

教学考试(高考英语) 2019年5期

广东 廖仕欢





这种课堂日记类型适合新授课型。新授课一般把重点放在整体理解课文、把握文章脉络和理解作者的写作意图和观点态度上面。这些问题在课堂上得以解决之后,如果教师要求学生课后将课文内容以写日记的形式复述出来,不仅解决了学生平时写日记时没有写作话题的窘境,而且有助于学生再次温习课文内容,让课文的学习得以巩固。例如,在讲授完外研版教材Book 6 Module 4 Music 中的Cultural Corner 的The Grammy Awards—Are They Important?之后,学生的课堂日记是这样写的:

Today,we learn something about Grammy Awards.It is one of the most famous musical awards in the world.

The Grammy Awards are presented every year in the music industry in the United States.There are 105 categories in the awards,and they cover 30 different types of music-pop,rock,jazz,blues,rap,classical,etc.But it doesn’t depend on the work itself whether it is well-known or not.It only depends on how many votes each artist receives from members of the Recording Academy.So some people don’t think the Grammys are as important as before.

But I know some of the winners of the Grammy Awards,like Taylor Swift,Lady Gaga,Avril Ramona Lavigne,and Ed Sheeran as well.Among them,I like Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran best.Taylor Swift’s first song I heard is We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together.It is shared by my cousin.And about Ed Sheeran,the song called Shape of You is impressive.It is a song that I always listen to in my spare time.【高二(11)陈芷妍】


这种课堂日记适合记叙文类型的课型。记叙文类型的课文一般会完整地叙述一个故事,除了时间、地点、人物和事件外,一般还包括了故事的开端、过程和结局。但是有些课文的故事也可能戛然而止,并没有结局。例如外研版教材Book 5 Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema 中的Reading and Vocabulary 的课文The Steamboat中,故事讲到Huck 和Jim 划着小船离开那艘要沉的汽船时就结束了,而当时汽船上还有另外三个人。像这种情况,就非常适合让学生写课文续写型的课堂日记。而针对有正常结局的故事,教师可以让学生续写不同的故事结局。读后续写也正是新一轮高考改革英语书面表达的热门题型。以下是一名学生对Book 6 Module 3 Interpersonal Relationships—Friendship 中 的Reading and Vocabulary 的 课文Roy’s Story 进行续写的课堂日记:

(At that moment,the door swung open,and Roy walked in.)

“Hi Roy,”I said awkwardly.Roy looked at me but didn’t say anything.Then he pointed at the banknotes in my hand.I hurriedly explained,“I felt a little cold,so I put on your coat.Then I found these notes.So why have you got so much money?”Roy was still silent.“Did you steal the money of our class charity?Please tell me the truth.”

“OK,I admit it.It’s all my fault.I know it’s wrong to do so.But I have no choice,”Roy said guiltily,“Since my father died in the accident,our family’s financial problem has got worse and worse.To make matters worse,my mother has been sick recently and I have no money to take her to hospital.So I can only do this.”

“Oh,I am sorry to hear that.But you can tell me about this and maybe I can help you.You see,my uncle’s shop needs an assistant.You can take it and earn some money in your free time.”I said.

Then I gave him a warm hug and we turned back the money to the class together.Finally,we solved Roy’s money problem with the help of our class and we became close friends again.【高二(6)黄惠莹&徐怡欣】


这种课堂日记类型适合讲授课文语言点的课型。一般在学生整体理解完一篇课文之后,教师接下来都会就课文中的重点词汇和考纲词汇进行讲解,讲解它们在课文中的含义和用法,有时还会拓展学生在高中阶段应该掌握的这些词汇的其他含义和用法。教师可以让学生于课后在复习和消化这些知识点的基础上,利用这些重点词汇作为关键词再次串讲课文内容,或者自己编造和串讲一个故事,然后写成日记。这样,这些语言点学习的有效性就大大提高了。例如,在讲授完外研版教材Book 6 Module 4 Music中的Reading and Vocabulary 的课文An Interview with Liu Fang 之后,学生的课堂日记是这样写的(画线部分是课文中的重点词汇):

Liu Fang has given concerts since she was eleven.She graduated from the Shanghai Conservatory of Music.She worked as a pipa soloist of the Kunming Music and Dance Troupe.She said that different schools have different ways to interpret the classical pieces of music.I think that the same is true of teachers because different teachers have different ways to teach knowledge.The main influence for Liu Fang is traditional opera singing and folk songs.So when she is playing a tune,she is singing in her heart.

Chinese music is closely connected to Chinese poetry,so it isn’t surprising that most classical pieces have very poetic titles.And classical Chinese music and traditional Chinese paintings are like twin sisters.In Chinese art,painters give life to the painting by using some empty spaces.It’s the same with classical Chinese music.One of the characteristics of Chinese music is silence and pause,so people say the silence is full of music.【高二(11)温嘉诚】


这种课堂日记类型适合语法讲授课型。教师在语法课上讲授完一个语法项目之后,一般都会通过相应的专项练习来巩固和检查学生的学习效果。但这种练习是孤立的,任何语法现象只有在相应的语境中才会有存在的意义和使用的价值,所以这种课堂日记要求学生自己设定一个语境或编写一个故事,然后在其中尽可能多地使用所学的这一语法现象。这样学生不仅能更牢固地掌握该语法现象的规则,还能体会和领悟该语法现象的使用环境和使用情景,从而真正掌握这个语法项目,保证了语法学习的有效性。例如,在学习了外研版教材Book 6 Module 5 和Module 6的语法项目“虚拟语气”之后,一位学生的课堂日记是这样写的:

This morning I got up late and missed the first bus.It looked as if I would probably be late for class.On the way,I wish I could be a bird.If I were a bird,I could fly to school immediately.At the same time,I thought I would have caught the first bus if I had woken up a little earlier.I wished I hadn’t stayed up too late playing games last night.If my teacher knew this,he would probably become very angry.Only if I could make up a reasonable excuse!However,I would rather that I still told the truth because I think honesty is the best policy.【高二(6)任锐】


这种课堂日记类型适合试卷评讲课型。无论是在高一、高二还是在高三,学生都会参加各种月考、期中考、期末考、联考等考试,这些考试的题型基本上都与目前高考英语试卷的模式一致,就全国卷而言一般包括4 篇阅读、1 篇“七选五”阅读、1 篇完形填空,以及1 篇语法填空。这样,一套试卷里面就包含着7 个不同的话题。教师可以布置学生在听完老师的评讲后,选择其中一个自己感兴趣的语篇话题于课后写一篇日记。这种类型的日记,除了可以让学生复述阅读理解文段中的相应内容之外,更加鼓励学生针对这一话题写出自己的观点和想法。这样做,不但能加深学生课后对这一话题的自主探究,更重要的是在这个过程中学生的英语综合能力也逐渐地得到提升。最后以写作的形式呈现出来,就更加增强了学生英语书面表达的准确性和条理性。例如,在某一英语试卷中有一篇介绍Winston Churchill 和他的演讲的阅读理解,课后学生就根据该阅读理解文章内容写了这样一篇课堂日记:

Today,we read a passage about Winston Churchill.He is well-known as a statesman,politician and as the British Prime Minister.Winston Churchill lived during most of the Second World War.He was a very excellent speaker.He promised the house of Commons:“I would say to the House,as I said to those who have joined the Government,I have nothing to offer but blood,toil,tears and sweat.”on 13 May 1940.Because it’s his first speech after being the Prime Minister,he did not win a lot of support or approval.But Winston Churchill never gave up.One day,he followed the king Henry VI’s suggestion and went to communicate with the ordinary people on the subway.To his surprise,every citizen is unwilling to surrender.To do this,Churchill made another speech passionately,“We shall fight on the beaches.We shall fight on the landing grounds.We shall fight in the fields and in the streets.We shall fight in the hills;we shall never surrender.”【高二(11)陈芷妍】


这种课堂日记类型适合泛读课型。在泛读课上,教师通过对泛读文章的讲解让学生了解到一个话题或几个话题后,鼓励学生课后通过各种途径进行自主拓展阅读。这样做可以开阔学生的视野,增长学生的见识,避免学生出现一天到晚都只捧着课本死啃的现象。这样,英语语言学习的资源就多了起来,达到了拓宽语言学习的宽度和广度的效果,保证了质量,提高成绩也就是指日可待、水到渠成的事情了。在这个过程中,学生可以到图书馆查找相关资料,从网上搜索相关资源等,最后教师鼓励学生把查找到的资料和自己的心得体会用读书笔记的形式写成日记。例如,在一节TEENS 报纸的泛读后,有一位同学的课堂日记是这样写的:

Today I read the TEENS.

At first,“express yourself”attracts me.However,it is not about how to express yourself,it is about how to fight stress instead.

It says stress is often caused by a lack of exercise.I can’t believe it.I always sit in my chair and don’t do exercise frequently.So this passage is bad news for me.The passage says this is because when we exercise,our body will release endorphins chemical which will create a feeling of happiness.

What’s also suggested is a new way of physical activities,light exercise,like walking,cycling and so on.What’s more,it stresses the importance of taking up a hobby.Hobbies are just as important to good health as exercise is,thanks to their ability to relieve stress.【高二(11)赖泽琳】



Perseverance Leads to Success
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