二○一○年新项目New Projects in 2010


中国气象科学研究院年报 2010年0期

课题名称Title项目类别Project/Fund执行期间(Duration)负责人Principal Investigator中国不同区域背景大气状况下气溶胶光学特性观测及其与气象条件的关系Aerosol optical properties over different background regions of China and their relationship with meteorological conditions基金委青年基金NSFC youth fund 2011—2013 车慧正Che Huizheng基于降水日变化评估改进数值模式的云雨物理过程Evaluation and improvement of the cloud-precipitation processes in numerical models based on rainfall diurnal variation基金委青年基金NSFC youth fund 2011—2013 陈昊明Chen Haoming第三届定量降水估计和预报国际研讨会Third WMO International Conference on Quantitative Precipitation Estimation and Quantitative Precipitation Forecasting and Hydrology基金委国际合作交流(会议资助)NSFC international cooperation project 2010—2010 陈联寿Chen Lianshou云闪探测及放电参量估算方法研究Study on the detection of intracloud lightning and its discharge parameters estimation基金委面上项目NSFC regular project 2011—2013 董万胜Dong Wansheng中尺度数值模式的多时次资料应用研究Study on multi-time data application of mesoscale numerical models基金委面上项目NSFC regular project 2011—2013 谷湘潜Gu Xiangqian国家人工影响天气业务维持National weather modif cation operational service中国气象局业务化项目CMA operational supporting project 2010—2010 郭学良Guo Xueliang中国气象局-北京大学云物理联合观测与实验平台建设Establishment of joint research experiment and platform of cloud physics between CMA and Beijing University中国气象局局校合作项目CMA-universities/colleges cooperative project 2010—2010 郭学良Guo Xueliang海陆热力对比异常对东亚夏季风撤退变异和我国秋汛期旱涝的影响The inf uence of land-sea thermal contrast on East Asian summer monsoon retreatment and the rainfall anomalies in China基金委青年基金NSFC youth fund 2011—2013 韩晋平Han Jinping中尺度灾害天气短时(2-12小时)预报技术研究Developing short-time forecasting(2-12 hours) method for mesoscale severe weather中国气象局行业专项CMA special funds for meteorological service 2010—2013 何会中He Huizhong沙尘暴对人体健康的影响研究Research of sand and dust storm effect on human health基金委青年基金NSFC youth fund 2011—2013 侯青Hou Qing农作物病虫害发生气象条件监测、预警和评价技术Technical research on monitoring, early warning and assessment of meteorological conditions’ impacts on crop diseases and pests中国气象局行业专项CMA special funds for meteorological service 2010—2013 霍治国Huo Zhiguo海-陆-气相互作用对东亚夏季风变异的影响Impacts of air-sea-land interactions on east Asian summer monsoon variability气科院基本科研业务费专项-重点项目CAMS basic research funds—key 2010—2013 姜华Jiang Hua GRAPES天气预报系统在国产高效能计算机上的高效运行技术研究Study of high performance computing technology of GRAPES model on domestic high eff cient computer科技部863 项目National hi-tech research and development program of China 2010—2010 金之雁Jin Zhiyan长江流域夏季降水的多模式降尺度集合预报Statistical downscaling forecasts for summer precipitation in the Yangtze river basin using multi-model variables基金委面上项目NSFC regular project 2011—2013 康红文Kang Hongwen灾害天气监测预警产品分析显示系统V2.1版Display system for severe weather monitor and prediction product V2.1气科院基本科研业务费专项-面上项目CAMS basic research funds—regular 2010—2011 李丰Li Feng多年冻土区土壤蒸散发对气候变化的敏感性分析Sensitivity analysis of permafrost layer to climate change人事部博士后基金Ministry of Personnel, postdoctoral fund 2010—2010 李元寿Li Yuanshou

课题名称Title项目类别Project/Fund执行期间(Duration)负责人Principal Investigator西北气候脆弱区农业干旱及农田灌溉预报技术推广应用Popularization and application of the prediction technology on agro-drought and irrigation in the vulnerable regions in Northwest China科技部科技成果转化项目MOST science and technology chievement spreading project 2010—2012 刘建栋Liu Jiandong不同土壤水分条件下冬小麦根系生长及其与产量关系的试验研究An experiment research of the affect of soil moisture conditions on the winter wheat root system and its output基金委面上项目NSFC regular project 2011—2013 刘晶淼Liu Jingmiao多单体雹云冰雹形成机制和人工防雹的数值研究Numerical study of hail formation and prevention in multicell hail clouds基金委面上项目NSFC regular project 2011—2011 刘卫国Liu Weiguo利用 GPS 掩星资料研究海洋边界层高度及其在数值模式中的应用Identif tation of the boundary height based on GPS RO data and its application in NWP基金委面上项目NSFC regular project 2011—2013 刘艳Liu Yan大气涡旋系统演变的热力学研究Thermodynamic studies on the evolution of atmospheric vortex systems基金委面上项目NSFC regular project 2011—2013 刘英Liu Ying地形云地面燃烧炉模拟催化研究Orographic precipitation seeding simulation research with ground-based AgI generators基金委面上项目NSFC regular project 2011—2013 楼小凤Lou Xiaofeng南极中山站地区大气臭氧特征的观测研究Observational research on the atmospheric ozone over Zhongshan station area,Antarctica基金委面上项目NSFC regular project 2011—2013 陆龙骅Lu Longhua中国气候季节预测方法及其集成研究A study on the methodology of seasonal climate prediction in China and its ensemble.气科院基本科研业务费专项-重点项目CAMS basic research funds—key 2010—2013 吕俊梅Lü Junmei高建筑物上雷电物理过程的研究Study on the physical processes of lightning occurring on high structures基金委面上项目NSFC regular project 2011—2013 吕伟涛Lü Weitao基于A-Train系列卫星协同反演云相态的方法研究Cloud phase discrimination technology research based on a-train satellite data人事部博士后基金Ministry of Personnel, postdoctoral fund 2010—2010 麻金继Ma Jinji事故物质的大气迁移转化规律Transport and transformation of hazardous chemicals in the atmosphere科技部973项目MOST national basic research program of China 2011—2012 马建中Ma Jianzhong北京及周边地区对流层NO2的地基MAX-DOAS遥感观测研究Measurements of tropospheric NO2over Beijing and its surrounding areas using ground-based Mini-MAX-DOAS基金委面上项目NSFC regular project 2011—2013 马建中Ma Jianzhong下垫面影响下的降雨日变化现象的机理研究Terrain effects on the diurnal rainfall气科院基本科研业务费专项-面上项目CAMS basic research funds—regular 2010—2013 钱婷婷Qian Tingting降水云体风廓线雷达返回信号谱特征的分析研究A study on the precipitation cloud using Doppler frequency power spectrum of wind prof le radar基金委面上项目NSFC regular project 2011—2013 阮征Ruan Zheng非对称性增温和CO2倍增对冬小麦生长复合影响的试验研究The impact of elevated temperature and double CO2enrichment on winter wheat growth and yield.基金委面上项目NSFC regular project 2011—2011 谭凯炎Tan Kaiyan华北太行山地区高分辨率树轮记录的气候变化研究Climate variability recorded from the high-resolution tree rings in the North China region基金委青年基金NSFC youth fund 2011—2013 田沁花Tian Qinhua东亚区域云与陆表物理过程的模式参数化技术研究Model parameterization studies on cloud and land-surface processes in Asian regions中国气象局行业专项CMA special funds for meteorological service 2010—2013 王东海Wang Donghai

课题名称Title项目类别Project/Fund执行期间(Duration)负责人Principal Investigator灾害天气短时临近预报预警业务系统Severe weather automatic nowcasting system 2010—2010 王改利Wang Gaili跨区域人工增雨业务Rain enhancement operation across provinces中国气象局业务化项目CMA operational supporting project中国气象局业务化项目CMA operational supporting project 2010—2010 王广河Wang Guanghe遥感-区域作物模式在冬小麦干旱胁迫下的适用性研究Applicability study of remote sensing – regional crop model on drought stress for winter wheat气科院基本科研业务费专项-面上项目CAMS basic research funds—regular 2010—2012 王培娟Wang Peijuan基于观测和模式的大气污染排放源反演The emission inversion of the air pollution sources based on the observation and model气科院基本科研业务费专项-面上项目CAMS basic research funds—regular 2010—2013 王郁Wang Yu华南前汛期暴雨β中尺度对流系统结构和环境场特征研究The structure and environment characteristics of meso-β-scale systems in pre-rainy season in South China基金委主任基金NSFC Director Fund 2011—2011 夏茹娣Xia Rudi气溶胶吸收特性测量新技术研发Development of cavity-ring-down spectroscopy technology for accurate aerosol light absorption measurements中国气象局行业专项CMA special funds for meteorological service 2010—2013 颜鹏Yan Peng空气污染气象条件PLAM指数Parameter linking air-pollution and meteorology中国气象局标准-行标CMA industrial standard-GB 2011—2012 杨元琴Yang Yuanqin我国卤代温室气体网络化采样-分析-标校流程研究Study on sampling-analysis-calibration procedures of halogenated greenhouse gases to serve the network observation in China气科院基本科研业务费专项-面上项目CAMS basic research funds—regular 2010—2012 姚波Yao Bo雷电预警预报技术规范Technical guidelines for lightning nowcasting and warning中国气象局标准-行标CMA industrial standard-GB 2011—2012 姚雯Yao Wen全球变化影响下主要作物的脆弱性及评价指标Main crop vulnerability and evaluation index under global climate change科技部973 项目MOST national basic research program of China 2010—2011 张佳华Zhang Jiahua参加第5届国际理论研究中国中心ICTP区域气候模式的理论和应用研讨会Participating in “Fifth ICTP Workshop on the Theory and Use of Regional Climate Models”基金委国际合作交流(会议资助)NSFC international cooperation project 2010—2010 张佳华Zhang Jiahua高原环流系统对东部地区天气的影响技术分析Technique analyses for the effecs of atmospheric circulation systems over Tibetan Plateau on eastern China weather中国气象局行业专项CMA special funds for meteorological service 2010—2012 张人禾Zhang Renhe“袋鼠”理论在西北太平洋热带气旋生成中的应用研究The research of "Marsupial paradigm" in tropical cyclogenesis in the western north Pacif c基金委面上项目NSFC regular project 2011—2013 张胜军Zhang Shengjun气溶胶-云-辐射反馈及其与亚洲季风相互作用的研究Aerosol-cloud-climate feedback processes and their interaction with the Asian monsoon科技部973项目MOST national basic research program of China 2011—2015 张小曳Zhang Xiaoye大气成分中心2010年运行费Operating Cost of the Centre for Atmosphere Watch and Services in 2010中国气象局业务化项目CMA Operational supporting project 2010—2010 张晓春Zhang Xiaochun大气本底台站保护范围和保护规范Specif cation of environment protection for background atmosphere monitoring stations中国气象局标准-行标CMA industrial standard-GB 2010—2012 张晓春Zhang Xiaochun雹暴云电荷结构和放电过程综合观测研究Observation study on the electric structure and discharge processes in hailstorm基金委重点项目NSFC key project 2011—2014 张义军Zhang Yijun闪电活动特征及其在灾害天气预警中的应用方法研究Study on characteristics of lightning discharge and its application method of severe thunderstorm warning中国气象局行业专项CMA special funds for meteorological service 2010—2013 张义军Zhang Yijun

MOST: Ministry of Science and Technology (科技部)CMA: China Meteorological Administration (中国气象局)CAMS: Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences (中国气象科学研究院)NSFC: Natural Science Fund of China (国家自然科学基金委员会)


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