

时代英语·高三 2022年3期




A friend of mine met with an accident driving in darkness. His legs were so hurt that he couldn't 1 . What was the worst was that he found himself unable to ask for help—his mobile phone went out of 2  as a result of exhausted battery. Nothing could be done but to 3  in cold wilderness. It was eight hours later that day broke, and then came the 4  of the rescue.

It is almost 5  that he could stand the horror in the darkness for so long . Even more surprising was his 6 :“First of all, I checked up my 7  conditions and found myself not in mortal (致死的) danger. As there was no 8  to call for help, I leaned back in my seat trying my best to keep the wound from 9 . In this way I dozed off.”

His story put an end to my regret for the 10 of an exploration adventure that happened years ago. A group of young men 11 to explore a mountain cave and got lost. Unable to find a way out in the 12 cave they were frightened and ran anxiously without a sense of 13 .Finally they fell dead in fear and exhaustion. According to the 14 team that found them, the place where they got 15 was only about 10 meters away from the opening of the cave. If they stayed on the spot when they lost their way and tried to 16 themselves, they would probably sense a faint light glimmering not far away.

Don't you think you can compare it with 17 itself? When you meet with difficulty in life and work, you are lost in darkness. 18 you, it's unclear yet and you needn't put up a struggle 19 . It seems to be a negative attitude, but a person who can 20 to do so must have foresight as well as a great courage in the first place.

1. A. speak            B. move             C. survive            D. escape

2. A. service            B. date                C. control             D. work

3. A. wander            B. cry                C. wait               D. sleep

4. A. instruction          B. success            C. expert              D. arrival

5. A. untrue              B. unimaginable       C. hopeless            D. useless

6. A. idea               B. decision            C. explanation        D. excuse

7. A. physical            B. driving             C. housing            D. medical

8. A. energy             B. way                C. tool                D. place

9. A. opening            B. spreading          C. hurting            D. bleeding

10. A. sympathy          B. failure              C. disappointment      D. sadness

11. A. expected          B. managed           C. tried               D. needed

12. A. dangerous        B. dark               C. deep               D. strange

13. A. hearing           B. sight               C. feeling             D. direction

14. A. rescue            B. village             C. exploration         D. support

15. A. frightened        B. caught              C. lost                D. worried

16. A. save              B. help               C. face                D. calm

17. A. adventure         B. study              C. life                D. accident

18. A. Mind             B. Watch              C. Believe            D. Warn

19. A. normally          B. immediately        C. carefully           D. particularly

20. A. come            B. plan              C. afford            D. wish


People hold general belief that birds will fly south in winter. But not all birds do so to escape the 1  and settle somewhere nice and warm. Many of our feathered friends actually stay behind and try to live through the 2  time.

They will face greater 3  when temperatures drop well beyond the freezing point. It was against this background that a 4  about rescuing a little sparrow took place.

The poor bird was caught off-guard by the freezing temperatures and had itself 5  on the metal pipe next to a water heater.

6 , a man by the name of Nelson Wilson 7  the frightened bird. When he hurried to see what was happening, he saw it 8  desperately and decided to do something to help it out.

“When I went over, I 9  the bird which was glued down to the pipe and couldn't fly away,” Wilson 10 .“The little bird most likely 11 to drink some water because it is not 12 for birds to drink from the heated tank in winter. But unfortunately, its feet got 13 from the water and froze into the metal pipe. So I 14 to warm the feet of the frightened bird by pressing my palm (手掌) against both the 15 and the bird's feet.”

But the 16 did not give him what he wanted. Then, Wilson started 17 blowing warm air on the bird to 18 its fragile feet and make them get warm earlier. After several minutes, his warming the bird's feet with his warm 19 brought success. The bird was finally able to 20 its previously frozen feet. It was saved!

1. A. siteB. enemyC. diseaseD. cold

2. A. hardB. shortC. happyD. free

3. A. failureB. dilemmaC. dangerD. chance

4. A. suggestionB. storyC. taskD. meeting

5. A. lostB. bathedC. confusedD. trapped

6. A. HopefullyB. ThankfullyC. SuddenlyD. Strangely

7. A. foundB. acceptedC. seizedD. heard

8. A. lyingB. waitingC. strugglingD. hunting

9. A. treatedB. noticedC. freedD. pushed

10. A. explainedB. concludedC. predictedD. added

11. A. refusedB. hesitatedC. stoppedD. learnt

12. A. convenientB. harmlessC. practicalD. uncommon

13. A. stickyB. wetC. slipperyD. dirty

14. A. attemptedB. managedC. agreedD. expected

15. A. pipeB. iceC. waterD. feather

16. A. challengeB. approachC. advantageD. attention

17. A. casuallyB. eventuallyC. gentlyD. accidentally

18. A. observeB. pullC. recognizeD. protect

19. A. breathB. coatC. armD. chest

20. A. feelB. seeC. moveD. touch


One day all the employees of a very famous company reached their office and everyone saw a big sign on the main door which said this:

“Yesterday, the 1  who has been hindering (阻礙) your growth in this company 2  away. We invite you to attend the funeral in the room that has been 3  in the gym.”

In the beginning, they all got 4  for the death of one of their colleagues, but after a while they started getting 5  to know who was that person that hindered the 6  of their colleagues and the company itself.

The 7  in the gym was such tremendous that security agents were ordered to 8  the crowd within the room. The more people 9  the coffin (棺材), the more excitement heated up. Everyone 10 , “Who is it that was hindering my progress?”

One by one the intrigued employees got closer to the coffin, and when they looked inside it, they 11 became speechless.

They all got to stand near the 12 , and felt shocked and stayed in silence, as if someone had touched the deepest part of their 13 . There was a mirror inside the coffin: everyone who 14 inside it saw themselves! There was also a 15 next to the mirror that said:

“There is only one person who is capable (有能力) of setting 16 to your growth and IT IS YOU! Your 17 does not change when your boss changes, when your friends change, when your parents change, when your husband or wife changes…”

No, your life changes when YOU 18 , and when you go beyond your limiting beliefs inside.

Examine yourself; watch yourself. Don't be afraid of 19 , impossibilities and losses. Be a winner; build yourself and your reality. Remember, it's the way you 20 life itself that makes the difference.

1. A. person           B. boss              C. employer          D. enemy

2. A. moved  ;          B. ran               C. passed            D. sent

3. A. designed          B. opened            C. protected          D. prepared

4. A. surprised          B. sad               C. scared            D. worried

5. A. calm              B. curious            C. relaxed            D. confused

6. A. development       B. belief            C. faith              D. strength

7. A. achievement       B. challenge          C. excitement        D. disappointment

8. A. control            B. punish            C. drive              D. welcome

9. A. saw              B. carried            C. reached           D. touched

10. A. imagined        B. judged            C. shouted           D. thought

11. A. gradually        B. actually           C. suddenly          D. finally

12. A. coffin            B. crowd            C. door              D. room

13. A. mind            B. heart              C. body              D. memory

14. A. lay              B. slept              C. appeared          D. looked

15. A. symbol          B. mark              C. sign              D. word

16. A. deadlines        B. goals             C. limits             D. standards

17. A. ability           B. idea              C. growth            D. life

18. A. change          B. suffer             C. succeed           D. devote

19. A. funerals          B. difficulties         C. dangers           D. doubts

20. A. simplify         B. hug              C. face              D. treat


There was a very wealthy man who was bothered by severe eye pain. He consulted many physicians and was being 1  by several of them. He did not stop consulting a large number of 2  experts; he consumed heavy loads of 3  and underwent (經受) hundreds of injections. But the 4  was more unbearable than before.

At last, a monk (僧) who was 5  to be an expert in treating such patients was 6  by the suffering man. The monk 7  his problem and said that he should concentrate only on 8  colors and not let his eyes fall on any other colors for some time. It was a(n) 9 prescription, but he was 10 and made up his mind to try it.

The wealthy man gathered a group of 11 and purchased barrels of green paint and asked that every object his eyes were 12 to see should be painted green just as the monk had 13 . When the monk came to visit him after a few days, the wealthy man's 14 ran with buckets of green paint and poured it on him since he was in red, in case that their master saw any other color and his ache would come back.

Hearing this, the monk 15 and said, “If only you had bought a pair of green 16 , which are worth just a few dollars, you could have saved these walls and trees and pots and all the other articles and also could have saved a large share of your 17 . You cannot paint the 18 green.”

Let us change our 19 and the world will change too. It is 20 to shape the world. Let us shape ourselves first.

1. A. observed         B. robbed           C. treated           D. hurt

2. A. medical          B. chemical          C. technical          D. physical

3. A. money           B. food            C. drugs            D. clothes

4. A. result            B. ache            C. stress            D. anxiety

5. A. supposed         B. required          C. invited           D. forced

6. A. taken out         B. pointed out        C. called for         D. hoped for

7. A. analyzed          B. solved           C. shared           D. knew

8. A. white            B. green            C. red              D. black

9. A. difficult          B. strange           C. ordinary          D. final

10. A. desperate        B. considerate        C. satisfied          D. grateful

11. A. cleaners         B. experts           C. painters          D. artists

12. A. eager           B. unusual          C. willing           D. likely

13. A. commanded      B. directed          C. argued           D. complained

14. A. friends          B. children          C. family           D. servants

15. A. nodded          B. screamed         C. laughed          D. stared

16. A. shoes           B. pants            C. socks            D. glasses

17. A. fortune          B. trouble           C. time            D. energy

18. A. room           B. house            C. garden           D. world

19. A. mind           B. view            C. plan            D. way

20. A. unnecessary      B. brave            C. illegal           D. foolish


In my life everything was going well until recently. I have always been a very positive thinking and 1  person and I always used to believe that I could overcome any challenge.

2 it failed, and the cheat of my dearest friend hit me very hard. I went through a very difficult phase. I wanted to seek 3  to why he did this to me. I started losing my 4  in humanity and decided to withdraw myself from society.

But somewhere inside I had a deep 5  of serving needy people because in childhood I was very much 6  by Mother Teresa and the work she was doing. So after 4 weeks of 7  , I decided to do community service every weekend to 8 him from my memory completely.

I was assigned (分派) by the project to teach some poor children in a 9  village in Mumbai. On the first day when I reached the location with 10 , I found that it was really far from civilization. I could see people living in very difficult conditions without electricity but still enjoy their life and 11 with their surroundings.

My interaction with the 12 and parents have taught me important lessons about suffering and learning to 13 daily gifts of life. After that 14 , there was no looking for me. I think I celebrate my setback (挫折) every day and thank my friend who 15 me because of whom I chose this way of 16 the needy.

I have met some wonderful and beautiful souls in this 17 . They have made me believe that there are many more such 18 around us. Slowly but 19 one step at a time we are making 20 and touching the lives of many. Now I gain the faith in humanity again.

1. A. careful          B. popular          C. honest           D. optimistic

2. A. Gradually        B. Suddenly        C. Unfortunately      D. Unexpectedly

3. A. methods          B. answers          C. suggestions       D. supports

4. A. faith            B. confidence        C. courage          D. sense

5. A. feeling           B. learning          C. breath           D. influence

6. A. praised          B. inspired          C. admired          D. required

7. A. practice          B. training          C. suffering          D. study

8. A. leave            B. prevent          C. ignore           D. wipe

9. A. historical         B. developed        C. dirty            D. remote

10. A. difficulty        B. surprise          C. kindness          D. satisfaction

11. A. strict           B. happy            C. busy            D. concerned

12. A. villagers        B. officers          C. kids             D. teachers

13. A. value           B. observe          C. get              D. protect

14. A. plan            B. project           C. sightseeing        D. treatment

15. A. recognized       B. accused          C. cheated          D. comforted

16. A. sponsoring       B. educating        C. entertaining       D. serving

17. A. experience       B. adventure        C. performance       D. exploration

18. A. habits          B. hobbies          C. thoughts          D. souls

19. A. cautiously       B. steadily          C. strangely         D. tightly

20. A. promises        B. decisions         C. changes          D. preparations


In the week before Christmas, one Delta airlines pilot gave a sad Arizona family a gift that no one else could.

Father of three, Jay short died after a 1  with lung cancer on Dec.16th. Three days later, his family was attempting to 2  to Tennessee for the funeral scheduled for the next morning. But a 90-minute 3  at the Phoenix airport 4  them only seven minutes to make their connecting flight in Minnesota.“This was our 5  chance to say goodbye to my dad, and if we hadn't 6  the flight, we would have missed the 7  ,” Jay's daughter said. But when they arrived at the gate, the last plane of the day to Tennessee was pulling away from the 8 .

“My son was 9  his arms and pleading (懇求) with the pilot through the floor-to-ceiling windows,” said Marcia.“I was 10 and comforting my girls who were also in tears when the phone rang, 11 us that the pilot was returning to the gate to let us 12 the plane.” Captain Adam Cohen saw the 13 on their faces through the gate's windows and decided to turn the plane around. Airline experts pointed out Adam could have 14 gotten into trouble for the 15 decision, but Delta 16 the move instead.“This is 17 we'll take with us, knowing we made a 18 ,” confirmed Adam.

This story is an 19 that we can bring humanity back to society. Show care and it may 20 you how far that you go.

1. A. competition       B. symptom        C. connection        D. battle

2. A. ride            B. ship            C. fly              D. drive

3. A. wait            B. delay            C. interval          D. sleep

4. A. spared          ; B. offered          C. brought          D. left

5. A. last            B. slight           C. rare            D. proper

6. A. followed         B. caught           C. booked          D. confirmed

7. A. doctor           B. meeting          C. police           D. funeral

8. A. airport          B. playground       C. gate            D. floor

9. A. raising          B. waving          C. folding          D. crossing

10. A. struggling       B. shouting         C. crying           D. praying

11. A. advising        B. informing        C. warning          D. instructing

12. A. clean           B. see             C. visit            D. board

13. A. appreciation      B. satisfaction       C. desperation       D. caution

14. A. easily          B. merely          C. surely           D. deliberately

15. A. careless        B. unusual          C. selfless          D. unwise

16. A. resisted         B. opposed          C. praised          D. sponsored

17. A. nothing         B. something        C. anything         D. everything

18. A. difference       B. change          C. promise          D. deal

19. A. activity         B. event            C. incident          D. evidence

20. A. surprise        B. panic            C. disappoint        D. embarrass


If life were a book and you were the author, how would you like the story to go? That is the question that 1  my life forever.

One day I went home from the training of snowboarding with what I thought was the flu, and less than 24 hours later, I was in a 2  on life support with less than two percent chance of 3 . It wasn't until days later that the doctors diagnosed me with a 4  blood infection.

Over the 5  of two and a half months, I lost the hearing in my left ear and both my legs below the knees. When my parents 6  me out of the hospital, I 7  that I had been put together like a patchwork (拼縫物) doll and I had to live with 8  legs. I was absolutely physically and emotionally broken, 9  streaming down.

But I knew, in order to move forward, I had to let go of the Old Amy and 10 the New Amy. It was at this moment that I asked myself that significant 11 . And that is when I 12 I didn't have to be five-foot-five anymore, but I could be as 13 as I wanted.

And 14 of all, I can make my feet the size of all the shoes. So there were 15 here. Four months later, I was back upon a 16 . Years later, I won three Board World Cup gold medals, 17 me one of the highest ranked snowboarders in the world.

So, instead of looking at our 18 and our limitations as something 19 or bad, we can begin looking at them as a wonderful 20 that can be used to help us go further than we ever know we could go.

1. A. saved           B. risked           C. ruined           D. changed

2. A. hospital          B. club            C. field            D. stadium

3. A. hearing          B. speaking         C. living           D. walking

4. A. mild            B. severe           C. potential         D. slight

5. A. journey          B. break           C. course           D. schedule

6. A. wheeled          B. dragged          C. pulled           D. sent

7. A. looked like       B. felt like          C. worked out       D. found out

8. A. numb           B. heavy           C. unique          D. false

9. A. blood           B. sweat           C. tears            D. memories

10. A. hug            B. recognize        C. fix              D. introduce

11. A. plan           B. question          C. information       D. service

12. A. realized        B. doubted          C. agreed           D. remembered

13. A. young          B. strong           C. smart      ;     D. tall

14. A. least           B. strangest         C. best            D. luckiest

15. A. struggles        B. benefits          C. rewards          D. conflicts

16. A. stage           B. snowboard        C. track            D. playground

17. A. allowing        B. giving           C. considering       D. making

18. A. challenges       B. achievements      C. choices          D. hesitations

19. A. useless          B. boring           C. hopeless         D. confusing

20. A. ability          B. skill            C. tool            D. gift


I had spent the 22 years following my childhood dream—becoming a professor of marine biology. However, in graduate school I saw how applying for research funding is a constant cause of 1 for many professors. I decided I did not want to 2  a career in research after all.

I began to 3  career panels (咨詢组), from which I expected to get some 4  suggestions. I walked into the room with other 5 graduate students, confident that the panelists would have the 6 I needed. Well-meaning as the panelists were, they fell 7  when I brought up my 8 . I felt totally lost.

I went to my professor for help 9 . After listening to my complaint, my professor told me that instead of 10 on finding a dream job, I should take account of what I am good at and what makes me 11 at least 80% of the time. These words 12 me at first, but it ended up being exactly what I needed to hear.

I was relieved to finally have practical 13 . But I discovered that finding overlap (重叠) between what I enjoy and what I'm good at was not 14 . I love diving, but the physical demands are a 15 for me. I'm good at teaching but I don't like 16 the same content every year.

To 17 the waters, I started a blog about the history of scientific discoveries. I found that I loved the 18 to choose what to write about, and I never ran into a challenge I didn't enjoy. After 3 years of 19 , I was offered a position as a science writer. It's nothing like my childhood 20 . But I am happy—more than 80% of the time.

1. A. honor            B. worry            C. desire            D. interest

2. A. shorten          B. investigate        C. grasp            D. develop

3. A. attend           B. serve            C. like             D. introduce

4. A. secondary        B. typical           C. secret            D. solid

5. A. frightened        B. disappointed      C. excited           D. astonished

6. A. performance      B. answers          C. success          D. experiences

7. A. unconscious       B. silent            C. sick             D. asleep

8. A. fault            B. solution          C. dilemma          D. criterion

9. A. eventually        B. casually          C. generally         D. unexpectedly

10. A. focusing        B. relying           C. calling           D. living

11. A. dependent       B. nervous          C. happy           D. skeptical

12. A. reminded        B. encouraged       C. surprised         D. relaxed

13. A. excuse          B. promise          C. training          D. advice

14. A. helpful          B. easy            C. strange           D. equal

15. A. challenge        B. congratulation      C. request           D. direction

16. A. accepting        B. repeating         C. exchanging       D. overlooking

17. A. boil            B. find             C. test              D. save

18. A. trick            B. fairness          C. ambition          D. freedom

19. A. writing          B. complaining       C. teaching          D. delivering

20. A. year            B. memory          C. dream           D. story

