译林新版《英语》五(上)Unit 6 My e- friend 教学实录


小学教学设计(英语) 2018年10期



Step 1. Enjoy a song“Rock,scissors,paper”.

Game:Rock scissors paper

T:Hello,children.I am yournew English teacher.Can you play this game with me?

Game rules:If you win,you can ask me a question;If you lose, you should answer my question.Don’t repeat.


Step 2.Pre-reading

About the title

T:Today,our topic is my e- friend.What is e- friend?Here are two pictures,which one is about e-friend?Picture A or Picture B?

Ss:Picture B.

T:Good.Butwhose efriend are we going to talk?Listen,please.(播放课文录音)

Ss:Wang Bing’s e-friend.

T:Great!Do you have any questions about Wang Bing’s efriend?

S1:What’sWang Bing’s e-friend’s name?

S2:How old is he?

S3:What does he like?

S4:Where does he live?


T:Wow,you havemany questions about Wang Bing’s efriend.


Step 3.While-reading

1.AboutLiu Tao’squestions

T:Liu Tao has some questionsaboutWang Bing’sefriend.Can you find the questions?

S1:Who’s your e-friend?

S2:How old is he?

S3:Can he speak Chinese?

S4:Does he have Chinese lessons at school?

S5:What subjects does he like?

S6:Does he like playing football?

T:You did good job.Now let’s read the story and find out the answers.(板书问题)


2.About Peter

Q1:Who’s your e-friend?

S1:He’s Peter.(板书)

Q2:How old is he?

S1:He’s 11 years old.(板书)

Q3:Can he speak Chinese?

S1:Yes,he can.(板书)

T:HecanspeakChinese,he can also speak English.Do you know why?

S2:Because he lives in the UK.(板书)

T:Clever boy.He lives in the UK.It is a beautiful country.Peter often sends some nice photosto Wang Bing.Would you like to have a look?


T:(播放英国的乡土风情照片)Whatdoyouthinkofthe UK?

Ss:It’s very beautiful.

T:Do you like it?Do you want to be Peter’s e-friend?


Q4:Does he have Chinese lessons at school?

S1:No,he doesn’t.

T:When does he study Chinese?

S2:He studies Chinese after school.(板书)

T:Peter thinks Chinese is great. So he wants to study Chinese well.Buthe doesn’t know how to do?Can you give him some good ideas?

S3:He can read Chinese books.

S4:He can listen to Chinese stories.

S5:He can go to the library and look for Chinese books.

S6:He can go to China.

S7:WangBingcanteach him.

S8:He can watch Chinese cartoons.


T:Your ideas are so great.

Q5:What subjects does he like?

S1:He likes Maths and PE.(板书)

Q6:Doeshe like playing football?

S1:Yes,he does.He likes swimming,too.(板书)

设计意图:关于Peter的这六个问题,学生很容易就能从文本中找到答案,但教师并未就此此步;而是对有些问题做了进一步的追问和设计。如Q3.He speaks Chinese.He also speaks English,why?从而引出“He lives in the UK.”通过播放英国风情图片,使学生对英国有一个初步印象,从而引出一系列的追问。在Q4中,教师后续设计了拓展性问题:Peter wants to study Chinese well,but how?学生结合自身的生活经历和体验提出了一些合理性的建议。这两个问题的设计体现了学思并行的阅读教学思路。

3.Work in groups

T:Can you be Wang Bing to introduce your e-friend?

Ss work in groups.

T:Why do Wang Bing and Peter become e-friends?

S1:Because they both like playing football and swimming.

S2:Because they are both 11 years old.

S3:They can talk about their favourite subjects.

S4:They can learn each other.

S5:WangBingcanteach Peter Chinese and Peter can teach Wang Bing English.


T:What are they going to do after talking about Peter?

Ss:Go to the playground and play football.

T:Can Wang Bing play football at once?


T:Yes.Wang Bing will send an emailfirst.Afterthat they will go to the playground and play football happily.


4.Read the story

Step 4.Post-reading

1.Think and say

T:Weknow WangBing and Peteraree-friends.They often chat on QQ.What do they often talk about?

S1:Maybe they talk about their school life.

S2:Maybe they talk about their hobbies.

S3:Maybe they talk about their family.

S4:Maybe they talk about their country.

S5:Maybe they talk about their friends.


T:They can talk a lot.What are they talking now?Look!(PPT呈现聊天界面)Is it good or bad to make e-friends?What’s your opinion?Let’s debate.


S1:I think it is good,because we can learn more.

S2:I think it is good,because we can make many friends.

S3:I think it is good,because we can share our trouble and happiness.

S4:I think...


S1:I think it is bad,because it’s bad for our eyes.

S2:I think it is bad,because there are some bad people.

S3:I think it is bad,because it wastes time.

S4:I think...

T:You are all right,because every coin has two sides.Now I have some suggestions for you.

设计意图:这一活动的设计是对文本的超越,为学生的批判性思维和创造性思维搭建了舞台。教师将文本内容带入学生的生活,“What do they often talk about on QQ?”这一开放问题点燃了学生的思维,而“What are they talking now?”又巧妙地将话题引向了“网络交友的利与弊”这一热点问题。学生根据已有认知、经历和体验,在内化文本内容与思想的基础上,形成自己的观点和看法,并从文本的学习和生活经验中找到相关依据支撑自己的观点。这些都是培养学生批判性思维必不可少的,同时也是帮助学生树立正确的交友观。

2.Know the teacher’s efriend

T:I have an e-friend.Would you like to know her?

S1:Who’s your e-friend?

T:She’s Alice.

S2:How old is she?


S3:What’s her job?

T:She’s a teacher.

S4:Where does she live?

T:She lives in New York,the US.

S5:Can she speak Chinese?

T:Yes,she can.She speaks English,too.

S6:What does she like?

T:She likes travelling and taking photos.Why do we become e-friends?

S1:Becauseyou areboth teachers.

S2:Becauseyou havethe same hobbies.


3.Choose an e-friend

T:Would you like to make e-friends with foreign children?Look! Here are fourchildren from different countries. They want to make e-friends in China.Please read their information and choose one to be your efriend.

S1:Hello, I’m Dean. I wantto be Mike’s e-friend.He’s11.HelivesinCanada.He likes Maths.He speaks Chinese and English. He likes playingbasketball.Wecan be e-friends because we have the same hobby.

S2:Hello, I’m Betty.I want to be Lily’s e-friend.She’s 12.Shelivesin the US.She likesArt.She speaksEnglish.She likes reading books.We can be e-friendsbecause we can talk about books on QQ.


4.Enjoy a picture book

T:Finally let’s enjoy a nice picture book about friends.Please love your friends forever.

Ss:Friends are the same age.Friends are different ages.

设计意图:通过欣赏绘本“Friends all around”,使学生明白友谊是不分年龄、不分职业、不分国籍的。只要彼此兴趣相近,真诚相待,就可以成为真正的朋友。以此激起学生情感的共鸣,从而教育学生要珍视友谊。


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