

世界建筑 2015年11期



Yuimarl Tamadaira No Mori,Hino,Tokyo,Japan,2011


1 外景/Exterior views

项目信息/Credits and Data

主持建筑师/Principal Architects: 濑户健似,近藤创顺/ Kenji Seto,Sojun Kondo

结构设计/Structural Design: 我伊野构造设计室/G.DeSIGN暖通和机械设计/HAVC & Mechanical Design: ymo

电气设计/Electrical Design: EOS plus

景观设计/Landscape Design: on site规划设计事务所/ studio on site

场地面积/Site Area: 一号馆/Building No.1: 1976.76m2,二号馆/Building No.2: 2648.56m2

基底面积/Building Area: 一号馆/Building No.1: 715.02m2,二号馆/Building No.2: 684.26m2


建筑面积/Floor Area: 一号馆/Building No.1: 1808.14m2,二号馆/Building No.2: 1821.50m2

建筑密度/Building Density: 一号馆/Building No.1: 36.17%(上限/Upper Limit: 60%),二号馆/Building No.2: 25.83%(上限/ Upper Limit: 60%)

容积率/Floor Area Ratio: 一号馆/Building No.1: 0.81(上限/Upper Limit: 1.5),二号馆/Building No.2: 0.59(上限/ Upper Limit: 0.6)

层数/Floor Number: 4

设计时间/Design Period: 2010.04-2010.12

建造时间/Construction Period: 2011.01-2011.09

摄影/Photos: Studio Bauhaus





设施附近的街区还居住着大学生、留学生、年轻家庭等人群,使这儿成为了跨越年龄层的新社区;也使拥有50年历史、绿树成荫、建筑品质优良的公营住宅空间以社区中心的形式获得了新生。 (司马蕾 译)

2 外景/Exterior views

3 住宅楼夜景/Nignt view,apartment building4 概念演进/Concept development

5 公共集会楼夜景/Nignt view,assembly hall6 剖面/Section

This project originates from the private corporations' renovation of the former public housing community built by the UR Renaissance Agency in the 1950s. Five existing vacant apartment buildings were divided into three zones,each rented by a private corporation for 15-20 years and renovated according to their own proposals. One of the three projects is "Yuima-ru Tamadairanomori",which,following its theme of "creating a community for people to live out their own lives until the end",has refurbished two of the original buildings into senior apartments.

The 50-year history of this residential area nurtured verdant,park-like outdoor space. The natural beauty was used to provide an abundance of welcoming yet peaceful gathering spaces for the residents. The area originally featured residential buildings in east-west directions; the new plan added two north-south buildings - a small multi-functional care facility and an assembly hall,which bring new charm to the old community while connecting to the existing buildings. In particular,the courtyardfacing glass curtain wall of the assembly hall enables people to see the interior activities from outside,thus making it a place open to the community.

Everyone is welcomed to enter the site. Neighbor residents may use the library and canteen in the assembly hall.Children from nearby kindergarten stroll along the paths around the site. All this allows for communication between community residents and their neighbors.

Inside the building,existing stairs are demolished and elevators as well as public corridors are added to create a barrier-free circulation system. Meanwhile,previously unattractive spaces to the north of the buildings are renovated into circulation and daily communication spaces for the residents. Besides,the original reinforced concrete structure is maintained,while repair works such as roof waterproofing,external wall painting,sash replacement and pipe-line equipment renewal are carried out. The original apartments were designed for nuclear families 50 years ago; in the renovation project,they are modified to suit the need of one or two seniors to have a comfortable domestic life. Particularly,unnecessary partitions are removed to enlarge the bedroom,all the doors are replaced with sliding doors,while kitchen and toilet space are made sufficient for the wheelchair to pass through. In addition,the rooms are equipped with emergency alarm system to ensure 24-hour safety guard.

As there are also college students,foreign students as well as young families living in other blocks nearby,this area has now become a multigeneration community. The former space of public housing,with its 50 years of history,rich greenery and fine-quality architecture,has now gained a new life as the core of the community.

7 公共集会楼外景/Exterior view,assembly hall8 两栋住宅楼之间外景/Exterior view,between two apartment buildings9 首层平面/Floor 0 plan

10 公共集会楼阅览区内景/Interior view,library in the assembly hall





ZHOU Yanmin: From the end of the WWII until the 1990s,a great number of public housing projects were carried out in Japan. However,as time goes by,many of these early houses no longer fulfill current living requirements in terms of hardware conditions,though they still have some advantages such as excellent locations and favorable environments.This project offers us great ideas on how to re-explore the values of these houses. Through renovation of staircases and elevators,as well as adjustment of housing scales and interior partitions,existing buildings have been transformed into elderly-adaptable houses. Meanwhile,ground level spaces are utilized to add small-scale,multifunctional community facilities,providing nursing services for elderly people living nearby. Hence the old community is fully revived. These experiences should be incorporated into China’s affordable housing and commodity housing development,in which demands in building type,household space and function adjustment should be preconceived so that these houses may realize their values in a sustainable way.

GONG Kai: Unlike elderly-based land development recently prevalent in China,it is an internationally adopted approach to renovate and re-use old buildings (mostly former houses,of course) as senior apartments. In this case,I find that with the same floor area per house unit,three house types are carefully devised to suit various needs of the elderly people. However,I am not quite sympathetic to the additional corridors and staircases on the north side; though such treatment may greatly ease the activities of those who need wheelchairs or other facilities,it unavoidably consumes additional floor area. Besides,though the corridor has been detached from the building itself,it more or less brings some disturbance to rooms on the north side,and makes it difficult for neighbors to communicate in this area.

11 住宅改建方案/Apartment renovation plan12 老人多功能护理设施内景/Interior view,multi-functional care facility for the elderly

