A lesson from my roommate室友教会我的一课


疯狂英语·新阅版 2021年7期



1 I was never very neat, while my roommate Kate was extremely organized. Each of her objects had its place, but mine always hid somewhere. She even labeled(贴标签) everything. I always looked for everything. Over time, Kate got neater and I got messier. She would push my dirty clothing over, and I would lay my books on her tidy desk. We both got tired of each other.

2 War broke out one evening. Kate came into the room. Soon, I heard her screaming. “Take your shoes away! Why under my bed!” Deafened, I saw my shoes flying at me. I jumped to my feet and started yelling. She yelled back louder.

3 The room was filled with anger. We could not have stayed together for a single minute but for a phone call. Kate answered it. From her end of the conversation, I could tell right away that her grandma was seriously ill. When she hung up, she quickly crawled (爬) under her covers, sobbing. Obviously, that was something she should not go through alone. All of a sudden, a warm feeling of sympathy rose up in my heart.

4 Slowly, I collected the pencils, took back the books, made my bed, cleaned the socks and swept the floor, even on her side. I got so into my work that I even didnt notice Kate had sat up. She was watching, her tears dried and her expression betrayed disbelief. Then, she reached out her hands to grasp mine. I looked up into her eyes. She smiled at me, “Thanks.”

5 Kate and I stayed roommates for the rest of the year. We didnt always agree, but we learned the key to living together: giving in, cleaning up and holding on.

Ⅰ. Choose the best answers according to the text.

Text 1. How is paragraph 1 mainly developed?

A. By analyzing causes. B. By showing differences.

C. By describing a process. D. By following time order.

Detail 2. What made Kate so angry the evening?

A. She couldnt find her books.

B. She heard the author shouting loud.

C. She got the news that her grandma was ill.

D. She saw the authors shoes beneath her bed.

Inference 3. The author tidied up the room most probably because .

A. she was scared by Kates anger

B. she hated herself for being so messy

C. she wanted to show her care

D. she was asked by Kate to do so

Detail 4. How many suggestions did the author make for harmonious relation with roommates?

A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.

Ⅱ. Discussion

What is the most important principle to be in harmony with your classmates in your eyes?

Memorize some text?鄄centered chunks

look for 尋找

get tired of 厌倦……

break out 爆发

take... away 把……拿走

jump to ones feet 跳起来;一跃而起

be filled with 充满

but for 若不是;如果没有

hang up 挂断(电话)

go through 经历;遭受

all of a sudden 突然

the key to ……的关键

give in 让步;妥协

hold on 坚持

