沪教版《牛津英语》五(下)Unit 5 At the weekend(第一课时)


小学教学设计(英语) 2016年6期



Step 1.Greeting& free talk



T:I’m your new teacher.I’m from Zifang Primary School.You can call me Miss Wei.OK,first,listen to a song“Days of the week”.


T:Can you sing it together.


Step 2.Warm-up&Leadin

T:Listen to a beautiful song“What are you going to do?”and answer:Which sentence can you remember?


S1:I’m going to sing.

S2:I’m going to dance.

S3:I’m going to sleep.

S4:What are you going to do?

T:You are so clever.Now look at these sentences“What can you find?”.

I’m going to sing.

I’m going to dance.

I’m going to sleep.

I’m going to do magic tricks.

Ss:都是以句型“I’m going to...”作为回答。

(学生说句子的时候,引出句型:What are you going to do...I’m going to...)

T:Yes,we have learnt“be going to”.Now we will do some exercise.

I____going to...

She____going to...

He_____going to...

We____going to...

They____going to...this Friday is“Fool’s Day”.Do you know “Fool’s Day”?Who can talk about it?


T:Excellent.Ithink all the students like Friday.Because the next day is“weekend”(出示单词卡片).Miss Wei makes a plan for this weekend. (出示 plan单词卡片).Guess:What am I going to do this weekend?I will give you some tips.

Tip 1:




T:You are right.

设计意图:通过欣赏轻松愉快的歌曲引出句型:What are you going to do...I’m going to...;通过练习“be going to...”使学生更深刻地理解一般将来时的具体用法。

Step 3. Presentation &practice

1.Look and learn.

T:Look at the calendar,

Ss:See a film.

T:Yes,I’m going to see a film.

Tip 2:


Ss:Row a boat.

T:Great.I’m going to see a film and row a boatthis weekend.What are you going to do this weekend?

S1:I’m going to do my homework.

S2:I’m going to ride a bike with my father.


2.Pair work.

T:Now,please talk about whatyou are going to this weekend with your partner.One asks and the other answers.Then show it.

S1:What are you going to do this weekend?

S2:I’m going to...this weekend.

Ss ask and answer...

3.Group work.

T:What are you going to do this weekend?

S1:I’m goingtoseea film this weekend.

T:What is S1 going to do this weekend?

S2:He is going to see a film this weekend.

T:What are you going to do on Sunday?

S3:I’m going to play football on Sunday.

T:What is S3 going to do on Sunday?

S4:She is going to play football on Sunday.

T:OK,four students in a group and practice.

S1:What are you going to do...?

S2:I’m going to...

S3:What is S2 going to do...?

S4:She/He is going to...


4.Listen and say.

(1)Look,listen and say.

①How many people are there in the picture?

②What are they talking about?

(2)Listen and choose the correct answers.

①Who is going to stay at home this weekend?

A.Peter. B.Joe.

②What is Peter going to do on Sunday?

A.Watch TV.

B.Play football.

③Is Jill going to see a film?

A.Yes,she is.

B.No,she isn’t.

④Is Kitty going to row a boat or fly a kite?

A.Row a boat.B.Fly a kite.C.Both.

(3)Read by yourself and fill in the blanks.

Name Plan Peter Watch TV with his grandparents Jill Row a boat and fly a kite

(4)According to the form,two students ask and answer.

S1:What is Peter going to do this weekend?

S2:He is going to play football.

(5)Read in groups.

(6)Say and act.

设计意图:由听力活动入手接触文本,可以训练学生的专注力,使其在初次听时就将注意力集中在weekend上;选择题的设计降低了听力活动的难度,让学生轻松选出不同人物的周末计划;图表的设计为语言输出“ going to...”搭建好支架;通过齐读课文,分角色读,使学生更进一步了解文本,从而为自编对话做好语言储备。

Step 4.Extension

1.Retell the passage with the words in the form.

Name Plan When With whom Peter ... ... grandparents Jill ... ... ...Kitty ... ... ...Alice ... ... ...Joe Stayat home,watch TV this weekend

Ss:Peter is going to...

2.Try to say.

My friend’s weekend_____is my friend.

On Saturday,he/she is going to______.

On Sunday,he/she is going to_________.


Step 5.Homework

Write down a passage about your family’s and friends’weekend.

