Finding the True Poetry in Ordinary Days


疯狂英语·新悦读 2018年4期

⊙ By Rebecca Front ⊙ 翻译:思苇

文学不是空中楼阁,不是镜花水月。哪怕是最天马行空的故事,其本质依旧深深植根于作者所处的时代背景。作为现代主义文学的重要分支,意识流(stream of consciousness)文学的兴盛,正是以伍尔夫为首的一众作家对那个独特年代的思考与感悟……



Throughout the 1920s, Virginia Woolf published a string of1)groundbreaking [΄ɡraʊndˌbreɪkɪŋ] adj. 开创性的groundbreaking works, in which she set out to2)reinvent [ˌriːɪn΄vent] v. 重新使用,彻底改造reinvent the novel to suit this age of doubt.

Mrs. Dalloway, published in 1925, is set over the course of one day in London, describing the thoughts of two unconnected characters—a wealthy-society hostess and a suicidal war3)veteran [΄vetərən] n. 老兵veteran—as they pass through the city. For Woolf, the novel as a form couldn’t save the world,but it might be able to show the true poetry of the ordinary mind on an ordinary day—a technique known as “stream of consciousness.”

Quentin Bell (Woolf’s Nephew): She wanted to know about what was happening in one’s life, and the most4)commonplace [΄kɒmənpleɪs] adj. 普通的,平凡的commonplace things seemed to surprise her.

Elizabeth Bowen(Novelist): You walked down the street. Why did you walk down the street? Who were you with? What did you see? Did you see a cat? Did you see a dog?

Nigel Nicolson(Writer): She said to me,“Now, tell me what happened today?” And I said, “Well, nothing. I just…I’ve just come home from school and here I am.” And she said, “No, no, no, no, no, that’s no good.Start at the beginning. What woke you up?”And I thought, and I said, “Well, it was the sun coming through the window at school.”And then she5)lean [liːn] v. 倾向,倾身;在英式英语中,其过去式为leant。leant forward and she said,“What sort of sun? Was it a gentle sun or an angry sun?”

Mark Haddon(Novelist): I loveMrs.Dalloway. It does what it sets out to do fantastically well. For me, it reads like a kind of…a piece of6)chamber music 室内乐chamber music. It’s like a7)string quartet 弦乐四重奏string quartet. There’s the same theme running through, and different instruments—different characters—take up these themes at different times. Her point of view8)shift [ʃɪft] v. 移动,改变(方向等)shifts constantly. We’re in someone’s mind. We’re suddenly outside their mind, looking at them from a great height. We can see the future. Suddenly we can see the past. Her consciousness in the novel is like this9)will-o’-the-wisp 鬼火,磷火,幻想willo’-the-wisp which can go absolutely anywhere it wants.

When Woolf went to10)Broadcasting House 演播大厅,此处特指BBC录制节目的演播室。Broadcasting House to speak to the nation, she chose to touch on a subject close to her heart: How the English language, after the11)Great War 第一次世界大战,与World War I同义。Great War, could be freed from the12)burden [΄bзːd(ə)n] n. 担子,重负burden of the past, to live again and create new art.

Virginia: Words, English words, are full of13)echo [΄ekəʊ] n. 回声,回响echoes, memories, associations, naturally.They’ve been14)out and about 外出走动out and about on people’s lips, in their houses, in the streets, in the fields,for so many centuries. And that is one of the chief difficulties in writing today. They’re stored with other meanings, with other memories. Our business is to see what we can do with the old English language as it is. How can we combine the old words in new orders so that they survive, and so that they create beauty, so that they tell the truth? That is the question.



✧ The Mark on the Wall 墙上的斑点(1919年)

✧ Modern Fiction 论现代小说(1919年)

✧ Jacob’s Room 雅各的房间(1920年)

✧ Mrs. Dalloway 达洛维夫人(1925年)

✧ To the Lighthouse 到灯塔去(1927年)

✧ Orlando: A Biography 奥兰多(1928年)

✧ A Room of One’s Own 一间自己的房间(1929年)

✧ The Waves 海浪(1931年)

✧ Between the Acts 幕间(1941年)










