On the Far Side of the Mountain (Excerpt VI)


英语世界 2018年3期

By Jean Craighead George

It’s taken until today to get the waterwheel in place. Bando and Zella were too busy to come to the mountain during most of November, and Miss Turner’s mother was sick, so she couldn’t work. I did finish the sluice but stopped working on the wheel because Alice and I had to gather nut crop. The beechnuts are abundant this year, and so are the hickory and butter nuts, but the acorn crop is poor. Alice did find one productive tree, and we have enough to last until spring.

[2] Work was further delayed when Mrs. Strawberry came up to tell us that another deer had been killed on the country road and I went down to butcher that prize and haul it up here.

[3] Then the smoking of venison took more time. While I was working at that, Alice decided to make a smokehouse, and before I knew it, she had me tapping and stacking stones again.Although it delayed the mill, I’m glad we made it. The venison is much better







[7]感恩节那天,我们举办了盛大的宴会。特纳小姐带来了一只火鸡,草莓夫人和泽when smoked in a building where the fire can be controlled.

[4] So it wasn’t until yesterday that Bando and I got the wheel in place with the help of Mrs. Strawberry, Slats, Alice, Zella, and Miss Turner.

[5] We threw a rope over a limb, tied one end to the wheel and the other to Slats. Then Mrs. Strawberry led him away from the tree. The wheel rose into the air until we could push and guide it. With everyone helping, we eased the wheel to the mill and carefully directed the shaft through the hole in the streamside wall made for this purpose. Inside we laid it to rest on the bearing. Mrs.Strawberry backed up Slats, lowering the outside end of the shaft on Alice and Miss Turner’s stone wall. With that, the waterwheel was in place.

[6] Alice ran to the pond and opened the sluice gate. The water rolled down the hollowed tree, hit the wheel blades—and the darn thing turned. We cheered and clapped and danced. We had a rolling waterwheel!

[7] We had a wonderful feast day on Thanksgiving. Miss Turner brought up a turkey, and Mrs. Strawberry and Zella made salad and pumpkin pie. Alice and I baked acorn bread in my stone oven.The day was warm, and we ate outside watching the waterwheel turn. We all felt great pride and satisfaction.拉做了沙拉和南瓜饼。艾丽斯和我用我的石炉烘焙了橡树子面包。天气很暖和,我们在户外就餐,一边看着那大水车旋转不停。我们感觉无比自豪、心满意足。



【第二段】有几点需要认真分析来确定词义。首先是killed on the country road,指路上的车辆撞死了鹿,并非有意杀死;而butcher不是屠宰,而是稍作处理;词语prize不是奖赏,而是意外的收获,可以有鹿肉吃了。

【第三段】中间一句话富有深意,间接指出妹妹总是让山姆做这做那,而山姆被动接受,有些无奈。最后一句中的定语从句when smoked in a building译为中文句子里的定语,这样更符合中文习惯,也更简洁。





【小结】这一节文字以情景和程序描述为主,有些文字语义模糊,译文需要明晰化才好。同时,有的英文句式在翻译时不宜照搬,需要合理重组调换。总体而言,原文质朴无华,是模拟少年文笔,译文也当简朴生动为宜。 □

