

农业工程学报 2019年5期

李 晶,殷守强,于加春,胡振琪,杨 震,杨超元


李 晶1,殷守强1,于加春1,胡振琪2,杨 震1,杨超元1

(1. 中国矿业大学(北京)地球科学与测绘工程学院,北京 100083;2. 中国矿业大学环境与测绘学院,徐州 221116)

引黄河泥沙充填复垦采煤沉陷地是减轻黄河淤积和提升矿区复垦率的有效途径,有助于改善区域生态环境。该文以黄河主要淤积河段及沿岸150 km范围内的23个国家规划矿区为研究区,分别采用沙量平衡法和开采沉陷预计法估算了黄河流域矿区充填复垦泥沙的供给量和需求量,初步分析了适宜引黄充填复垦矿区并设计了概略输沙路径。研究结果表明:1950—2013年,黄河主要淤积河段的总泥沙淤积量约为144.31亿t;截至2013年,各规划矿区充填复垦总需沙量约为225.12亿t;综合考虑泥沙供需状况和输沙距离2个因素,包头、义马、焦作、郑州、肥城、黄河北、淄博7个近距离矿区和乌海、平顶山、晋城、鹤壁、新汶5个中距离矿区适宜黄河泥沙充填复垦,需沙量和需调用水量分别为90.19和148.81亿t;各适宜充填复垦矿区的概略输沙路径长度处于21.98~109.02 km,总长度约为643 km。研究成果可为黄河泥沙充填复垦技术推广提供前期专题性基础数据,为后续可行性研究、规划设计及充填复垦等相关政策制定提供参考。


0 引 言



理论研究和工程实践表明,引黄充填复垦技术可行,有利于变“泥沙隐患为复垦之利”,提升矿区土地复垦率的同时改善河流和矿区生态环境,在黄河流域适宜河段和矿区推广这项技术意义重大。由于受多方面因素的影响,该项技术推广工作很难一蹴而就,需要分前期专题基础性研究、中期可行性研究和后期规划设计和施工等多个阶段完成。其中,黄河泥沙淤积和矿区采煤沉陷状况分别反映了引黄充填复垦泥沙的最大供给潜力和需求状况,是影响引黄充填复垦规模与布局的重要基础因素,但迄今为止,尚未见区域乃至国家等宏观尺度的相关 研究。

本文以黄河主要淤积河段及沿岸150 km范围内的23个国家规划矿区为研究范围,通过分析黄河主要淤积河段的泥沙供给与各矿区充填复垦泥沙需求的关系,据此概略划分出适宜引黄充填复垦的矿区,并设计各河段到矿区的概略输沙路径,以期为后续国家及区域复垦政策制定、引黄充填复垦可行性研究和相关规划等奠定前期探索性研究基础和提供参考。

1 区域概况

1.1 黄河水文概况

黄河西起巴颜喀拉山,东至渤海,北临阴山,南到秦岭,全长约5 464 km,流域面积达79.5 万km2,干流通常划分为上、中、下3段[16],不同河段的泥沙主要来源和淤积特征不同。黄河上游的兰州—头道拐河段,流域内有沙漠风积沙、十大“孔兑”所携带的泥沙汇入,其中巴彦高勒—头道拐河段为冲积性的平原型河道,每年有一定量的泥沙淤积,河床缓慢上升。头道拐—孟津的中游河段,流经黄土高原,土壤侵蚀严重,尽管河流含沙量较高,但流速极快,河道淤积程度较轻。孟津以下的河段,流域内植被覆盖度较高,土壤侵蚀程度很弱,区间来沙可忽略不计,由于河道宽广而平缓,水流缓而散乱,成为巨大的泥沙沉积场,逐渐演变为“地上河”。


图1 黄河水文观测站和主要淤积河段

1.2 黄河流域矿区分布概况


图2 黄河流域国家规划矿区空间位置示意图

1.3 研究区范围和引黄充填复垦技术流程

相关研究与工程实践案例表明,国内外高浓度矿浆管道输送距离可达几百千米[17-20],但高浓度泥浆管道输沙距离最远只有160 km[21]。考虑到最远输沙距离的制约,本文以黄河主要淤积河段及其沿岸150 km范围内的23个国家规划矿区为研究区,并按照距离黄河0~60 km、>60~120 km和>120~150 km的空间差异,将矿区划分成近距离(S1)矿区、中距离(S2)矿区和远距离(S3)矿区3种类型。为便于计算和分析,矿区与黄河淤积河段的距离用矿区的几何中心点与黄河的最短距离表示。

引黄充填复垦技术流程如图3所示[7],包括:1)采用挖沙船切削河道淤积泥沙,使用潜沙泵设备将黄河河床冲起来的泥沙颗粒与水混合形成高浓度泥浆;2)应用输沙管道和加压泵站等,把高浓度泥浆运输到待复垦区域,泥沙输送过程不会对自然河道造成人工侵蚀破坏; 3)泥浆运输到待复垦区域后,采用沉沙排水技术,使 泥沙沉积充填待复垦区域,并把清水排到附近的沟渠、河道中,根据相关政策和地方用水需求,使之返回黄 河或者作为当地用水,确保充填复垦后水资源得到充分利用。

图3 引黄充填复垦技术流程

2 研究方法和数据来源


2.1 黄河泥沙淤积量的估算



孟津—花园口段,1990—2013年共建81个采沙场,年均取沙量约499万m3[27],历年累计取沙11 976万m3,按照黄河中游泥沙密度为2.73×103kg/m3[28]进行折算,采沙场累计取沙约3.27亿t;花园口—高村段,采沙场年取沙量约为99万m3[27],1990—2013年累计取沙2 376万m3,按黄河下游泥沙密度为2.71×103kg/m3[28]折算,累计取沙约为0.64亿t;高村—艾山段,采沙场年均取沙约20万m3[27],1990—2013年累计取沙480万m3,约为0.13亿t。

高村—艾山段,近年来山东省济宁市等开展了引黄充填复垦试验,泥沙输送浓度可达400 kg/m3,利用了约0.02亿t黄河泥沙[7,29],治理沉陷地面积约48.67 hm2。



表1 1950—2013年黄河主要淤积河段的区间取沙状况


Note:Sediments outflow = sediments outflow by sand excavation + sediments outflow by filling reclamation experiments + sediments outflow by irrigation.

表2 1950—2013年黄河主要淤积河段的泥沙输移状况

2.2 引黄充填复垦需沙量的估算



从中国煤炭地质总局发布的《我国大型煤炭基地区域含水层保护战略研究》[34]中,获取截至2013年黄河流域9大煤炭基地国家规划矿区的煤炭产量数据。通过查找相关文献,获取不同矿区的下沉系数。为了便于估算,采用全国不同矿区各煤层的平均容重,约为1.4 t/m3[35-37]。黄河上游、中游和下游的泥沙平均密度分别为2.74×103、2.73×103和2.71×103kg/m3[28]。

2.3 概略输沙路径设计方法


式中T1、T2、T3分别表示S1、S2、S3矿区的概略输沙路径长度,km;L1表示S1矿区与黄河主要淤积河段 的最短距离,km;L1S2表示S1矿区与周围S2矿区的 最短距离,km;L2S3表示S2矿区与周围S3矿区的最短距离,km。

3 结果与分析

3.1 充填复垦黄河泥沙供需状况及其空间差异

3.1.1 黄河主要淤积河段的泥沙淤积量

根据黄河主要淤积河段的泥沙输移状况(表2),采用式(1)估算出1950—2013年黄河主要淤积河段的泥沙淤积量。结果表明,1950—2013年黄河主要淤积河段的泥沙总淤积量约为144.31 亿t,年均淤积量约为2.25亿t。其中,孟津—花园口、花园口—高村的淤积程度最严重,总淤积量为114.75亿t,占所有主要淤积河段总淤积量的79.52%。与相关研究文献进行对比分析说明,见表3,本文对不同河段淤积量的估算结果相对可靠,与其他多数文献所得估算结果接近,能够较好地反映黄河主要淤积河段的泥沙淤积状况。

3.1.2 引黄充填复垦矿区的需沙量


采用式(2)和式(3)估算出至2013年研究区范围内各国家规划矿区的充填复垦需沙量,见表4。经试验测定,当前技术条件下远距离管道输沙最大经济含沙量约为500 kg/m3[7],即每1 m3的泥浆包含约500 kg的泥沙。按照黄河泥沙密度统一取值为2.73×103kg/m3进行估算,1 m3的泥浆中含0.183 m3的黄河泥沙,泥沙与水的体积比约为1∶4.5,按照水的密度为1×103kg/m3估算可知,每充填1 亿m3的采煤沉陷空间需调用约4.5亿t的水资源。因此,可根据各矿区的采煤沉陷体积估算出各矿区的需调用黄河水量,见表4。

表3 黄河泥沙淤积量估算结果的文献对比情况


Note:“—” means no data on the corresponding river segment for not involving in the calculation.

图4 研究区内国家规划矿区及其距黄河最短距离


表4 研究区范围内国家规划矿区的充填复垦需沙量和需调用水量

3.1.3 充填复垦黄河泥沙供需状况空间差异分析

表5中黄河主要淤积河段的总泥沙淤积量小于研究范围内矿区充填复垦的总需沙量,供需差距为80.81亿t。其中,巴彦高勒—三湖河口、花园口—高村和艾山—利津3个河段,泥沙淤积量分别为2.42、40.08和9.43亿t,各河段沿岸150 km范围内矿区的充填复垦需沙量分别为1.56、3.01和8.75亿t,泥沙供给量均大于需求量,因此仅考虑充填物料是否充足这项因素,这3个河段沿岸所有矿区均适宜采用黄河泥沙充填复垦。三湖河口—头道拐、孟津—花园口和高村—艾山3个河段,泥沙淤积量分别为12.99、74.67和4.72亿t,各河段沿岸150 km范围内矿区的需沙量分别为66.25、107.81和37.74亿t,泥沙供给量远小于需求量,因此考虑到黄河泥沙供需状况,这3个河段沿岸部分矿区适宜采用黄河泥沙充填复垦,为了节约输沙成本,按照距黄河由近到远的顺序确定适宜充填复垦矿区。

综上分析,综合考虑充填复垦泥沙量供需状况和输沙距离的制约,黄河沿岸适宜充填复垦矿区包括包头、义马、焦作、郑州、肥城、黄河北、淄博7个S1矿区和乌海、平顶山、晋城、鹤壁、新汶5个S2矿区,需沙量分别为45.31和44.88亿t,总计为90.19亿t,见表5,占研究区范围内国家规划矿区总需沙量的40.06%,相当于黄河主要淤积河段总淤积量的62.50%,黄河泥沙充填复垦矿区需累计调用黄河水量约为148.81 亿t。从经济合理、工程技术便于操作、生态安全等角度综合考虑,引黄充填复垦工程宜有选择地分期推广,且泥沙充填复垦完沉沙回水后,大部分水仍将返回黄河,不会影响黄河供水安全。

表5 不同河段矿区充填复垦泥沙供需状况


Note: “*”denotes the suitable filling reclamation mining area, “—” means no data on the corresponding mining areas for not being involved in the calculation.

3.2 概略输沙路径分析

在图4基础上,按照式(4)概略设计出适宜充填复垦矿区的输沙路径并计算其长度,见图5和表6。适宜充填复垦矿区的概略输沙路径长度范围为21.98~109.02 km,总长度为643 km。其中,肥城、黄河北、焦作、郑州等4个矿区概略输沙路径长度小于30 km,淄博、义马矿区为30~50 km,包头、鹤壁、晋城、平顶山、新汶、乌海矿区为>50~110 km,其中乌海矿区的输沙路径最长,约为109.02 km。

图5 适宜充填复垦矿区的概略输沙路径

表6 适宜充填复垦矿区的概略输沙路径长度

4 结 论

本文以黄河主要淤积河段及沿岸150 km范围内的23个国家规划矿区为研究范围,估算了矿区充填复垦泥沙供需状况和输沙距离,分析了适宜引黄充填复垦的矿区,并设计了概略输沙路径。结论如下:



3)适宜充填复垦矿区的概略输沙路径长度处于21.98~109.02 km,总长度约为643 km。肥城、黄河北、焦作、郑州等4个矿区概略输沙路径最短,乌海矿区最长。


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Analysis of supply-demand and transportation path of sediments for filling reclamation of mining areas in Yellow River basin

Li Jing1, Yin Shouqiang1, Yu Jiachun1, Hu Zhenqi2, Yang Zhen1, Yang Chaoyuan1

(1.100083,; 2.221116,)

Subsided mined-land reclamation with Yellow River Sediments is an effective way and a win-win strategy for reducing the Yellow River sedimentation and accelerating mined land reclamation by using sediments as filling materials, which is of great significance to improve the regional ecological environment. In order to analyze the maximal supply amount and sediments demand for the filling reclamation of mining areas in the Yellow River basin, in this paper, we took the Yellow River and 23 national planning mining areas within 150 km away from the main sediments deposition segments of the Yellow River as the study area. Through the analysis of supply and demand of sediments for the filling reclamation of mining areas, the river segments and mining areas suitable for filling reclamation were preliminarily identified and the schematic sediments transport paths were also designed. Firstly, the sediments balance equation was used to estimatethe sedimentation amount in main sediments deposition segments of the Yellow River in 1950-2013. Secondly, the sediments demand for filling reclamation of all mining areas withinthe study area was estimated. Based on the above two steps, we analyzed the spatial difference on the relation of Yellow River sediments supply and demand for the filling reclamation in all main sediments deposition segments. Finally, the sediments transport paths of different mining areas were designed as a whole by following the principle that the path should be shortest for minimum construction and labor costs involved. The results showed that the main sediments deposition segments of the Yellow River are Bayangol-Toudaoguai and Mengjin-Lijin, whose total sedimentation amount was 14.431 billiontons in 1950 -2013.Therefore, the sedimentation was the most serious in the river segment called Mengjin-Gaocun, where the accumulated sedimentation amount was 11.475 billion tons in 1950-2013. By the distance difference from the Yellow River, those 23 mining areas were further divided into three types of mining groups, including nine short-distance (S1) mining areas, 10 middle-distance (S2) mining areas, and four long-distance (S3) mining areas, which were 0 - 60 km, >60 - 120 km and >120 - 150 km away from the Yellow River, respectively. Their total sediments demand amount was about 22.512 billion tons by 2013. The spatial relationship between the supply and demand of the Yellow River sediments was unbalanced, thus not all mining areas could be reclaimed with Yellow River Sediment for insufficient sediment in some river segments. In the river segments including Bayangol-Sanhuhekou, Huayuankou-Gaocun, Aishan-Lijin, the sedimentation amount could cover the reclamation demand, thus all the mining areas could be filling-reclaimed using the sediments only judging by the difference between the sediment supply and reclamation demand, but in the river segments including Sanhuhekou-Toudaoguai, Mengjin-Huayuankou and Gaocun-Aishan, the sedimentation amount was less than the reclamation demand, thus only part of the mining areas could be suitable for the sediment-filling reclamation application. As a result, 7 S1 mining areas and 5 S2 mining areas, including Baotou, Yima, Jiaozuo, Zhengzhou, Feicheng, Huang Hebei, Zibo, Wuhai, Pingdingshan, Jincheng, Hebi and Xinwen, were comparatively suitable for filling reclamation by both sediments transportation length and sediments sufficiency or not, whose total sediments demand was 4.531 billion tons around and 4.488 billion tons, respectively by 2013, about 9.019 billion tonsin total, accounting for about 40.06% of the total sediments demand of all mining areas and about 62.50% of the total sedimentation amount in the study area. The total water involved for sediment transportation to the mining areas suitable for filling reclamation was about 14.881 billion tons by 2013. The sediments transport paths length of the mining areas suitable for filling reclamation was about 21.98 - 109.02 km away from the Yellow River. The total sediments transport paths length to the suitable mining areas was about 643 km. The study is the foundation for the wide-scale promotion of the filling reclamation technology of mining areas with Yellow River sediments, and is helpful for the subsequent feasibility study, the relevant planning and reclamation policies making.

land reclamation; drainage; coal mines; the Yellow River basin; national planning mining area; filling reclamation with sediments; difference between sediment amount and its demand




李 晶,教授,博士生导师,主要研究方向为土地利用与土地复垦、生态遥感、3S应用。





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Li Jing, Yin Shouqiang, Yu Jiachun, Hu Zhenqi, Yang Zhen, Yang Chaoyuan. Analysis of supply-demand and transportation path of sediments for filling reclamation of mining areas in Yellow River basin[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(5): 268-277. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.05.033


Association between estradiol levels and clinical outcomes of IVF cycles with single blastocyst embryo transfer
册 田 水 库 泥 沙 淤 积 研 究