

中国学术期刊文摘 2017年19期

Murphy, KR; Stedmon, CA; Waite, TD; et al.

Highly stable organic polymer field-effect transistor sensor for selective detection in the marine environment

Knopfmacher, O; Hammock, ML; Appleton, AL; et al.

Using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) for highresolution reconstruction of topography:The structure from motion approach on coastal environments

Mancini, F; Dubbini, M; Gattelli, M; et al.

Mapping the diatom redox-sensitive proteome provides insight into response to nitrogen stress in the marine environment

Rosenwasser, S; van Creveld, SG; Schatz, D; et al.







海洋是人类生存所不可缺少的物质和能量的源泉,也是许多废弃物的归宿。海洋环境(Marine Environment)是一个非常复杂的系统,包括海水、海洋中的各种物质、海底沉积物和海洋生物。随着人类活动的加剧,海洋资源开发的规模越来越大,海洋环境问题也日趋突显。




截至2017年9月12日,中国知网(CNKI)和Web of Science(WoS)的数据报告显示,以“海洋环境保护”等为词条可以检索到的期刊文献分别为7340与3278条,本专题将相关数据按照:研究机构发文数、作者发文数、期刊发文数、被引用频次进行排行,结果如下。










根据Web of Science统计数据,以“海洋环境保护”等为词条可以检索到的高被引论文排行结果如下。



基于Web of Science检索结果,利用Histcite软件选取LCS(Local Citation Score,本地引用次数)TOP 30文献作为节点进行分析,得到本领域推荐的经典文献如下。


marine debris; plastic debris; thermoplastics;persistent organic pollutants; micro-plastic pollution;xenoestrogens

来源出版物:Environmental Research, 2008, 108(2):131-139

Distinguishing between terrestrial and autochthonous organic matter sources in marine environments using fluorescence spectroscopy

Murphy, KR; Stedmon, CA; Waite, TD; et al.

Abstract:The optical properties of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) are frequently used as tracers of water masses in bays and estuaries but present unique challenges in the ocean due to the small quantities of organic matter present and the similarities between spectra from coastal and offshore environments. Samples collected on trans-oceanic cruises in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans were used to investigate the optical characteristics of dissolved organic matter in waters with limited freshwater influence (salinity > 30). Parallel Factor Analysis (PARAFAC) of fluorescence spectra revealed that coastal and oceanic dissolved organic matter (DOM)fluorescence could be separated into at least eight separate components: 4–5 humic-like and 3–5 protein-like signals.Two of the humic components were identified as representing terrestrial organic matter and their signals could be traced in the open ocean (Pacific and Atlantic) at levels of approximately 1.5% of riverine concentrations.An additional humic component, traditionally identified as the “marine” or “M” peak, was found to be both sourced from land and produced in the ocean. These results demonstrate that the supply, mixing and removal of terrestrial organic matter in oceanic waters can be observed with relatively simple measurement techniques,suggesting that fluorescence spectroscopy could play a useful role in future studies of the origin and fate of DOM in oceanic environments.

关键词:dissolved organic matter; tracer techniques;fluorescence spectroscopy; Parallel Factor Analysis(PARAFAC)

来源出版物:Marine Chemistry, 2008, 108(1): 40-58

Highly stable organic polymer field-effect transistor sensor for selective detection in the marine environment

Knopfmacher, O; Hammock, ML; Appleton, AL; et al.

Abstract:In recent decades, the susceptibility to degradation in both ambient and aqueous environments has prevented organic electronics from gaining rapid traction for sensing applications. Here we report an organic field-effect transistor sensor that overcomes this barrier using a solution-processable isoindigo-based polymer semiconductor. More importantly, these organic field-effect transistor sensors are stable in both freshwater and seawater environments over extended periods of time.The organic field-effect transistor sensors are further capable of selectively sensing heavy-metal ions in seawater. This discovery has potential for inexpensive,ink-jet printed, and large-scale environmental monitoring devices that can be deployed in areas once thought of as beyond the scope of organic materials.

来源出版物:Nature Communications, 2014, 5: 2954

Using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) for highresolution reconstruction of topography:The structure from motion approach on coastal environments

Mancini, F; Dubbini, M; Gattelli, M; et al.

Abstract:The availability of high-resolution Digital Surface Models of coastal environments is of increasing interest for scientists involved in the study of the coastal system processes. Among the range of terrestrial and aerial methods available to produce such a dataset, this study tests the utility of the Structure from Motion (SfM)approach to low-altitude aerial imageries collected by Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). The SfM image-based approach was selected whilst searching for a rapid,inexpensive, and highly automated method, able to produce 3D information from unstructured aerial images.In particular, it was used to generate a dense point cloud and successively a high-resolution Digital Surface Models(DSM) of a beach dune system in Marina di Ravenna(Italy). The quality of the elevation dataset produced by the UAV-SfM was initially evaluated by comparison with point cloud generated by a Terrestrial Laser Scanning(TLS) surveys. Such a comparison served to highlight an average difference in the vertical values of 0.05 m (RMS =0.19 m). However, although the points cloud comparison is the best approach to investigate the absolute or relative correspondence between UAV and TLS methods, the assessment of geomorphic features is usually based on multi-temporal surfaces analysis, where an interpolation process is required. DSMs were therefore generated from UAV and TLS points clouds and vertical absolute accuracies assessed by comparison with a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) survey. The vertical comparison of UAV and TLS DSMs with respect to GNSS measurements pointed out an average distance at cm-level(RMS= 0.011 m). The successive point by point direct comparison between UAV and TLS elevations show a very small average distance, 0.015 m, withRMS= 0.220 m.Larger values are encountered in areas where sudden changes in topography are present. The UAV-based approach was demonstrated to be a straightforward one and accuracy of the vertical dataset was comparable with results obtained by TLS technology.

关键词:UAV; structure from motion; terrestrial laser scanning; digital surface model; beach dunes system

来源出版物:Remote Sensing, 2013, 5(12): 6880-6898

Mapping the diatom redox-sensitive proteome provides insight into response to nitrogen stress in the marine environment

Rosenwasser, S; van Creveld, SG; Schatz, D; et al.

Abstract:Diatoms are ubiquitous marine photosynthetic eukaryotes responsible for approximately 20% of global photosynthesis. Little is known about the redox-based mechanisms that mediate diatom sensing and acclimation to environmental stress. Here we used a quantitative mass spectrometry-based approach to elucidate the redoxsensitive signaling network (redoxome) mediating the response of diatoms to oxidative stress. We quantified the degree of oxidation of 3845 cysteines in thePhaeodactylum tricornutumproteome and identified approximately 300 redox-sensitive proteins. Intriguingly, we found redoxsensitive thiols in numerous enzymes composing the nitrogen assimilation pathway and the recently discovered diatom urea cycle. In agreement with this finding, the flux from nitrate into glutamine and glutamate, measured by the incorporation of15N, was strongly inhibited under oxidative stress conditions. Furthermore, by targeting the redox-sensitive GFP sensor to various subcellular localizations, we mapped organelle-specific oxidation patterns in response to variations in nitrogen quota and quality. We propose that redox regulation of nitrogen metabolism allows rapid metabolic plasticity to ensure cellular homeostasis, and thus is essential for the ecological success of diatoms in the marine ecosystem.

来源出版物:Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2014, 111(7): 2740-2745




1 我国近海环境污染现状及评价

1.1 全海域环境质量状况

1.1.1 我国海域海水环境质量



1.1.2 主要入海口海域污染状况


1.1.3 海洋生物质量状况


1.1.4 近海沉积物环境质量现状


1.1.5 海洋生态环境状况




1.2 我国海洋环境质量评价


全海域未达到清洁海域水质标准的面积约16.9万km2,比2003年增加了2.7万km2。从总体上来看,我国海域的污染状况仍未得到缓解,特别是中度污染增加15900 km2,增幅达106.6%;严重污染海域面积增加7380 km2,增幅达29.9%,污染程度明显增强。


2 我国海洋环境污染的成因

2.1 海洋污染源的形成

2.1.1 陆源污染


2.1.2 不合理的海洋开发和海洋工程兴建

我国曾在20世纪50年代和80年代分别掀起了围海造田和发展养虾业两次大规模围海建设热潮,使沿海自然滩涂湿地总面积缩减了约一半。其后果是滩涂湿地的自然景观遭到了严重破坏,重要经济鱼、虾、蟹、贝类生息繁衍场所消失,许多珍稀濒危野生动植物绝迹,而且大大降低了滩涂湿地调节气候、储水分洪、抵御风暴潮及护岸保田等能力。据不完全统计,我国沿海地区累计已丧失滨海滩涂湿地面积约119万公顷,另因城乡工矿占用湿地约100万公顷,两项之和相当于沿海湿地总面积的50%。对沿海滩涂的破坏面积仍呈逐年上升趋势。海岸工程破坏自然滩涂,我国沿岸大于10 km2的海湾有160个。许多海湾已建有大、中型港口,小型海湾普遍为天然渔港。但是,在大城市毗邻的海湾,由于填海建港、填海造地,岸线缩短、湾体缩小、人工海岸比例增高、浅滩消失,海岸自然程度降低。再加上海水养殖业的盲目发展,养殖自身污染也较为普遍,海湾潮间带和水域中天然生长的鱼、虾、蟹、贝、藻普遍衰退。不合理的海洋开发和海洋工程兴建可分为四类:海水养殖、围海造地、海岸工程、深海开发。

2.1.3 海洋石油勘探开发污染


2.1.4 倾倒废物污染


2.1.5 船舶排放污染


2.1.6 海上事故污染


2.1.7 湿地人为破坏


2.2 海洋污染的深层次原因

2.2.1 人口和资源对海洋的压力


2.2.2 社会公众海洋环保意识的淡薄


2.2.3 社会经济发展的影响


2.2.4 现代海洋科技的应用


2.2.5 海洋监察手段落后和执行力不足

国家海洋局每年承担常规海洋环境监测,以及两次污染基线调查、陆源污染及重点排污调查、几个海湾的海洋环境容量与总量控制调查,以对近岸海域污染物排放总量进行控制。目前,海洋环境容量的大小和污染源的对应关系仍不清楚,还不能有针对性地控制污染物质的排放,从而最大限度地减少污染。另外,在监测的空间和时间覆盖范围方面体现出执行力不足的问题,海洋环保法实施18年,累计达6000多天,300万km2的海域,海洋部门两天才出动一次船舶,4天才派出一架飞机,且飞行不足5 h,其发现某一船只违章排污的概率相当小。

2.2.6 涉海行政部门协调不够


3 我国海洋环境污染治理的海域区划


3.1 渤海——特别保护区

3.1.1 海域特点


3.1.2 海区定位及海域环境保护与治理方向


3.2 黄海——大海洋环境系

3.2.1 海域特点


3.2.2 海区定位及海域环境保护与治理方向


3.3 东海——岛屿高生产力区

3.3.1 海域特点


3.3.2 海区定位及海域环境保护与治理方向


3.4 南海——珊瑚礁和红树林环境功能保护区

3.4.1 海域特点


3.4.2 海区定位及海域环境保护与治理方向


3.5 台湾海峡——过渡环境保护示范区

3.5.1 海域特点


3.5.2 海区定位及海域环境保护与治理方向


4 我国海洋环境污染治理的实施对策

4.1 建立健全海洋法律体系与管理体制



4.2 不断提高海洋环境监测水平


4.3 实现海洋产业结构的高级化


4.4 推动海洋环保技术产业化的进程


4.5 加强海洋污染治理试验区、环境保护区的 建设与管理


4.6 坚持陆海并重、防治并举的海洋环保方针


4.7 保证海洋环境保护与污染治理的资金投入



4.8 营造海洋环境保护的社会氛围











来源出版物:生命科学, 2001, 13(2): 54-59




摘要:根据 1997—1999年黄海和东海 4个季节的现场调查资料,分析探讨了黄海、东海的营养盐分布特征及其对浮游植物生长的限制状况。结果表明,在长江口以东及其东北部海域终年存在一个范围很大的营养盐高值区。分析表明,这些营养盐主要来自长江冲淡水的扩展及苏北沿岸流的输送。此外,还获得了1998年长江流域特大洪水期间,迄今被观测到的长江冲淡水中营养盐的最大扩展范围。计算并研究了黄海、东海上层水中Si/N/P比值,结果表明,黄东海上层水中Si/N比值较高,Si不会成为黄东海浮游植物生长的限制因子;但在南黄海南部尤其是西南部、东海近岸及长江口以东海域,N/P比值很高(>30),说明与一般海洋环境的情况不同,黄海、东海有很大一部分海域浮游植物的生长受磷限制,而不是受氮限制。


来源出版物:应用生态学报, 2003, 14(7): 1122-1126






来源出版物:环境科学与管理, 2007, 32(9): 78-80






来源出版物:节能与环保, 2002 (3): 15-17




摘要:深圳市以山地丘陵地貌为主,平原地貌只占26.45%,城市建设用地非常紧张,沿岸港口、工业和城市建设,通常以围海造地补充不足,至2000年,深圳市围海造地面积已达2680 hm2,这给海洋环境带来不少的负面影响,主要表现在:(1)西部海岸地区滩槽演变剧烈,不稳定性加强,给今后西部港区运作环境带来威胁;(2)纳潮量迅速减少,经过20年的围垦,西部伶仃洋海岸地区纳潮量减少20%~30%,深圳湾纳潮量减少15.6%,纳潮量的锐减使得潮流流速降低,流向发生变化,更加不利于污染物的稀释与扩散;(3)沿海水环境污染加重,深圳市西海岸海水普遍达不到3类水标准;(4)海岸生态承载力下降,仅1988—2000年深圳湾沿岸围垦占用红树林保护区面积达到147 hm2,占整个保护区面积48.8%,使得生物多样性降低,物种数量大幅减少。通过对上述海洋环境的影响分析,提出未来填海工程的指导策略和整治意见,以期做到海岸地区的可持续发展。


来源出版物:南京大学学报: 自然科学版, 2005, 41(3):286-296






来源出版物:中国科学院院刊, 2001, 16(5): 339-342






来源出版物:中国海洋大学学报:社会科学版, 2006(5):1-6






来源出版物:海洋环境科学, 1997, 16(1): 45-52






来源出版物:应用生态学报, 2005, 16(1): 180-185






来源出版物:海洋环境科学, 2005, 24(3): 77-80


Nitrogen, phosphorus, and eutrophication in the coastal marine environment

Ryther, JH; Dunstan, WM

Abstract:The distribution of inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus and bioassay experiments both show that nitrogen is the critical limiting factor to algal growth and eutrophication in coastal marine waters. About twice the amount of phosphate as can be used by the algae is normally present. This surplus results from the low nitrogen to phosphorus ratio in terrigenous contributions,including human waste, and from the fact that phosphorus regenerates more quickly than ammonia from decomposing organic matter. Removal of phosphate from detergents is therefore not likely to slow the eutrophication of coastal marine waters, and its replacement with nitrogen-containing nitrilotriacetic acid may worsen the situation.

来源出版物:Science, 1971, 171(3975): 1008-1013


The supply and accumulation of silica in the marine environment

Demaster, DJ

Abstract:Rivers and submarine hydrothermal emanations supply 6.1 × 1014gSiO2/yr to the marine environment.Approximately two-thirds of the silica supplied to the marine environment can be accounted for in continental margin and deep-sea deposits. Siliceous deep-sea sediments located beneath the Antarctic Polar Front(Convergence) account for over a fourth (1.6 × 1014g SiO2/yr) of the silica supplied to the oceans. Deep-sea sediment accumulation rates beneath the Polar Front are highest in the South Atlantic with values as large as 53 cm/kyr during the last 18.000 yr. Siliceous sediments in the Bering Sea, Sea of Okhotsk, and Subarctic North Pacific accumulate 0.6 × 1014g SiO2/yr or 10% of the dissolved silica input to the oceans. The accumulation of biogenic silica in estuarine deposits removes a maximum of 0.8 × 1014g SiO2/yr. Although estuarine silica versus salinity plots indicate extensive removal of riverine silica from surface waters, the removal rates must be considered as maximum values because of dissolution of siliceous material in estuarine sediments and bottom waters.Siliceous sediments from continental margin upwelling areas (e.g. Gulf of California, Walvis Bay, or Peru-Chile coast) have the highest biogenic silica accumulation rates in the marine environment (69 g SiO2cm2/kyr). Despite the rapid accumulation of biogenic silica, upwelling areas account for less than 5% of the silica supplied to the marine environment because they are confined laterally to such small areas.

来源出版物:Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 1981,45(10): 1715-1732


A marine Biotic Index to establish the ecological quality of soft-bottom benthos within European estuarine and coastal environments

Borja, A; Franco, J; Perez, V

Abstract:In this paper, a marine Biotic Index (BI) for soft-bottom benthos of European estuarine and coastal environments is proposed. This is derived from the proportions of individual abundance in five ecological groups, which are related to the degree of sensitivity/tolerance to an environmental stress gradient.The main difference with previously published indices is the use of a simple formula that produces a continuous Biotic Coefficient (BC) – which makes it more suitable for statistical analysis, in opposition with previous discreet biotic indices – not affected by subjectivity. Relationships between this coefficient and a complementary BI with several environmental variables are discussed. Finally, a validation of the proposed index is made with data from systems affected by recent human disturbances, showing that different anthropogenic changes in the environment can be detected through the use of this BI.

关键词:biotic index; ecological quality; diversity;benthos; soft-bottom; European coastal environments

来源出版物:Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2000, 40(12):1100-1114


Survival and viability of nonculturableEscherichiacoliandVibriocholerae in the estuarine and marine environment

Xu, HS; roberts, N; Singleton, FL; et al.

Abstract:Plating methods for estimating survival of indicator organisms, such asEscherichia coli, and waterborne pathogens includingVibrio cholerae, have severe limitations when used to estimate viable populations of these organisms in the aquatic environment. By combining the methods of immunofluorescent microscopy, acridine orange direct counting, and direct viable counting, with culture methods such as indirect enumeration by most probable number (MPN) estimation and direct plating, it was shown that bothE. coliandV. choleraeundergo a“nonrecoverable” stage of existence, but remain viable.Following 2-week incubations in saltwater (5‰–25‰NaCl) microcosms, total counts, measured by direct microscopic examination of fluorescent antibody and acridine orange stained cells, remained unchanged,whereas MPN estimates and plate counts exhibited rapid decline. Results of direct viable counting, a procedure permitting estimate of substrate-responsive viable cells by microscopic examination, revealed that a significant proportion of the nonculturable cells were, indeed, viable.Thus, survival of pathogens in the aquatic environ- ment must be re-assessed. The “die-off” or “decay” concept may not be completely valid. Furthermore, the usefulness of the coliform and fecal coliform indices for evaluating water quality for public health purposes may be seriously compromised, in the light of the finding reported here.

来源出版物:Microbial Ecology, 1982, 8(4): 313-323


The use of biomarkers to assess the impact of pollution in coastal environments of the Iberian Peninsula: A practical approach

Cajaraville, MP; Bebianno, MJ; Blasco, J; et al.

Abstract:Within the frame of the 2nd Iberian Congress of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (University of the Basque Country, Leioa, June 1998) a workshop was held about the use of biomarkers in marine pollution monitoring. Among others, the following biomarkers received special attention: metallothionein induction,acetylcholinesterase inhibition, cytochrome P450 system induction, imposex, lysosomal enlargement and lysosomal membrane destabilisation, and peroxisome proliferation.These biomarkers can be used to evaluate exposure to and effect of different contaminants (metals, organic xenobiotics and organometallic compounds) and they can be measured using different methodological approaches(biochemistry, cytochemistry, immunochemical methods based on the use of biotechnology). Before the application of a set of biomarkers in pollution monitoring programmes, well-defined protocols of Quality Assurance have to be established to allow adequate comparison of results. It is also necessary to include analysis of standard reference materials and to obtain detailed knowledge of basal values and seasonal variations of the biomarkers in various species, as well as to integrate the information obtained with the different biomarkers. Marine bivalve molluscs such as mussels are appropriate sentinel species for most of the biomarkers proposed except for the induction of the cytochrome P450 system, which should be measured in fish, and the degree of imposex, which is a biomarker of exposure to TBT specifically measured in certain gastropod molluscs. As a result of the workshop, a battery of biomarkers of contaminant exposure and effects are proposed that could be incorporated into programmes monitoring the quality of the coastal environment in the Iberian Peninsula. These measures would be undertaken in conjunction with chemical measures of contaminant burdens in selected sentinel species.

关键词:biomarkers; Environmental pollution assessment;metallothioneins; acetylcholinesterase; cytochrome P450 system; stress enzymes; imposex; lysosomes; peroxisomes;Iberian Peninsula

来源出版物:Science of the Total Environment, 2000,247(2): 295-311


Determination of bacterial number and biomass in the marine environment

Watson, SW; Novitsky, TJ; Quinby, HL; et al.

Abstract:Three techniques for the measurement of bacterial numbers and biomass in the marine environment are described. Two are direct methods for counting bacteria. The first employs an epifluorescence microscope to view bacteria that have been concentrated on membrane filters and stained with acridine orange. The second uses a transmission electron microscope for observing replicas of bacteria that are concentrated on membrane filters. The other technique uses Limulus amebocyte lysate, an aqueous extract from the amebocytes of the horseshoe crab, Limulus polyphemus, to quantitate lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in seawater samples. The biomass of gram-negative (LPS containing) bacteria was shown to be related to the LPS content of the samples. A factor of 6.35 was determined for converting LPS to bacterial carbon.

来源出版物:Applied and Environmental Microbiology,1977, 33(4): 940-946


Phosphorus versus nitrogen limitation in the marine environment

Smith, SV

Abstract:Limnological and marine geochemical opinion favors phosphorus limitation of organic production in aquatic environments, while marine biological opinion favors nitrogen limitation. Clues in the literature and nutrient budgets for selected marine ecosystems suggest that phosphorus vs. nitrogen limitation is a function of the relative rates of water exchange and internal biochemical processes acting to adjust the ratio of ecosystem N : P availability.

来源出版物:Limnology and Oceanography, 1984, 29(6):1149-1160


Biomonitoring of heavy metal availability in the marine environment

Rainbow, PS

Abstract:Biomonitors can be used to establish geographical and/or temporal variations in the bioavailabilities of heavy metals in the marine environment, offering time-integrated measures of those portions of the total ambient metal load that are of direct ecotoxicological relevance. Heavy metal biomonitors need to conform to certain required characteristics, not least being metal accumulators. Use of a suite of biomonitors allows recognition of the presence and relative magnitude of different metal sources. For example, a macrophytic alga responds essentially to dissolved metal sources only, a suspension feeder like a mussel responds to metal sources in dissolved and suspended phases, and a deposit feeder responds to metal available in the sediment. Examples are given of suitable heavy metal biomonitors in the coastal waters of Europe, New Zealand, Hong Kong and China. It is not valid to compare absolute accumulated metal concentrations in biomonitors interspecifically, although interspecific comparisions of rank orders do allow cross correlations of relative bioavailabilities of heavy metals to different biomonitors at the same sites. There is a need to identify widespread cosmopolitan biomonitors to allow intra-specific comparisons of bioavailabilities between geographical areas. Such cosmopolitan biomonitors may include the algaUlva lactuca, mussels of the generaMytilusandPerna, the oystersOstreaandCrassostrea,barnacles likeBalanus amphitriteandTetraclita squamosa, and the talitrid amphipodPlatorchestia platensis. A major caveat in the use of such cosmopolitan biomonitors remains the need for reliable, specific taxonomic identification.

来源出版物:Marine Pollution Bulletin, 1995, 31(4-12):183-192


Direct determination of carbon and nitrogen contents of natural bacterial assemblages in marine environments

Fukuda, R; Ogawa, H; Nagata, T; et al.

Abstract:In order to better estimate bacterial biomass in marine environments, we developed a novel technique for direct measurement of carbon and nitrogen contents of natural bacterial assemblages. Bacterial cells were separated from phytoplankton and detritus with glass fiber and membrane filters (pore size, 0.8 μm) and then concentrated by tangential flow filtration. The concentrate was used for the determination of amounts of organic carbon and nitrogen by a high-temperature catalytic oxidation method, and after it was stained with 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole, cell abundance was determined by epifluorescence microscopy. We found that the average contents of carbon and nitrogen for oceanic bacterial assemblages were 12.4 ± 6.3 and 2.1 ± 1.1 fg cell−1(mean ± standard deviation;n= 6), respectively.Corresponding values for coastal bacterial assemblages were 30.2 ± 12.3 fg of C cell−1and 5.8 ± 1.5 fg of N cell−1(n= 5), significantly higher than those for oceanic bacteria (two-tailed Student’sttest;P< 0.03). There was no significant difference (P> 0.2) in the bacterial C : N ratio (atom atom−1) between oceanic (6.8 ± 1.2) and coastal (5.9 ± 1.1) assemblages. Our estimates support the previous proposition that bacteria contribute substantially to total biomass in marine environments, but they also suggest that the use of a single conversion factor for diverse marine environments can lead to large errors in assessing the role of bacteria in food webs and biogeochemical cycles. The use of a factor, 20 fg of C cell−1, which has been widely adopted in recent studies may result in the overestimation (by as much as 330%) of bacterial biomass in open oceans and in the underestimation (by as much as 40%) of bacterial biomass in coastal environments.

来源出版物:Applied and Environmental Microbiology,1998, 64(9): 3352-3358


Plastic resin pellets as a transport medium for toxic chemicals in the marine environment

Mato, Y; Isobe, T; Takada, H; et al.

Abstract:Plastic resin pellets (small granules 0.1−0.5 centimeters in diameter) are widely distributed in the ocean all over the world. They are an industrial raw material for the plastic industry and are unintentionally released to the environment both during manufacturing and transport. They are sometimes ingested by seabirds and other marine organisms, and their adverse effects on organisms are a concern. In the present study, PCBs, DDE,and nonylphenols (NP) were detected in polypropylene(PP) resin pellets collected from four Japanese coasts.Concentrations of PCBs (4−117 ng/g), DDE (0.16−3.1 ng/g), and NP (0.13−16 μg/g) varied among the sampling sites. These concentrations were comparable to those for suspended particles and bottom sediments collected from the same area as the pellets. Field adsorption experiments using PP virgin pellets demonstrated significant and steady increase in PCBs and DDE concentrations throughout the six-day experiment, indicating that the source of PCBs and DDE is ambient seawater and that adsorption to pellet surfaces is the mechanism of enrichment. The major source of NP in the marine PP resin pellets was thought to be plastic additives and/or their degradation products.Comparison of PCBs and DDE concentrations in marine PP resin pellets with those in seawater suggests their high degree of accumulation (apparent adsorption coefficient:105−106). The high accumulation potential suggests that plastic resin pellets serve as both a transport medium and a potential source of toxic chemicals in the marine environment.

来源出版物:Environmental Science & Technology, 2001,35(2): 318-324






来源出版物:海洋测绘, 2017, 37(4): 33-38





来源出版物:海洋环境科学, 2017, 36(2): 281-290






来源出版物:海洋学报, 2016, 38(8): 1-11





来源出版物:中国工程科学, 2016, 18(2): 41-48





来源出版物:生态学报, 2015, 35(7): 2388-2398


Integrated indicator framework and methodology for monitoring and assessment of hazardous substances and their effects in the marine environment

Vethaak, AD; Davies, IM; Thain, JE; et al.

Abstract:Many maritime countries in Europe have implemented marine environmental monitoring programmes which include the measurement of chemical contaminants and related biological effects. How best to integrate data obtained in these two types of monitoring into meaningful assessments has been the subject of recent efforts by the International Council for Exploration of the Sea (ICES)Expert Groups. Work within these groups has concentrated on defining a core set of chemical and biological endpoints that can be used across maritime areas, defining confounding factors, supporting parameters and protocols for measurement. The framework comprised markers for concentrations of, exposure to and effects from,contaminants. Most importantly, assessment criteria for biological effect measurements have been set and the framework suggests how these measurements can be used in an integrated manner alongside contaminant measurements in biota, sediments and potentially water.Output from this process resulted in OSPAR Commission( guidelines that were adopted in 2012 on a trial basis for a period of 3 years. The developed assessment framework can furthermore provide a suitable approach for the assessment of Good Environmental Status (GES) for Descriptor 8 of the European Union (EU)Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD).

关键词:chemical measurements; biomarker; bioassay;pollution effects; biomonitoring; environmental; impact;MSFD; ICES; OSPAR

来源出版物:Marine Environmental Research, 2017, 124:11-20

联系邮箱:Vethaak, AD;

Plastic pollution challenges in marine and coastal environments: From local to global governance

Vince, J; Hardesty, BD

Abstract:Plastic pollution in the marine and coastal environment is a challenging restoration and governance issue. Similar to many environmental problems, marine plastic pollution is transboundary and therefore the governance solutions are complex. Although the marine environment is unlikely to return to the condition it was in before the “plastic era” it is an example of an environmental restoration challenge where successful governance and environmental stewardship would likely result in a healthier global oceanic ecosystem. We argue that a holistic, integrated approach that utilizes scientific expertise, community participation, and market-based strategies is needed to significantly reduce the global plastic pollution problem.

关键词:community engagement; corporate social responsibility; litter

来源出版物:Restoration Ecology, 2017, 25(1): 123-128

联系邮箱:Vince, J;

Persistent organic pollutants in the Antarctic coastal environment and their bioaccumulation in penguins

Mwangi, JK; Lee, WJ; Wang, LC; et al.

Abstract:Persistent organic pollutants (POPs), including polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans(PCDD/Fs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polybrominated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PBDD/Fs),polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs), and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), have been identified in penguins,lichens, soils, and ornithogenic soils in the Antarctic coastal environment in this study. To the best of our knowledge, no previous study has reported PBDD/F and PBB data from Antarctica. The POP mass contents in penguins were in the following order: PCBs >> PBDEs >> PCDD/Fs; PCBs were the dominant pollutants (6310–144000 pg/g-lipid), with World Health Organization toxic equivalency values being 2–14 times higher than those of PCDD/Fs. Long-range atmospheric transport is the most primary route by which POPs travel to Antarctica; however, local sources, such as research activities and penguin colonies, also influence POP distribution in the local Antarctic environment. In penguins,the biomagnification factor (BMF) of PCBs was 61.3–3760,considerably higher than that for other POPs. According to BMF data in Adélie penguins, hydrophobic PBDE congeners were more biomagnified at logKow> 6, and levels decreased at logKow> 7.5 because larger molecular sizes inhibited transfer across cell membranes.

关键词:POPs; PBDEs; PBDD/Fs; biomagnification; penguin

来源出版物:Environmental Pollution, 2016, 216: 924-934

联系邮箱:Lee, WJ;

On some physical and dynamical properties of microplastic particles in marine environment

Chubarenko, I; Bagaev, A; Zobkov, M ; et al.

Abstract:Simplified physical models and geometrical considerations reveal general physical and dynamical properties of microplastic particles (0.5–5 mm) of different density, shape and size in marine environment. Windage of extremely light foamed particles, surface area and fouling rate of slightly positively buoyant microplastic spheres,films and fibres and settling velocities of negatively buoyant particles are analysed. For the Baltic Sea dimensions and under the considered idealised external conditions, (i) only one day is required for a foamed polystyrene particle to cross the sea (ca. 250 km); (ii) polyethylene fibres should spend about 6–8 months in the euphotic zone before sinking due to bio-fouling, whilst spherical particles can be retained on the surface up to 10–15 years; (iii) for heavy microplastic particles, the time of settling through the water column in the central Gotland basin (ca. 250 m) is less than 18 h. Proper physical setting of the problem of microplastics transport and developing of physically-based parameterisations are seen as applications.

关键词:marine microplastics; density; windage; biofouling;settling velocity

来源出版物:Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2016, 108(1): 105-112

联系邮箱:Chubarenko, I;

Genetic isolation by distance reveals restricted dispersal across a range of life histories:Implications for biodiversity conservation planning across highly variable marine environments

Wright, D; Bishop, JM; Matthee, CA; et al.

Abstract:Aim: Isolation by distance (IBD) analyses are an effective tool for determining genetic connectivity among populations, providing a basis for estimating dispersal and thus contributing to spatial biodiversity planning. Here, we use an IBD approach to determine patterns of connectivity to infer dispersal distances for a phylogenetically diverse range of marine species. Location: Two thousand and eight hundred kilometre of South African coastline. Methods:mtDNA data sets for 11 rocky shore and reef-dwelling marine species with diverse life history strategies (broadcast spawning, brooding and live-bearing) were used to quantify intraspecific genetic connectivity by means of global and pairwise Φst. Mantel tests were used to assess the significance of genetic structure with geographic distance.Significant, positive slopes were used to estimate dispersal distances. For all species, we also plotted genetic diversity along the coast and compared this to patterns of species richness. Results: For seven of the 11 species tested, we report positive IBD relationships, with patterns of IBD of similar magnitude in broadcast spawners and live-bearers.Dispersal estimates were low, with effective distances of <10 km per generation. We find discordance between pelagic larval development and population structure and that genetic structure and the physio-geographic features of the coastline considered to be important biogeographic barriers do not overlap. Genetic diversity and species richness show congruent patterns, with both variables lowest on the west coast, and increasing towards the east. Main conclusions:Our study highlights the complexity of marine systems and the clear need for regional assessments of connectivity,rather than more general management plans which may not otherwise effectively encompass area-specific conservation needs. Importantly, we show that the current marine protected area (MPA) network in South Africa is not effective in protecting evolutionary processes and strongly recommend a network of more closely spaced MPAs in the region that reflects the low average connectivity between distant marine populations.

关键词:dispersal barriers; evolutionary processes; genetic biodiversity; marine protected area; rocky shores; Southern Hemisphere

来源出版物:Diversity and Distributions, 2015, 21(6):698-710

联系邮箱:von der Heyden, S;

Synthetic polymers in the marine environment:A rapidly increasing, long-term threat

Moore, CJ

Synthetic polymers, commonly known as plastics, have been entering the marine environment in quantities paralleling their level of production over the last half century. However, in the last two decades of the 20th Century, the deposition rate accelerated past the rate of production, and plastics are now one of the most common and persistent pollutants in ocean waters and beaches worldwide. Thirty years ago the prevailing attitude of the plastic industry was that “plastic litter is a very small proportion of all litter and causes no harm to the environment except as an eyesore”. Between 1960 and 2000, the world production of plastic resins increased 25-fold, while recovery of the material remained below 5%. Between 1970 and 2003, plastics became the fastest growing segment of the US municipal waste stream,increasing nine-fold, and marine litter is now 60%–80%plastic, reaching 90%–95% in some areas. While undoubtedly still an eyesore, plastic debris today is having significant harmful effects on marine biota. Albatross,fulmars, shearwaters and petrels mistake floating plastics for food, and many individuals of these species are affected; in fact, 44% of all seabird species are known to ingest plastic. Sea turtles ingest plastic bags, fishing line and other plastics, as do 26 species of cetaceans. In all,267 species of marine organisms worldwide are known to have been affected by plastic debris, a number that will increase as smaller organisms are assessed. The number of fish, birds, and mammals that succumb each year to derelict fishing nets and lines in which they become entangled cannot be reliably known; but estimates are in the millions. We divide marine plastic debris into two categories: macro, >5 mm and micro, <5 mm. While macro-debris may sometimes be traced to its origin by object identification or markings, micro-debris, consisting of particles of two main varieties, (1) fragments broken from larger objects, and (2) resin pellets and powders, the basic thermoplastic industry feedstocks, are difficult to trace. Ingestion of plastic micro-debris by filter feeders at the base of the food web is known to occur, but has not been quantified. Ingestion of degraded plastic pellets and fragments raises toxicity concerns, since plastics are known to adsorb hydrophobic pollutants. The potential bioavailability of compounds added to plastics at the time of manufacture, as well as those adsorbed from the environment are complex issues that merit more widespread investigation. The physiological effects of any bioavailable compounds desorbed from plastics by marine biota are being directly investigated, since it was found 20 years ago that the mass of ingested plastic in Great Shearwaters was positively correlated with PCBs in their fat and eggs. Colonization of plastic marine debris by sessile organisms provides a vector for transport of alien species in the ocean environment and may threaten marine biodiversity. There is also potential danger to marine ecosystems from the accumulation of plastic debris on the sea floor. The accumulation of such debris can inhibit gas exchange between the overlying waters and the pore waters of the sediments, and disrupt or smother inhabitants of the benthos. The extent of this problem and its effects have recently begun to be investigated. A little more than half of all thermoplastics will sink in seawater.


