Bruce McCandless:The First Astronaut to Fly 1)Untethered in Space


疯狂英语·新悦读 2018年4期

⊙By Russell Lewis ⊙ 翻译:BillyBudd

提起人类航天史上的著名宇航员,你可能会想起加加林——进入太空第一人,或者尼尔·阿姆斯特朗——登月第一人,但你很可能不知道布鲁斯·麦坎德利斯,哪怕你早已看过他那张历史性的照片——身背航天装置的宇航员独自在太空漂浮。麦坎德利斯正是人类第一个未系带在太空中行走,像卫星一样环绕地球“飞行”的宇航员,他与同事长达五个小时的太空漫步催生了“人体卫星”(human satellite)一词。麦坎德利斯在去年12月去世了,但他在太空自由漂浮的情景将永载人类史册。

1) untether [ʌn΄teðə] v. 解下栓(牛、马的)绳,无缆

NASA astronaut Bruce McCandless has died. You may not know his name, but you’ve probably seen him in one of the most famous pictures ever taken in space. In 1984,McCandless strapped on a jet-powered backpack and flew away from the shuttle,by himself, untethered, with the Earth as a backdrop. It was the first time an astronaut ever floated free in space, and McCandless helped develop the technology.

Bruce McCandless had been an astronaut for a long time before he first flew in space aboard the shuttle. He was one of the ones who communicated with the2)crew [kruː] n. (轮船、飞机等的)全体工作人员crew ofApollo 11. Here’s Neil Armstrong talking to McCandless as the spacecraft was about to enter lunar3)orbit [΄ɔːbɪt] n. 轨道orbit during the first moon landing in 1969—

(Recording in file)

Neil: It’s a view worth the price of the trip.

Bruce: Well, there are a lot of us down here that would be willing to come along.

While he was waiting his turn to fly in space,he helped design what became to be known as the MMU—the4)manned [mænd] adj. (指机器)有人控制的,载人的Manned5)maneuver [mə΄nuːvə] v. 操纵Maneuvering Unit. McCandless first went to space in 1984 aboard the shuttleChallengerand took these jet-powered backpacks along. During the mission, McCandless climbed into the 300-pound6)contraption [kən΄træpʃn] n. 奇妙的装置,新发明contraption and slowly eased out of the shuttle’s7)cargo bay 货舱cargo bay as mission controllers looked on.

(Recording in file)

Commander: You have a lot of8)envious [΄envɪəs] adj. 妒嫉的envious people watching you. Looks like you’re having a lot of fun up there.

Bruce: Yeah, it’s working very nicely.

Neil Armstrong was on Bruce McCandless’s mind when he took that first untethered9)foray [΄fɒreɪ] v. 突袭,冒险foray into space. More than three decades later, he remembered precisely what he said.

Bruce: It may have been one small step for Neil…注

(Recording in file)

Bruce: …but it’s a heck of a big leap for me.Commander:10)roger [΄rɒdʒə(r)] int. (无线电通讯答语)已收到Roger. Copy that, Bruce.

During a 2016 NPR interview, McCandless recalled the tension associated with the spacewalk. He said he wanted to say something to put people at ease.

Bruce: My wife happened to be in Mission Control at the time. And she says the laughter11)literally [΄lɪtərəlɪ] adv. 差不多,简直literally12)bring down the house 引起哄堂大笑brought down the house, which was sort of what I had intended. I wanted to13)loosen up 放松loosen things up a little.

注:阿姆斯特朗在登月时曾说:“That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind. (对于一个人来说,这只是一小步,但对人类来说,这是一次飞跃。)”

It was14)nerve-wracking [΄nзːvˌrækɪŋ] adj. 极端令人头疼的,非常伤脑筋的nerve-wracking seeing McCandless out in space by himself. Relative to the Earth,he was flying almost 18,000 miles per hour.But relative to the shuttle, he was moving at a15)leisurely [΄leʒəlɪ] adv. 从容不迫地,悠闲地leisurely one foot per second. He says he wasn’t nervous. He found it effortless. He had trained for that moment for years, ready for anything—if the suit’s16)propulsion [prə΄pʌlʃn] n. 推进,推进力propulsion system failed or problems communicating with the shuttle.

By the end of that spacewalk, he had moved a little more than 300 feet away from the shuttle when the famous picture was taken, him facing the17)orbiter [΄ɔːbɪtə(r)] n. (绕天体作轨道运行的)轨道飞行器orbiter with the Earth and space in the background.McCandless says part of the attraction is the image’s18)anonymity [ˌænə΄nɪmətɪ] n. 匿名;无特色anonymity.

Bruce: I had the…the gold sun19)visor [΄vaɪzə(r)] n. (头盔上的)面罩visor down so that in principle people can imagine themselves in there instead of me.

McCandless said he was most proud that children came up to him later in life to say they’d seen the picture. He hoped it would inspire the next generation of explorers.

Bruce: I like to encourage20)folk [fəʊk] n. 人们,大家folks to look at that and say, “Well, I can do better than that.”

Bruce McCandless showed the way. He finished second in his class of 899 at the U.S.Naval Academy and used his engineering skills to make spaceflight safer. He once said the first untethered spacewalk was a mix of personal21)elation [ɪ΄leɪʃn] n. 兴高采烈,欢欣鼓舞elation and professional pride.


◆ Apollo 11 阿波罗11号:1969年美国国家航空航天局的阿波罗计划(Project Apollo)中执行第五次载人任务时的飞船,这也是人类的第一次登月任务。尼尔·阿姆斯特朗(Neil Armstrong)是飞船的指令长,布鲁斯·麦坎德利斯则是其支持团队成员之一。

◆ Challenger 挑战者号:“挑战者号”航天飞机是美国正式使用的第二架航天飞机,于1983年4月正式进行任务首航。1984年2月,布鲁斯·麦坎德利斯搭乘“挑战者号”升空并留下“漫步太空”的经典图像。“挑战者号”在1986年1月发射升空后第73秒解体,机上七名宇航员全部罹难。


作文素材常积累:布鲁斯·麦坎德利斯——It was a wonderful feeling, a mix of personal elation and professional pride: It had taken many years to get to that point. 布鲁斯不系绳太空行走的举动曾被《纽约时报》称赞是“勇气和美的奇观”,“人体卫星”一词的诞生也有他的一份功劳。可是,这样的功成名就并非一蹴而就的事情。布鲁斯·麦坎德利斯的飞行时间累计超过5200小时;他在太空中停留的时间超过312小时。成功的光鲜身影背后,有着我们不曾看到的努力和艰辛。

During the mission, McCandless climbed into the 300-pound contraption and slowly eased out of the shuttle’s cargo bay as mission controllers looked on.

Ease既可以作名词表示“安逸,舒适;不费力”,也可以作动词表示“减轻(痛苦),缓和;缓慢地移动”。其最常见的搭配是at ease,表示“(使)自在;稍息(军队口令)”。如:

● He was intelligent and capable of passing his exams with ease. (他很聪明,能够轻松通过考试。)

● She eased her way towards the door. (她缓缓向门口挪动。)

● At ease! Attention! (稍息!立正!)
























建筑节能领域的挑战者 孟庆林