

世界建筑 2017年10期



Xishu Bookstore, Beijing, China, 1996









ZHOU Rong: Nothing at First - Reminiscing Xishu Bookstore as an Ideological Gene

In the life of any subject, the historical chance of influence or even changing a whole ecosystem evolution process from the level of ideological gene is quite rare. However, the Xishu Bookstore designed by Yung Ho Chang in 1996 historically undertook the eco-revolution responsibility of providing"restarting" ideological gene for Chinese modern architecture.

In the mid-1990s, when the Chinese society was being swept and agitated by the waves of "second time of reforming and opening up" and people in the Chinese architecture industry were looking for a change but couldn't find the turning point of new ideas and new methods, Xishu Bookstore,this "illegal building" less than 200m2was designed and built, and immediately produced a "nuclear explosion" impact to the ideas of Chinese modern architecture.

To understand the unique historical contribution of Xishu Bookstore, it must be placed back 20 years ago to that particular era background of Chinese architecture - the day Xishu Bookstore was born, was when Chinese post-modernism was really popular. The so-called "Chinese postmodernism", is actually modern eclecticism and vulgar mannerism in the name of "postmodernism". The Chinese architecture industry that was addicted to the meaningless symbol game of "post-modernism" at that time, had long lacked the endogenous driving force to push architecture problems to the thinking and discussion at inner depth level. At that time, the creation of Xishu Bookstore undoubtedly has the inestimable value of enlightenment.

As Yung Ho Chang's first truly completed work,Xishu Bookstore can be called a space textbook that presented all of his view of world and architectural idea. Brief l y speaking, Yung Ho Chang's view of the world was post-modernism - entangled in diverse,rich, contradictory and complicated cross-border desires and mixed interests; but his architectural idea was following the modern Utopian creeds almost as strict as fundamentalism - purified fictional body, unitary value system, abstract visual form, self-consistent logical deduction, dense integral structure. The original structural conflict between the view of world and methodology, made the results that the "causes" of Yung Ho Chang's works often have the popular interests that appeal to public awareness, and are full of congenital propagation and consumption, but the "outcome"parts of the works carried out the boring of elitism and revealed the arrogance of anti-propagation and anti-consumption without exception. The huge contrast and working space that Chang designed and placed between interpretation and operation had deadly destruction and irresistible attraction to the Chinese architecture industry in the 1990s, which lacked the supply of both ideas and forms. In this regard, Xishu Bookstore made the most intuitive and vivid example.

Looking from today, the biggest credit of Xishu Bookstore is enhancing the resolution of cognition and complexity of thinking for Chinese modern architecture: from Xishu Bookstore, some people learned to see architecture as a fractal mimicry of the city, some people learned to wake up spacial possibilities from the rotation of book carts, some people saw the "original body" of architecture which was returned to minimal abstract volumes, some people saw the architectural "skin" that was pushed in front of our eyes by the glass floor and simple details, also some people experienced the value of propagation, the interests of asceticism, the control of orders, the presentation of syntactic, etc. Four years later, Xishu Bookstore was demolished, and returned to the original fi re escape. Everything that was glimpsed from the bookstore became nothing.However, 20 years later, several generations of architects who were inspired, encouraged and changed by Xishu Bookstore, gathered in front of that fi re escape, and hang a monumental plate on its original site. At that moment, perhaps some people may faintly feel that the so-called "ideological gene"indeed has a basic power beyond time. (Translated by CHEN Yuxiao)












项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client: 席殊/XI Shu

地址/Location: 北京车公庄大街/Chegongzhuang Street,Beijing, China

建筑设计/Architets: 非常建筑/Atelier FCJZ

主持建筑师/Principal Architect: 张永和/Yung Ho Chang

设计团队/Project Team: 尹一木,鲁力佳/YIN Yimu, LU Lijia

建筑面积/Floor Area: 133m2

设计时间/Design Period: 1996

建成时间/Completion Time: 1996

摄影/Photos: 非常建筑/Atelier FCJZ

Site + History

The site for the bookstore was a space on the street level of an office building built in the 1950s.This space used to be a passageway, where one could see bicycles in motion or parked. Later, the passageway was closed down to become a book stack room. Is it possible to reflect the history of the functional changes of a place in the design?Moreover, is it possible to overlap the previous usage of a place - circulation - with its future one -a bookstore?

Conceptual art + Installation art

Guided by the above observations as an idea and informed by conceptual art and installation art, the thoughts and works of Marcel Duchamp in particular, we combined bookshelf and bike as"ready-mades" to produce a "collage"; the result is the "book-bike", a rotating bookshelf with bicycle wheels. Eight "book-bikes" in four pairs made up the core of our design.

Space + Use

We took advantage of the height of the existing space to construct a mezzanine. The circular steel pillars supporting the mezzanine were also taxes for the rotating book-bikes. Book-bikes each had two back-to-back bookshelves, which shared the same thickness as the building's walls; as such, they are also book walls, and bookstore keepers could rotate the shelves at will to alter the space in the shop. The flexibility of the book-bikes expanded the spatial limitations of the site.

Materials + Structure

The mezzanine was an independent steel frame structure within the original load-bearing walled structure. The book-bikes and other bookshelves against the walls were all made of prof i le steel.

Project status

The bookstore was demolished in 2000; the space was restored as a passageway and bicycles replaced the book-bikes.□










