

英语世界 2018年2期


近年来,中国人民越来越体会到不断增强的获得感(sense of gain)。人们对“获得感”这个新鲜的词组有了实实在在的感觉。汉语存在大量的“抽象名词 + 感”结构的词组。英语中也有 sense of +抽象名词 的对应词组。这里的sense不是指视觉(sense of sight)、听觉 (sense of hearing)、嗅觉 (sense of smell)、味觉(sense of taste)和触觉(sense of touch)等五种感觉官能,而是指“对某种重要的抽象事物的感觉、感想、情感或意识”(a feeling about sth important)。有些sense是与正面意义或褒义的抽象名词相连的。例如:

1. 经济改革取得的巨大成就已大大增强了中国人民的获得感。

The great achievements made in the economic reforms have dramatically boosted the Chinese people’s sense of gain.

2. 中国人民因经济繁荣和生活幸福而充满成就感。

The Chinese people are filled with the sense of fulfillment for their prosperous economy and happy life.

3. 作为这个贫困县的县委书记,他具有丰富的经验和强烈的责任感,正带领着当地百姓与贫困作斗争。

As the Party Secretary of the poverty-stricken county, he has rich experience and a keen sense of responsibility, and is leading the local people in the battle against poverty.

4. 怀着强烈的使命感,他作为一名志愿者到一个偏远山村,在一所小学教了10年留守儿童。

With a strong sense of mission, he went to a remote mountainous village as a volunteer and taught the left-behind children at a primary school for ten years.

5. 当这对中年夫妇听说他们的双胞胎儿子被他们曾就读的著名大学双双录取时,他们表现出强烈的自豪感。

When the middle-aged couple heard that their twin sons had been both admitted to the famous university where they had studied, they demonstrated a strong sense of pride.

6. 当这些棚户区居民与他们久居的贫民窟告别,迁往人民政府为他们新建的楼房时,他们显现出幸福感。

When these shanty dwellers said good-bye to the slum where they had lived for a long time, and moved into new buildings put up for them by the People’s Government, they exhibited a sense of happiness.

7. 这位在中国生活和工作了20年的外国专家对一名记者说:“我在这里有安全感,比方说,我能半夜独自在一条偏僻的街道上行走,而毫不恐惧。”

The foreign expert, who has lived and worked in China for twenty years,said to a news reporter, “I have a sense of security here, for instance, I can walk alone in an out-of-the-way street at midnight without any fear.”

8. 这位老人是一个快乐、健康并具有强烈幽默感的人,幽默感对他的身心健康都有好处。

The old man is a happy and healthy person with a keen sense of humour,which is beneficial to both his mental and physical health.

有些 sense 是与中性意义的抽象名词相连的。例如:

9. 由于他没有很好的方向感, 他总是在城里迷路。

As he hasn’t got a very good sense of direction, he is always getting lost in town.

10. 一名优秀体操运动员需要有力量、耐力、灵活度、协调性、弹跳力、速度、平衡能力、节奏感和良好的姿态。

A good gymnast requires strength, stamina, flexibility, coordination, spring,speed, balance, a sense of rhythm, and good posture.

11. 一个有挑战性的目标能产生紧迫感,它激发我们更加努力工作,以达成目标。

A challenging goal can create a sense of urgency that inspires us to work harder to achieve this goal.

12. 当他站在轮船甲板上眺望辽阔的大海时,他悄然感到一种神秘感。

When he stood on the deck of the ship and looked out on the wide sea, a sense of mystery stole over him.

有些 sense 是与负面意义或贬义的抽象名词相连的。例如:

13. 只有像这名贪官一样没有羞耻感而且从不觉得内疚的人,才会做出这样可耻的事。

Only a person like the corrupt official who has no sense of shame and never feels guilty can do such a shameful thing.

14. 由于这名贪官极其自负,他对自己所犯的罪行没有丝毫的内疚感。

As the corrupt official was extremely self-conceited, he didn’t have any sense of guilt about the mistakes he had made.

15. 当狄克发现录取名单上没有他的名字时,他意识到自己没有通过入学考试,因而产生了强烈的失落感。

When Dick found his name was not on the list of enrolled students, he realized that he had failed in the entrance examination and got an overwhelming sense of loss.

16. 唯恐产生满足感,这个学生总是敦促自己在学习中保持谦虚和勤勉。

For fear of inviting a sense of complacency, the student always urges himself to remain modest and diligent in his studies. □


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