though

12.A.stuck with B.took up

C.objected to D.insisted on

13.A.shocked B.confused

C.touched D.amused B.belief

C.interest D.relief

15.A.scheduled B.bargained

C.called D.urged

16.A.houses B.vacancies

C.shelters D.differences

17.A.line B.tip

C.side D.end

18.A.recovery B.return

C.arrival D.departure

19.A.declined B.rejected

C.received D.accepted




1.B【解析】考查动词短语辨析。根据语境可知,由于路面不平,妇女挣扎着推动她的行李箱。struggle with“挣扎”;fight with“同……做斗争”;play with“同……玩耍”;wrestle with“设法解决”。故选B项。

2.A【解析】考查动词辨析。根据下文“I continued to observe”可知,作者将车停在停车场是为了观察这名妇女。watch“观察”;monitor“监控”;anticipate“期望”;inspect“审查”。故选A项。

3.D【解析】考查动词短语辨析。根据语境可知,作者认为妇女是要去为无家可归的人提供的避难所。head for“前往……”;set off“燃放,激起,出发,动身”;get through“接通,通过,熬过,度过……”;refer to“指的是,提及……”。故D项正确。


5.B【解析】考查副词辨析。根据下文“a skirt nearly to her ankles,a blouse,and a lace shawl (网织围巾) around her shoulders.”可知,该妇女穿着比较保守。conservatively“保守地”;fashionably“时尚地”;untidily“不整洁地”;shabbily“衣衫褴褛地”。故B项符合题意。



8.D【解析】考查名词辨析。根据语境可知,过了几分钟,我转过身,把车开到她身边,让她搭便车。offer sb.a lift为固定搭配,意为“搭便车”。D项符合题意。



11.D【解析】考查连词。根据语境可知,她的目的地从我们所在的地方开车大约要三个小时,并且听起来她在那儿也没地方去。as though“似乎,好像”。

12.D【解析】考查动词短语辨析。根据语境可知,她坚持要自己付钱。insist on“坚持做”;stick with“继续做”;take up“开始从事”;object to“反对”。D项符合题意。





17.D【解析】考查名词辨析。on the other end of the phone“在电话的另一头”,为固定搭配。





Dear Editor,

Not every woman is prepared to be a mother just as not every woman is prepared to be a doctor,actress or financial consultant.Choosing not to have a child is not always the result of conflict between motherhood and career.Unfortunately,the fertilization of an egg by a random sperm does not necessarily confer maternal wisdom.I was raised unconventionally at aresort hotel called Grossinger’s by an educated widowed mother whose nurturing skills regrettably left much to be desired.Our rocky relationship and my subsequent(随后的)fear that I might turn out to be exactly like her was central to my decision to remain childless.Quite a number of women I know,for their own reasons,know better than to take parental responsibilities they’re not up to.It has nothing to do with having or not having it all.Women like this should not be disrespected; they should be understood!

Do I have regrets?Rarely.Life is a series of trade-offs.Other people’s lives often seem more rewarding than our own.While I envied friends’ family get-togethers,they conceivably coveted my independence and freedom.There is no right or wrong.We often wish for what others have.It’s very simple; we can’t always have them.What we can do is to make the best of what we have.That I believe I have done with a vengeance(报复)!


1.What in the author’s opinion accounts for her decision to remain childless?

A.The failure of maternal wisdom conferment.

B.Some unknown reason from within her heart.

C.The impact her mother has on her in raising a child.

D.The conflict between being a parent and having to work.

2.Why does the author write the letter?

A.To elaborate on the hardships in raising a child.

B.To show gratitude for her mother’s effort in raising her.

C.To seek for some professional advice on having a child.

D.To voice her own opinion about whether to have a child.

3.By“Choosing not to have a child...”the author means _____.

A.Some women choose to remain childless partly because of such conflict

B.Some women can’t handle the conflict,so they choose not to have a child

C.Some women find it hard to raise a child,so they would rather remain childless

D.Some women find it hard to balance between parental responsibility and work

4.According to the letter,the author may sound ______ about not having a child.

A.stupid B.reasonable

C.pressured D.proud

5.What does the underlined sentence“Women like this should not be disrespected...”mean?

A.It’s a shame for woman if they can’t give birth to a baby.

B.People should learn to understand women when it comes to personal preference.

C.We should show our due respect for those women who choose to remain childless.

D.It’s none of other people’s business whether women choose to have children or not.


1.C【解析】细节理解题。根据文章第一段中的“Our rocky relationship and my subsequent fear that I might turn out to be exactly like her was central to my decision to remain childless”可知,作者不想要孩子是因为其母亲的影响。






The United States,China and Brazil all made new commitments to combat climate change Tuesday,in advance of a landmark United Nations conference on the issue in December.

The U.S.and Brazil promised to increase production of electricity from renewable sources to represent 20% of electricity production by 2030.That’s three times as much renewable energy as the U.S.currently produces and twice as much as is produced in Brazil,according to the White House.Brazil also announced new measures to curb deforestation.

Brian Deese,senior climate change adviser at the White House,told reporters on a conference call that the joint announcement “substantially elevates and builds” on climate progress and “should provide momentum(动力)moving into our shared objective of getting an agreement in Paris later this year.”

In a separate announcement,the Chinese government said it would aim to have carbon emissions peak in 2030.By that date,the country hopes to see a nearly two-thirds reduction in so-called carbon intensity—a measure of the amount of carbon emissions per unit gross domestic product,compared to 2005 levels.

“China’s carbon dioxide emission will peak by around 2030 and China will work hard to achieve the target at an even earlier date,” Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said on Tuesday in France,according to The Guardian.

The announcement from the U.S.and Brazil came during a meeting between Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff and U.S.President Barack Obama.The Chinese announcement came following a meeting of Li and French President Francois Hollande.

Tuesday’s commitments are intended to position the China,the U.S.,and Brazil as leaders in combating climate change ahead of December’s climate change conference in Paris.Many environmental activists hope that the gathering will lead to a binding agreement to significantly reduce carbon emissions to combat climate change.

The U.S.said earlier this year that it plans to reduce carbon emission by 26% to 28% below 2005 levels by 2020.


1.Which of the following countries at present takes the lead in renewable energy production?

A.The U.S.B.Brazil.


2.What does the underlined phrase“the target”in paragraph 5 mean?

A.The increase of electricity production.

B.Effective measures against deforestation.

C.A significant reduction of carbon emission.

D.The arrival of a binding agreement.

3.Who are the intended readers of the passage?

A.Government officials.

B.General public.

C.Scientific researchers.

D.Environmental activists.

4.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A.By 2030,electricity production from renewable sources is bound to represent 20% of the total.

B.Brazil is only in charge of developing effective ways to fight against deforestation.

C.By 2030,the expected to reach its peak of carbon emission compared to 2005 levels.

D.China has made up its mind to reduce carbon emission significantly ahead of the set time.

5.What’s the message conveyed in the passage?

A.China alone can reduce carbon emissions by 2030.

B.The U.S.remains powerful in every aspect of life.

C.Only by joint efforts can man combat climate change.

D.People are glad to see a building agreement reached.


1.B【解析】细节理解题。根据文章第二段中“That’s three times as much renewable energy as the U.S.currently produces and twice as much as is produced in Brazil,according to the White House.”的内容可知,巴西在可再生能源的生产中起领先地位。故选B项。

2.C【解析】细节理解题。根据文章第四段“By that date,the country hopes to see a nearly two-thirds reduction in so-called carbon intensity”可知,中国希望在2030年达成温室气体减排2/3的目标。故C项正确。


4.D【解析】细节理解题。由文章第五段“China will work hard to achieve the target at an even earlier date”可知,中国已经下定决心要在规定时间之前完成温室气体减排这一目标。故D项正确。




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