

中国气象科学研究院年报 2018年0期

课题名称Title 项目类别 Project/Fund执行期间Duration负责人Principal Investigator气溶胶光学—辐射特性及其气候环境效应Aerosol optical-radiative property and its effect on climate and environment 基金委杰出青年基金项目NSFC: distinguished youth program 2019—2023 车慧正Che Huizheng云内快速正击穿放电特征及闪电始发机理研究Observations of the fast positive breakdown discharges in the initiation process of lightning NSFC: general program 2019—2022 董万胜Dong Wansheng基金委面上项目Ka/Ku 双波段云雷达多普勒功率谱的观测分析及空气上升速度和雨滴谱反演方法研究Study on observation of Doppler spectra from Ka/Ku band dual-wavelength vertically pointing cloud radar and retrieving vertical air velocities and raindrop size distribution NSFC: general program 2019—2022 刘黎平Liu Liping基金委面上项目基于机器学习方法的热带气旋加强机理与预报技术研究Understanding and forecasting tropical cyclone intensification via the machine learning approach NSFC: general program 2019—2022 徐晶Xu Jing基金委面上项目公里级分辨模式中次网格地形动力效应参数化研究Parameterization studies on dynamical effects of subgrid orographies in kilometer-scale model NSFC: general program 2019—2022 薛海乐Xue Haile基金委面上项目全球准均匀网格数值模式中两类传输问题及其计算策略研究A study of two type transport problems and their computational strategies in the quasi-uniform grid global model NSFC: general program 2019—2022 张祎Zhang Yi基金委面上项目亚洲夏季风反气旋中臭氧的化学收支研究Study of ozone chemical budget within the Asian summer monsoon anticyclone NSFC: general program 2019—2022 马建中Ma Jianzhong基金委面上项目华北地区不同环境大气中离子介导成核在新粒子生成事件中的作用The effects of ion mediated nucleation mechanism on the new particle formation under different environments in North China Plain NSFC: general program 2019—2022 沈小静Shen Xiaojing基金委面上项目青藏高原臭氧的变化规律以及多种输送过程的影响The variational characteristics of ozone in the Tibetan Plateau and the influence of various transport processes NSFC: general program 2019—2022 徐婉筠Xu Wanyun基金委面上项目人为气溶胶强迫对东亚夏季对流层上层温度及季风环流的影响机制研究The effects of anthropogenic aerosol forcing on summer upper-tropospheric temperature and monsoon circulation over East Asia NSFC: general program 2019—2022 王志立Wang Zhili基金委面上项目

课题名称Title 项目类别 Project/Fund执行期间Duration负责人Principal Investigator基于芯片的大气细颗粒物氧化潜能分析方法研究Chip based analysis of oxidative potential of atmospheric fine particulate matter NSFC: youth program 2019—2021 刘蕾Liu Lei基金委青年基金项目反冲先导始发过程高分辨率光电同步观测与研究Photoelectric synchronous observation and research of high resolution on the originating process of recoil leader NSFC: youth program 2019—2021 武斌Wu Bin基金委青年基金项目青藏高原浅对流积云特征分析及其形成机制的大涡模拟研究A large eddy simulation study of the characteristic analysis and formation mechanism of shallow convective cumulus over the Tibetan Plateau NSFC: youth program 2019—2021 王寅钧Wang Yinjun基金委青年基金项目双热带气旋强度和结构变化的机理研究Mechanism research on the intensity and structure changes of binary tropical cyclones NSFC: youth program 2019—2021 刘昊炎Liu Haoyan基金委青年基金项目改进WRF-Chem 中的冰核活化方案并研究冰核对强降水对流云的影响Improving the ice nucleation parameterization in WRF-Chem model and investigating the effects ice nuclei on convective clouds NSFC: youth program 2019—2021 云宇星Yun Yuxing基金委青年基金项目不同增暖情景下中国地区气温日较差的长期变化及其归因研究Programions of future changes in the diurnal temperature range over China and its attribution analysis NSFC: youth program 2019—2021 刘琳Liu Lin基金委青年基金项目亚洲大陆—周边区域非均匀热力变化与东亚气候The non-uniform thermal variation over Asian landmass and the adjacent regions and its impact on East Asian climate基金委优秀青年基金项目NSFC: outstanding youth program 2019—2021 左志燕Zuo Zhiyan东亚夏季风次季节模态变化的关键物理过程、变化机理和可预报性研究The physical process,mechanism and predictability of East Asian summer monsoon sub-seasonal mode variability NSFC: key program 2019—2023 祝从文Zhu Congwen基金委重点项目中国区域重大极端天气气候事件的归因方法研究Study on attribution methods of extreme weather and climate events in China MOST: key program 2018—2021 翟盘茂Zhai Panmao科技部重点项目青藏高原地—气相互作用及其对下游天气气候的影响The Tibetan Plateau Earth-atmosphere interactions and their effects on the downstream weather and climate MOST: key program 2018—2021 赵平Zhao Ping科技部重点项目暴雨的多尺度作用机理及预测理论和方法Multi-scale physical mechanisms and forecast theory/technique of heavy rainfall MOST: key program 2018—2021 罗亚丽Luo Yali科技部重点项目

NSFC: National Natural Science Foundation of China(国家自然科学基金)MOST: Ministry of Science and Technology(科技部)CMA: China Meteorological Administration(中国气象局)


An Introduction to Translation Program of the University of Manchester