World-Changing Inventions People Thought Were Dumb Fads (II)改变世界的“愚蠢”发明(下)


英语世界 2019年4期


Talkies: “Talking doesn’t belong in pictures”

In 1928, Joseph Schenck, President of United Artists, seemed confident about one thing: talking pictures were a fad.

He told The New York Times that “talking doesn’t belong in pictures.” Though he conceded that sound effects could be useful, he felt that dialogue was overrated. “I don’t think people will want talking pictures long,” he said, and he wasn’t alone.

In 1967, actress Mary Astor recalled the mood when the silent era drew to a close. She wrote, “The Jazz Singer was considered a box-office freak,” and that talkies were “a box-office gimmick.” In an early talkie screening, she and her colleagues thought “the noise would simply drive audiences from the theaters... we were in an entirely different medium.”

In the end, however, talkies proved out to be more compelling than the old mediums. Audiences adjusted, audio-recording technology improved, and a new generation of Hollywood bigwigs embraced dialogue.

Cheeseburgers: “Typical of California”

Most sources credit Lionel Sternberger with inventing the cheeseburger in 1934, though there’s a lot of debate. Regardless of who came up with it, the notion of beef and cheese was initially regarded as a crazy California novelty rather than as a revelation.

The first time The New York Times wrote about cheeseburgers in 1938, they ranked the burgers as a Californian eccentricity, putting them third in a list along with nutburgers, porkburgers, and turkeyburgers. In 1947, a Times writer actually deigned to try a cheeseburger, albeit skeptically:

At first, the combination of beef with cheese and tomatoes, which are sometimes used, may seem bizarre. If you reflect a bit, you’ll understand that the combination is sound gastronomically.

In the end, plenty of people agreed that the cheeseburger was “sound gastronomically.” And once fast food chains—like McDonald’s—included it on their menus, it was guaranteed a place on the American plate.

Answering machines: “In the beginning, it was pure yuppie”

It didn’t take long for people to see how answering machines could be useful. But when they were first introduced, it seemed like the telephone companies would squash them in favor of their own hardware and services.

In 1973, a story about the bourgeoning voicemail phenomenon noted that answering machines weren’t even allowed in most homes. Robert Howard, a spokesman for the New York Telephone Company, claimed that illegally installed machines posed a hazard to line repairmen. Since the 1940s, most companies had banned them, and AT&T said “there is no need for the device.”

Even once answering machines moved from quasi-legal purgatory in 1975, thanks to an FCC decision, the devices were still seen as a niche yuppie annoyance. That might be why it took until 1991 for The New York Times to reluctantly accept answering machines with a telling headline: “For Yuppies, Now Plain Folks Too.”

The answering machine made it big because technology, laws, and telephone culture changed. Answering-machine technology became easier to manage and answering services faded away.

Laptops: “Was the laptop dream an illusion?”

In 1985, The New York Times report-

ed on the tragic demise of a once promising trend—laptops, the newspaper said, were on their way out. From now on, airplane tray tables would hold beers and cocktails instead of computers.

The Times doubted the potential of laptop technology, and with good reason: they were heavy, pricey, and had poor battery life, all of which made it hard to imagine them becoming mainstream.

It was a reasonable complaint, but short-sighted:

The limitations come from what people actually do with computers, as opposed to what the marketers expect them to do. On the whole, people don’t want to lug a computer with them to the beach or on a train to while away hours they would rather spend reading the sports or business section of the newspaper. Somehow, the microcomputer industry has assumed that everyone would love to have a keyboard grafted on as an extension of their fingers. It just is not so.

Laptops took a few more years to become practical, but technology improved enough that the laptop became lighter, more durable, and easier to use.






















