

阅读与作文(英语高中版) 2018年9期



“Long time no see” is a very interesting sentence. When I first read this sentence from an American friends email, I laughed. I thought it was a perfect __1__ of Chinglish.

Obviously, it is a word-by-word literal translation of the Chinese greetings with a __2__ English grammar and structure! Later on, my friend told me that it is a standard American __3__. I was too thrilled to believe her. Her words could not __4__ me at all. So I did a __5__ on google. com. To my surprise, there are over 60 thousand web pages __6__ “Long time no see”. This sentence has been __7__ used in e-mails, letters, newspapers, movies, book, or any other possible places. Though it is __8__ informal, it is part of the language that Americans use daily. __9__, if you type this phrase in Microsoft Word, the __10__ will tell you that the grammar needs to be corrected.

Nobody knows the __11__ of this Chinglish sentence. Some people thought that it came from Charlie Chans movies. In 1930s, Hollywood moviemakers successfully __12__ a world wide famous Chinese detective named “Charlie Chan” on wide screens. Detective Chan liked to teach Americans some Chinese wisdom __13__ quoting Confucius. “Long time no see” was his trademark. Soon after Charlie Chan, “Long time no see” began a __14__ phrase in the real world __15__ the popularity of these movies.

Some people __16__ America to a huge melting pot. All kinds of culture are __17__ in the pot together, and they __18__ the color and taste of each other. American Chinese, though a minority ethnic group in the United States, is also __19__ some changes to the stew! Language is usually the first thing to be __20__ in the mixed pot.

( )1. A. example B. sign C. word D. change

( )2. A. damaged B. perfected C. learned D. ruined

( )3. A. custom B. greeting C. habit D. proverb

( )4. A. persuade B. encourage C. convince D. believe

( )5. A. job B. research C. survey D. search

( )6. A. containing B. printing C. publishing D. expressing

( )7. A. widely B. hardly C. seldom D. deeply

( )8. A. lots of B. plenty of C. lot of D. sort of

( )9. A. Unfortunately B. Luckily C. Ironically D. Suddenly

( )10. A. hardware B. software C. operator D. speaker

( )11. A. use B. origin C. expression D. meaning

( )12. A. created B. published C. did D. discovered

( )13. A. by B. in C. with D. of

( )14. A. ordinary B. rare C. modern D. popular

( )15. A. in spite of B. as to C. thanks to D. but for

( )16. A. compare B. add C. join D. own

( )17. A. joined B. mixed C. complied D. done

( )18. A. improve B. change C. lower D. promote

( )19. A. owing B. putting C. taking D. contributing

( )20. A. influenced B. mentioned C. used D. considered


A man who loved to hunt and bought two setters[塞特獵犬] that he trained to be fine bird dogs. He kept them in a large, fenced pen[围栏] in his __1__.

One morning he __2__ a little bulldog[牛头犬] running down the path behind his home. It saw the two dogs and squeezed under the fence. The man thought he should perhaps __3__ the setters so they wouldnt hurt the little dog, but __4__ his mind. Maybe they would teach that bulldog __5__, he thought.

As he __6__, fur began to fly, and all of it was bulldog fur. The bulldog soon had enough and __7__.

To the mans __8__, the incident was repeated the following day, with the __9__ results.

The man left early the next morning __10__ a business trip and returned after several weeks. He asked his wife what finally __11__ the bulldog.

“You wont __12__ it,” she replied. “At the same time every day that little dog came to the backyard and __13__ our setters. He never __14__ a day! Now when our setters hear him barking down the __15__, they ran down into the basement. Then the little bulldog walks around our backyard __16__ he owned it.”

How do you manage those problems you __17__ daily?

Dale Carnegie made this observation: “Most of the important things in the world have been __18__ by people who have kept on trying __19__ there seemed to be no hope at all.”

In the end, its the __20__ bulldog that will own the backyard .

( )1. A. backyard B. cave C. garage D. cage

( )2. A. watched B. observed C. stared D. glimpsed

( )3. A. round up B. throw up C. hold up D. lock up

( )4. A. changed B. made up C. turned D. closed

( )5. A. a class B. a course C. a lesson D. a subject

( )6. A. ensured B. predicted C. informed D. responded

( )7. A. took away B. broke away C. kept away D. got away

( )8. A. satisfaction B. joy C. surprise D.disappointment ( )9. A. only B. same C. similar D. sensitive

( )10. A. on B. for C. with D. in

( )11. A. turned out B. became of C. happened D. came about

( )12. A. prepare B. believe C. conclude D. perform

( )13. A. fought with B. fought for C. fought off D. fought back

( )14. A. missed B. increased C. appointed D. acquired

( )15. A. avenue B. path C. street D. road

( )16. A. even if B. what if C. only if D. as if

( )17. A. come up with B. come round C. come across D. come through

( )18. A. advocated B. adopted C. accomplished D. approved

( )19. A. why B. where C. when D. whether

( )20. A. naughty B. smart C. strong D. determined



本文为说明文,讲述了跨文化交际中中美文化相互影响的语言现象。文章第一段引入话题Long time no see的表达式。第二段讲述作者考证Long time no see是个汉语式英语表达方式的情况。第三段讲述了Long time no see的来历。第四段通过Long time no see的例子,进一步引申语言相互影响的问题,说明美国是一个多元文化并存的国家。

1. 选A。作者认为Long time no see(好久不见)是一个很典型的中国式英语的例子。

2. 选D。ruined在此是“糟糕的”意思。

3. 选B。这是一个标准的美国问候语,前面Chinese greetings有提示。

4. 选C。她的话不能使我信服。convince是“使……信服”的意思。

5. 选D。google. com.是个网站的名称,作者在网上搜索Long time no see这个短语。

6. 选A。有6万多个网页含了Long time no see这个短语。

7. 选A。从上文可以看出,这个问候语使用广泛。

8. 选D。sort of用作状语,意思为“有点”。

9. 选C。ironically是“具有讽刺意味的是”之意。前面讲到这个问候语使用广泛,而Word软件却把它当作一个错误的句子来处理,前后意义转折。

10. 选B。按常识判断Microsoft Word是一个计算机软件。

11. 选B。从后面的came from可以推断,前一句话的意思为“无人知道这个短语的来历”。

12. 选A。create在此是“塑造(电影、文学形象)”之意。

13. 选A。by“通过……方式”之意,在此作方式状语。

14. 选D。这些电影放映后不久,“Long time no see”在美国成了一个流行词语。

15. 选C。thanks to“由于”之意。

16. 选A。compare … to把……比作。

17. 选B。各种文化在美国这个大熔炉里混合。

18. 选B。互相之间都进行改变(同化)。

19. 选D。contribute sth to … 向……贡献出……。

20. 选A。在这个多元文化的大熔炉里,语言通常是第一个受到影响的。


本文主要讲述的是: 一个喜欢打猎的人买了两只塞特猎犬,把他们关在后院的围栏里。一只小牛头犬每天都来挑战这两只塞特猎犬。意料之外的事情发生了:两只强大的塞特猎犬一听到小牛头犬的叫声就会跑进地下室,因此弱小的小牛头犬竟然占领了后院。通过这个故事作者想告诉我们一个道理: 世上多数重要的事情都是被那些在看似毫无希望的情况下依然坚持尝试的人做成的”。

1. 选A。根据最后一段选择A。

2. 选B。observe 在此处的意思是:注意到,相当于notice。

3. 选D。lock up“将某人/某物锁于某处不得进出,将某人/某物监禁起来”; round up“将……赶拢/集拢”; throw up“呕吐” ; hold up “延误,阻挡,使停顿”。

4. 选A。change ones mind“改變主意”,选择的关键是前面的but; make ones mind“下定决心”;turn ones mind (to)“把注意力转移到……” ; close ones mind (to) … “拒不考虑某事物”。

5. 选C。teach sb. a lesson“给某人一个教训”。

6. 选B。predict“预测”; ensure“保证”;inform“通知”;respond“反应,回答,应答”。

7. 选D。get away“逃脱,离开”;take away“拿走,带走”;break away“脱离,摆脱”; keep away“避开,不接近”。8. 选C。

9. 选B。根据前文的repeat 选出B。the same“相同的”,same前必须加the,若用 similar,应该省略the。

10. 选A。on a business trip“因公旅行”,是固定词组。

11. 选B。what will / has … become of“某人/某事情况怎样” 。12. 选B。

13. 选A。fight with“与……战斗”;fight for“为了争取……而战斗”;fight off“击退”;fight back“抵抗, 还击”。

14. 选A。“它从没有错过一天”,所以选miss。

15. 选B。根据第2段第1句选出B。

16. 选D。as if “好像”,从句中用虚拟语气;even if “即使,尽管”;what if “倘使……会怎样,如果……怎么办”;only if“只要”。

17. 选C。come across“偶然遇到”;come up with “提出”; come round = come around “来,绕道而来”;come through“经过……,安然渡过(疾病,危机等)。”

18. 选C。accomplish“完成,实现,达到”;advocate“提倡”;adopt“采用, 采取,收养”;approve“批准, 赞成”。

19. 选B。where 引导状语从句,表示情况,形势。

20.D。 determined“有决心的”。“最后,拥有后院的就是那只有决心的小牛头犬了”。

