

农业工程学报 2017年8期

杜慧勇,周文瑾,李 民,刘建新,李鹏涛,徐 斌


杜慧勇,周文瑾,李 民,刘建新,李鹏涛,徐 斌

(河南科技大学车辆与交通工程学院,洛阳 471003)



0 引 言




1 冷却水套空化特性模拟

1.1 冷却水套及其穴蚀

缸径100 mm,壁面狭隙厚度10 mm,高度为120 mm的某潍柴4100发动机冷却水套的简化图如图1所示。根据前人进行的冷却水套穴蚀试验结果[21]和实际使用中对柴油机冷却水套穴蚀位置的实际统计观测,冷却水套穴蚀通常会出现在与活塞销垂直平面上的活塞敲击侧面附近,呈蜂窝状带状沿柱面分布,主推侧面及次推侧面较为严重[22-25](如图2所示),图2[26]柴油机冷却水套活塞敲击两侧面的穴蚀图。即图2为图1中冷却水入口及出口所在面的实际穴蚀图,对比图1、图2可明显发现图中穴蚀部分穴蚀孔的排列位置与冷却水流向有关[27-28]。

1.2 冷却水套近振动壁面三维模型构建

1.2.1 模型构建

本文主要研究施加壁面振动条件下,入口流速、流场温度不同时冷却水套内部流体流动特性及空化特性。而壁面振动产生空化的原因是壁面振动产生的冷却水扰动使近壁面处的压力场出现突变[29],所以建立模型的关键要保证振动壁面的振动速度变化与实际相一致,且试验所用等比例简化模型与冷却水套内部流体实际运动具有相似性。取某潍柴4100型发动机近振动壁面狭隙处的部分冷却水套作研究对象,为简化模型,突出振动壁面对空化的影响,去掉不必要的结构,本文只保留主推侧面部分冷却水套,对近振动壁面冷却水套进行三维建模,设置圆弧振动壁面半径50 mm,壁面狭隙间距10 mm,如图3所示[20],用正六面体结构网格进行划分,最终获得整个计算域的网格数量为15 288。

图1 柴油机冷却水套模型

图2 柴油机冷却水套穴蚀


1.2.2 动网格设置

在活塞往复运动过程中,活塞侧面及裙部会对冷却水套内壁面形成侧推力。当活塞运动至做功冲程,越过上止点(top dead center)并在其附近时,活塞侧推力变向,此时活塞侧推力的变化最为剧烈,形成活塞对冷却水套的在主推侧壁面的敲击力,在该力作用下冷却水套振动,且壁面振幅呈衰减形式[30-31]。本试验所用振动壁面构件为压紧后曲率半径为50mm的金属薄片。使用北京东方振动和噪声技术研究所(Coinv)振动信号采集分析仪(INV1861A应变调理器与INV3060S网络分布式采集仪)对试验中的模拟振动壁面构件的单次敲击振动形变数据进行采集分析,得到的试验所用振动壁面构件的振动形变趋势曲线(如图4),计算出振动壁面构件的实际振动速度变化,再根据实际敲击振动过程中冷却水套振动频率[32],以及冷却水套的刚度等实际参数,对冷却水套实际振动频率为20 kHz时的振动特性进行研究,计算冷却水套壁面振动位移随时间的变化,根据试验与计算结果:其波峰值最大是0.081 mm,波谷值最小是-0.031 mm。设置曲轴转动1°所用时间(7e-5s)作为度量振动衰减位移函数曲线的横坐标的单位,模拟曲线如图5所示,与杜慧勇等的计算结果一致[20],活塞敲击时振动出现在上止点后4°附近,在6°曲轴转角时衰减振动结束,并根据此设置动网格。

图4 振动壁面构件的振动形变趋势曲线

图5 振动衰减曲线

2 冷却水套空化特性模拟结果分析

将冷却水套出现穴蚀的振动壁面处的振动特性及其附近冷却水的流场特性进行耦合分析,模拟计算分析近壁面振动影响(壁面振动时衰减振动频率为20 kHz,振幅为81m)下流场的空化特性,并对比分析了壁面振动影响下的不同入口流速,不同流场温度时的冷却水套内流体空化特性[14]。模拟空化云图中靠近红色区域为气相,靠近蓝色区域为液相。

2.1 壁面振动条件下的空化情况对比

图6为冷却水入口流速2 m/s,流场温度70 ℃时,施加振动条件和不施加壁面振动条件下某些时刻的近振动壁面处流体流场区域的模拟空化云图。由图6可看到,振动壁面受到振动激励后,空化区域逐渐出现,在此时刻前流场不受振动扰动,流体内部压力较稳定,不会突降至饱和蒸汽压,因此不会有空化区域出现。受到振动激励后,流场压力场受壁面振动扰动而降至液体饱和蒸汽压,空化区域形成并随时间增大。

注:冷却水入口流速2 m×s-1,流场温度70 ℃

2.2 入口流速对冷却水流场空化的影响

图7为施加振动条件下,流场温度70 ℃,入口流速从0到5 m/s变化的不同入口流速条件下某个时刻(5.004e-4s)的模拟空化云图。由图7可知:虽然空化区域面积随着流速增加而增大[20],但增大幅度并不明显,可忽略不计。

注:施加壁面振动条件下,流场温度70 ℃,冷却水入口流速分别为0.5、2、3.5、5 m×s-1,5.004e- 4s时的模拟空化云图

2.3 温度对冷却水流场空化的影响

图8给出流场入口流速为2 m/s条件下,流场温度分别为50、60、70和80 ℃的某个时刻(5.004e-4s)的模拟空化云图。由图8可知:在同一条件下,低温度下如50 ℃左右的空化区域面积更大[20],即冷却水在温度较低时(在50 ℃左右),流场更容易出现空化区域。

注:施加壁面振动条件下,冷却水入口流速2 m×s-1,流场温度分别为50、60、70、80 ℃,5.004e-4s时的模拟空化云图

3 试 验

3.1 可视化试验台设计布置

试验所用的穴蚀可视化试验台设计布置如图9,整套试验系统各个部件之间由直径为DN40的橡胶管连接,试验采用压紧块部件固定的金属薄片(弯曲的半径为50 mm,与可视壁面距离为10 mm)来模拟振动壁面,使用可视化视窗组件,来建立模拟近振动壁面处冷却水套振动空化致冷却水套穴蚀的系统,可近似观察到柴油机工作中冷却水套受活塞主敲击振动时振动壁面处空化穴蚀的情况。其中激振器对壁面施加敲击力,模拟活塞敲击冷却水套,空化试验视窗组件主要模拟冷却水套受活塞主敲击振动时振动壁面处冷却水套空化穴蚀的情况并进行观察,GX-8型高速摄像机可对试验中的空化现象进行实时记录,恒温系统使冷却水保持试验所需的恒定温度。

1. 潜水泵2. 橡胶管3. 分流三通4. 控制球阀一5. 控制球阀二6. 转子流量计7. 温度计8. 入口压力表9. 激振器10. 空化试验视窗组件11. 光源系统12. 出口压力表13. 控制球阀三14. 高速摄影仪15. 电脑16. 恒温装置17. 冷却水箱

3.2 壁面振动对空化的影响

由图7可知入口流速对冷却水套内部空化区域的产生影响不大,所以为方便试验中取入口流速约为0.45 m/s。如图10给出冷却水70 ℃,循环流量2 000 L/h(入口流速约为0.45 m/s)时施加振动条件和不施加壁面振动条件下的近振动壁面处流体流场区域的空化试验图。试验从开始产生气泡开始计时,图中F箭头指代方向为振动壁面受力方向,闪白点处为气泡群。


注:F为振动壁面所受力,箭头方向为F作用力方向。冷却水入口流速2 m×s-1,流场温度70 ℃时的空化试验图。冷却水入口流速2 m×s-1,流场温度70 ℃的空化试验图。

3.3 入口流速对空化的影响

如图11给出其他条件相同,循环流量分别为2 000、2 500、3 000 L/h(即0.45、0.57、0.68 m/s)时,施加振动条件的近振动壁面处空化区域在同一时刻的空化试验图,图中随着冷却水流速增加,振动壁面处空化区域面积增大幅度并不明显,此结果与模拟结果(如图7)一致。这是由于流速增大时流场内压力场趋于减小,同时由于振动壁面的谐振扰动,使得流场内压力更容易降低至饱和蒸汽压,从而出现更大面积的空化区域。所以冷却水入口流速对冷却水套穴蚀影响较小,在试验范围内可忽略。

3.4 冷却水温度对空化的影响

图12给出循环流量2 000 L/h时,50、70 ℃冷却水施加振动后的近振动壁面处流体流场区域的空化试验图。从试验现象来看,50 ℃低温时近壁面处的空化现象比70 ℃时明显,与模拟结果(如图8所示)一致。这是由于温度会影响气体在冷却水中溶解度的变化,在温度较高时冷却水的气化压强越高,气泡相对不易产生,所以冷却水套穴蚀情况有所减轻。所以在低温时冷却水套比较容易出现穴蚀。

a. 2 000 L×h-1b. 2 500 L×h-1 c. 3 000 L×h-1

a. 50 ℃, 2.5e-4sb. 50 ℃, 5.0e-4s c. 70 ℃, 2.5e-4sd. 70 ℃, 5.0e-4s

4 结 论


2)冷却水入口流速的增加会使得空化现象略有加强,但并不明显(试验中随着冷却水入口流速增加空化区域几乎没有变化);当冷却水温为50 ℃时,空化现象最强,当水温逐渐升高时,空化现象反而减弱,其冷却水套壁面振动产生的空化效果明显强于冷却水温及入口流速等因素变化所产生的空化波动。


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Analysis and experiment on cavitation mechanism in cooling water jacket of diesel engine

Du Huiyong, Zhou Wenjin, Li Min, Liu Jianxin, Li Pengtao, Xu Bin


Light weight and high power become the trend of the development of diesel engine. At the same time, the liner cavitation erosion of engine cylinder becomes one of the important restrictions of engine reliability and life. A lot of research has been made and the results show that cooling water jacket cavitation erosion theories widely accepted are: A high frequency vibration of cooling water jacket leads to the cavitation and the cavitation bubbles breaking produces a shock wave and micro-jet, which have the mechanical action to cooling water jacket and lead to the occurrence of cavitation erosion. Therefore, the study of the flow characteristics of the cooling water jacket near the vibrating wall is an effective way to understand the spatial and temporal distribution of cavitation. In this paper, the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation method was used to investigate the forming mechanism of cavitation in engine cooling jacket. By analyzing the cooling water jacket of the diesel engine, taking the part of cooling water jacket in the minimum space of the flow channel near the vibration wall as the research object, a three-dimentional model ofdiesel cooling water jacket was built. Then according to the calculation and analysis of the vibration wall components’ single knock experiment, the moving mesh was set. Then the characteristics of flow and cavitation under various inlet velocity and fluid temperature with and without wall vibration were simulated. The cavitation characteristics were compared and analyzed under the conditions of different inlet velocity and different flow field temperature with the influence of cylinder wall vibration,and the numerical theory of cooling water jacket cavitation erosion was improved, which also guided the cooling water jacket cavitation erosion experiment of the vibration. According to the simulation results, a wall vibration cavitation erosion visualization bench was designed and built, the related experimental verification was proceeded in the visual experiment platform, and the credibility of the simulation calculation was confirmed.The simulation results were validated by the experiments on this optical rig. The outcome of the study indicated that cavitation occurred in the minimum space of the flow channel, and grew up in the downstream. Higher velocity of inlet flow (from 2 000 to 3 000 liters per hour) caused stronger cavitation near the vibration wall of the cooling water flow field, but it was not significant, so the significant change was not observed in the cavitation images under the condition of different inlet flow velocity. On the contrary, higher temperature of inlet flow (above 50 ℃) caused weaker cavitation, and the strongest cavitation occurred at the temperature of 50 ℃. An obvious cavitation phenomenon appeared when the wall which fluid flowed by was vibrated in a very high frequency, and this change of cavitation was much stronger than those caused by various inlet flow velocity and fluid temperature. So the author thought that cooling water jacket vibration was the more important factor than cooling water flow velocity and temperature that caused cavitation. This study will be helpful in controlling the occurrence of cavitation in cooling water jacket and lowering the cavitation erosion risk of cooling water jacket.

engines; computational fluid dynamics; experiments; cooling water jacket; cavitation; cavitation erosion








杜慧勇,男,河南洛阳人,教授,博士,主要从事内燃机CFD方面研究。洛阳 河南科技大学车辆与交通工程学院,471003。

杜慧勇,周文瑾,李 民,刘建新,李鹏涛,徐 斌.发动机冷却水套穴蚀机理分析与试验[J]. 农业工程学报,2017,33(8):76-81. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.08.010

Du Huiyong, Zhou Wenjin, Li Min, Liu Jianxin, Li Pengtao, Xu Bin. Analysis and experiment on cavitation mechanism in cooling water jacket of diesel engine[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(8): 76-81. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.08.010

