My Views and Theories of Foreign Language Teaching


青年生活 2020年19期



This paper aims at the construction and application of the views and theories of foreign language teaching, to analysis various kinds of views and theories on the basis of systematic thinking and to choose my own theories according to my own observation of foreign language teaching. Thus, to care for the nature and characters of English learning of primary and middle school students.

2.Miscellaneous Views and Theories

2.1 Views of Foreign Language Teaching

(1) Structure view: Language is a system of structurally related elements. To learn the language means to learn these elements which include phonology, morphology, and syntax.

(2) Functional view: It sees language as a vehicle for doing things, to express functional meaning. Learners lean language in order to do things with it.

(3) Interactional view: Language is a tool to maintain social relations.

2.2 Theories of Foreign Language Teaching

(1) The acquisition-learning hypothesis

According to Krashen, there are two process of developing second language: acquisition and learning. Acquisition refers to the explosion of language samples that we understand, assimilating language rules through using language. Learning refers to conscious study of language forms and rules.

(2)The input hypothesis

Krashen believes that students acquire knowledge in one way, that is to be exposed by comprehensible input. The input should beyond the learners current level(i+1).

3.Selecting/Building My Views and Theories

3.1 Objectives

To help students reduce learning burdens and help them learn happily.

3.2 Guidelines, Theoretical Basis, Methods and Procedures

Based on the whole-person development and English core competence, language teaching includes developing the learners linguistic competence, cultural awareness, thinking ability and learning ability.

3.3 Analysis of the Existing Views and Theories

The structure view limits language leaning on the level of language knowledge. The function view shows the need to use the rules and vocabulary to do what we want to do. The interactional view shows when to do, how to do and how to do it appropriately.

3.4 My Views and Theories

Language is a tool to learn something more, to promote mutual communication, to cooperate with others. However, pronunciation is very important in spoken English. Mispronunciation will lead to misunderstanding in communication. Also, language is humanism. Through the teaching of language, we can realize the goal of educating and cultivating students.

4.Applying My Views and Theories

When teaching primary school students, its important to pay attention to their pronunciation. We often hear that some primary school students dont have a good pronunciation, but it is first because their English teachers are not standard in pronunciation. So I will pay more attention to childrens pronunciation in early stages, forming a good habit when they are young. Also, emotional and thinking education should be reflected in English classes, they are important for the development of young children.


Good teaching practice is based on good theoretical understanding. To acquire theories of foreign language teaching is a basic requirement for language teachers. To review the views and theories of foreign language teaching and reflect my own beliefs, I can have a good understanding about language learning and teaching, thus, to guide my own language teaching.


[1] Richards, Jack & Rodgers, Theodore S. Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2008.

[2] Stern, H. H. Fundamental Concepts of Language Teaching. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 1999.

[3] 王薔. 英语教学法教程(第二版). 北京:高等教育出版社,2017.


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