This Robot Looks Like a Pancake and Jumps Like a Maggot能持续跳跃的扁平无腿机器人


英语世界 2022年5期

萨布丽娜·伊布勒 云天

Researchers designed a soft, legless robot that can hop and navigate obstacle courses. 研究人員设计了一种可以跳跃和绕过障碍物的无腿软体机器人。

If a pancake could dream, it might long for legs so it could jump off your breakfast plate in pursuit of a better, unchewed life.

But legs, it turns out, are not necessary for something as flat as a flapjack to hop around. A group of scientists has designed a tortilla-shaped robot that can jump several times per second and higher than seven times its body height of half a centimeter. They report that the robot, which is the size of a squished1 tennis ball and weighs about the same as a paper clip, nimbly2 performs these feats without any semblance3 of feet.

Shuguang Li, a roboticist at Harvard who was not involved with the research, called the new robot “a clever idea” and “an important contribution to the soft robotics.”

Many terrestrial4 robots, meaning ones at home on the ground rather than in air or water, move by rolling or walking. But the ability to jump can help a terrestrial robot traverse5 new spaces and navigate rough terrain; sometimes its more efficient for a robot to jump over an obstacle than to go around it, Rui Chen, a researcher at Chongqing University in China and an author of the paper, wrote in an email.

Although jumping can offer some robots a competitive edge, engineering that ability has been a challenge for robotics researchers. Some soft robots that store energy can perform a single, impressive jump very infrequently. Some lightweight soft robots that do not store energy can hop about very frequently but cannot jump high or far enough to successfully cross an obstacle like a curb6.

The ideal jumping robot would be able to frequently jump high and far. But “these two pursuits are contradictory,” Dr. Chen said. Jumping higher or farther requires more energy, and jumping more frequently requires that energy to be accumulated and released over a shorter period of time—a tall task for a tiny robot.

For inspiration, the researchers looked to gall midge larvae, maggots that miraculously hurl themselves across distances 30 times as long as their loglike bodies, which are one-tenth of an inch long. “Most creatures need feet to jump,” Dr. Chen said, adding that the larvae “can leap by the bending of their bodies.” The maggot squishes itself into the shape of a ring—sticking its head to its rear with special sticky hairs—and squeezes fluid toward one end of its body, making it rigid. The accumulation of fluid builds up pressure, and releasing the pressure sends the maggot soaring.

The robots disklike body does not resemble that of a gall midge larva, but it jumps like one. Its body is made of two plastic pouches printed with electrodes7; the front pouch is filled with liquid and the rear is filled with the same volume of air. The robot uses static electricity to drive the flow of liquid to deform parts of its body, which causes the body to bend and generate force with the ground, resulting in a jump. And the air pouch mimics the function of an animals tail, helping the robot maintain a stable position while jumping and landing.

This design allows the robot to jump 7.68 times its body height and have a continuous jumping speed of six body lengths per second—a speed that Dr. Li called “very impressive.”

So the robot could jump rapidly and continuously. But could it cross obs-tacles? To find out, the researchers put the tiny robot through numerous tests perhaps as deserving of an inspirational movie montage8 as Sylvester Stallones training in “Rocky9.”

The robot had to cross various gravel mounds, slopes and wires. It had to jump across a round step five milli-  meters tall and traverse an empty ring eight millimeters tall—monumental barriers for a four-millimeter-tall robot with a body like a pancake. The amateur acrobat passed all of these tests easily, if not gracefully.

The robot can also change directions on its own, around 138 degrees per second—the fastest turning speed of any soft jumping robot, Dr. Chen said. Much like a car, the robot can steer itself by continuously turning, according to Wenqi Hu, a senior research scientist at the Max Planck Institute in Germany who was not involved with the research.

The robot relies on external power that is fed through electrical wires. The researchers would like to make the robot wireless in future iterations10, but it will be a challenge to keep the robot tiny and lightweight, Dr. Chen said.

“I wonder if adding an onboard power source would be a challenge for this tiny soft jumper,” Dr. Li said.

The researchers propose integrating sensors into the tiny robot to allow it to detect environmental conditions, such as pollutants in buildings. Dr. Li suggested that the robot could eventually inspect hard-to-reach areas of large industrial machines or, if equipped with a small camera, be used on search-and-rescue missions for trapped people or animals, as it can travel through small spaces in disaster areas. And, he added, the robot is tiny and cheap. “It would probably cost only a few dollars to build one,” Dr. Li said.

Although the robot is currently confined to Earth, Dr. Hu suggested it might be right at home11 exploring another planet. “This type of task requires a simple but robust miniature robot design” that is lightweight enough to be carried to new worlds, Dr. Hu said, adding that the materials needed to build this robot would need to survive and function in extraterrestrial environments.

If this is true, the researchers robot might jump over dusty rocks and craters on the moon or Mars, going where no pancake has gone before.















研究人员建议将传感器集成到微型机器人中,以使其能够检测环境因素,例如建筑物中的污染物。李博士认为,该机器人最终可以用于检查大型工业机器里难以够到的区域,如果配备了小型摄像头还可用于被困人员或动物的搜救,因为它能在灾区的狭小空间中行进。而且, 这种机器人很小、很便宜。“制作一个可能只需要几美元。”他补充说。




1 squish压扁,挤扁。  2 nimbly敏捷地;灵巧地。  3 semblance表象,外观。

4 terrestrial地面的,陆地的。  5 traverse穿过;横穿。  6 = kerb〈英〉(道路的)路缘。

7 electrode电极。

8 montage〈法语〉蒙太奇,原为建筑学术语,意为构成、装配,现多指一种电影剪辑技术,是电影创作的主要叙述手段和表现手段之一。蒙太奇相对于长镜头电影表达方法,它通过将一系列不同地点、不同距离、不同角度、不同方法拍摄的短镜头组合使用来编辑成一部有情节的电影。  9《洛奇》讲述了一名拳击手(西尔维斯特·史泰龙饰)为争夺拳王不懈练习的故事,电影中多次运用了蒙太奇的表现手法。  10 iteration迭代。

